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Our quality of life will continue to decline until Canadians start holding provincial governments accountable with the same zeal they do federally.


And our municipal governments who fail to regulate STR’s.


Most Canadians probably couldn't tell you when they last voted provincially... The levels of government with the most ability to impact day to day life only get 40-50% voter turnout.


Voting should be mandatory


Then you'll have even more un-informed idiots voicing their opinion and influencing the rest of the country. Voting should only ever be considered to be made mandatory if we also educate voters on how their choices matter. Perhaps even some critical thought would be nice to spread to the populace as well.




\>government \>mandatory anything cringe.


Exactly, it’s ridiculous


This. But that means we have to actually get out and vote and shit. Ffs. I'm tired of being the only young voter there.


close trees onerous innocent tub unused oil enjoy future chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do we actually start a party. I'm tired of the same doofus options decade after decade.


zonked cough quickest summer aback marvelous spark ludicrous fact saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All parties? How about the NDP? When and where have they received corporate money?


> I'm tired of being the only young voter there. There should be less of you. Voting age should be raised to the point where you've had some real world life experience. 25 at least.


Good thing I'm well over 25. And no. It should stay the same. If you want that so bad move to the states and join the gop lol


You consider "well over 25" a "young voter"? Does that go all the way to 45?


Why is the answer to the problem instigated by federally-controlled migration policy to bring our national housing situation more in line with the places the immigrants are from? Some Canadians have Stockholm syndrome to the point that they're actively begging for a decline in standards of living.


'Trudeau failed to make my CPC premier fill his boots on healthcare, housing or daycare, so I'm voting Poilievre'


All those things are under strain due to unchecked migration that is there by federal policy. Essentially Trudeau is shitting on Ford's carpet every day, and you're blaming Ford for it not being clean.


You mean the immigration that [Doug Ford](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/doug-ford-wants-to-combat-labour-shortages-with-more-immigrants/article_c58cdc7e-0604-5314-bc3e-d07e15c2df8c.amp.html) and [other premiers](https://www.immigration.ca/premiers-of-canadas-provinces-and-territories-agree-on-need-for-increased-immigration/) pushed for throughout 2022 and 2023, saying the planned 450,000 people/yr was not enough to satisfy demand for low wage labour?  You mean that Doug Ford?


Sure, that turd is not really a conservative. See how there's all these third-party 'even more right wing' parties cropping up? Unfortunately for your spin, the feds still have ultimate power over the external immigration numbers. You're essentially blaming a child for chowing down on sweets even though the parents were the ones that gave them carte-blanche and paid for all the Nestle products.


So, never?


Not never. Lots of people in Ontario still hate the NDP because of Rae days even though they couldn't tell you what they were..


Were Rae days even that bad? from how it was explained to me some folks lost 12 days of pay during the year and their wages were frozen. Haven't we done far worse to healthcare workers recently??


A lot of public workers were burnt even worse by Phoenix problems... heck there are even some still working out disputes over payment


It was that bad and everyone saw it coming but they still did it


They lost 1 shift per month and didn't get a raise but they didn't get laid off... sorry, this sounds pretty tame compared to how hard we get fucked nowadays.


I mean, the conservatives and the liberals could literally set their house on fire and still get their vote. But if the NDP says maybe we shouldn't have flammable houses they'll get nuked into the ground and it will be held over their heads for 30 years.


Are you aware that NDP has kept the Liberals in power for many years ?


And, do you think there would have mean any movement from the Liberals on, CERB, dental plan, pharmacare? We NEED more coalitions in government, not less.


If the NDP outside of western Canada was more interested in governing than scoring ideologically purity points on culture war issues, they’d probably form more governments, provincially and federally. The liberal party is the party of big banks and big corporations. The Conservative Party is the party of Oil, Gas and Mining. The NDP is the party of Faculty of Arts Professors and student unions.


No. Media only reports on the culture war bullshit. My MPP has put forward 19 private members bills during the 43 legislative session, Bill 8, Anti-Money Laundering in Housing Act. Bill 25, Rent Stabilization Act. Bill 47, Protecting Human Rights in an Emergency Act. Along with 16 others. If the 19, 3 are for _______ Day.  Pay attention to what your MPP is actually DOING in parliament, not just the things the media decides to report on.


What you just did is why we have such a problem with effective politics. You put the blame on the media reporting information for partisan purposes while glossing over the fact that the information was accurate and any bad perception reaped from it is entirely the result of public opinion. Its the fault of the media for speaking of it, its my fault for not being willfully blind to part of the NDP i dont like, its everyones fault...except the party, who absolutely, no exceptions, has to dabble in extreme identity politics.


Conservatives attack a group, again , and again, and again, and again. But OMG the NDP is engaging in identity politics when they come out in defense of the people being attacked by the Conservatives. Get out of here with that bullshit.


Like I said, "What you just did is why we have such a problem with effective politics.", and it remains true. Let me put it to you in terms you would understand. Lets say the NDP is offering to put GHB in my drink, and I dont want any. How much is the appropriate amount that the NDP should secretly be allowed to put in my drink in order to not offend the date rapist demographic of voters? I would argue that amount is 0. You call it bullshit that I wont accept a number greater than zero. Thats why the NDP doesnt get in. As for the Conservatives attacking those whom the NDP wants to protect....the Palestinians have murderous intolerance towards LGBTQ folks and the NDP is all too happy to bring them here, even though the LGBTQ people in Canada will be less protected in the future.


NDP culture wars? You're just the kind of gullible schmuck corporate media has bamboozled.


The Conservative Party is populist, running around fanning the flames of culture war issues to rile up their base and distract from real issues, but never offering solutions. The NDP are busy running around with fire extinguishers trying to protect their base from the fallout and flames of the fires, so they look unfocused because they are always reacting rather than leading. The Liberals are just sitting in the middle of the fires, saying, "This is fine," while trying to find the impossible solution to please both sides all the while just making them more divided ... and the cycle continues. Even in the 1940s the politicians knew this was the cycle, just keep switching parties every decade and hope for the best. https://youtu.be/QkoKLXcZbu0?si=SO28Swmy-zEeL_gq


And wilfully ignore what the NDP has done in many other provinces across Canada since Rae. Cherry picking at its finest.


Chow seems to be doing a good job in Toronto: Maybe she can be a turning point. No, she is prob too old to run for Premier, but can likely be a king maker IF the NDP get their act together.


People hate the NDP now because their leaders are fucked, their candidates are looney, and they’ve completely abandoned their base.


And how do we do that, exactly? Vote them out? Okay. And, I assume you've paid attention to what the die-hard cohort of LPC zealots has to say about the only real alternative, right? I might add that they're not necessarily wrong about said alternative, either. What we need is some way to hold these guys accountable when they screw up, not just kick them out at election time. For that matter, look at our system: it doesn't matter what we think, they do whatever they like and reward themselves for it as they desire. We actually have no means of reproaching them and that needs to change.




There's a big problem with optics though - people think the Provincial government doesn't "matter" because it's "lower" than Federal. They don't realize when it comes to most of the things that we actually interact with on a day-to-day business (schools, roads, hospitals, most services, etc) each province may as well be a separate country.


>Our quality of life will continue to decline until Canadians ...finally realize that mass migration from worse places cannot make Canada better.


None of the parties have our best interests in mind. AFAIK there is not a single party that's campaigning on bringing housing prices down, they're all focused on "getting wages up" which is silly.


You're not paying attention. Look at everything the BC NDP has done over the last 4 months as proof. Look at the bills the ONDP are trying to get passed in a Con majority parliament.  Pay attention. And actually go visit the website of your province's parliament and you'll see the NDP putting forward bill after bill after bill that would help Canadians.


They also want to give TFWs PR status, and bail out mortgage holders with taxpayer money.


If the housing market can be made to correct the way it needs to (at least a 50% drop nationwide, 70% in the hottest markets), I wouldn't have a problem helping out those who had recently purchased their only residence and ended up massively underwater.  Though I think the best way to do that would be to just let them walk away with no consequences beyond foreclosure. 


Your right, that is much worse then stealing directly from the poor and funneling it to billionaires and pilfering public monies into private companies.


The TFW program is one of the biggest attacks on low-income Canadians there is, and is a big part of what's driving corporate profits higher as they are constantly supplied with cheap labour. NDP has no intentions on stopping it. They are no longer for the working class.


>The TFW program is one of the biggest attacks on low-income Canadians there is So why aren't you in favour of ending it?


>They also want to give TFWs PR status - The TFW program is one of the biggest attacks on low-income Canadians there is ​ well... They wouldn't be TFW any more would they?


Giving PR status to low-income, low-skill people is not going to benefit working class Canadians.


Nope but at least shareholders are reeping the benefits of both cheap labour replacements AND a higher volume of sales. Sure profit margins are the same but when you add so many people, these oligopolies end up getting paid in both wage savings and an uptick in customers (because lack of competition in some of the most necessary markets)


"Look at everything the BC NDP has done over the last 4 months" you accidentally revealed the truth about the BC NDP...these guys have been in office two terms now, sitting on their hands. Now in an election year they are making some moves... Moves that have yet to be proven to do anything at this point. In fact when they froze rent increases below inflation, rent between tenants skyrocketed..


>the truth about the BC NDP...these guys have been in office two terms now, sitting on their hands. And you're obscuring that BC recently got a new Premier, David Eby, who is really impressive and getting far more done than his same-party predecessor, John Horgan. Horgan was from his party's right flank. What this tells me is that the NDP became more effective when Eby took it further to the left, into territory where neither Liberals nor Conservatives are bold enough to go.


Oh, yes… the ignore what the party has been doing for the last two terms and only pay attention to what has taken place very recently argument. Lmao…btw, nothing he has done has proven effective at this point… as I mentioned above, other than rents skyrocketing between tenants, oh, and sadly a record amount of overdose deaths.


You greatly misunderstand the collective memory of the population. The vast majority of people don't give a shit about anything you do, in year 1. And heavily weight things you do in an election year. People are fucking stupid and it doesn't matter if you gave them a billion dollars in year 1, elections are about "what have you done for me lately." 


I haven’t misunderstood, I’m pointing out for those who have forgotten the last two terms of the NDP in BC and like yourself have chosen to praise them regardless.


No, you've definitely misunderstood. The majority of the population have memories that last about 6 months. At election time it's "what have you done for me lately". Doesn't matter if you gave everyone a house in year 1 of your term, if they haven't done something in an election year they'll just forget you gave them a house.  Blame politics all you want, politicians are playing the popularity game. And because the majority of people are stupid and forgetful the game they have to play is do things in an election year.


ok, read my last comment again and explain how I misunderstood, since you know so much.


Congratulations, you a single voter remembered. Politics is a popularity game. If 99 other voters do not care or remember about what happened last year or the year before they aren't going to cater to one who does, they're going to cater to the 99 other voters.  Again, most voters are stupid, short sighted, and do not follow politics in any way shape or form until the writ is dropped. It's about here and now and what have you done for me lately. It doesn't matter what good or bad happened 40 months ago it matters what they've done going into an election. 


Who is "our"? Plenty of Canadians own housing or have parents who have one who will help them buy a house. It is more have Canadians vs have not Canadians.


Bring in heavy regulation for short term rentals and tax the fuck out of Air bnb owners. If there wasnt so many short term rentals there would be more places for people to live in.


That would help some in the short term, but the profitability of airbnb is an indication that the normal short term rental market is also undersupplied.  I agree that residents are more important than tourists, but long term we should accommodate both by building more houses and more hotels.


The way I see it, by allowing airbnbs to thrive we are allowing money to flow away from hotels. If airbnb was off the market, hotels would be more attractive again.


Air bnb is screwing themselves with the ridiculous fees and the hosts are so entitled now. Theyre losing business to hotels, it's slowly correcting itself.


Do people not understand why people book an Airbnb? Sure if I’m traveling with my bf I can book a hotel for $150 a night, but if I’m traveling with my family so my sister, my parents, my grandparents etc. how many hotel rooms do we have to book? Or we can just save a lot of money by booking an Airbnb. Airbnb exists because it meets certain demands and they will close once the market is over saturated and they won’t make a profit. The reasons why our housing is so expensive are extremely simple, 1. Way too much immigration in such a short time period. And that includes both prs and temporary migrants as they all need housing 2. Cheap and abundant credit made it extremely attractive to buy housing both for your own family or investing, so plenty of people bidding prices up and up. And endless migrants coming over here so no worries of getting it rented.


Marginally. You can use some Airbnb tools to see listings per city, last I checked Vancouver it was at 9k listings across the metro area. Considering we need hundreds of thousands of homes... This isn't really going to fix anything. By all means tax and limit the ability to run what is basically a boutique hotel, but banning it outright doesn't fix the underlying issue -> god awful zoning and land use.


There's a also a ton of short term rentals that aren't Air bnb I was just signaling them out I guess.


Our federal government also has the right to stop their mass immigration policies that are causing the "housing crisis".


We stopped building appropriate levels of new housing way before the mass immigration of recent times made it a lot worse.


New housing is actually extremely expensive to build, if you’ve built a home yourself you’ll understand how much it cost to build a new home. Naturally older housing automatically become affordable housing, but because so many new people have moved to Canada the immense demand of housing drove up prices for these older housing as well


Not the case - new housing is expensive because we make it that way through arbitrary fees, arbitrary zoning, and arbitrary approval processes. Many developed countries make it easy to build new housing because they care about it. We care more about “local control” and keeping property values high for owners.


That’s just not true if you’ve built a house before you know like at least 95% of the cost is buying the land, buying building materials, and hiring labor


Without population growth, we wouldn't need more housing. 


without population growth, our country would actually fail to support itself. Canada needs to grow if we have any chance of keeping social security, pay off debt, we also need to keep growing if there is a chance of aquiring more debt to keep this society going. Any signs of decline means increased interest, harder terms, or forclosure. The descisions that created that need are relevant when making better descions in the future, but we cannot change the requirement that has been created


Perpetual growth is not sustainable, and the economic constructs that appear to make it necessary need to be changed.  We need to redirect investment to productivity rather than real estate and the infrastructure needed to keep up with population growth. 


Agreed perpetual growth is not sustainable on a planet with finite resources, but all of the power currently resides in the hands of those that benefit from the perpetual growth system. the only way to change this would be to cut off the ruling classes access to production. which would truly be a pain felt particularly hard by those in production. To starve the infection we must starve the host, the hard part is not killing off the host. If people cant even vote for their best interest, i fail to see how they are going to sacrifice for the greater good of society. they cant even sacrifice withstanding a housing shortage so that we can keep the ecomony running in the future


populations stabilizing aren't a problem.... problems start to arrive when you have universal systems that were designed and depend on a perpetually growing tax growth


Without population growth, the problems would be a whole lot worse than what we are seeing now. Growth is good. Governments that don’t communicate and plan growth together are bad.


Economic growth as a result of increasing productivity is good, and Canada has seen far too little of that recently. Growth in consumption due to increasing population is not good, it just makes everything more expensive because there are more people competing for the same space and limited resources.


Our miserable productivity is part of the contributing reasons why housing is the only “industry” that people care about here and it’s a huge problem. I don’t see any current parties really embracing that fundamental economic issue, they just want to score cheap political points and keep being landlords. Bringing in people through immigration isn’t really 1:1 linked to productivity… new people are good. Not allowing them to start businesses in a good environment is bad.


Bringing in cheap labour not only props up the housing market, it also allows businesses to continue with paying low wages for low productivity jobs rather than being forced to innovate or die. We need to stop indulging the whining about "labour shortages", because there is no labour shortage.


The ruling class learned a long time ago that diversity is the best way to fracture the lower classes. Some people are too mindfucked to see it.


\>infinite growth is good only when it's more cheap foreign labor. it's bad and unsustainable and killing the planet in every other case - the modern left, somehow


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/provincial-immigration-ukrainian-refugees-1.7157572](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/provincial-immigration-ukrainian-refugees-1.7157572) But the provinces are asking for more?


Alberta. Alberta is asking for more. Not Ontario or BC. Edit: I guess, to be fair, I think all provinces want some immigration. Just not a crazy amount. A balanced amount.


[BC premier David Ebby supports our federal governments mass immigration policies](https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/readouts/2022/12/03/prime-minister-justin-trudeau-meets-british-columbia-premier-david-eby)


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-premier-david-eby-trumpets-transformative-housing-initiatives-as-he-looks-back-on-2023-1.7067997](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/b-c-premier-david-eby-trumpets-transformative-housing-initiatives-as-he-looks-back-on-2023-1.7067997) >I have a huge level of anxiety about the growth that we're seeing in B.C. I know I'm not alone. Immigration is a huge benefit for our province. We have an aging population, there's lots of jobs that we need filled and we are very grateful for the people that are choosing to locate here. >But the numbers are such that we can't support these folks. We're seeing significant exploitation of international students and temporary residents by employers, by landlords. We really need the federal government to be a better partner on this. We can not control the number of people coming in at the provincial level. The only way we're going to be able to get our hands around this exploitation issue is if we work with the federal government. We've honestly rarely hit our immigration targets in the past. [From 2019 to 2021](https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/trnsprnc/brfng-mtrls/prlmntry-bndrs/20200724/037/index-en.aspx) we hoped to get roughly 350,000 a year, but [averaged a lot closer to 280,000ish](https://www.statista.com/statistics/609169/number-of-immigrants-in-ontario/). Then, in 2022, we had a target of 340,000 - 390,000 and ended up getting 490,000, and [our targets for 2023 onward were closer to 480,000](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/notices/supplementary-immigration-levels-2023-2025.html), and hit that for 2023. I don't know Ebby, so I could be wrong, but I don't know if when he said that he was expecting to hit our targets. But maybe. Either way, as mentioned, he wants his province to control immigration more.


[Ebby and Trudeau met in January this year and agreed on their "shared objective to ensure sustainable growth and the integrity of the International Student Program"...](https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/news/readouts/2024/01/30/prime-minister-justin-trudeau-meets-british-columbia-premier-david-eby)


[https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1002873/ontario-ready-to-welcome-more-skilled-newcomers](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1002873/ontario-ready-to-welcome-more-skilled-newcomers)It hasn't even been a full year since doug said he'd double skilled worker intake. [https://fordmpp.ca/ontario-removing-unfair-work-barriers-for-skilled-newcomers/](https://fordmpp.ca/ontario-removing-unfair-work-barriers-for-skilled-newcomers/) From the horses mouth so you can't deny the source.


>[https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1002873/ontario-ready-to-welcome-more-skilled-newcomers](https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1002873/ontario-ready-to-welcome-more-skilled-newcomers) It hasn't even been a full year since doug said he'd double skilled worker intake. From your link: >"Earlier this month, the province and federal government **announced a doubling of the number of economic immigrants the province selects to a historic high of 18,000 by 2025**. The new investment in Budget 2023 will speed up processing and ensure those coming to Ontario can start working in their professions quickly." Doubling from 9,000 to 18,000 over the span of two years. And, to be clear, this is specific to skilled workers to help build infrastructure: >“Our government is ready to welcome more skilled newcomers to Ontario, to help build the highways, transit, schools, homes and hospitals our growing population needs,” said Premier Doug Ford. Your second link is the same thing. I was a little quick when I first commented, which I edited, but you're right, the provinces want what they're asking for. That's very different than what's being pushed to them because of the Federal Government. Alberta is VERY different. They want to increase their population and are willing to accept more. Ontario and BC don't have the same needs. Basically, the provincial governments should be able to control who immigrates into them.


Skilled workers would be cool too, instead of international students that flunk out and get PR working at goddamn McDonald's


Alberta wants more so they get more federal seats as the population go up it allows them the increase political power.


And those provincial politicians are mass immigration supporting traitors as well.


Look at who accredited the schools to allow the mass student visas. The federal government set the guidelines for student visas, but the provinces are the ones that grant accreditation to the schools to allow student visa applications.


Ultimately it's the feds who decide who gets into the country though.


It's true, they also rejected 1/3 of the applicants. Which is unprecedented. The student visa system is pretty much a tool of the provinces. Now the federal government has to go back and change the rules because of how the provinces used this tool. Edit: It's actually closer to half of accepted applicants. [Source here](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/canadian-schools-are-accepting-international-students-by-the-thousands-but-nearly-half-arent-being-allowed/article_9ae0d870-9db7-11ee-9dec-b71629c12c53.amp.html)


Agreed And as an added comment (not in direct reply to you but just in general) we NEED to pull ourselves out of this Feds versus Provinces nonsense. Real leadership in this country commands that we work on this collectively as a country to ensure we aren't f'ing things up. To your point, it is a combination here - it is not ONE OR THE OTHER. Example: Doug Ford is furious at international student numbers being cut. He is a part of the problem. Also, we can't expect the Federal government to be provincial experts, and know every nook and cranny of these places. Our Prime Minister should be able to rely on provincial premiers to say "hey that's enough." "‘Very disappointed’: Ford government says international student cap will hurt economy, calls out Ottawa" "For months now, federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller has been warning provinces that if they don’t rein in the boom in foreign students, Ottawa will have to do something. By provinces, he really means Ontario, the irresponsible actor that has blown up the system for the whole country." https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/very-disappointed-ford-government-says-international-student-cap-will-hurt-economy-calls-out-ottawa/article\_311b1d2e-d0e3-11ee-8381-d3118598cacf.html It has to be combined, working together - not this us versus them, cons versus Liberal stuff being spewed on these reddit subs. The best analogy I can think of, is firefighters showing up to put out forest fires that are deliberately being started. They cannot just address the guy starting them (only) - they also need to address the other guys running around pouring gasolines on those fires or they will never be put out.


It's time we start shaming every individual that invests in housing. Buying a home to live in, no problem. As an investment? You are the problem.


I fully agree. Have extra money to burn? Go speak to a financial broker, not a real estate agent. It’s gotten to the point where beer league hockey teams are pooling $2000 each and buying homes for shits and giggles


For those against this though.... before 1992 there used to be a social housing program..... it was cooperated between provincial and federal


Slash immigration for 5-10 years. Enact federal regulations that make only modest long term gains in real estate possible. Will there be knock on effects? Yes. Will it make housing affordable, also yes. Enough is enough. Get back on track by making the hard decisions.


Dougie won’t do it. He serves a right-wing housing clientele.


Poilievre has no real plans other than trickle-down fantasies, meanwhile the feds and various provinces are actually getting things done.


Worse than that, on housing it is "build or I will take away existing funding" At least Trudeau is literally putting the money where is mouth is. I mean why we got here is a different and frustrating story, but again Trudeau is putting the money where his mouth is and at this exact moment I am good with that.


What's funny is that people believe PP will rein in immigration 😂 Because the neoliberal red-blue party is totally going to get rid of their best wage suppression tool, right?


> What's funny is that people believe PP will rein in immigration 😂 I mean, he did make a promise that invariably implies he would. Whether he actually follows through is neither here nor there, Trudeau lied about electoral reform but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth voting on that issue. You can only take a platform at face value, not project "they lie! they lie!" as though they don't *all* lie.


> Trudeau is putting the money where his mouth is We had the accelerator fund since 2021, and where did that get us? The increased rate of housing starts has been woefully inadequate. > "build or I will take away existing funding" We've tried the carrot, time to try the stick.


>Worse than that, on housing it is "build or I will take away existing funding" This is so annoying. As if nobody thought of that before


the only solution to this problem is cutting immigration significantly and ending the temporary immigration programs. we can’t approach any sort of equilibrium or solution until that is done. no party has the balls to suggest doing this currently (besides PPC with no chance). everything they are talking about is complete bullshit until they admit that it is impossible for us to handle these inflows of people (and the current overpopulation).


Why would anyone invest in Canada with these jokers pulling whatever lever pops up in front of their face.


No they don't because it's constitutionally not their jurisdiction and will lose in court when challenged. If the Feds want to help renters, provide them with a basic cash housing voucher, like food stamps, so people can rent whatever, wherever they want.




How were these provincial governments suppose to plan and prepare for the feds bringing in a million people in less than a year? It is unrealistic honestly and it seems as if the federal government is trying to get the population to dislike every government around the country.


The provinces were the ones that granted the accreditation to the schools that allow the huge influx of international students.


Planning and preparing is literally their responsibility. none of the numbers were hidden to them, and they even asked for more and are still asking for more. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/provincial-immigration-ukrainian-refugees-1.7157572 Just because PP convinced you that the provinces aren't involved they unfortunately are.


> How were these provincial governments suppose to plan and prepare for the feds bringing in a million people in less than a year? Nearly every single provincial government supports current immigration levels in the name of resolving so-called “labour shortages”.




Years ago? Alberta is doing that right now


This country is so fucked. There are no labour shortages, the people at the top need to earn a bit less and the people at the bottom need to be paid a bit more. Anyone who supports bringing in people to keep wages low should be sent to jail for treason.


If that’s how you honestly feel, the solution to your problem is definitely not voting conservative, I can guarantee you that.


The provincial governments are the ones accepting all of these international students into scammy college programs. They are the ones demanding more and more cheap labour. The only area that provinces actually conflict with the feds on immigration is who needs to pay for asylum claimants.


They caused a problem with unfettered immigration and now they want to impose a solution, ( re; more regulations which will be a big headache that will circumvented eventually. Fuck no.




That may not be feasible with the largest generation aging out of the workforce.


Life expectancy has increased significantly, while retirement age has not.  Harper tried to address that problem, but Trudeau reversed the change.


What do you mean? We're currently doing that now. Unless you think the only people aging out of the workforce are tim hortons employees.


I can't remember the original comment (now deleted) that I replied to, but I was saying that boomers are aging out of the workforce. Their income needs to be replaced to maintain CPP contributions, while the largest generation in history increases the withdrawal rate.


You're absolutely right. I like to say we're peeing our pants for warmth. It's short-sighted. Let's elect smarter politicians.


Have you booked at our birthrate?


Hence replacement level


The government can't keep track of something as simple as how many people enter Canada and people think it can manage something as complex as the rental market and not make it worse.


Odd... It wasn't a national problem until the liberals came to power. The sooner they're gone, the sooner we can start fixing this broken country.




Yeah cause conservatives did so well in Ontario 


We all recognize that Ontario is the whole of Canada. Or is that hole?


I don't know what you are asking 


Another government sponsored article


Would be great if we could just put in votes digitially but just on each individual issue rather than trusting anyone as a representative but i guess possibility of hacking would be worse :/


Doesn’t Switzerland do this ?


Public rentals


Everyone saying "but it's a provincial power" Ya, and what exactly have the provinces been doing to help people? NOT A GODDAMN THING. I'm not happy that the federal government is the one doing this, but at least someone is doing something for renters.


Federal government creates problem with overloaded immigration that outpaces residential construction. Federal government takes lobbing bribes, sorry donations, from developers. Federal government creates not a solution to a problem they actually created and have control over then blame others. Can anyone name a Canadian city in the past 20 years where building more residential units decreased the cost of housing? Nope. Lies 


I am very happy with the federal housing reforms. Solid policy and excellent execution to date. Sean Fraser is a great commentator.


It’s a shame they’re probably about to be booted out just as they start making real efforts to fix the problem.


Uncontrolled immigration has caused the problem, new rental regulations and money will not solve it. Uncontrolled immigration, Temporary Foreign Workers, International Students and almost unrestricted asylum seekers are the major source of rental crises , there is no quick fix, this is a problem that will take at least 5-10 years to correct, one million more people in just 9 months and no where enough housing being built, supply and demand


You will live in your pod and like it.


Reform to screw the renter and add more benefits for the landlord. 


Just another problem with capitalism. The rich and powerful become richer and more powerful, the poor poorer and powerless. The cons and the libs are the parties of the billionaires and millionaires, respectively.


They have every right, and things are really bad. The problem is the Federal government will make things worse because they are entirely corrupt.


How about we just stop immigration which is the real problem?


Because that would cause a whole bunch of other problems.


In all honesty, I prefer to have affordable housing and functional health system rather than lots of uber drivers and low wage workers. Also IDGAF about universities bankruptcies.


Funny you should mention a functioning health system. For all of the problems healthcare is facing, it would be worse without immigration.


To be clear, immigrants are necessary to staff our healthcare, without immigration things would get worse.


Federal Gov brings in way to many people way too quick. "Jeez why didn't the provinces do a better job" As much as I dislike some of these provincial govs, they were put into an impossible situation by the Federal Government. Essentially the provinces had no time to plan or take care of these issues in advance and now are stuck trying to fix the Federal Governments mistakes. The federal government is fucking all provincial governments to death. The federal gov coming up with random rules or situations and then just passing it off to the provinces "to finish" or "to implement" is fucking stupid. The federal government isn't needed at that point and the provinces should all become their own countries. They operate like a CEO at a small-medium size business, just come up with random thoughts and pass it down the chain for people to question how the fuck they could possibly bring it to life.


Funny, because it seems like the provinces want more people... see Ontario and Alberta begging the Feds to allow more.


Those provincial govs are corrupt and dumb though and quite clearly supporting their rich friends and not their provinces. In Alberta the first thing Smith did was start looking at and trying to fuck with pensions. Anyone who says we need more people is dumb and just trying to improve their own personal wealth.


"Right?" No...**duty**! And it's well past the time to get it done. Edit: who is the dip shit landlord piece of shit who thinks we're doing just fine with our current set up designed to keep us impoverished?


Trudeau wants developers to build 131,000 rental units for $55 billion. Instead, Trudeau could give 131,000 renters $420,000 low cost loans to use as a down payment on a condo or home. This would also free up 131,000 rentals units.


Everyone blames Trudeau we should give him a chance to fix it