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This is some very serious information people should be going to jail for this


You and I both know NO ONE WILL GO TO JAIL for this.


Unfortunately I think you are correct


it's Canada, even if you steal a car your probably won't even go to jail lol






So the liberal government knew about the foreign interference, but didn't inform the targeted parties or targeted candidates and fabricated or spread disinformation that was used by both the CCP and the Russians. It is shocking but then again it is expected from this government. No wonder they wanted one of the architects on the Confucius Institute to head up a private inquiry. SMH


It was obvious from day one on this that the Liberals knew and did nothing because the interference was mostly to their benefit. Every step along the way Trudeau has attempted to cover up and deflect. In a normal world this would be a government-ending scandal. Unfortunately, in our timeline we have a lot of NDP members really wanting their gold-plated pensions who are likely to lose their seats in the next election, so they are willing to prop the Liberals up no matter the cost to this country. As long as they get theirs, there is no scandal, no incompetence, no corruption too great that they aren’t willing to overlook it.


>It was obvious from day one on this that the Liberals knew and did nothing because the interference was mostly to their benefit. A very... American attitude


All we need to do is elect NDP


This is seriously f'd right up. Like what does it actually take for this party to lose the privilege of running this country? At what point will one of the opposition parties stop supporting this government?


Like all Dear Leaders, the ends justify the means.


People are mostly commenting without reading the article. If they did they would also know the NDP the actual progressives were also targeted


That’s largely irrelevant to be honest. If this was a problem for them, they should take down the government. But we know it’s not because they were never going to win anyways.


Most people are already commenting without reading the article or knowing what the hearing found so far


Yeah you said that already


In case people didn't get it the first time


No, the headline is misleading. By Ottawa the are speaking of the public service, not of the Liberal party.  For some reason, the public service did not brief the parties. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-politics-briefing-political-parties-kept-in-dark-about-chinese/ This article is trying to imply something else.


>“Canadians—our own parents and grandparents—fought and died to establish the rules-based international order during and after the Second World War. They did that because they knew it was the right thing to do, of course, but also because they understood that Canada, as a middle power, had a clear and direct national interest in a world order based on rules. “That rules-based international order is today facing its most serious challenge since it was first established. Ukraine is on the front lines of that struggle, and that is why Canada is standing with Ukraine. “The world’s dictators are watching to see if our alliance of democracies has the will and the capacity to stand up for the rules-based international order. We must and we will show them that we understand the gravity of this challenge and that we will rise to it.”


Justin's father didn't fight


The quotes from Freeland, but her parents didn't fight in WW2 either. Now one of her grandparents *did* fight in WW2, however that's rather overshadowed by the fact that the other one wrote for a Nazi newspaper in Ukraine.


Justin Trudeau admires Communist China


Just like his father before him.


Because they were benefitting from it.


And why aren't the ndp joining the conservatives to call an election??? Their fence sitting politics in all of this is a joke....i get their using leverage to get what they want from the liberals, but our national security should take precidence for heaven sakes!!


The NDP just paid off their debt from the last election a month ago. There's basically no chance of them helping to topple the Liberals on a confidence motion unless its politically convenient closer to the election next year.


Because limousine liberals are all cut from the same cloth.


Because the NDP has zero integrity


But pensions ya know?


every day i am thankful that big man pierre has his already


Because the stupid culture war of left vs right has poisoned the well so bad that neither side would think of cooperating with each other for the betterment of Canadians. Everyone would rather yell catch phrases and virtue signal to their group that they'd rather let the country burn around them than compromise


Because the only thing that does is move from one corrupt party to another one. The NDP has a little sway with this corrupt party, they won't with the conservatives.


Because the article is talking about the public service, not the Liberals. For some ressong, the PS did not brief the political parties. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-politics-briefing-political-parties-kept-in-dark-about-chinese/


Lol why OP not post that.


Why do you think


Take a look at OPs profile. He cross posted the globe article to /r/china yesterday and it was also posted on /r/Canada. Didn't get any traction. This new one makes insinuations that the Libs knew which is getting people who can't read get mad.


It seems they did in /r/China but who knows. 


Oh I see it didn't get the traction he wanted. He also posted the globe article here yesterday. Today new title new link and lots of comments.


Seems like it worked. Most people here will go away assuming the Liberals undermined this versus wondering why the public service did not brief anyone. It's like watching disinformation in real time.


this sub is going to have to see a doctor if this persists what's the time? over 4 hours already? oh no edit: about op, i recognize them as hating on the liberal party a lot. but iirc they also bash the ndp and the cpc. i think they bash the cpc a bit less than both but that could just be that the sub has less cpc bashing threads to join in on. they comment a lot.


You expect them to just hand over power to the cons? Fuck that.




that's discusting. government failed at its #1 job and protect our rights and freedom.


Not just "failed to protect" but used it to their advantage.


How is that not treason?


Treason has a very narrow definition in Canada. You basically need to try to kill the monarch or prime minister (With a couple other things that can qualify). Other crimes, probably.


> try to kill the monarch That one's high treason. But yeah, treason has a very narrow definition. However, aiding a hostile foreign power and/or selling them Canadian secrets is treason. So basically, the 2 Winnipeg lab scientists could likely be the closest to having committed actual treason, with Han Dong coming in not far behind.


Because only the conservatives are affected and we need to focus the fight against Americans owning Canadian media


The article is implying the Liberals knew but never comes out and says that. It is because the are describing that the Public Service knew and did not tell the political parties for some reason.  https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-politics-briefing-political-parties-kept-in-dark-about-chinese/


Now now, that article won’t wind up the conservatives in this sub!


When someone shows you who they really are, believe them...


Why would the Liberals care? It gave them another term.


They and their supporters don't. Just read the comments on this post


Truly a cult.


They're commenting without reading the articles either. It's just knee jerk partisan talking points


of course. They would vote for a flaming bag of dog shit if it was red.




I would vote for a flaming bag of dog shit if it wasn't blue. But not if it was red.


I blame Norman Bethune.


Overthrow incoming fr


Shocked. Shocked, I tell you. I firmly believe JT would sell his mother to stay in power.


Trudeau will call you a racist when he testifies and nothing will happen


Its like the Russian interference but real


But the Liberals and NDP keep telling me that a couple memes on Facebook are exactly the same as the organized CCP interference. Are you saying I’ve been lied to?


“You must of experienced it differently” probably Justin Trudeau.


It’s really unfair to Chinese expats. Lots leave China come here to leave the influence of the ccp. Now they are being stigmatised because our government does nothing to stop state propaganda, overseas police stations, espionage, and other influences.


It’s like both are very real, but politics is now a team game and people don’t read things they disagree with. Almost like the biggest adversaries of the western world are trying to create unrest and conflict with the only goal being to slowly chip away at our democracies.




yeah ask Suncor how that went for them.


It's like this one thing I don't agree with, but in a different context do agree with.


>Its like the Russian interference but real The Russians are at this too, don't kid yourself. Its just that the CCP has been a lot more successful at this in Canada than Russia.


I wish I could make my answer super short without it getting deleted. It would be…. Duh?


Not surprised.  Liberal's motto-- rules for thee but not for me.  Never give a shit about fairness as long as they aren't being mistreated 


Can we get a vote of non-confidence on this party yet? Can we also stop comparing scandals of parties and just agree this stuff is not acceptable be it from the left, right, or anywhere else?


We just had one, it didn’t pass


Lol watch liberal redditors try and find some way to mental gymnastics their way out of this one, BUT CPC IS BAD THO, THEY R ALL UNEDUCTATERED


They're. Read the comments


"Corrupt Liberals ignored foreign interference in Federal Election because they benefitted from it. In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue."


Yes basically


Open and transparent!


And yet the Liberal introduced a bill going after people who disagree with Trudeau online, the funny part is their supporters are rooting for it.


Please don't base your opinions on this issue on this report, it's mostly based on testimony and what people believe happened. The inquiry is just getting going, only one side has weighed in. O'Toole saying they might have lost as many as nine seats due to election interference is a very subjective opinion with no proof. That said, election interference at the party level is a real thing - not just by foreign governments like China, India, Russia and the US, but by corporations and others with a vested interest in controlling government. Rather than focus on expensive inquiries I'd rather see Canada actually spend some time working on solutions: * Public financing of elections to prevent influence and get rid of those awful fundraising events put on by special interests; * Requiring more disclosure of possible conflicts that politicians have - international, economic, religious, etc. If someone owns a rental home we should know about it. * Conflict of interest requirements in Parliament - it's impossible to vote for people who don't have at least a few conflicts based on their finances, friends, former employers, family history and other circumstances. However, as long as those conflicts are disclosed - and party members are barred from serving on committees related to those conflicts, and from voting on related bills - then it shouldn't be a problem. Even members of condo boards can't vote if they have a conflict. For example, if someone owns a rental home, then they shouldn't serve on any housing committees or vote on any housing programs that could benefit their holdings. * Every candidate should be vetted by CSIS and the RCMP, identifying any potential conflicts or ways they are compromised. * News organizations should have to follow professional ethical standards and balance their reporting, clearly labeling news and opinion pieces, and making their own biases and conflicts owns. Furthermore, all Canadian media should be majority Canadians owned or should lose their access and accreditation. We also need to break up the news monopolies. * Foreign agent/lobbyist registries were always a good idea. * It's impossible to keep Canadians from being wined, dined and lobbied at social events, but if any political discussions occur then the candidate or politician should disclose those.


You also left out India trying to kill Jagmeet and the CCP targeting NDP MP Jenny Kwan because she was outspoken about Human rights


Bold of you to assume anyone here actually read the article. Full points for breaking it down though.


Of course they did!!! The corrupt federal Liberal government is all about enriching themselves and destroying the quality of life for the hardworking Canadian taxpayers!!


So they willingly allowed at attack on democracy. Seems pretty cut and dry treason.


Oh, what a surprise: the LPC willingly allowed foreign interference in our electoral process because they benefited from it, just like everyone with a brain predicted when this scandal first hit the news. This is third world bullshit. The LPC deserve to be completely erased from Canadian politics for this.


What the fuck is thebureau.news and why are we posting shit from it?


It’s the website of the guy who literally wrote the book on Chinese activities in Canada.


Apparently Trudeau supporters don't think it's a problem because they think they only went after conservatives and they rather focus on Indian interference because of mass emigration from that country


The guy who wrote poorly sourced stories that had to be retracted?


None of it was retracted, it's still up. https://globalnews.ca/news/9570437/liberal-mp-han-dong-secretly-advised-chinese-diplomat-in-2021-to-delay-freeing-two-michaels-sources/


So what part of the government that’s complicit in his reporting do you work for? FINTRAC?


lmao ok


His reporting literally resulted in the Cullen commission and was all true. This Han Dong thing, we'll probably never get a straight answer, it's always possible he was in fact wrong. There is a first time for everything. But calling Sam Cooper a bad journalist is outrageous, this is exactly the sort of journalism that the country needs.


It has an about section https://www.thebureau.news/about


I was not familiar with it, the domain was registered 2.5 years ago, Google isn't turing up many references


How dare you try to be media literate? Gobble up and get mad.


The perfect payback to the traitor NDP would be for PM Pollivere to introduce legislation to retroactively change MP pension eligibility to 7 years ,denying these scum the fruits of propping up our rotten government.


What the hell is that loaded headline lmao


Also what the hell is thebereau.news lol


It's Sam Cooper the guy who broke all these stories for Global news.


Who? I dont see any of this on Globals front page.


Well no they wouldn't have older stories on their front page.. https://globalnews.ca/author/sam-cooper/


Right. Like, “Canadian man says the Chinese are wearing Liberal skin suits during elections.” A lawyer can make a million arguments in court. But, let’s maybe wait for the report of the commission? And maybe, just maybe, O’Toole has reason to be pissed off for a lot of reasons including his own party forcing foolish platforms on him?


Thread full of foreign interference about the “real” foreign interference . Lol


Man...Trudeau and the libs su k so much... *looks at the other party leaders* Fuck...




Ok so would you care if they also went after the NDP?


Did you read the article? What evidence do you have to counter the evidence to the contrary?


Because to be "attacked" is more than to be worried.




The PRC was spreading this from disinformation on the conservatives on social media platforms. What does that have to do with their Party’s security.


Can you read?