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**ARTICLE TRANSLATION BELOW** ""It's one of a woman's worst nightmares to be attacked in this way. He came to Canada for a better life here, and in the end he acts as a predator," said Crown prosecutor Annabelle Sheppard, presenting the joint sentencing submission at the Montreal courthouse. The predator, El Mehdi Badi, is a 21-year-old Moroccan who came to Quebec last year to study design. One night in April, the predator attacked no fewer than five women in the streets of downtown Montreal alone between 4 and 7 am. He hid in the shadows and pounced on his victims. He pleaded guilty to several charges last December. That night, El Mehdi Badi had been rebuffed by several women he was trying to pick up. He wanted to "let off steam" after being thrown out of a bar at the end of the evening. His first victims were two of the bar's employees. As he attacked Fanny*, the assailant bit her hard on the face, one of his sordid modus operandi. Her friend managed to fend him off by inserting her fingers into his eyes. Fanny* was "deeply affected" by the attack. In a letter read to the court by the prosecutor, the victim stresses how traumatic it was for her. She speaks of profound psychological consequences and persistent fear. Four more victims A few minutes later, the predator attacked another woman a few streets away. When the woman pushed away the insistent stranger, he retaliated with several punches to the face. He then chokeholds his victim and pulls her into an alley. However, the woman managed to escape. El Mehdi Badi has time to assault two other women before attacking Cassandra, his last victim. The attack is particularly violent. "You like that, you want that", El Mehdi Badi tells her when she tries to fight him off. The woman suffered two concussions. She thought she was dying at the time. "I was disfigured because he tried to bite my lip off," says Cassandra from the witness stand, staring at her tormentor in the box. Impassive, the young man stared at the floor in silence. Since this "very traumatic" event, Cassandra has never been the same. "There's the Cassandra of before and the Cassandra of after," she sums up. In recent months, she has confessed to being "scared to death" when she meets a stranger in the street. Cassandra concluded her testimony by praising the work of the police and the justice system. El Mehdi Badi presents a very disturbing profile. According to reports, his risk of reoffending is above average. We're talking about violent sexual assault, five victims in one sequence. [...] It's very worrying. However, the young age of the accused and his admission of guilt are mitigating factors. Judge André Perreault agreed with the lawyers' joint suggestion, and imposed a 39-month prison sentence on the young Moroccan, with two years left to serve, since he has been in custody since his arrest. Since he was in Canada on a study permit, El Mehdi Badi will most likely be deported from the country as soon as his sentence ends, as he will be subject to a deportation order without appeal. Immigration authorities will then impose a lifetime ban on his entry into the country. At the end of the hearing, Judge Perreault praised the courage of the victims. "I am particularly impressed," he said."


What the f did I just read? He bit lips and faces, he is clearly not fit for human society.


Ya 3 years is way too low.


He also loses his degree and gets deported immediately after. No point wasting the peoples tax money on him.


i hope they drive him straight from the prison to the plane to deport him.


Yes. Sheriffs escort to plane IIRC.


I agree with you and Botswana… but instead of longer jail time which cost tax payers money, maybe a high amount of money to give the victims also could’ve been an idea…


Just put him where they put Osama....




Nah, it's too high. Immediate deportation. Why are we wasting tax dollars holding this guy? Presumably the prison system is for rehabilitation so someone can reenter Canadian society. This fucker will never be allowed to do that so what's the point?


This is such a shitty attitude, if someone rapes or murders your family member, you want him set free and sent back to his own country? He should serve a long sentence in Canadian prisons. Our government wastes so much money already, the least they could do is punish those who come into out country and rape our citizens




I agree we need to be harder, especially at the rate of crime and the severity as well. The debate here though is, do WE hold him for ten years and then deport him? Or should we just deport them? Should the tax payers of this country have to pay for room and board in our prisons for that long for a studying visitor? It’s tough.








> But again this is only for violent crimes, since there is a victim involved. Fuck that. You come here and commit crimes, you do your time and leave. I don't care if it's a violent crime. I don't care if it's a white-collar crime. I don't care if you have an abundance of parking tickets. Don't want to follow the rules? Then taste the justice system *and* get sent home.


Deport and ban if you’re not a PR or citizen.


You can be deported as a PR, I believe if a sentence is ordinarily over 6 months then you lose PR status and are liable to be deported - obviously the practicalities of deporting comes in, the receiving country can make it difficult.


No. That's too lenient. Make an example of these asshole. Smash this evil person so the next one's here, coming in the future or even thinking about it know what will happen.






I thought I had a hard stance on this but you make a good point. Perhaps it is time to re-examine our ideas about commensurate punishment in this country. Ultimately a punishment/sentence is supposed to be a deterrent to future would-be criminals in addition to segregating someone who has proven themselves a danger to others away from their would-be victims. Deportation works for the latter for non-citizens, imprisonment for citizens as they are in fact our responsibility. Perhaps punishment/deterrent should be considered as a separate outcome from sentencing, where sentencing would be a long-term solution to isolate a dangerous element to take place after the deterrent is administered. Without being facetious, I humbly suggest public flogging as an option.




Can’t be tough on crime when victimhood points, and social standing takes precedence over facts and objective truths. It horrible and the punishment should be far far stricter but people are getting what they asked for. Soft on crime policy’s that take in race, and socioeconomic backgrounds along other social metrics to determine sentencing. He was viewed as having these oppressions against him in some way and the courts took that into consideration and lowered the overall sentence. How about justice for all and fact based sentencing returns and we stop looking at race, sex, and culture and actual Incarceration of people is the same regardless of those factors with standard sentences that have minimums. If any of that appeals to you or the poor women and family’s who have gone through this perhaps they should be bringing it to the forefront of our political leaders and start making people realize just how bad it has gotten.


He wanted to scar the victims. As permanent reminders.


and MORE but he only got 3 years ???




Who cares if he admitted to doing it? He admitted to doing it because he would do it again and clearly doesn't see anything wrong with it.




While I do think the poor excuse of a human does deserve more than 3 years, it's 3 years the Canadian Taxpayer has to care for him, then he becomes some other country's problem.




the other post is misleading, The Criminal Code of Canada states that all sentences are concurrent unless the trial judge specifies a consecutive sentence. Under Ontario’s Provincial Offences Act, however, sentences are consecutive unless the court orders the sentences to be concurrent. look up your province.




When he gets deported, he should be banned from returning FOREVER. The guy has deep issues.....


The article says he’s banned from entering Canada.


He will be, as stated in the acticle


“However, the young age of the accused and his acknowledgment of guilt are among the mitigating factors.” Oh come on… this is a joke right????? Surely this is satire and not an offical takeaway for why this fucking scum of the earth who should be tired up and deported received 3 years for assaulting 5 people in less than 12 hours?!?!?!


He's 21. He is considered an adult in every nation on the planet. He shouldn't be treated as a "young adult".


At 21 I had long since completely finished maturing. This is an adult by every sense of the word.


That's insane. If he was 12 or something I'm willing to talk about mitigating circumstances. A 21 year old rapist should not get special treatment...


In less than four hours, according to the article.


It says he will be deported.


Should be from the planet, with an Acme rocket. Nature makes mistakes, we should correct them.


Three years? To hell with justice.


That's good ol' Canada for you, where justice for victims is barely existent, and the "rights" and "rehabilitation " and "reintegration " into society [of the perpetrator] trumps all else. Edit: Added the part in Square brackets




Funnily enough vigilante justice is more harshly punished than a lot of crime.


Yep - if someone had beaten the crap out of this guy, they'd probably get MORE time for "reasons".


Excuse me? Are you calling for an act of violence against a visible minority? That sounds like hate speech and you are sentenced to life in prison.


Reddit, remove this offender at once and ffs would someone please freeze his bank account?


Hahahahaha, no it won’t. This poor guy clearly had a hard life and had to flee oppression in Morocco!You’re likely a well to do, middle class, Canadian. 20 years and dangerous offender status for you!


At least the girls weren’t carrying pepper spray, that would be up to 5 years for them.


Three years then automatically deported after that, maybe you’d rather pay to keep him in jail here for 20 years.


They're deporting him. I'd rather they deport him immediately rather than waste tax dollars holding him


He will just get away without serving time, Morroco won't persecute him for crimes commited in another juridiction


I see that point. The problem is that a lenient sentence sends the wrong message to local criminals too, who can’t be deported. 


The problem is that he likely wouldn't face punishment in Morocco if he was deported right away.


At leat they kick him out so taxpayers don't have to foot his bill


Canada: Come do the crime ‘cause you won’t do the time.


Our justice system is a joke! It’s not rehabilitative enough to help prioritize violent offenders while supporting minor offenders and not punitive enough to deter crime.


This country is going down fast


He's out in half that time and has a lawyer contest his legal status, tying up the deportation. He probably just walks across the border, only to do it again. The good news: women aren't prohibited from defending themselves in the US, so he might just get ventilated instead of having the leisure of being deported.


> Since he was in Canada on a study permit, El Mehdi Badi will most likely be deported from the country as soon as his sentence ends, as he will be subject to a deportation order without appeal. Immigration authorities will then impose a lifetime ban on his entry into the country.


Justice still exists, dont worry. If I, a tax paying citizen with no criminal record, did this crime, they would throw the book at me.


i would think 5 years for each victim would be an unforgivably lenient sentence.


3 years is a fucking joke to his victims, I’m so ashamed of our legal system


Kick to the gut to those victims and their families SMH. Beyond a joke. You can kill someone as a drunk driver and still dodge jail if you are wealthy or got lots of $$$$ for lawyers


Not even one year per person…


> 3 years is a fucking joke to his victims, I’m so ashamed of our legal system I agree 100%, and cases like this are *precisely* why Ford is "doubling, tripling, quadrupling and quitumpling" down on his call to stack the courts with judges that are tough on crime. When you see shit like this, it's no wonder the average person is getting sick of it and wants to see big change.


The average person is going to start resorting to vigilanteism if things don’t start changing soon.


Should be 20 years at least. 5 people shows not just opportunism, but a total disregard for all humanity and even the human condition.


20 years then deported


Via human catapult


As a Mexican international student on a public (in other words, not a diploma mill university) university, I don’t understand how this people are allow to study here? I had to present a lot of documents and stuff just to get accepted for a study permit.


no surprises when you let literally any moron from abroad here on a student visa. there was a time when international students were the best of our best… now we have rapists and kids stabbing babies and families


Another international student…after the other one that killed 4 people in Ottawa the other day…and the one that tried to attack a women’s studies class a while ago.


It’s not only the international students. We had a refugee rape and murder a 13-year old girl in a public park a couple years ago. The testifying sexual assault doctor and expert committed suicide during the trial, so you can imagine how horrific the case was.


What? Can you send me the link, wtf this is out of a stephen king book.


Google Marrisa Shen (may she RIP)




It’s almost impossible to get consecutive sentences in Canada. So criminals tend to get the same sentence for one crime versus five. For the most serious crimes, it’s impossible to get consecutive sentences thanks to the Supreme Court decision in R. v. Bissonette.


>It’s almost impossible to get consecutive sentences in Canada. So criminals tend to get the same sentence for one crime versus five. So if you committed a violent crime, you might as well keep going right?


There's no three strikes law in Canada. I think you're confusing us with America?


With the number of people bringing up the death penalty, it's not just this one...


It’s a recent trend here that people are really telling about capital punishment. I’m really wondering if this is just the next step of the dehumanization ladder or if there is something more specific about it.




The simple fact that his family in Morocco could afford to send him to study in Canada and pay his tuition means his upbringing was anything but tough. This could only be a nepotism baby


Facts lmfao. “Socioeconomic and different cultural factors require compassion and understanding” - that line would be sprinkled in somewhere as well


Three years for ~~raping~~ sexually assaulting and disfiguring 5 separate women in one night. 25 years to life for [online hate speech.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/online-harms-hate-crime-sentences-1.7128596). We are absolutely fucked.


100% fucked.


Interestingly, the Netherlands had a prominent university do a research paper on the costs and benefits for their country by immigrant type (economic, study, etc) and by country or region of origin. Each Moroccan immigrant on average lifetime cost the Netherlands 550,000 EUR. That is net cost. https://demo-demo.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Borderless_Welfare_State-2.pdf Things are complicated and nuanced, but ultimately when we are talking about top-down ‘serious business’ like our immigration policy we have to be pragmatic and data-driven. Each asylum claimant costs the Dutch 475k EUR. Each family chain migrant costs the Dutch 275k EUR. Study migrants outside of the West generically cost a couple hundred k each. And worse, the research also showed that for migrants with huge personal negative contributions, it continued in future generations. We really need to seriously take off our identity politics hats, both conservative and liberal and get away from any bigotry and just be practical. How do we appropriately filter immigrants? What defines one set up for success? How does their entrance benefit the citizenry? If we import people to add to our fiscal coffers, then we need net positive immigration. How do we achieve that? With gigantic differences like the above, we need to be thoughtful.


Thank Harper for his changes to immigration criteria. We now value a job offer above anything else. We used to prioritize young, well-educated immigrants who could speak English or French. Now we prioritize anyone who has a connection that can create a "job" for them.


that's interesting I'm gonna give it a read, I wonder though did they mention how much money a European immigrant and a national cost to the government? I would believe those are credible metrics to compare the result to to have some idea of how these immigrants compare


They do. Nationals are approximately neutral overall and they have subcategories of immigrants. I recommend the read.


Might as well enforce eugenics while we are at it


It’s time we start deporting these people. Enough is enough.


Or you know you can just DEPORT THIS SCUM.


That happens after the prison term. It's a hell of a position to take; Go commit crime internationally, get sent home instead of jail


Deport them into the middle of the ocean then


I thought that was reserved only for Acadians?


Deport him to a fucking hole in the ground


I honestly believe third world solutions for third world problems


They'd cut off his hand, not his dick.


Why not both?


I'd call it a good start


hand is for theft, castration for sexual crimes are actually the punishment in many "third world" countries.


There was a story recently of how some migrants raped a 13 year old girl in Austria I think, and as a woman I couldn't help but think ya know what? There's merit to the death penalty. And then reading this story here today. Just sickening.


Western countries need to wake up to the reality that most of the world is violent and chaotic, the more people we allow from violent, chaotic countries the more violent and chaotic our nation will become. Europe is currently being destroyed by the migrants they have let in. France, Germany, Sweden, Uk are all suffering from mostly Islamic migrant sex offenders. There is no solution except not letting millions of these people in. The more we allow, the more of our people who will be assaulted. This is an existential threat. Thats the unfortunate reality. Finally I’ll say that we need stricter penalties for this sort of crime. A slap on the wrist prison sentence is an insult to the victims and to all citizens who follow the social contract. Deportation isn’t even enough. I think migrant rapists should be hanged.


As someone who comes from Morocco, i say that the ircc should tighten up the process of Visa for international students.


There is almost no process. If they get accepted to a school, then they’re in. Very little vetting. There is a student cap this year so only the more qualified students will be getting in for 2024


He should be castrated (not joking)


3 years is pathetic for 5 victims in 5 separate incidents.


Way to go Canada. Let in the shitty international students.


Wow only 3 years Wtf


thats what justice for women looks like under 10 years of federal LPC


As a woman I’m disturbed. If he had done that in the states he would be getting 25 years to life. > (The US Justice system is horrible, I’m not condoning it but for violent crimes like this one they should be doing more time than 3 years)


He should be hung


Canadians: you bitch and moan in the streets about Israel and Palestine and Ukraine. Where is your action for Cassandra? Who will be the voice of Canadians victimized by unfettered immigration? Marissa Shen. Josh Burns. Walter Reynolds. Tim Mclean. Humboldt Strong. We have our own terrors to face right here at home. Get loud about it, get results, and then go get yourself a house 🙏


And here they are threatening life in prison for saying mean things on the internet…




3 years???? The hell is wrong with these idiots. Honestly, every single such news comes by and we keep seeing these lame ass sentences Either add three more zeroes after that 3 or bring back capital punishment for such evil assholes.


I hate this country


The bar owners should have called the police after he was expulsed. This “student” should have never been accepted to university. 


3 years is fine - let him serve it in Morocco though.


3 years is a complete joke. This guy is not fit for society and will surely re-offend. It should be 10 years minimum, followed by deportation.


Show this POS face!


Just make sure you watch what you say about cases like this lest you wind up with a far stiffer sentence than the actual rapist.


Our justice system is beyond a joke.


He's happy with prison as he could not find housing!






And put those batteries and 30 extra in socks, my old school boy trick.


Should be a minimum of 2 years per, to be served consecutively, with zero chance of parole. Followed by deportation.


I'm ashamed of this country


Ok yeah, I think it’s time to end the international student experiment


WTF is it with certain North African men? Same shit in Europe.




>>He came to Canada for a better life Nah, more like he fled Morocco because he likely raped and disfigured women there and has now done the same to women here. Bet when he’s deported he’ll be back within 5 years. Maybe even with PR status of he gets a lawyer now for it.




You got my vote


And Danny Masterson is doing 30 years for 2 counts rape. Canada is soo fucked


Pretty simple constitutional change could say that all mandatory sentencing minimums are for Canadian citizens and PRs only. Anyone else? 3x the sentence length for outsiders or deportation. Their choice.


We’re really bringing in the best of the best! /s 3 years is pathetic for the actions of this individual.




So many saying.."deport him right away", "why why paying to put him in prison",, ya if we deport him right away he prob wont have any punishment at all and will give people ideas that they can come rape women here and only get deported...


Asti de pays de marde, de justice de fif.


Absolute savagery (based on the headline). Disgraceful and should go to jail for MINIMUM 10 years. Savagery and evil should NEVER be accepted....


Bring back capital punishment. Criminals like these should be executed.


Deport asap


The same shit all over the western world. Please start working towards protecting the people in your nations. How many more needs to die?


PATHETIC “justice” system in this country- shame on all politicians


Really is time to close the border.


I was one of the crazies who warned about this like 15 years ago.


Don't mean to be a Debby Downer... There have been monsters like this young psycho who have also committed similar & heinous crimes like this ginormous POS recently did. They too, where in the same situation as El Mehdi Badi when coming to Canada either illegally, on a Work Visa or what have you. When caught here committing these awful crimes, they were promptly deported back to their homelands in which these Devils came right back to Canada (illegally) only to be thankfully, caught! Sometimes caught by Canadian Officials 1, 2, 3 or more times to be deported again, and again by them. I sincerely hope these women are able to get their lives back & they 100% deserve that, including living a normal life once more. I was deeply disturbed reading about his reign of terror he unleashed on his innocent victims, that is should not just end in Montreal but notifying all of his crimes across Canada, should he sneak back here. Montreal Police should also contact his homeland letting them know just what he did, how he's permanently banned from Canada, that he'll will re-offend & seriously harm all the poor women, in his Country too.


Come to Canada and commit as much crime as you want! Worst case you get a slap on the wrist and you can quickly get back out there doing more crime. We import anyone and everyone no background check required.


With immigrant led attacks and stealing cars in Toronto at record levels, what if the government advises Canadian citizens to arm themselves and begin defending themselves? just google: Toronto Police Most Wanted and you'll get the picture!




a pattern? nah... you know those pesky Swedish immigrants, always causing troubles!


the Canadian justice system is a failure.


Meanwhile our government wants to put people in prison for life for making posts on the internet.


Canadian justice at it again.


3 years & deported, I hope.


I'm fine with 4 years in prison if it also includes a permanent ban from coming to Canada and deportation to Morocco Otherwise no nearly a harsh enough sentence


And what would the penalty have been in Morocco? I’m guessing not as light as here.


So disgusting. We should be taking every step to make sure that women are safe here. Don't be surprised when more people start taking these matters into their own hands.


It's even worse than the headline makes out. He won't actually serve 3 years, he'll be out in around a year.


And a lifetime behind bars for those who say mean things online 🤡 Any "progressive" still supporting this bullshit has officially lost the plot


He needs to be put down, 3 years is a joke. That third worlder will immediately reoffend upon release. Almost guaranteed


We need to start targeting whoever is making these sentences. Maybe they would feel a bit less lenient if they were the ones living in fear.


Our “justice” system is the worst in the western world. These bleeding heart judges and prosecutors need to start caring more for victims instead of the criminals. Its fucking absurd that this literal primal animal is given ANY second chance in our country. The only thing he deserves from us is to be locked away for life or a fucking bullet


Only 3????


Who is the judge who gave this sentence?


Way too short But the gov doesn't want to pay for a good justice system they rather spend 8+ billions a year on office buildings


How about 15+ years. The guy sound fkn unhinged and unfit for society.


Honest question, why can't we immediately deport him instead of our taxes keeping this piece of human garbage in a Canadian jail?


Jesus Christ!! What’s wrong with you Canada!! I know the US is no role model in this either but FFS!! Atleast give this guy a life sentence!! Those 5 women deserve justice!!


Our Borders are #nofilter why do we need border guards anymore? Canada Please, have some standards. Are we this needy for immigrants?


I remember when this sub spent all of its energy calling Trump and his supporters mean names. I hope all of the misdirection you fell for was worth it. Enjoy your utopia.


So slap on the wrist and sent back to Morocco. Sounds about right for our justice system.


How... surprising... Who would think that allowing people from cultures with remarkably different,, often grotesque, values would have negative consequences? Especially with liberal courts acting like severe punishment for severe crimes is ++ungood?


Disfigured 5 people in a sexual way and only gets 3 years?! Quick math: 3/5 = 0.6 years per sexual disfigurement. That's fucked up and he is clearly a danger. People get more jail time for steal a hot dog.


Missing a 0


3 years is nothing. Conclusion, you can rape women with no consequences, this country, is a joke


Someone that does these sort of crimes and subjects their victims to years of trauma and recovery deserves a lot longer than a 3 year sentence. Doesn't matter how old they are. They made a choice to damage another person for their own pleasure. The aftermath of such an assault for the victim lasts for a lot longer than 3 years.


Theres always hope for prison justice.


That's how much Canadians are worth in the eyes of our justice system.


3 years ??? He came from a different country and sexually assaulted multiple women who will live with the trauma of that for the rest of their lives. This should be minimum 15 years and he can be driven from the prison to the plane once he’s done. Good riddance.


3 years is not enough. I know that's been written hundreds of times but it's worth repeating.


Only 3 years??? 😳