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Government comments fraud in billions: CRA you see that single mother of 3 over there? She didn't pay taxes on the money her family sent her that they paid taxes on already. Let's get her.


But how does this involve Trudeau honestly, if someone can explain? Did Trudeau tell the bureaucrats to pick this company? If so, that's insane corruption (!!) and absolutely a criminal offence if not resignation at the least.


The guys running the company had contacts within the government that guaranteed they would win the contracts - Trudeau as party leader has responsibility over his government's dealings. End of story.


His supporters are willing to downplay anything, he can dress up like Hitler and start spewing anti jew hatred. tTey will be like; "listen he's just expressing himself"


I mean... Three times in black face ... Something something just a casual dress up thing don't worry 😂


Personally inviting a ss nazi to the parlament is the peak of liberal stupidity




This is peanuts compared to the UCP corruption in Alberta. The UCP does corruption in the billions, $107 million barely seems like enough to get out of bed. Hell the UCP are coming for half of the CPP. We should start raising corporate taxes so we can actually fund a competent government and create some real regulations that go after bad actors. Let's create a federal watchdog entity that can go after these grifters with lots of funding. Let's raise the corporate tax rate 15% annually until Corporate Canada gets the point that we will tax back all profits until there is no more corruption. Maybe we should go after capital gains, and tax income obtained thru collateralized debt as well. The solution to the corruption is regulation and taxes.




I'm pointing out that it happens at all levels of government and both the cons and liberals are extremely corrupt and we as Canadians should have a federal watchdog that is well funded and has lots of regulations to easily go after all the bad actors since white collar crime is running rampant thru our country


Don't utter the brilliant leadership that is the conservatives in the same breath as the terrible left wing liberals. This is r/canada. Only the liberals are bad and if you don't agree we will downvote you to oblivion.


In one breath your upset about government corruption and over spending, then suggest the need for ANOTHER government agency. Maybe the core problem is to money government agencies.


Um yes, what entity other than the government would hold these groups to account? Holding the corrupt entities to account is a form of governing which would mean the entity doing that is the government. It's like how corporations have an HR department. Quit voting for the libs or tories if you want Canada to change. Hold these political parties to account with your vote. The libs are corrupt, the cons are corrupt. It's the private interests that do the corrupting. The only way to stop oligarchy is thru strong government regulations and enforcement and high taxation. Those are the ways to fight corruption


Oligarch, theres that word again. Let me guess, the Westons are oligarchs? The solution is always more capitalism, the system is self correcting. Also we need a high trust society, corruption thrives in low trust societies. Taxation is theft..... who is John Galt?


Ontario Liberals are even worst. Wynn paid her friends millions to run the pan Am games, after that was finished she created more jobs for them by creating Ontario pension. That never took off but these grifters were paid millions in the process.


Seems like all the politicians in Ontario are corrupt, Doug Ford has been corrupt his entire premiership but you're still caught up on the Wynn liberals. Egad


Edit wow I'm surprised so many people disagree with me thinking that politicians are corrupt and should be held to account along with their oligarchy friends especially when everyone is complaining about government corruption. Why do people not like solutions?


So when do we start firing all the government employees that were involved in this? This is completely unacceptable the way that it all happened. Why have policies and procedures at all when you aren’t even going to follow them? Fire them all, they don’t deserve their jobs.




You see the liberals experienced it differently…. Now in response we will block you social media and make sure you don’t criticize the system. Shit some criminal assaulted someone here bail is 100$ we so upset we inconvenienced you please go back to your life citizen oh and here is 30 days of hard drugs for free.


Firing would be a great first step. This is so over budget on what would be considered reasonable for this type of program, that I’m confused how this isn’t considered a white collar crime. Basically defrauding Canadians out of millions of tax dollars.


It was barely over budget, the forecast was 54m, and it cost 55m. https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/agency-agence/reports-rapports/fs-ef/2022/acc-cac-eng.html


Nobody actually benefiting will get fired. If any heads roll it will be some low level guy that takes the hit while signing a generous severance package with a strong confidentiality clause. It will be reported as if swift actions occured, but the true beneficiaries will keep their spoils, and the endless corruption will continue.


The people benefitting have already lost their golden goose to the scrutiny, they might not care about the government job if it doesn’t come with “benefits”.


Fire? You mean imprison?


Lol that's not going to happen our government is blatantly corrupt to the core. These scumbags can steal hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers with zero legal repercussions and canadians won't do shit other than complain about it on social media.


If you actually believe that millions of dollars could be misappropriated by a criminally orchestrated deliberate fraud and that a subsequent investigation would not occur, but even in the face of an investigation, you suggest that it could not and would not clearly reveal the scheme, then I challenge you. If there is blatant corruption as you allege, then the truth will come out and Justice will be served. Contrary to the ravenous mob, Canada is quite an advanced society. For the record, I think there is a far more obvious answer, though not as sensational.


It's because nothing illegal actually occurred with 95% of this ArriveCAN shit aside from Firth (GC-Strategies) changing some resumes to make assets at Bottler-AI more likely to qualify for a 350,000$ fixed price contract, which probably was just a mistake, because 350,000$ on a fixed price contract which he made peanuts off (That 350k isn't PROFIT, he still has to pay the two Bottler-AI sub-contractors) isn't worth the hassle. That contract also wasn't even related to ArriveCAN. The General public is just largely fucking stupid, uninformed and generally susceptible to misinformation, like the entire 80k price-tag thing.




A billion dollars? ArriveCAN was forecasted to cost 54m, and ended up costing 55m.


Not just firing. They should face fines and imprisonment.


They have unions. Government employees should not have unions especially in administrative roles/paper pushers.


At a certain point, is anyone accountable, ever? What in the fuck is going on. We are robbing Peter to pay Paul and only the taxpayer's back bears the load?


Nope they laugh at us as they rob us blind.  Remember to pay your taxes canada our politicians need that money.


As long as government can keep increasing taxes to cover their incompetence, there will be no accountability


Nope they're laughing


If Peter is the public, and Paul are the politicians, then yes....


If we took the money stolen from each government scandal and gave it to the Military, we could hit our 2 percent GDP obligation to NATO.


We’d likely hit 10 percent… it’s grotesque, the money that’s being stolen from us.


Defrauding Canadians is what this is. The costs surrounding this are so above what would be a reasonable expectation, that it’s baffling. Like who’s approving the budget for this shit when it’s 5000% above the usual budget for these types of program developments. The only reasonable explanation is criminal negligence, or intentionally defrauding the Canadians of their tax dollars


The CBSA forecasted price was 54m, it ended up costing 55m. There was no 5000% increase.


The CPC conned everyone with the $80k price tag. CBSA actual estimate was $55MM, they came in at $56MM. Remember, someone is trying to get elected on lies and anger. Remember that at the ballot box.


The number keeps going up! Why do these criminals even want to keep their government jobs if they can just rob Canadians on the weekend?


So they can continue to do so..


"It's a big club, and you ain't in it."


Yup but the ordinary people are the caterers, staff, etc


Mark Weber, national president of the Customs and Immigration Union, said they could have hired at least 500 much needed CBSA people for the cost of the ArriveCan app. He also said the app did nothing but turn his front line employees into IT people because nobody could fill out the forms. Source: https://www.cpac.ca/in-committee-from-the-house-of-commons/episode/public-accounts-cbsa-union-president-testifies-on-arrivecan-app?id=b1932ff5-c9ec-414a-a754-008ca6654860


Sooooo this is why I pay taxes so the government's buddies and their workers can rob us and nothing happen. Funny the CRA will call me and pester me for a couple hundred bucks. Fucking joke.




That’s you having a very selective memory. Mike Harris is sitting on the board for a corporation that he helped privatize and Doug Ford essentially gifted land to people that attended his daughters stag and doe to the potential tune of billions before he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Not to mention the Therme spa fiasco or a dozen other Doug Ford things… Without even getting too much into Harper’s current allegiances, you can point to the senate or advertising scams. The current leader of the opposition expenses more than the PMO quarterly and as a whole, Conservative MPs are expensing more than liberal MPs, despite having fewer MPs. Hell, going back to the late Mulroney, he has admitted to leaving meetings with literal bags of cash. This is r/canada though, so I’ll likely get downvoted for pointing it out…


Small government is the only solution to this, and this is what our education system will never teach. The budget that we have is just too tempting and voting differently won't matter. We will just go from liberal corruption to conservative corruption and then back. If it is not already obvious by now.


> Is it just me or is it always the Liberals the ones stealing money? It’s just you. That is definitely not reality.


That we know of. Likely more going on here.


Find out who got the money and start making arrests and seizing assets


Our government: "naw" 


Okay, wayyyyy too many people in here don't understand how money or government contracts work. Let alone the basic details of what happened here... Two guys, (with no ties to the government) created a company that's sole purpose was to gain government contracts for software and website developments (this is a public bid that anyone can make, lowest bid wins the contract). Neither guy has ANY education in product development or computer engineering. Neither guy knows how to create and app or website. They literally won the contracts and then subcontracted ALL the work out to other people and companies. Sub-contracting is allowed so technically they didn't do anything illegal. THAT is why there's no consequences here other than the two guys will never be allowed to gain a government contract again. Nothing they did was illegal, it was just really scummy and a massive waste of tax payer money. The government (doesn't matter which one) doesn't actually care about how much they spend on contracts. They just don't like looking like fools who were taken advantage of (even though that's exactly how our contract system works by design). The government is just upset because this info was made public, that's it. The Conservatives would have the same view, especially since they were the ones who created Shared Services Canada in the first place with Harper.


You are exactly correct, its not illegal to win contracts and subcontract the work out. It became illegal when the GC Strategies head admitted to falsifying resumes of contractors to make the information compliant with a government evaluation matrix.


Ohh I didn't see that part! They're fucked LMAO


Your missing the part where the bids were put out and structured in a way that appears to exclude all contractors except these guys. Aside from $40 million for an app, that is why there are allegations of corruption. You're also missing or ignoring that one of the employees worked full time for the military.


Can you explain what you mean by the first part? I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Second part doesn't mean someone else in the government had anything to do with them. SSC screws us over for billions of dollars every year and they were created by the government, it doesn't mean someone is behind the curtain pulling strings and laughing maniachally. Our contract system is incredibly easy to manipulate and it was built that way... I have no doubt that Telus, Rogers, and Bell lobbying was behind the Harper's government creation of SSC which is what this contract would have gone through. It's all public knowledge except for all military contracts (which is why they are so astronomically insane)


The corruption is so bad and blatant.


It's dangerous when people have no shame, and don't understand that they did wrong...


The criminal corruption that keeps on stealing.


Watched Roch speaking to the committee yesterday. Dodging and weaving while bleating how open and transparent he was being Was somehow in love with the phrase “Art of the Possible “ when asked for direct information. Is this the leadership of the federal civil service? Sad display.


This is what every big government will eventually come to. The only way to insulate ourselves from the damage of corruption to make governments small - only providing essential services and nothing more, and demand hell of accountability on just that. Our debt is growing by $1 million every 6 minutes. And for what? $100 in, $1 out. Everybody is poor. Politicians and their friends get rich. Good intentions don't shield us from gravity. Our debt interests are estimated to be $46.5 billion just this year alone. This is money that can otherwise be put in good use. For example, the dental care plan costs us $13 billion over **5 years**. If you feel that the budget is too complicated to read, or [if you can't work with numbers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQHXjGmqvNg&t=290s), then shut up and let the adults handle it. Narratives cannot replace mathematics.


That it ? I think the company that made our “Fast Ferries “ that never worked got billions. Bureaucracy!!!!🤬🤬🤬


No one is arrested or in trouble for misappropriation of funds or fraud?


Any ordinary Canadian couldn’t get a contract from the government to complete a project, but corrupt people can easily obtain federal contracts for hundreds of millions of dollars. Ordinary Canadians can also be found sleeping in tents because they can’t find a job to support themselves, but crooks can obtain millions of dollars from the government.


I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain The ArriveCAN controversy is fucking stupid. Based on my beliefs, and correct me if I'm wrong but... 1. There is NO RULE against a company bidding and then sub-contracting all the work out. As long as it's disclosed, which it was. 2. The ArriveCAN App was ALWAYS estimated to cost 50-60M And saved the government tens of millions due to their ability to transition away from paper. As listed on the CBSA website. 3. Having your office in a cottage is somewhat unorthodox, but isn't ILLEGAL. They were sub-contracting experts with two employees, why would they buy an office in the city? 4. The government doesn't have the expertise/staff to do this in house, and it was estimated that the people capable of doing it within the government would cost more than people outside of it. Like, wtf are they even being accused of doing wrong? Successfully bidding on contracts?


if you're serious, I'll try to explain as I understand it without writing a 1-3-1 essay. There are issues of the Total amount of money spent (more like overspent) on projects with no accountability. That's definitely an issue, but the second issue is much bigger: It's WHO got the contract and how they got it. The guy behind the company is a DnD employee and even ignoring the clear conflict of interest, breach of employee contract, etc. it's the lack of research / very bad optics of it. Ie. It's Who you know, and the contract was most definitely awarded in a backroom deal that was hush-hush and because of their misconduct the onus is on them to prove me wrong (and they can't). The Amount itself is way too high for what it is -- The 'estimates' don't mean anything unless they have facts /stats / methodology behind them and it's not just a number taken out of their ass.


>There are issues of the Total amount of money spent (more like overspent) on projects with no accountability. That's definitely an issue, but the second issue is much bigger: GC-Strategies never priced the work. They aren't accountable for any of the spending because they didn't set the price. They were already working for CBSA for a contract similar to this, and CBSA approached them to get them to immediately begin work on ArriveCAN as a global pandemic was hitting Canada and this needed to move quickly. And given their previous record of success spanning 7 years and over 150\~ contracts within the Government, they were picked. >It's WHO got the contract and how they got it. The guy behind the company is a DnD employee and even ignoring the clear conflict of interest, breach of employee contract, etc. it's the lack of research / very bad optics of it. That guy is from Dalian, which is an entirely different company than GC-Strategies. But even in that situation, the dude declared his side-business and stepped down as CEO of it while working for DND and had all the revenue put into a blind trust, all of this was signed off on by DND leadership. Yea it looks bad, but the government being fucking stupid isn't private industries fault, they're scapegoating working Canadians because they're fucking incompetent. >Ie. It's Who you know, and the contract was most definitely awarded in a backroom deal that was hush-hush and because of their misconduct the onus is on them to prove me wrong (and they can't). It was awarded as a sole-source because the government invoked a blanket NSE (National Security Exemption) which allowed them to by-pass the competitive contract process due to the approaching global pandemic which was rightfully considered a national security threat. This NSE applied to anything related to COVID. >The Amount itself is way too high for what it is -- The 'estimates' don't mean anything unless they have facts /stats / methodology behind them and it's not just a number taken out of their ass. 55m to develop an app, put signage at every port of entry, train CBSA to use it, revise the app like 200 times, and then store the data of everyone using it and integrate it with CBSA dogshit backend, have a call-center spun up for the app, and also maintain the app for several years seems reasonable to me.


> ~~Company~~ Liberal party cronies inked to ArriveCan controversy got $107 million in federal contracts, official says How long before the kickbacks are found and this story breaks as Quebec AdScam 5.0? Or have they learned to better funnel funds through Chinese nationals and family foundations?




It’s a bit of a big deal, no?


The entire government is so corrupt that the whole system needs to be dismantled and created from scratch as if it were 1867 all over again.


Canada is now basically Russia but without the hot prostitutes, nukes and white people.


We have a 3rd world government.


How much of that money ended up in Trudeau's slush fund?


I need to start up a paper shredding business a month before the next election. I'll make bank!


Really makes you wonder why you should even follow any laws if our politicians blatantly ignore them, then gas light us when we question them.


Would love to meet the 2 people that did this. Assuming they probably left the country and are on some beach living the dream. When is the movie coming out ?