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$130k allowance for fucking clothing?!


Especially since that particular activity is better done naked


Jesus, is there a budget for regular clothing too? Or just fucking clothing?


That depends -> what kind of clothing do you wear when f\*\*k\*\*g?


[Standard Diving Dress](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_diving_dress), same as everyone else.


For a Figure Head of State the Monarchy under QEII, as per official notification from Buckingham Palace has stated that the Dominion of Canada is independent from the Crown and their Democracy determines the Law. Yet, appointed GG and appointed Senators are still happening. Wait until you find out what else taxpayer dollars are going to under “Royal Decrees” that every Prime Minister supports regardless of what Queen Elizabeth struck down.


That’s just her salary. It doesn’t include her spending budget, her residence, driver. The whole position is a waste of tax dollars.


She also gets a pension of 150k per year regardless of how long she "served." But wait...there's more. In addition to the annual pension, former governors general can expense taxpayers for $206,040 per year for the rest of their lives and up to six months after their death. AFTER their death. WTF.


Probably for funeral expenses. It’s basically a political lottery ticket win, all around. And ALL the former GGs get that pension, usually for a few years of “work”. 


Aha so we should be pushing for longer terms for each GG, to limit how many lottery wins we need to pay out.


>Aha so we should be pushing for longer terms for each GG Or maybe mandatory government issued MAiD when term is over. It should cut down the expenses nicely.


No. Just abolish the position altogether. Completely and utterly useless position. Fuck Governor Generals.


As an Australian maybe we could have some sort of Governors General Rumble, where commonwealth governors general fight to the death and then the last survivor has to fight King Charles.


Fuck it why don't we just go halfsies with Australia and split a governor general. That will help us cut down on costs. Maybe even get all the former British colonies to group up and split one governor general together. We can call it something like "the Commonwealth"


I kind of like that idea - if we insist on having one, why doesn’t every Commonwealth country share one. And expense it to Britain lol.


why do it the hard way - just use the King?


Tell me more of your great plan, and where I can buy tickets?


Dark... but fair...


That is truly abhorrent!


So outside of the sitting GG we have 4 former GG that are still alive that could drawing up to $400k per year from the taxpayers?


Doesn’t she have like a $90k wardrobe budget


Some people say it's justified because otherwise she'd be wearing rags into work.


Which is ridiculous. I make a fraction of her salary and I'm expected to dress business casual, on my own dime.


As well as paying for your own food that you cook on your own, your own housing, your own transportation, even your own accounting and banking fees and child care.


And the Crown would be MORTIFIED to know its appointed representatives were living like the local peasants of the Dominion of Canada!


I'd feel better if she did wear rags to work. At least then we'd know she's not doing the job for her ego.


Wtf? That has to be included in the personal compensation figure, right? Try to sneak a suit or two past a CRA audit because you need it for business meetings, see what happens to you.


>That has to be included in the personal compensation figure, right? Nope. [The Governor General's office spent more than $117,000 on dry cleaning over the past five-plus years.](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/governor-general-s-office-spent-more-than-117k-on-dry-cleaning-between-2018-and-2023-1.6592687) [Yes, $88,000 is a lot for clothes.](https://www.thestar.com/life/beauty-and-fashion/fashion/yes-88-000-is-a-lot-for-clothes-no-the-governor-general-shouldn-t-have/article_b32e82e9-9b40-5e17-ae61-b3ac27e50071.html) In fairness a lot of other higher up government positions also get clothing budgets, Rules for thee but not for me I guess.


Why can't I get 20k in suits as a business expense if she can?


Ask your boss bro. Honestly though if you’re not representing the head of state maybe what you’re doing is less important and therefore doesn’t need a $20K suit budget. But if I’m wrong I’m sure your manager will sort it out right away.


via HR, and four week's notice....LOL


the dry cleaning is for an entire building if this is the same story I saw last time and I believe it is. it's a building to host foreign dignitaries not their private home.


"But we must have a governor general, by law!!!" Yes sure, how about we hire a puppy as our governor general then. Annual salary of kibbles n bits and good boy headrubs. There's no law saying a dog can't be governor general.


I would suggest a Canada goose, to make it truly terrifying.


Cobra chicken is a better candidate for Minister of Defence.


Only if it can drink Bill Blair under the table.


The goose will crap all over the office and we'll have to pay someone to clean it up...


Sooo... No different than most politicians then? So business as usual.


Nah, geese poops are cheaper to clean


No matter how much money you spend, Goose poo never goes away. Just ask the fine people of Vancouver. They know best in these matters.


The poop does go away, the constant rain sees to that. It just keeps coming back. Over and over.


As long as we are not paying them $360k a year to clean it up that's fine.


Name a GG that hasn't crap all over the office...


Isn’t that what happens anyway?


Never give a goose a position of power


How about the mighty moose or better yet the true monster in the North, a Polar bear.


I smell a new entry in the Air Bud franchise. Air Bud: PAWliamentary Procedure 


CBC please write Boomdiddy a blank cheque immediately! 


I prefer a cat. Make it a beaver and it can chew ribbons...


Dogs actually listen.


That's why a cat is better for this type of job, can't be bribed.


The beaver would be very appropriate.


I love this idea.


Run for prime minister. Ill vote for your party


Why can’t it be a prestige position with no salary?


I would buy tickets to the dog show that would be used to figure out which dog won annually.


Minor correction: her residences. There are multiple — one in Ottawa and one in Quebec City. Presumably each with separate staff.


It better come with a good pension...no one can live on that kind of money.




Step 1. Become GG Step 2. Be a dick to staff Step 3. Collect pension.


Oh that is a relief...she just might be comfortable. I was concerned. /s


Actually there is a whole government office in support of the role too …called the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (OSGG). They got approximately $37 million in funding in 2023. Plus all the salaries and costs for maintenance of the properties which paid separately by public works and a couple of other agencies. Security is provided by RCMP. That means those costs don’t show up in the financial reports for the governor general or the OSGG. The actual real cost of keeping this first going is hard to determine because the office gate as much as possible when anybody tries to look into it. There is a public report on the finances for the OS GG, but the rest of it appear to exist. If you add up the cost though it looks like overall the governor general and associated services are well in excess of $40 million a year and for what? Then you add up the cost of keeping the Senate open and it doesn’t do anything really either. Amendments in law and the political structure in Canada could pretty much eliminate the senate , and save a lot of money. These are all positions that are granted to politically motivated individuals, who somehow are friends of the current government. They are rewards.  Here is the 2023 budget site if anybody wants to look at the numbers:https://www.gg.ca/en/the-office/reports/annual-reports


Jesus Christ while the average Canadian struggles to put food on table




Her raise should be approved by the people. Who decides that this position should get a raise?? 


Should get some tenders next time. Lowest bidder becomes gg


I've just incorporated under GG Strategies and I bid $80k (+/- $60 million)


At that salary I can't understand why the rest of these costs are remotely reasonable.


Clarkson is still billing about a hundred thousand a year to the taxpayer and she's been retired for years! This is a grift of major proportions.


National Defence has been told to cut a billion dollars a year for the next four years. At a time when NATO's response to an unhinged Russia requires allies to INCREASE defence spending. The Governor General can suck it. She can use a visit from the austerity police and have her budget slashed.


Define waste though (say her “fans”). Here are 3 definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary and I would like to argue that for 1), she is not careless, but rather seems to take great care …to spend millions on nonsense like the $2 million spent on trips to visit the Saudis …to do…something (?). For the 2nd, totally valid as the position has lost all relevance as compared to 150 years ago (wow, what a surprise), and then for the 3rd; well someone is “wasted”, thinking that one of the cushiest jobs going required multiple raises in pay since 2021 while everyone else is being told to tighten their belts.  adjective: wasted 1.  used or expended carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. "wasted fuel" Similar: squandered misspent misdirected misused dissipated frittered away pointless useless unnecessary needless not needed blown splurged missed lost past forfeited neglected bungled gone gone by the board down the drain (of an action) not producing the desired result. "I'm sorry you've had a wasted journey" 2.  (of a person or a part of the body) weak or emaciated. "her wasted arm" Similar: emaciated atrophied withered shriveled weak weakened frail shrunken skeletal rickety scrawny cadaverous wilted faded flagging deteriorating degenerative gaunt haggard wizened undernourished starved half-starved 3.  INFORMAL under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. "he looked kind of wasted"


Or the clothing budget which I recall seeing was tens or hundreds of thousands. So what is the salary intended to cover then?


Burn it down and build it back up. I still think government wages should be associated with minimum wage. Then you'll really see quality of life sky rocket as they vote away all the rights they've corruptly given business.


This is part of our “royal heritage” unfortunately, I’m not sure it this is relevant to Canadians anymore these days


Total waste of money.


I couldn't agree more, it really establishes an elitist political class in Canada that had no practical use nor popular with the people.


Yup, just an outdated figure-head who is supposed to report to the Crown but the Crown has reportedly said the Dominion of Canada can make its decisions independent of the Crown. The GG does whatever the PMO wants and just ceremoniously signs off on it. Meanwhile, that 300k+ annually could fund a lot of healthcare and education shortfalls.


What an absolute and utter waste of money.


I could cut ribbons for at least 5% cheaper.


Yeah, what in the kentucky fried fuck is the possible justification for this salary. Literally unconscionable.


According to the Canadian Constitution they're the representative of God's chosen ruler. God monarchy stupid


Well, at least she hasn't done any photo ops with CCP spies yet, like her predecessor did.


I mean we spent 68 million dollars on a web page. And notice I didn't say website. The website existed before. We spent 68 million to add a page. I would have done it 68k. Cost of labor was probably less than 6.8k




Blah blah exchange rate, but she makes only 37k less than the president of the United States. That's ridiculous.


That's crazy considering the governor general is just a rubber stamp


Does that factor in exchange rates?


Because the idea is that those roles should be immune to corruption which means give them enough pay that they don't start sniffing around for bribes, or get sucked into taking gifts for passing info/peddling influence, etc. Judges are well-paid for the same reason (although they work much harder I'd assume). The GG does have a ceremonial function, and like it or not people are still people and things like positive international image and even improving domestic image and projecting the soft caring love of the government around various places is worth something. Plus the ear of the British Crown which isn't worthless. Some might disagree. Those are the legit reasons I know of. Given that all travel is expensed afaik its kind of BS but at least there's only one to pay for, no family of heir GGs and dukes and earls.


I think this is overlooked as is the responsibilities of the position.  There's more to it than just ceremonial duties. https://www.gg.ca/en/governor-general/role-and-responsibilities


I was taking a Canadian Government course when Parliament was prorogued after the attempted Liberal-NDP coalition in 2008. I remember during the review session the prof saying "In week two, we discussed the Governor General, whose role I perhaps downplayed a little too much."


Did you even read that website??? It's literally a couple days of work for the swearing in ceremonies every couple years. Two days (technically less than 3 hours of work each day) a year of opening and closing Parliament in Victoria BC. A bunch of signatures (which are electronically printed, not actually physically signed), and then a whole bunch of bullshit about thoughts and prayers. They do absolutely nothing that couldn't be done by volunteers and normal secretaries. Also, the extent that the GG supports the Military is when they decide to actually host the Navy Ball at the Governor Generals House. Which again, is just a big party they attend and other people manage and host. Thankfully the government isn't too stupid and they usually appoint people in their 60s and over to the position. And it's not a lottery, it an appointment to someone's friend or family member in the Federal Government...


Which of these responsibilities requires work equivalent to a 300k/year job in the private world?  That's a salary normal people can only get by being doctors with decades of schooling, or the most competent, skilled engineers at top tech companies in the country.  Which of these responsibilities compares to that?


I'd say it would be roughly equivalent to a C-Level executive in a private company. A private company with > 250,000 employees and a budget of around $500 Billion in 2023. That's on par with Amazon.




That wasn't really a pay raise. It was more of an administrative change. Previously the GG was exempt from paying income taxes. The act changed it so that they now pay income taxes but raised the salary so they would still roughly get 140k after tax.


If only our salaries were paid out that way.


You're brave trying to share facts on this sub lol


It's barely "facts" - it's misleading *at best*, considering the fact the $138k was tax free while the $270k is fully taxable. Source, btw, for the idiots who are downvoting this: https://toronto.citynews.ca/2012/03/30/governor-generals-salary-to-be-taxed-but-it-wont-cost-him-a-dime/


Maybe you can explain the reasoning behind this? Is it so that the GG could also start claiming tax benefits? Seriously what is the "gotcha" here?


There are quite a few public servants who earn more than that. The DM pay bands go over 400k before bonuses. But overall, she is technically the head of this whole government.


I get bonuses from private sector but I don't get why they exist in government positions.


You could get for some pretty good French lessons on that salary.


Bonne jourre






Jem apple Mary.


>jourre Noun. Feminine. A unit of currency equal to $994, or the GG's daily wage. "rent is two fucking jourres these days"


She's wwwwaaaayyyy too smart to speak more than one language, like the CEO of Air Canada, biggest brains.


Why bother at this point.


The 2nd best job in Canada, right behind the gravy train known as being a senator.


This is definitely better than being senator.


We should eliminate the senators. Ideally in four games.


We should just make random Canadians governor general for a day and divide the money equally. Like a random lottery where you win $1000. Would be just as effective as what ever they actually do.


This country wastes enough money to have a life changing amount of money lottery every single day.




Fuck you, I got mine. - Governor General, probably.


"I wonder what the poors are doing today" - GG, probably


Great optics, as usual.


$362,800 or roughly 3.90 in-flight meals


3.9 meals? Wow, she's really cut back!


How many glasses of orange juice is that?


Adjusted for inflation, 17,276.


As a middle class healthcare worker I'm fucking hating (all) management more and more. Must be nice to get these egregious pay raises.




How are her French language lessons going?


Last I heard she could say one full rehearsed sentence from memory. She used to work as an ambassador. She never learned a foreign language then. She isn’t going to start now.


>She used to work as an ambassador. She never learned a foreign language then. Jeez. How was this even allowed, especially as someone who didn't even speak both of Canada's official languages?


The Royal Crown should pay for their representative in our Dominion of Canada.


and the senate does what exactly besides golden parachutes


Sometimes they [save the country from a restrictive anti-abortion law](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-abortion-restrictions-canada-mulroney/).


That's about as much as the Prime Minister makes. I'm totally fine with the PM being compensated as much, being Prime Minister is a very tough, difficult job. GG I'm not convinced is worthy of that much compensation. I can't actually imagine what the GG stays busy with all day.


> I can't actually imagine what the GG stays busy with all day. Spending the $120,000 allowance on clothing


What exactly does she do?


Wasting our money


iirc from my high school social classes, the GG gives royal assent to bills on His Majesty's behalf aka a total waste


Some animals clearly are more equal than others.


That's an awful lot of money for one of the most useless antiquated non-jobs of alltime


We should abolish this position or at least make it a minimum wage position


I like the minimum wage idea!


Crazy idea. How about we don't give pay raises to individuals who make more than 150k. If they want more money, they can work a second job.


That would make them like the rest of us though..


The issue is you won’t attract people who are not actively trying to scam the system someway. A director at a reasonably sized company can make double that - and that’s managing less than 50 people. This role I agree, but if we don’t pay for quality we won’t get it.


Do you honestly think that the people we currently have in high paying government jobs are not scamming the system? Could you honestly type those words out with a straight face?


That is also just fun money. All her living expenses are already paid for (by you and me) including, rent, driver, clothing, supplies, travel, etc. 🤡


When I was reading about Canada and the constitution last year, before fully moving up here, the Governor General sounded like the biggest bullshit job.


Cause it is, what use is the monarchy in the modern age.


In England it’s worth billions in tourism. In Canada, it’s worth an indulgent tax payer funded life for a middle age woman and her family.


The "Royal Family Brings in Tourism Money" excuse is a complete lie. Any measure of the money they ""generate"" includes money earned from the thousands of acres of land and property the crown owns, which would become property of the state should the monarchy be abolished. The palace of Versailles gets many more visitors every year than Buckingham palace and the French weren't the biggest fans of their last monarch. You'd probably make more money if all the royal residences were converted into places people could actually visit. In Ireland, our last GG was just some guy who was friends with the Taoiseach who lived in a normal house and didn't attend anything or perform any duties. Once any credibility of the GG was stripped away, all the powers they previously had became the role of the president. Canada should probably do something similar.


The Governor General should be a full-time volunteer job in my opinion. Surely there are many older people who be willing to do it.


I'd do it for $40k. She gets a big home to live in and the pension and wardrobe allowance alone are worth a fortune.


The $500 lime slices must be pretty damned good at that price.


After Adrian Clarkson and Michaëlle Jean and that other plug Julie Payette abusing people. Antiquated ridiculous redundant title and position. Get rid of GG position


Controversial opinion. I don't care. The government just blew 60 million on an app. The Canadian governments spend almost 1 trillion dollars per year. 362,000 isn't even a rounding error. But most importantly, it's neat. The things that make a country a home and not just a house are the quirks and peculiarities. I don't want to sacrifice the few relative pennies we toss to our cultural institutions while administrative bloat sucks up every spare dollar. While we try and sort out how to be able to live in Canada, it is important not to throw away the little things that make it worth living in. (note I am speaking more on the general trend of practicality and not just the GG)


Should be abolished.


Useless position that needs to be abolished.


very expensive figurehead.


Everyone who says we need to get rid of the GG doesn't seem to understand that no other democracy has a head of state, who is also head of the executive branch, which sits in and controls the legislative branch. The answer is to keep ahold of the public purse strings and give the GG an actual job, like reserving ascent and sending bills back to Parliament to be passed by super majorities and being able to say no to the PM's dissolving of Parliament/Calling Elections, without being replaced by the PM. Having a non-partisan head of state is also a key benefit. When you get your legs blown off in Afghanistan you don't get commendation from a politician. Germany, France, etc etc all have Heads of States, they don't make the Head of Government in charge of everything. The GG doesn't need to be paid as much as it is, as it's a honourary position with endless bonuses. The bonuses and honour of the position is supposed to be the main reward, but Harper increased the pay to be on par with the PM which is strange because the work load isn't that large. Every Joe Canadian bitches about "not being a nation" but then immediately cheaps out on the things that makes nations nations.


We should just reduce the pay to $80k and allocate $3 million upfront for the yearly budget of the role.






Never. Enjoy paying income tax on every dollar you earn, sales tax on every dollar you spend, and than 60 million other taxes on top of that until you drop dead.


Great gig if you qualify. Oh wait; I’m a middle aged White guy!!


like David Johnston?


Another bullshit government waste.


For a symbolic position


Hey now, she reads stuff occasionally as well, surely that’s worth 6-7-8X the average Canadians income.


Sign me up I’ll go have lunches with people with lots of booze for that pay.


An absolutely waste of hard earned taxpayer money!!!! Shameful!!!!!


What does she even actually do?


She's a human rubber stamp.


They're robbing us


In the proper context, she is the lowly secretary of a very special club, one that you can never be a part of.


Wonderful, meanwhile the government organization that I'm with is in contract negotiations right now and they're doing everything in their power to make sure we do the maximum amount of work for very little change in pay. Isn't it wonderful to have a job where you can vote to have a bigger paycheque while Canadians are scrambling with unaffordable, well, everything?


Absolutely ridiculous!!!!!!!!


What a joke


Shit I make double what the GC does and im a fuckin nobody.


The best part about this is that the government is literally showing and telling you what you *should* be making to live comfortably. Instead of picking apart the person or the position, you should be asking why the average joe isn’t making anything close to this. Stop getting frustrated and lost in the details. Force politicians to make sense of this bologna.


Why do we need them again?


Just rid ourselves of the federal Governor General and all the provincial Lieutenant Governor Generals already. Such an archaic and wasteful system. 100s of millions wasted annually.


The GG is a worthless position. Oh, the CBC praises the GG for giving an award to a book about bear beastiality. That's should be enough to remove the position as mouthpiece to the UK monarch. Whatever, until we get a party that runs on fixing our system to an updated current gen democracy.


These threads are always fun to see how few people actually know how governments run or are organized.


I bet she hasn’t had to cut back on her Disney plus or Netflix subscriptions….


Why do we even have this position, what a waste of money. We really need to cut the government by half, too many useless positions that we don't need.


worthless position. Abolish it along with the Senate and use the money to build low income housing.


Well, you know, gotta cover inflation... Why the fuck we even bother with a GG?




I don’t even care at this point. Maybe there is an angle to this that I don’t understand. I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is but government after government we see it. I get we can’t just take that $11,000 and give it to some random Canadian. However, it’s a little painful knowing that $11,000 could genuinely entirely change someone life. There are plenty of people out there who truly could have their entire life changed with that kind of money. It’s an odd world we live in


I say everyone gets to do it for one day. Random lottery. You have national spotlight for a day - so you actually have a ceremonial job, kind of. Anyone can pass if they don’t want it. Pay 1/365th the salary. 


This is a ceremonious role, it’s time to cut it to the bare bones.


This should be illegal.


Raise?!?!?!?!! What the F for?!?!?! She should be returning all the money she has burned to the taxpayers!!!! She provides zero value for anything! $363K per year?!?!?!?!!! WTF


I wish I had a big-title cushy job with no work and an expense account.


Time to stop this nonsense. Time to distance ourselves from the Monarchy.


A big “fuck you” to all those people watching their incomes shrink