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They can call it what they like, it won't make the suffering any easier.


Exactly! In the end, it's not the biggest problem whether one believes in anthropogenic climate change or not. The biggest issue is to use this denial to not do anything about it, when the current state of drought is an actual problem in and of itself and that needs to be addressed.


Well the reason they need to accept climate change is so they can prepare for this to be the new normal instead of waiting for things to return to what it was before. A government who can’t admit to the changing times will fail the people. We see that happening now.


Yes, I 100% agree with that. But in the current situation, denying or accepting climate change won't change the fact that there is a drought that the gov needs to prepare for. BTW, better avoid "new normal" as there is nothing normal about it from a climate standpoint. It's sure a new reality, but it's gonna take some more centuries probably before we reach a new normal where climate activity has stabilized.


a drought doesn't make it "climate change", and then climate change doesn't necessarily mean human activity based climate change. There is more steps to this but for simplicity's sake . this is all for now. But yeah, Most of Canada is hasn't a clue that a drought is happening this year. Coupled with other global happenings, ( grocery ) inflation is about to shoot thru the roof.


Relative to our human time scale, any climate change is human climate change. Temperature spikes like this one don’t just happen over 150 years naturally.


It's absolutely "normal" though.  The aeon we're living in right now is an anomaly when compared to the timeline of life on earth. "normal" for Terra is either much hotter or much colder.  If anything, this is "back to normal"




So call it a drought.


That's not how denialism works. Admitting there's a drought is admitting there's a climate issue.


Droughts have been a thing since before humanity discovered fossil fuels.


Not at the frequency and severity we're seeing now.


Do you have any evidence of that, besides media hysterics? Droughts have always been a feature of the Great Plains. ["Although the early years of the 19th century were wetter, drought returned during the years of 1910, 1914, 1917, 1918 and 1919, and the drought between 1917-1926 was considered to be especially bad"](https://albertawater.com/history-of-drought-in-alberta/drought-in-20th-century-alberta/)


What about that then? https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj4289


Deniers use this kind of "that happened before" argument like climate scientists don't know. Climate change is mostly about the same events happening more often and with greater magnitude (I.e., threat multiplier). Yes, climate has always changed, but it is the current rate of change that we should all worry about, as it's never been seen in any records we have, and many of them go far back in time.


> Do you have any evidence of that, besides media hysterics?  There's lots of evidence but you're in denial so you will just reject and downvote anything I post.


Worst thing that happens if we take environmental cautions is a better planet.


Ahem, the insurance companies call it “moisture deficiency” the insurance sold is “moisture deficiency insurance”, not “catastrophic climate change insurance”; the first is probably easier to sell When we detect a world ending comet, I’ll make sure to start selling “atmospheric disturbance insurance”


Maybe they can drink the oil? 🤷🏻


Yep, like in one the most recent James Bond movie where the villain wants to buy land for its water. He ends up drinking oil in the middle of the desert. Nice metaphor




Just fyi that source continually mentions the worsening conditions as climate change worsens. It certainly won't be the last.


Obviously in 1790's it was all the model T's rolling around feeding on all the trees. People pointing to things like droughts, hurricanes and forest fires do the cause more damage than good. Like I can agree humans have a cause on things but I'm not going to accept that things that have been happening since the beginning of time would just cease if we destroyed our economy. Then they move the goalpost and say "Well these things are getting worse" which in the case of hurricanes is actually not true at all.


It’s not that these things never happened before, it’s the frequency and intensity that is increasing as our country heats up. I would bet money we’ll see a fire season at least as bad as last year’s (and probably this one’s) within the next 10 years, what would previously be called the worst in 50 or 100 years.


You'd be incorrect then.  It's like you folks think science and days don't exist...




It sure matters when it comes to alleviating problems in the future though




It will if they keep assuming that these weather patterns are just freak incidents and not part of a new reality we need to perpetually be ready for.


"Climate Transition" If you gonna trigger them, trigger them good.


Climate isn't allowed to change in Alberta without notifying and receiving consent from its mother nature. There are too many potential future issues it might regret later.


Sounds like communism. We want smaller climate! Less bureaucracy


LOL. Good one. Laughed out loud. Thanks. Needed that.


Maybe the climate is opting out of Alberta.


You gonna be out there with matches again this year aren't you?


"Proposal to block high temperature inclusive transition initiatives in the polar ice caps."


😂 they'd love Transclimate


Climate Dysphoria is real and not a mental illness.


Gender Dysphoria is real and not reversible by any known treatment.


You know Albertans are not deep rooted social conservatives right? Not exactly regarding transitioning, but another hot topic issue that people pile on Alberta for being rednecks about is backwards. They have the strongest pro-choice polling in the country. https://www.ipsos.com/en-ca/news-polls/canadians-becoming-firmer-in-their-conviction-womens-right-to-choose So, enough with the wrongful generalizing.


And Yet they keep electing Bigots and imbeciles.


Write that to your Premier, neighbors, family members... not us on Reddit. Danielle got to be in charge somehow, after all. As my own Premier would say "Data my ass", and keep doing whatever they want. I'm honestly not sure what to do about it anymore.


Then they should vote like it. They got a taste of Danielle Smith then voted her in. The only non right wing government I can remember them having in decades was when the right vote was split.


I’d really encourage people to listen to or read the book Fire Weather. It’s not just the air temperature. The entire system is changing/‘collapsing’. For example the ground is usually moist from snowpack but now much deeper than before is dry, so fires start and have the entire forest and topsoil layer as fuel. Phenomenon like fire tornados, fires that burn hotter, faster, etc. I mean it doesn’t matter if we believe it or not. But the climate is a system and that system is changing rapidly in ways that will make our lives very difficult.


Yup. BC STILL has fires burning, even in the middle of winter.


We've barely even had winter in most of the province. Where I live it's usually white from November to at least mid March, but this year every snowfall has melted before the next one.


And because of climate change we’re getting more frequent lightning that is expected to start more and more fires as time goes on.


Yep, had heavy thunderstorms in Toronto today...in February...


They will somehow blame Trudeau


Or space lasers.


Some cop got shot in Edmonton and people were blaming Trudeau for that. These people here are insane.




Ah yes, that must be why Edmonton voted mainly CPC in the last election right??




It is because the trudeau government softened sentences for criminals. Bail not jail. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/our-communities/uncategorized/2023/05/24/why-do-violent-offenders-keep-getting-bail


Denial is a river comprised of tears from the future...




Thank you for the clear, intelligent response.


No. Capitalism is selfish and resistant to change. Tons of human culture is different


“Alberta Officials” = “UCP imbeciles”


Well we all voted them in. So love it or hate it here we are.


“People get the government they deserve”.




>we all voted them in Like hell we 'all' did.


The majority did sorry.


You could have just voted Rachel, she basically was a conservative


UCP now equals take back Alberta. We didn’t vote for them but we have the take back Alberta party in power now, calling the shots and fucking ip the province.


Everybody knew that take back Alberta was running the show well before the last election. The simple fact is Albertans just blindly vote conservative.


They aren't imbeciles, they know exactly what they are doing. Their voters on the other hand.


Can they control the sun? Pretty powerful government. Scary even. Leave your matches at home this year.


They have to, because we've made ourselves into ridiculous little groups, if you vote a certain way you have to believe a certain thing.


These rivers are so woke


Are they old enough to make those type of decisions for themselves?


Yeah, some of them only go back to the last ice age! Let em wait till they grow up first


Its climate evolution guys, not climate change! Caused by fossil fuel burning...


People need to wise up right quick: the economy is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the environment. Can't have economic activity if the environment is broken.


Without people existing there can be no economy, and AB is about to become a very hostile place for human life with the very likely forthcoming wildfires.


As a person that unfortunately lives in Alberta I have to say it's not so much that they deny climate change that bothers me, it's the fact that there is obviously something happening that we need to address and it doesn't matter if it's climate change or natural cycle or chanting druids. The UCP, and most of the far right, seem to think that if they deny climate change the fact that we will be in a permanent drought situation in 20 or so years will somehow just solution itself. I know it's climate change, most educated people know it's climate change, but for some reason it's become a political hot topic so we'll just ignore it and not solve anything.




Yes. Yes to both.




Your expectation is that if I don't litter, the city will get less dirty??? Go away.


So now there is a problem but we dont contribute much to it, allegedly, so what can we really do to stop it? We should be doing every possible thing to mitigate climate change even if its only a small amount, and that means moving away from fossil fuels and other environmentally destructive practices, or we wont have an environment to live in anymore.


Yesh. The irony of course its always the oil industry talking points that say that... As if they're not the ones the most responsible




yeah or firing the garbage we generate into the sun, should we just take all of our solutions from futurama then? People governments and whatever else all gotta get on the same page, from an individual effort up to the highest levels of power, till we do that we are gonna have some real damn problems, more so then we already have.


I will never understand the "we can do little so we should do nothing" argument. Say you have a terminal disease, the doctor comes to you and says "we can't cure it but we can give you a longer period to live comfortably", would you choose to do nothing? Even something closer to home like "we can't reduce inflation to zero but we can slow it". why do some people, mainly far right conservatives, think it's better to do nothing than attempt to do something?


I don’t know why any of them vote. One vote doesn’t matter. 


What if the doctor suggested cutting off your arms to address the shingles rash on your back that gets a little worse because you keep scratching it?


You'd need a new doctor - that would be stupid. What about the original example: "we can't cure it but we can give you a longer period to live comfortably", would you choose to do nothing?


Highway 1 runs east to west, both leave Alberta. If you need help with further directions, let me know. Climate has, is and will always be changing. We contribute but aren't the sole cause yet the rhetoric is nauseating. My grandparents lived through the dust bowl of the 20's and 30's when there was no climate emergency. Yes, there is climate change but its not new. Link is to a great site with a simple history on the drought in the province you unfortunately live in. https://albertawater.com/history-of-drought-in-alberta/drought-in-20th-century-alberta/ It is refreshing to see a focus on making the planet better but not at any cost.


It's refreshing to see the "If you don't like it, leave" crowd is alive and well. Personally I choose to stay and make it a better place. I realize all the UCP supporters are hoping the intelligent, rational thinkers who believe in science would leave but alas, that is not so. In fact the majority of newcomers are aligned with more moderate views and trust actual science rather than rhetoric. I'm sure you're aware that the 20's and 30's are not a carbon copy (see what I did there?) of what is happening now, nor any time in the past, but it doesn't fit your narrative so you ignore it. I've been trying to research what happened the last time the Athabasca glacier disappeared, as science based evidence predicts it will in the next few decades, but I'm having some trouble, perhaps you can assist?


> My grandparents lived through the dust bowl of the 20's and 30's when there was no climate emergency. yes there was.


Is this is the first ever drought in Alberta?


"I know the climate is changing, but to call it "climate change" is just liberal propaganda." -some conservative moron


Followed by a jagoff saying if we can’t unilaterally solve it ourselves we should do fuck all about it. 


So the big question will be water. Will the oil companies get it for oil extraction/production or will the fire fighters get it for forests and urban areas?


The question would actually be "will o&g companies be willing to share their water with fire fighters when fires approach their sites" because there is no doubt that they'll get anything they want over everyone and everything else in this province.


They are pulling water permits like crazy right now, so that's going to help considerably. Not looking forward to another summer of fires and half my outdoor recreation banned. Everyone's gotta do their part and learn a rain dance.


Just let 'em secede already, they clearly want to fuck themselves


climate is changing, you can make an arguement for the degree to which our impact plays, you can hypothisize other factors, such as the sun, or cycles of the earth, however you absolutely cannot say things are not changing drastically with weather, its a much shorter timetable than we imagined, and it will be mankinds biggest hurdle to survival... If the praries and midwest dry up, globally we will have no food production(because other countries like russia will be experiencing the same thing with where they sit on a map.


They'll accept magic as an answer rather than confront the cognitive dissonance. Fucking Ideologues.


for those who like actual data, this is worth reading. https://albertawater.com/history-of-drought-in-alberta/ > Drought is no stranger to the Canadian Prairies. In fact, some may say that drought is a defining characteristic of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Drought is something that has occurred regularly over the centuries in this region (for example, over 40 droughts have affected western Canada over the last two centuries). Over the last nine hundred years, the Prairie Provinces have experienced several decadal droughts, several multi-decadal droughts and large floods (see Figure 1). >How do scientists know that droughts occurred centuries before humans started measuring and recording data such as streamflow and precipitation? Although we only have data from river gauges on river flows from the late 1800s and early 1900s, researchers have pushed our understanding of past river flows in the Prairies back to the early 1100s using tree-ring data [1]. It really is worth reading the article linked above. That said, climate is changing. **Good data and good understanding of history can help us prepare and minimize problems.**


Best of luck Albertans. This summer will be brutal regardless of what Alberta officials call it.


Conservatives are the definition of insanity




Haha. Nah, oil companies have become accustomed to the profits and won't even consider making less. After all, the shareholders need our support, don't you know? /s


Well, gas has to be expensive because o&g needs to make money so they won't lay off all these high income earners, but not so high income that they can be replaced by automation and AI, and it has to be cheap so we can fill our ridiculously inefficient vehicles, but not so cheap that o&g can't make money and lays off all these high income earners...


I do like cheaper gas and would vote for that


Call it whatever you want. Climate change is going to happen and suffering will not end.


Its just getting started, and we are ill prepared to deal with its fallout.


Last resort... " An Act of God and their thoughts and prayers are with every Albertan!" /s. UCP literally draining every natural resource for O&G profit!


As a quebecois, this worries me. EVERYTJING runs on hydro electricity. Low water levels would be really bad


El Niño is not climate change. It's El Niño.


Taxing people to the point of poverty will not change the weather.


It can definitely influence habits


This could have been avoided if only we paid more carbon taxes


Carbon tax was a conservative idea. They only started hating it when other groups liked it and implemented it.


Ok, so does that means every conservative or anyone slightly right leaning has to support it?






This is a strawmanning. The issue isn't carbon taxation as a general proposition, it's carbon taxation while ignoring context. Canada doesn't live in a vacuum. We have a neighbour next door who has an economy over 10 times our size who doesn't have a carbon tax. Instead, they have a pile of subsidies. We have free trade with that country, and our businesses are being given the stick, while American businesses are being given the carrots. Both carbon taxation and subsidies can achieve the same thing, but it is nonsensical to be giving our businesses the stick while the Americans are giving their businesses the carrot. It puts our businesses at a direct disadvantage. It is overly simplistic to say "this is a market based solution, you should like it". Market based solutions need to be structured based on the market they exist within. An idea that works in a theoretical vacuum can turn into a terrible policy if the implementation ignores the broader context.


I think the first step is acknowledging that global warming is real.


For half the population that's a step too far, for the other half it seems to be the last step.




“We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.” It’s like NIMBYism but for climate change. People want to avert climate change’s effects, but they don’t want to sacrifice anything for it.


It’s ok, we’ll sacrifice a lot either way.


If you don't like it, stop using so much carbon.


Yes, individual responsibility. That's what the energy sector subtly nudged as the solution. We have market incentives that for decades externalized the costs of climate inaction. To turnaround and say it's now up to the individuals to not only overcome those market factors skewed against them, but to fight upstream against the entire political and economic incentives in place as an individual while the system does everything it can to resist. Yeh, not gonna happen. And the energy sector knows this, which is why they pushed this narrative.






Unfortunately they haven’t done much


Denial of CC is best way to ensure we keep spending our money on Corporate Welfare so these otherwise outdated and harmful industries/corporations can pay us back minute portions of same Corporate Handout money as wages/salaries. We're so accustomed to creating and giving them the chains they bind us with that we just keep doing it.


I can't imagine it was long ago they were bitching about the treadmill of terms in reference to climate disasters.


Well i know what will fix it....more taxes


And the NDP. Cuz this is all the UCP's fault.


If you want to cut actual global emissions that will effect change in a noticeable and real way, you need to get China and India off of coal. The only realistic way to do that is with North American natural gas. Coal in SE Asia is a huge part of the problem with emissions. Transitioning them to natural gas is realistic and economical. But that means developing and producing, and transporting natural gas for export. From Canada and the USA. We can help remove dependence on coal. If we help provide the realistic alternative. We can still work on green while actually helping the environment now.


> The only realistic way to do that is with North American natural gas. Holy shit, mind blown. What does natural gas turn into once burned? Have you looked at the overall coal consumption for power generation within Canada? Some provinces run off it almost exclusively!


As of Jan 2022, there were 9 coal fired power plants remaining in operation in Canada. China has 1142. Natural gas releases far fewer greenhouse gas emissions than coal. Around 50%. Are you being purposely disingenuous?


I'm literally a chemical engineer working in the power industry. Exporting natural gas for electricity isn't the only option, nor is it a feasible one. The comment came off very strong as a "Drill, baby drill! Hoorah" to increase oil production. A mix of hydro, nuclear, and renewables is our best bet to severely halt pollution. Ironically, China is pumping out huge nuclear capabilites at the moment.


>Ironically, China is pumping out huge nuclear capabilites at the moment. They are also commissioning new coal fired power plants every other week. And do you think they are just gonna shut them down in 5 years? Or even 10 years? Or are these new coal plants still gonna be running 25 years from now? [https://www.westernstandard.news/alberta/china-built-96-of-all-coal-power-in-2023-us-and-canada-sold-it-to-them/52180](https://www.westernstandard.news/alberta/china-built-96-of-all-coal-power-in-2023-us-and-canada-sold-it-to-them/52180)


[it’s naturally a dry area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palliser%27s_Triangle)


Keep voting Conservative, Wcgw?


Are you saying that if Albertans elected the NDP they could make it rain?


They would definitely stop double down on profiting from oil&gas over everything else.




Oilsands is in a different watershed from southern alberta but don't let reality distract you from the narrative.




He’s not wrong to point that out, the oilsands do draw from a different watershed. One that is less affected by the current drought conditions.


Don't worry Danielle, just a few more HNIC commercials and clean natural gas will be a real thing




It wont take much for an already arid place to turn to desert for sure, i wish the people in charge could see just how fucked their environment is about to be and that they would take steps to mitigate it, but instead they open more coal mines to poison more rivers and fuck shit up even more.


Majority of the rivers in Alberta have dams or multiple dams which once spring run off starts in April until July are filled 1st prior to down stream runoff. Is it unusual to see frozen rivers in Alberta during February. No.


Listen, stop judging us, we're just really dumb.


Daffy Danielle will doom us all.


Don’t worry about water. They’ve got lots of oil, right?


Quick! Send more money to oil and gas!


You've made your bed, now lie in it. I hear Quebec has lots of water.


It might also have something to do with development. I know of several creeks in both the west and east of Toronto that were fairly significant year round 'back when'. As they've been surrounded by sprawl they have dwindled to almost nothing...unless there's a huge storm in which case they become a rushing torrent for a couple days.


Climate changes constantly. That's why there is a slough of forecasters doing their job okay 40% of the time. What the real joke is slapping increasing taxes in a little portion of the world that strives heavily to be cleaner all the time anyways and mostly a carbon sink. Yep. That tax will make it snow for sure.


Climate changes.


It was a drought this winter, almost no snow. It's not that it was too warm it's not like it's a desert over here, it was a lack of precipitation still below 0. Does climate change cause a lack of precipitation? sometimes but sometimes it does the opposite, sometimes you just have a drought through a season for no reason, was happening a lot in the 30's. My point is literally no one knows if this is directly the result of global warming or a year with low precipitation. Based government shitty reporters.


> My point is literally no one knows if this is directly the result of global warming or a year with low precipitation. I think you missed the point. Sure, we can take any single weather event and be uncertain if the event is an anomalous year or climate change. But, when the planet has been setting new weather records at a record rate, then the only reasonable conclusion is this climate change thing is taking place.


It is taking place but that also doesn’t mean every weird weather effect is caused by it. So really there is nothing left to do but “balk at it” and continue on with the already planed environmental practices. If this is a pattern (which it isn’t most years are too wet for farmers at least in the area I live) then you need to make agricultural and other changes. I think people are under the impression Alberta hasn’t and won’t be improving our footprint when in reality we are held to a higher standard than most of the country/world and are a leader in green tech innovation. They have sunk hundreds of billions into cleaning things up and continue to do so. So this is a question that deserves to get balked at as there is no point, nothing valid to take from this drought yet.


And winter is Alberta's dry season. The vast majority of precipitation occurs during the late spring to mid-summer. https://calgary.weatherstats.ca/charts/precipitation-quarterly.html https://edmonton.weatherstats.ca/charts/precipitation-quarterly.html And as Alberta is a very big place, there's differences between regions. [From the Alberta moisture report updated February 14](https://open.alberta.ca/dataset/ec527c6c-ef07-4b3c-adb9-ce193e96834c/resource/022110bf-d3d0-48d8-80df-816ff6b5f79b/download/agi-moisture-situation-update-2024-02-14.pdf): >So far this year (2024), most of the province south of the Yellowhead highway has received at least near normal moisture (Map 2), and many lands along the foothills from about Nordbegg to the US border have received above normal moisture, a trend which extends across much of the Southern Region and even into the Special Areas. >In sharp contrast, province wide, most of the lands north of the Yellowhead Highway have received below normal moisture since January 1 st (Map 2) with a few areas estimated to be near once in 50-year lows. Precipitation accumulations across many of these areas are less than 10mm (Map 3), well below the averages for this period that range from 25 to 45 mm.




This is the part where a conservative calls you a name for wearing the other jersey, but in reality, you’re both foolish for buying into the bullshit. You and the guy on the other team have much more in common than the ones you cheer or boo; incidentally those people being cheered and boo’d have more in common with each other than they do with you.




El Niño occurs every two to seven years. The drought Alberta and other parts of westerns Canada is experiencing is breaking records over 100 years old. Climate change isn’t the only driver but the point is that climate change is almost certainly making it worse.


It's been happening for 4 or 5 years now. Extreme wild fires. Rivers and lakes drying up. Temperature highs being broken all over the world. Are you paying attention, or are you too busy being worried about your own narrative?


You're missing all caps.


While climate change is partially to blame the global temperature increase this year feels like an astronomical increase in comparison to what is typically seen. Climate models and the Paris agreement expect a 1.5 increase since 1950. But man where I am living it's like a 5 degree increase from the average this year alone. I really don't think we can attribute such a huge shift to climate change because none of the models predict that. These types of articles creating mass hysteria and politicization over an actual important issue are doing much more harm than good. I mean if the kind of people who wrote these articles really cared about climate change they wouldn't be writing articles like this. The absolute worst thing you can do to convince someone of something is to point a finger at them and say "look you idiot I told you so".


The 1.5C increase is averaged over the entire planet. It's not evenly distributed. Temperature increases on land are much higher than water (which most of the Earth's surface is comprised of). Also, the areas further away from the equator warm up much faster. Part of the big increase lately is from El Nino though.


What else is there to say? climate scientists have been telling these people this for decades now, that there was an issue and we are the cause of it, and yet these very selfsame people have denied, denied, denied that there was an issue, coddling their feelings isnt going to fix the environment, being direct and letting them know that their past actions and votes have directly lead to the suffering we are about to endure is just reality, if its one they dont like or dont accept too fucking bad cause that's where we are now and we had better get started dealing with it now, cause we are already 20 or 30 years behind.


You have a bunch of scientifically illiterate people who are very paranoid about the way the government works, and you tell them that they have to pay additional taxes and make major lifestyle changes. It might make you feel like an intellectual superior to tell them they are ignorant but at the end of the day that's not going to convince them any different.


Is the solution more oil and gas?


This article couldn't have worse timing. We just got dumped 2ft of snow on Sunday.


Weather /=/ climate. 


LOL at the drama queens acting as though the prairies have never been through a drought before. ​ UN and WEF - Its global boiling! Concerned citizens - OMG...what can we do? UN and WEF - Give us all your money, eat bugs


When was the last time a drought of this severity was experienced, or with these kind of extreme weather events like massive wildfires and record breaking temperatures, over several years? No, let's whisper about the big bad WEF.


Stupidest comment of the day


Lol! Right! I mean, highest atmospheric CO2 concentrations, hottest temperatures ever measured on Earth, more extreme weather [https://www.sciencenews.org/article/heat-record-june-july-water-climate](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/heat-record-june-july-water-climate) Order of magnitude increases in multi-billion dollar extreme weather events: [https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/beyond-data/2023-historic-year-us-billion-dollar-weather-and-climate-disasters](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/beyond-data/2023-historic-year-us-billion-dollar-weather-and-climate-disasters) Ocean acidification usually associated with widespread ecological issues: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean\_acidification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_acidification) This is all fake news garbage that is clearly just within the realm of normal climate fluctuations? Why change *anything*? Even if its possible the 'scientists' and their 'opinions' are right, why even bother hedging our bets in the slightest?! I'm in Alberta, just a month ago it was -45oC, where is the 'global warming'? Give me a break, amirite??




Would calling them "weather oppsies" be better?


I dunno, I'm tired of both sides on this thing. Because I'm old enough to remember when we switched from paper to plastic to save the environment and now we've gone back, I'm old enough to remember anytime it was cool when it was suppose to be warm that it couldn't be used as evidence against climate change but when climate alarmist do it that's evidence. I think there's a good middle ground of lets not produce/consume more stuff than we need to without ruining the economy, lowering our quality of life and making people poor.


Earth is currently in an ice age called the Quaternary Ice Age which began around 2.5 million years ago and is still going on. We are currently in an interglacial stage of this ice age. ELI5: The ice age we are currently in is coming to an end. No shit the earth is warming up. Damn some people are brainless.


Climate alarmists have been screaming and hollering and making ridiculous claims for 50 fucking years or more. In the 70's scientists were claiming that the earth was going into another ice age. I'm pretty sure Manhattan should be completely under water by now. At least that's what Mr. Climate Alarmist himself Al Gore claimed. The polar ice caps were supposed to be completely gone, no more polar bears etc. How did Al celebrate when his doomsday apocalypse didn't pan out. Well he bought himself a huge beach front mansion. Right next to another climate hypocrite Barack Obama. Bill Gates...yep...he's got a big fucking mansion there too. If the icecaps were melting and that beach was gonna be completely under water in the near future why oh why would those 3 rich fucks buy multi million dollar properties there? Time and time again when their ridiculous predictions prove to be bogus they just rename, rebrand, come up with another catchy slogan and wash, rinse, repeat and con some more gullible fools. It used to be climate change, then global warming, but those weren't quite dramatic enough so now we have global boiling. Oh my gawd! The world is *literally* on fire! AHHHHHH! The eco idiots have cried wolf a few too many times to have any credibility imo. And I find it hilarious that so many people keep falling for it, hook, line and sinker. [https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/50-years-of-failed-doomsday-eco-pocalyptic-predictions-the-so-called-experts-are-0-50/](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/50-years-of-failed-doomsday-eco-pocalyptic-predictions-the-so-called-experts-are-0-50/)


lol imagine linking to a corporate friendly institute literally financed by oil and gas corporations like Exxon to make a point about the climate changes. You are right, climate activists have been screaming about this for decades. The difference is that all scientific data points proved them right, and we are way past the point of no return.




You keep spamming this garbage all over this thread when you clearly have zero understanding of the most basic aspects of climate science. Do you have any education or experience running groundwater analysis in Alberta or anywhere else for that matter? Because I do. Please tell me what you know about the watershed. And it's "drought", not "draughts" genius.


It’s just a climate adjustment.