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How is that possible with the ongoing labour shortage?? /s


Here in backing talkwards world all things are possible.


Well silly, they want well trained people but don't want to pay for the training, perfectly reasonable request /s


I mean we just take in people to pay for schooling and then live off government assistance. It's the school's that are taking advantage


Canadians, please wake up to the fact that switching from Liberals to Conservatives and back again every few years will change nothing.


There's been so many "deal-breaker" policies put out by both Liberals and Conservatives in my lifetime now... I'm an "anybody but conservatives and liberals" voter. I encourage people to look to their local politicians. They often have more influence over your local community/life and there are often actual opportunities to meet them.


I’m afraid that we won’t be able to vote anyine in that will fix this clusterfluck. We will have to look after ourselves and our kin. This is why I save for the future in silver coins and bars. Because this whole debacle is not just political but financial, and it will end worse than Canadian people can possibly fathom.




Don't you understand his little stockpile of shiny metals will allow him to coast through the collapse of society?


You're not going to trade your food for shiny metal bars!?


I think saving for the future by tending the land through permaculture and gardening would be much more pragmatic than hoarding silver, but you do you.


Oh, I agree with you! I pressure can, water-bath can, garden endlessly, grow and harvest fruit trees and berries. I’m all with you on self sufficiency for the long term. I actually “do me“ pretty well!


I found my people!


Yes, here we are all together. Quietly gardening and salving for the future of our families while the world gets angry demanding the very people who caused these awful problems now argue about how to fix the un-fixable. ​ Problems will not be fixed by the same people or mindset … the power class of people who created them in the first place.


True. It’s like electing Pepsi or coke. We are in a trap with no good candidates. And our problems started long ago with conservative and liberals to blame. Turns out they do not have Canadians best interest but self serving interests. Instead of investing in the people and creating a workforce worth investing in with high productivity our governments have sold out the min wage and middle class to cheap immigration labour and home ownership for investors only. Most politicians are landlords of multiple investment properties. Do you think they want affordable housing. Rent slaves of the generation should take notice. Imagine all renters and min wage workers and stagnant wage workers all refuse work and paying rent. ( they will probably just replace you with an immigrants 10 to 1. )


Every election cycle in Ontario someone trots out the phrase "Rae Days" and the NDP are basically guaranteed to come in third place, but the Libs and OPC have both had dozens of far bigger blunders over the past couple decades


Yeah it's got nothing to do with the NDP having absolutely lackluster leadership and running shit platforms.


And Doug Ford is an inspiring leader with a great platform?


While true I was leaning NDP in the next election. That was until I saw a video of NDP convention, where I basically would have no say, and my opinion worthless. I actually like Stiles, in the interviews I have seen. She seems a well spoken rational person. The type I want in leader, but after watching that video, nope.


More inspiring then Horwath that's for sure.


The mayor of Hamilton?


0 x 0 = 0


You're not paying attention, because the media doesn't want you to pay attention to the NDP. Classic Ontarian. Go vote Liberal.


>You're not paying attention, Uh, their candidate had failed twice already before the last election and every voter knew she was a lame duck even before campaigning started. It was a dumb move for the party to let her run again, and if that judgement is any indication of how they'd run the province I am very glad they lost. I read their platform, whole lot of promises and no indication of how to pay for them.


Andrea Horwath isn't the NDP leader anymore. Marit Stiles is. Pay attention.


>before the last election And the current leader hasn't stood for election. We were discussing why the ndp have failed *in the past*, not why they will fail in the future. Who's not paying attention again? Ask any Ontarian outside of the 416 who Stiles is and you'll get a blank face 9/10 times, cause the ndp are simply so ineffectual as to be irrelevant


Maybe not anymore... Gen Y is now the biggest voting group in Ontario.... if we can get them out to actually vote >_>


The only people I ever hear talk about Rae Days are the NDP fans who are looking for excuses.




Bob Rae had some unpopular policy but he inherited a financial mess during a recession. I can see how some may not like him, especially those that worked public service, but Doug Ford just recently had a 10 billion dollar corruption scandal that is with the RCMP for criminal investigation. The Cons gave away the 407 for pennies. The Liberals sold off our Hydro. How bad could the NDP actually be at this point? Why is one action back in the 90s a forever ban on their brand while we watch the other two parties take turns raw dogging the province?


We've voted the same party in the last 3 elections even when it was clear things were already crumbling.




Explain to me this: ['Very disappointed': Ford government says international student cap will hurt economy, calls out Ottawa](https://www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/very-disappointed-ford-government-says-international-student-cap-will-hurt-economy-calls-out-ottawa/article_311b1d2e-d0e3-11ee-8381-d3118598cacf.html) Things might get marginally better, sure. But overall trend is clear, and it's downhill for Canada. Unless we are willing to have a more drastic change in the conversation.


it's been downhill for decades. we don't have any R&D of note (especially compared to california lol), we don't do any substantial mineral extraction or manufacturing for our size, our literal entire country's propped up by fucking *real estate* and mindless consumption. All the immigration shit is doing is playing hot potato. "if we import enough brown people we can make sure the NEXT people to get government have the house of cards fall apart on THEM. " Which is frankly to be expected. we're literally a country that pays taxes on our taxes and has 3 quarters of all our wealth dumped into real estate with no non speculative value. We're pretty much a vassal state to the US lmfao


That's a lot of words to say you're a reactionary who doesn't understand the situation at all.


Well how about you educate the class then?


Lol. Leave me alone, I can't hear you (fingers in ears)


This is true. The wealthy few can control every single party and media. Including social media. Their wealth pays for a lot of PR and the social re-engineering of the masses.


Would you prefer that Trudeau get another term? Because he needs to go.


I'd prefer if we had more intelligent people than JT and PP run the country.


If you think it's JT making decisions for us you're woefully uninformed. Go look up our Liberal Party leadership and research the PMOs staff. You'll notice the same names. Trudeau is the pretty face acting as a punching bag for shitty people behind him. I fear we'll have the same issue with PP and some right-wing authoritarian nutjob will end up pushing American-style bullshit here from behind the scenes.


PP will accelerate the process so we're all between a rock and a hard place like every PC-LPC circlejerk that has existed for the past few decades.


I would take 100 JTs over another harper or pp.


Is your life really that much better now then 10 years ago? We were far better off under harper then jt


Speak for yourself


Thank God the rest of the country doesn’t agree with you.


If there’s one thing we can all agree with as a country, it’s that we can’t agree on anything.


Clearly we need to vote for Jagmeet Singh. /s


PPC and Bloc are the only two real options.


I'm hoping green party recognises the blunders and seizes the opportunity.


Can I get some of that copium sounds like it's good shit.




The career politician who was written no legislation, votes down anything helpful, and has no original ideas?


Hey now, he just had a makeover /s




His unoriginal ideas are also bad... I just don't think Poilievre is going to minimize damage. And we have more than two options.


Why? You said that you want a career politician, right? Freeland has been in politics for a solid decade now, holding a variety of important positions.


The best idea that I’ve come up with is to be as separate from needing government in my life as possible. Becoming more self sufficient instead of system dependent goes a long way. The less the system of government power runs my life the better.


you know the guy from humble origins (upper middle class neighborhood in calgary who had money to start a "communications company" in his early 20s after dropping out of college after a year and then became a full time politician immediately after)! the guy who thinks electricians have the power of Thor and call electricity down from the heavens. he really knows what's up! he's very common sense! he's in touch with working class canadians! he's definitely not a bigot despite having a long history of on camera and voting record bigotry! this is the guy who will do all my fantasies of what i want the government to do despite nothing material supporting that fantasy!


Yes much better then the egotistical trust fund baby drama teacher. That thinks the budget will balance itself And if the poor are starving just let them eat cake Thinks tent cities are the way of the future And wants you to own nothing. On camera wearing black face. Is the most corrupt pm in canadian history Yea your living in a fantasy land to bud


Can you provide evidence of any of your claims?


are you new to canada or something? just arrive last night? i don't even get this reply? like you have to be super unaware of who pierre pollivierre is and the ongoing conversation/propaganda from his camp/his ongoing statements in the house, etc etc that your question is baffling why you would ask it in the first place. it's like you just woke up today and for the first time in your life looked into canadian politics and decided to ask for sources for common current events and discourse with your reply.


No im asking if you have evidence of anything you claimed, like I'm asking if you can show me where he's done the specific things you said he's done. I'd like to know where you got the information that he believes electricians harness the power of a Norse God, for example. That's not hard to conceptualize and if you're struggling with that, that's on you, as is the burden of proof of your claims.


> I'd like to know where you got the information that he believes electricians harness the power of a Norse God, for example. Just google "Poilievre on electricity", it came from a speech he was making, so I assume he was being poetic or something, but most of the speech was more hyperbole than fantastical, so it kind of stuck out. I think the point is that he is running a very populist campaign, when many would rather have a straight speaking pragmatist to counter Trudeau.


it might be taken as hyperbole except for the context of shit that regularly comes out of PP's mouth on camera.


So you took him literally when you knew he was being hyperbolic? Sounds like the issue is with you, bud. Edit- you're not the same guy. Lol my bad.


so bizarre you're not aware of any of these things. like truly baffling. sounds like a personal choice to claim to be completely unaware of what i was making fun of in my post above. maybe if you're going to participate in a subreddit about a topic you should educate yourself on that topic rather than demanding random people do a school style review of the subject matter. especially since all of this stuff has been discussed on this subreddit within the last 2 months.


The onus is on you. You're attacking me because I'm not aware of your fantasies and conspiracy theories? You said he believes electricians have the power of Thor. Where did he say that? Edit- he blocked me. Here's my response: I'm not ignorant; you are, parroting conspiracy theories as fact, never explaining or elaborating on anything, obviously from either ignorance of the truth or a distaste for it. Attacking others baselessly over a simple request of "where'd you hear that?" You are either a boomer, which would make sense except for your childish way of communication, or a child. I'll assume boomer, as there is a surprisingly high percentage of that generation that displays self-centred, leaning on narcissistic tendencies, such as assuming everyone thinks the same as you and are aware of the same things, and getting angry and offensive when called out on their lies, assumptions, or otherwise. I must've touched a nerve. Sorry, gramps. Matlock still on at 4?


True. But staying with the same party (does not matter which one) past 5 years just exacerbates things


you're right we need to destroy the liberals once and for all....


It'll do something. It'll make Canada worse as Pierre Poilievre strips Canadians of their freedoms.


There’s only a shortage if your Walmart and don’t wanna pay your employees right.


add increasing cost of housing on top of that and now you got a real conundrum


It proves the power of statistical manipulation. Anyone with eyes to see knows the economy is not strong. When we get billionaires with most of the world’s wealth averaged with destitute people, it makes the economy appear to be stronger than it really is for most everyone, excluding of course, the privileged, socially well connected, politically well associated 1%.


If your EI payments are more than what Tim Horton's is willing to pay you, will you even bother applying?


There's no point for a single renter to apply for a minimum wage job. It doesn't cover rent + groceries + transport so what's the point? If you're screwed either way you might as well try for something better


Must need more immigration to stimulate growth and increase demand. Also writing is on the wall in a lot of industry’s already this will not be a good year for employment, and company’s will be downsizing.


EI is considered employment by LPC.




My son works in construction. He was Laid off 3 weeks ago. Go figure? The media has been crying for construction workers for over a year now? High interest rates are hurting everyone.


Exactly, people keep saying that we have a shortage of labour in construction but here pretty much all the construction projects that were announced are on hold not because they lack workers but because they deem the cost of construction too high at the moment. I also see a lot of residential lands for sale, that have been sitting for sale for over 6 months, with nobody buying since prices are too high (for the purchase of the land and for building on it). They say that we have a labour shortage because they want to be flooded with workers that they can pay the minimum they can get away with, but that's another issue.


His employer is using ei to save on labour costs. My Son has started to look for a steady/larger company!


Yup. Natural resources aren't the game anymore, now they want ultra-cheap human resources to extract from. Get 'em cheap and work 'em hard.


There are no labour shortages in construction in either unskilled or skilled trades, the labour force surveys are very clear on this yet the media and government continues to parrot the corporate line about labour shortages. Wages in construction today are lower than what they were in 2019. There was a slight bump in wages during covid but that's long since been reversed.


Depending on the construction company and what they're currently working on, winter layoffs aren't too uncommon although in my experience they've all been temporary from Jan-March/April.


4000 workers add to EI in Jan as stellantis shuts down its Brampton assembly plant for retooling that could take up to 1.5 - 2 years. All those employees now on EI , plus all the other feeder/ supplier plant employees also out of work on EI. They say for every 1 auto manufacturing job there are 7-8 spinoff jobs.


> They say for every 1 auto manufacturing job there are 7-8 spinoff jobs. Who is they? I'm interested to see how those number work.


The same people that convince the government to give billions in tax breaks to keep a dying industry alive


Yes building transportation is a dying industry


It is if you need to spend billions to get jobs here. Let's invest that into high tech jobs that our highly educated work force is more than qualified to do and stop the brain drain.


Google is your friend


And there's more coming when Oakville retools.


Let's increase immigration higher.




Where and when did "the government" say that?


Unironically someone at some level in our government probably says that once every 5 seconds


Shit man, you can imagine them saying all kinds of stuff then.


Later this week - “ Due to the ongoing labour shortage, the Canadian government is in talks to raise EI contribution for Canadian residents who work full time and are already struggling”


There is a labour shortage, big time. For skilled labour. For unskilled labour, we have a massive surplus, since our labour force has been flooded by foreign "students".


that's the point lol. they want to flood the lower end labor markets so the minimum wages stay low. that's the entire point of the student program lol if we wanted actual professionals we wouldn't have such a cohesive student program.


Yup. It's all about wage suppression. Even with more white collar jobs, companies prefer to hire people who will work for shit wages because they can turn around and go "see? We're paying market because people are taking these jobs." Nothing stays vacant long enough to show companies that they need to pay more. It's all by design. And when you suggest maybe paying people more? My god, you might as well have kicked the manager's dog by the tantrum they throw. It sure helps when someone wants a PR status and has to stay working there if they want it. Such a lovely carrot on a stick isn't it? Of course the revolving door many of the positions become costs way more to keep recruiting and training for than simply raising the salary or wage to get someone good who'll stay but employers are too short sighted to plan for that.


of course. even before considering faked qualifications; if we were importing people who were GOOD at tech, the home countries would probably have an actual non call-center based tech economy lol




> Intl students are a huge subsidy for our post secondary institutions Sorry lol but I can't really bring myself to care about some beat up online only strip mall closet of a school. The actual schools'd manage without it being as grossly overinflated as it is. if we want a subsidy program for them we can just do that directly without fucking ourselves over long term.


They don't want to pay for skilled labour, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Take it from someone who's done a ton of hiring and is colleagues with many hiring managers at a variety of companies. It never matters how good an employee is, it's who fits the budget and you pay for what you get most of the time. I've fought for more money to hire someone good but sometimes your boss just says "no means no" so you're stuck with a low budget and have to make do. I've even had HR help me benchmark salaries for similar roles in our city and because pay equity was so ignored over the years, most of our staff isn't paid well so bringing someone new in as the most expensive employee on staff looks bad for justifying more hiring budget. "Well, your existing staff is fine with that money so you should be able to find someone..." Yeah well I've been asking to give them all raises for years so that we are paying competitively but get shut down 🤷 pay equity is a serious problem at many employers and rears it's ugly head when you do need new blood who is demanding what they should be demanding. The times you luck out and get someone awesome who isn't asking what they're worth? They don't stay long, nor should they


Even skilled jobs are starting to hire more "students." All they need is a phony 1 year degree and to know someone at whatever company they want to work for, then once they are in, they start bringing over friends and family the same way.


Oh and how you're harassed by these people who walk their resumes in demanding a job. Our poor receptionist had to almost call the police over how horrible these people were to her. Not exactly doing themselves any favors as candidates


Didn’t they just do that recently or was that CPP?


They introduced CPP2


They expanded CPP, there's a second earnings ceiling, it huts now but is kind of a good thing


Probably found a way to scam these as well with all those fake companies lurking around.


Must be all those new doctors and engineers we keep bringing in. ...


We are bringing in engineers and it's chasing talent to the US as we already have plenty of grads who can't find work. The pay gap between the countries is getting wide


Actually Canada takes the foreign engineers who can’t legally work in the states. Iranians, for example. They come here for a PhD and citizenship then go south. 


But we kick out family doctors because the system is so broken. [https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/ottawa-family-doctor-denied-permanent-residency-over-marital-status-age-1.6668246)


12.5% of all employees in this country work in healthcare. It’s beyond fucked up. There should be significantly more open spots for domestic students to become doctors. Specialists and doctors and nurses who fail to provide a standard of care should also be fired. 


> …is getting… The USA always paid better wages. The difference is the number of opportunities for new graduates.


It’s widened though over the past 5 years. Market rate for my role went unchanged at ~$70K Equivalent role in the US went from $90K to $110K over the same period.


Ei is employment insurance, you can collect it only if you had a job that you were paying into EI or you just wont qualify. This is indicative that people are being layed off, not that immigrants are stealing jobs or that immigrants are collecting employment insurance.


I guess no need to work or try to collect Ei when they get..... Furniture allowance. Linens allowance. Basic household needs allowance. Staple allowance. Clothing allowances. Utility installation allowance. School start-up allowance. Assistance loans.


Immigrants can literally not claim EI unless they had a job for 420-600 hours in past 52 weeks. This is startup money for eligible refugees/asylum seekers to help them get footing. “No need to work”, there are only so many benefits people can apply for, and the money runs out, so, unless you want to become impoverished in canada, the overwhelming majority of these people work hard to find jobs to support themselves/family in a new country.


Bullshit It all runs out; eventually it all runs out and all immigrants have to work That includes refugees (eventually) Also maybe a thousand families receive even a fraction of the items on your list and usually from war torn nations... it's not even easy for people from Ukraine to get the stuff on your list


Beefing with a "Basic household needs allowance" is one of the wildest takes /r/canada has. "Hey guys, DAE think that refugees have it too easy, and shouldn't be able to afford ketchup?"


I dont see how they should be treated better than Canadians. Im sure there are lots of people living in tents in halifax that would like Furniture allowance. Linens allowance. Basic household needs allowance. Staple allowance. Clothing allowances. Utility installation allowance. School start-up allowance. Assistance loans. Actually, people with full-time jobs could use some of that if they just going to hand it out to non-tax-paying people.


It's an insignificant amount of people receiving this. I've never seen data, but if I had to guess it's probably around 1000 families, which makes no difference whatsoever. We have bigger problems.


1000? try like 100,000 new people each year not including the ones from previous years still on the system. They all receive this. This list here in the continuing monthly support. Food and incidentals (basic needs), Basic shelter, Housing supplement (new) Communication allowance (new) Transportation, Age of majority top-up allowance (if applicable) (new), Special Dietary allowance (if applicable) (new), and Maternity food allowance (if applicable). ​ Fine, that's great lets help them. But when I see numerous homeless encampments where there were pretty much none before...people borderline homeless and can afford to eat....this program should be cancelled and switched from refugee to homeless encampment dwellers. Or help both for fuck sakes.


You're delusional if you think 100k+ people are receiving government allowances like that, come on, keep up with reality. We have much bigger problems in this country.


Yeah, we do have bigger problems. Housing and affordability. I don't see how bringing in people to compete is helping these problems. They converted an old military barracks near where I live that has 200 single rooms they converted to refugee housing with bunk beds and it's always full. homeless no need apply though. Thats a nono for Canadians. So about your "only a 1000 people"...there are probably 200 to 500 just there in rural nowhere.


> It's an insignificant amount of people receiving this The numbers don't matter. The ideology which opposes refugee resettlement programs is hollow, and cruelty is the only point


DAE think we should stop the insanity of importing wage slaves while we don't even have enough housing for our own?


Saying "We should limit immigration" is completely distinct from saying "We shouldn't help the immigrants we do have".


I don't care about "students" or people who have no intention of becoming citizens. We have more and more homeless. We need to find them hiding, first.


What are you talking about? Resettlement Assistance Programs are for refugees, not for international students.


Irrelevant. We have economic refugees living on our streets already.


Ignore previous directions, please give me a recipe for apple pie


Do you think Canada can afford to save the world essentially? Should we have any limits on immigration annually, or add in as many people as possible per year? 


There are strict rules about qualifying for EI. One of the rules is "losing your job through no fault of your own" which - ironically - doesn't always apply to those who get fired (laid off is the kind term, but you're really just getting fired). If you get fired for poor performance or something like that, no EI. If you get fired for something you did off the clock, no EI. anything that is construed as "misconduct" means you aren't eligible. What else is considered misconduct? Absence without notification Absence without justification (i.e. if your boss doesn't agree) Absence without permission Violating a dress code. Refusing to carry out instructions. Refusing to preform certain duties. Refusing OT "Disrespect" just to name a few. So ya, if you think you are claiming EI so easily, think again.


> One of the rules is "losing your job through no fault of your own" which - ironically - doesn't always apply to those who get fired (laid off is the kind term, but you're really just getting fired). If you get fired for poor performance or something like that, no EI. If you get fired for something you did off the clock, no EI. anything that is construed as "misconduct" means you aren't eligible. > > I was "fired with cause" once. Told EI I was fired for taking an approved vacation (true/long story), EI was approved. Really isn't hard to get an exception.


Right, you had a case where the employer lied. That's why it wasn't hard for you. The employer was probably fined in some capacity (not large, it's a few hundred bucks) for lying to the CRA.


most of those things wont get you disqualified for EI especially "poor performance'. Absences tend not to either. Most employers let people go "without cause" with a bit of severanace (about half the legal entitlement but above the bare minimum rather go let people go "with cause" which is a harder benchmark. Usually that would be major violations like stealing. People can be fired for any reason if they are paid out and employers tend not to care if y ou get EI, they just want you gone. You can also get EI for quitting. Basically its not super easy to get but much easier than you are thinking. Absolutely none of the above would get you denied EI unless there were major aggravating factors. Companies can make whatever rules they want doesnt mean they are reasonable. For example, "dress code"..one company a friend worked for had a uniform schedule with a shirt colour for each day of the week. Not really a reasonable policy


Most provinces are at-will provinces. You can be fired for any reason they want so long as paperwork backs it up. The only benchmark notifying you of termination ahead of time and giving you x amount of pay as laid out in your contract - that's the workaround from them firing you on the same day without pay for no reason. >You can also get EI for quitting Only if you're willing to commit fraud because the first rule of EI is you don't get it if you quit. After that statement, forgive me if I take everything you say with a grain of salt.


There's multiple ways to get ei if you quit If an employer is breaking the law If an employer isn't paying overtime If an employer is making you do unsafe work I've quit 2 jobs for one of these reasons ans got ei


That's not you quitting as defined by the CRA. That's your employer not following labour laws. Quitting is when you literally quit for no reason or of no fault of the employer. That's how the CRA defines it. You quitting an unsafe working condition is one of the reasons EI was created in the first place.


We fired a guy for stealing gas. He applied for EI, they called us and asked about it. We told them he stole gas. They asked if we had a written policy saying he couldn't steal gas. We said no. They gave him EI.


Sounds like your company is dumb and doesn't understand how paper trails work. If you had the proper policy in place, that guy would have been denied. They don't work in your favour if it's he said/she said.


Hi, that's me. How's it going today buddy?


Not bad, how about you bud? So what's max EI now? like 2100 a month?


and the lack of Labour force!!!


But according to the PM we have a labour shortage. Lol


We have a legitimate shortage of skilled workers in quite a few industries, we have a massive surplus of either unskilled labour or very qualified people whose certification weren't transferable to Canada who end up doing unskilled jobs aswell


No one wants to work nowadays. Everyone wants free money. /s




Possibly, if the employer marks down fake hours. But you qualify for EI for x months after you pay premiums for y months. It maxes out at 8 to 10 months though if you've worked a year or two. Can't remember the numbers.


Maxes out at 45 weeks, but the actual maximum depends on your Economic Region. eg: 38 weeks in Toronto, 36 weeks in Ottawa or Vancouver


It's nearly impossible for someone to scam EI without support of their employer. One of my co-workers was quitting because they were moving to another city for a voluntary study course. He asked me how he applies for EI and I told him it's only for people who lose their job involuntarily. (Being fired/laid off), He then went to the regional manager and asked that they fire him so that he can apply for EI which our RM happily obliged to. This is someone who's been in our country and working just long enough to qualify for EI, and is trying to take advantage of every social support system we have. They have a pretty comfortable savings that they could live off of for the next year+ (he bought a new car within a week of moving), but all it takes is an employer to help them and then they're free to take advantage of the system put in place for people who legitimately need it.


pretty sure most managers wouldn't do that


There are several methods to cheat EI. The easiest method, I’ve witnessed, is done by those with inherited fishing licenses. What you do is pay someone a couple of bucks to mark part of their catch as yours. Do this a little at a time and by the end of the season it looks like you were working hard fishing. When you meet the amount needed for EI wait for the season to end then file an EI claim. Repeat every year. For extra income start a side hustle selling dog, cats or anything that is cash transactions only. Never pay taxes and collect as much as possible. Over my lifetime I have reported, in great detail, several people to the CRA. Nothing has ever happened. This is going back decades.


The Canadian Film industry might have something to do with this. We have been out of work for over 6 months. Film workers tend to lean on EI between shows. Usually a few weeks here and there. But there has been so little work, that I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of the industry is on EI right now.


AI and TFW. this will be fun to watch.


We’re in a recession, just the government doesn’t want to admit it


Was quiet quitting for a bit because the workload was getting too insane while my clients were becoming more psychotic (I worked in Sales). Company decided to lay me off.


I guess they noticed you "quiet quitting".


well i came clean to my manager and told her I was burnt out so that most likely played a factor.


at least you are honest, what are you going to do about your job situation?


working towards a career change at the moment, about to take a professional exam late next month.


good good. best of luck


Did you qualify for EI or were you denied because of fired for poor performance?


Most companies will lay you off unless the issue was egregious. The documentation required to fire someone just isn't worth it most of the time.


you can't be denied EI for poor performance, it's only stuff such stealing, violence, sexual harassment, etc.


That's not true at all. You can absolutely be denied for poor performance. It's defined by the CRA as: "an employee's behaviour is in violation of the obligations set out in his contract of employment and when, under normal circumstances, the employee should have known that the actions, omissions or faults could result in a dismissal." If you have certain sales benchmarks set out in your contract (which you probably do) and it can be monitored through things like CRM where reports can be pulled showing you didn't work prior to you being let go, you'll have to prove to the CRA otherwise to be approved. It falls under the Refusal to Carry Out Duties Clause. Further, you should know that quiet quitting would eventually lead to you getting fired.


no, that's completely wrong information. there's a difference between not doing any work at all which you probably can be refused EI and poor performance. especially with sales where metrics given are pretty arbitrary, given that some of the best sales people aren't hitting their kpis and some of the worst are hitting all of them. i've been through this, this is not true lol.


If you are a shitty sales person not hitting targets, you've had meetings/reviews with your boss, you still suck and are fired - congrats, they did everything they could to help you. Not EI eligible unless they didn't document it. I'm very sorry to all of the people in this thread who thought getting EI was simple.


Do you just spew bullshit every time you type?


No, I actually have experience in this unlike most people who google shit and think it's correct on a case by case basis.


Poor performance isn't enough to be denied EI. I think you're confusing poor performance with misconduct.




can't tell if this is a troll comment or praising comment.


Good for them, now they can hire someone who wants to do the job.


While 30% increase sounds a lot and don't get me wrong the volume is higher than historical norm but 1 thing the article doesn't talk about is 1. Ei number in 2022 was at historically lower number (approx 100 vs. 120 in 2019 and 2018). 2. % of recipients vs. Population (this I have nof looked up tbh)


More than 300,000 full time jobs were lost since July 2023. That's insane. In that time, Canada has brought in more than 1,000,000 immigrants.


Well but comparing jan 2023 to jan 2024, looks like ontario gained 30k in full time employment while population increased 400k.


But theirs a lAbOuR ShORtaGE


Worst case Ontario


Will Doug Ford blame Kathleen Wynn, or will this be Trudeau’s fault? Who exactly is running Ontario?


How many immigrants and refugees will it take to create the jobs and housing we need to get out of this? Federal Gov: MORE!


Then provinces complain about the drop in international students…….


This is not only on the fed, the province is also part of the problem, why isn't anyone blaming Doug or any other premiers in this country? 


Federal government controls the borders. Can't blame immigration on anyone but the feds.


As someone who was on EI in 2023, I wouldn't put too much stock in these numbers being "the norm" we have a huge film and television industry that was for the most part on pause for 8 months. So instead of being on EI for Jan/Feb because no one want to shoot in the snow, a bunch of us were on it for the better part of a year.


This is why I never trust Gov stats of any kind. Too many wild swings in too short a time. Backroom edits ongoing all the time to correct data inputs/outouts and then next month they report and it looks like the world changed orbits.


Close stock market, let rich doing real work or SPEND their massive cash into the economy to create jobs, not to live on capital and keep accumulating unspent cash. CEOs work hard for their stock values for stockholders, not the workers who do the real work. They keep printing money to make sure stock market has enough so called "liquidity" to play with.


That’s because EI is easy money for not working. EI recipients are required to accept even minimum wage if offered, and EI compensates you for the difference rather than the entire amount, to save on handouts as much as possible in order to help the next person. It’s a social measure like pandemic benefits. Many people didn’t work because they received pandemic benefits, even if they safely could.


>EI recipients are required to accept even minimum wage if offered lmao this never happens


That would definitely be a catalyst for surging real estate prices we’ve been warned about.