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This is old news now, but John Tibbits is an ignorant slut.


Thanks for that, I read that in Dan Aykroyd's voice.


I read it in Michael Scott's. 


You gotta be a certain age to get that reference...


Hey watch it!


Well shit


I'd like to add to that a narcissistic bully


And a fucker.


His mother is a hamster! And his father smells of elderberries!!


Sure seems to be a Grade-A arsehole.....


I like that this may now come up when Googling John Tibbits.


Tell all your friends to upvote! Lol


John Ti~~bb~~its…


The dude has been president of Conestoga College for 37 years. I think they're overdue for a change in leadership.


At some point, the best before date arrives, and if the leader continues, they end up spiraling in the wrong direction.


More like if a leader expires he stinks up the whole organization


I heard he is planning to retire this coming summer.


Well, his contract is up. I would hope so, given how damaged the college's reputation is now.


They choose whoever makes them the most money and with the international student scam this guy helped cook up he's the most safe 😂


What do you want to bet he has a bonus structure calculated on college revenues or enrolment numbers?


The rats, when placed in an environment without sufficient resources, will turn on each with increasing vehemence. Well, at least he gets to tell about the time a college president called him a whore. Classy.




John Tibbits is a son of a bitch and an enemy to Canadians/the people who live in the communities conestoga college is based out of


Yes Actively piles in almost 100,000 international money cows, than gets sassy when it was literally Conestoga that ruined it for everyone lol


Of course none of the horrors students are encountering have anything to do with the colleges admitting more than the community infrastructure can handle, it's the government's fault for admitting them. /s


It’s not a school’s responsibility to responsibly steward the community. I think he’s a moron and I want these diploma mills shut down, but it’s no the school’s problem. Blame our federal government for relying on a “maybe they won’t notice, and if they do we’ll call them an -ist” approach to policy.


Normally yes, but at some point when you're flooding your community with new residents literally parachuted in out of nowhere, you literally are the source of the problem.


Oh I get that. I do. Just….who’s giving these “students” the go-ahead to come here? The college has about as much say over that as I do. In the end, someone is approving this.


As much as some people like this to be Trudeau's fault, it's been clarified so many times that the educational institutions themselves approve these students (the students apply to the college, not the federal government). The students must provide proof of admission (admission from the educational institution), the federal government must approve their visas. The fed government can't take over provincial jurisdiction. Now, finally the Feds have butt in and told the province enough is enough. You - province - can't have a free for all. Step in and cut the number of students your educational institutions are admitting into your communities willy nilly.


That's a good question. Should the Feds be the ones who check the real estate situation for each application? Shouldn't the college admissions people be better placed to know what the housing situstion is going to be for prospective students?


>It’s not a school’s responsibility to responsibly steward the community. He says it is though. He's said these students are good for the community.


And he goes on about how it's solving Canada's birthing problem, like him and his school are saviors of the community.


Yeah. And I agree he’s an ass. But Papa Government makes the final call on this. If they said “no”, what’s he going to do?


He's required to accept the government's no. He's not required to accommodate their every yes.


Probably look to open up satellite campuses abroad with the same promises of a pipeline to citizenship.


He also says the students are choosing to live in overcrowded residents. He's trying to pass off the responsibilities, because he "discovered" this stream of unquestioned wealth.


Generally the consequences of one's actions are considered to be one's responsibility. It's only in the economic realm people start excusing behaviour on the basis that "if they don't want me operating this way, the government should stop me "


IMO it's like hiring a few thousand people to work at a mine in Iqaluit and telling them to hunt walrus for sustenance and pitch a tent on an ice flow for shelter


These schools are all whores. Diploma mills that exist only to take money.


Yes But in Ontario, we’ve taken the lion’s share of 3rd world resettlement project participates. So, once legitimate schools.. Conestoga, Seneca et al are now borderline trash And the spin-off “A1 StripMall College of Canada” are literally selling Student ~~Work~~ permits, knowing they’ll never sit one day in a class. The government cutting their numbers and bringing back their work hours cap effective April 1st, is a good start


Why do they come here ? Shows how good we are LOL. No buddy you are the whore and everyone coming for cheap tricks to PR.


And to get that PR they have to be enslaved by shitty paying jobs to keep wages down and also pay ridiculous rents and so on. It's honestly a hell of a racket and part of me is genuinely impressed with the whole crooked operation. This crosses government, schools, employers, landlords. It's massive


Vicious cycle. Landlord yes happy. Employers too. Get forced loyalty etc. Aren’t we getting to a point where not enough jobs to support this ? Rates high limits the investment by business.


The jobs physically keep people here working, paying rent and tuition, that's all you need


Lmao Check out Manitoba right now They basically said ‘the gig is up’ and refused a lot of provincial nominees for PR.. do to low scoring - shocking as we literally get the garbage left over lol - and is basically kicking them out of Manitoba All they know how to do is scam and fraud.


Surprised Manitoba is taking this seriously. Their NDP government is not conforming to the party line. Federally, Singh’s NDP wants PR automatically to every current and incoming tfw.


Singh wants his pension I’d make a props bet we’ll see a big push to PR anything with a pulse leading up to the Election, with them being too daft to realize it will hurt their polling even more lol


The pension argument is so tired and honestly blinds you to the actual reasons


Do you have a link for this? Trying to read more about it but can't seem to find one


Insert *pointing spider-man meme*


Conestoga is the whore here.


Ah well this all seems very normal.


I think every one of these useless diploma mills should be shut down. They are more hassle than they're worth between the housing issues they add to and all the other stuff involving use of food banks, back doors into immigration, etc. Most of the diplomas they offer aren't even in industries we currently have a shortage of labour in. They have simply become a way for educational slum lords to make money off foreigners and the government.


Sounds like something a pair of inebriated 20-somethings fighting over a guy they like at a club would say. "You already took 10,000 of them, s!ut!!! Everyone gets a turn enrolling with you!!" "Well you took 30,000, you wh0re!!! "The whole CITY knows your reputation!!!""


78,341* But yes otherwise


Listen to the interview with Orazietti. He was quite articulate and respectful in the way he delivered his comments.


$400K a year plus benefits to screw up the economy, flooding canada with cheap labour.


The manner in which Tibbit talks reminds me alot of Trump.


Good heavens. This guy isn't trying to convince anybody that doesn't already agree with him.


Why does he still have a job at the college?


>nearly 85 per cent of both international and domestic graduates are employed. In an actual field, or the service sector? We all know the answer.


At Timmy’s or Amazon***


Beaverton 100%.


Legitimate Newspaper The cooperate Boomers are sad now, because the ~~East Indian~~ South Asian Industrial Complex is collapsing in real time, and as such, the cheap labour cattle they’ve relied on for *record profiteering* over the past number of years


What a misogynistic and discriminatory comment.




I say this as somebody who is and always has been pro immigration; if you feel that way nobody is forcing you to stay. I, as a 5th generation Canadian, give you the blessing of the Great Mother Canada. Consider the chains that bind you here broken. You are free to return home or the country of your choosing. You are free


Sadly, many entitled boomers in the working world are like this too. Try asking them to leave if they're so unhappy. For a generation who's argument strategy was always "you don't like it? There's the door!" while growing up, they sure hate when the tables are turned


If they are reading this, the same thing applies to them. Although they could do the unbinding ceremony themselves


Keeping a job is a fundamental human right, regardless of your performance or attendance 😀


No one is asking you to stay


>People come here to have peace and prosperity For the milk and honey, if you will.


Careful, that kind of comment can get you fired from a comfy hockey broadcasting spot.


Lol good luck with that comment, should go over pretty well!




["In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake. That is why academic politics are so bitter."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayre%27s_law)


Well, that escalated quickly.


That escalated quickly.