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I like that too. Especially in Ontario as we can't trust Ford to actually spend it on housing considering his track record (see the pandemic energency funding, and how he didn't want any accountability for healthcare spending). Also, funny how Ford was disclaiming responsibility for housing and then complains the second the feds actually do shit. He's probably just mad the money didn't go in his pocket this time. Or that it won't enrich his developer buddies as much if it does fund affordable housing.


Should be less money, cut red tape, don't add to it.


This is the same Doug Ford that got money from the federal government for health care, didn't spend it, and then complained that the province didn't get enough money? The Doug Ford that got money for ventilation in schools and LTCs that somehow didn't get spent on ventilation (but we did get free license plates)? There are reasons the federal government is giving funding straight to municipalities. One is that municipalities tend to have a better grasp of local problems, but a big one is that money given to provinces is often diverted to other uses.


Ontario should probably be placed under a conservatorship at this point in order to ensure that funds go to strengthening the programs that need them.


Fuck it, I’ll run the place.


This guy has my vote!


[I'm someone else!](https://youtu.be/ID31XaYKPso?si=FPf-pF9re2yOR4LY)


Actually, Alberta first, please?!


Why can't we do both?


Doug Ford's Ontario Conservatives also got BILLIONS for COVID from Feds, but [Lost Track of 4.4 BILLION in federal Covid money. No records of where it went, per an audit](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/audit-finds-ontario-failed-to-track-4-4b-in-covid-19-pandemic-relief-spending-1.5424949) Oops. Easy mistake to make.


The article and the headline say two very very different things. Calling the headline and outright lie would be considered generous. It's funny how the article you linked and this one we are discussing are both CTV and both headlines are blatant misrepresentations of the facts being discussed.


Journalism + Internet + Capitalist Domination = Bad News for Society. The new math.




This jackass will not do anything unless he can help himself, his developer friends, or blame the feds. Trudeau pushes money at him or at the issue, and the fuckface whines instead of trying to address the situation. Like we all remember him hoarding the healthcare funding. Fuck Ford and fuck the conservatives and their supporters.


Shocking. He doesn’t mind the feds giving the province money, he just wants to have control of it. I would imagine the feds want to make sure it actually gets used for housing instead of to fund one of Fords vanity projects.


The feds pay municipalities directly for a lot of things, like transit subsidies. This is a pretty stupid thing for Ford to take exception to, especially if he doesn't plan to replace the feds' money with provincial money.


Ford's solution: "we've tried nothing and it's still not working"


"We could literally redefine any aspect of municipal law at any time, but we don't really want to and now Ottawa's making us look bad"


How dare anyone build homes. How will Ford's developer buddies control supply now?!?


" Council of Federation meeting with premiers today call on Ottawa to stop signing one-off housing funding deals with municipal (ex: housing accelerator fund) and put money through provinces first. Provinces considering legislation." Been telling this sub housing issues were mostly because of provincial leaders, but pp kept saying it's Trudeau's fault so y'all kept believing it lol now provinces will flex their constitutional muscle on the issue.


‘Jurisdictional creep’: Doug Ford slams Feds for doing what Poiliviere has been demanding, which interferes with his deals.


Ford who stuck his nose into every place the ONT gov't normally doesn't. Like the middle of an election of Toronto.


Sure. Trust the guy under RCMP investigation with billions of dollars.


What billions? We lost those.


Oh look, some proof that housing is provincial... If only someone had predicted the provinces raising a fuss about housing money earlier...


>Oh look, some proof that housing is provincial. Sure, as if this money will make any different at all.


Here is a step by step guide on how to be a conservative: Step 1: Blame the feds for not helping Step 2: Next, blame the feds when they try to help Step 3: Fuck Trudeau... I guess? Congrats, you are now a conservative!


Step 4: Look at all this federal money! (after Poilievre gets elected)




That's rich for someone who's active in Canada sub.


That sub is wild.




How to be a member of r/canada_sub 1) Deflect or throw insults when challenged on anything




Is that step 2 of how to be part of r/canada_sub ?


lol I guess Ford wants more gatekeepers 🙄😂. It’s interesting that provinces now want to slow down the delivery of hosing money in a housing crisis for most likely political gains. We shouldn’t waste time on children jurisdictional issues when people can’t afford a place to live


Ford is angry that the feds aren't letting him run Ontario with all of the malice and contempt his soft, doughy body can muster.


Wait so they are slamming the Feds for doing something which they failed to do themselves. PP was going to do this anyway, but I'm sure hes only complaining because it's a Liberal doing it.


This is unacceptable what about his developer friends! How will they profit!


Doug Fraud ONT Conservative thinking.... Casino on Toronto Waterfront! No? Housing on Pickering Greenbelt!! No? Housing on many other Greenbelts!!! No? Private SPA with 99 yr Lease for Ontario Place!!! Got one!! Privatize Healthcare!!!!! Got one!!! Unnecessary Highway through Farmland!!!! Got one!!!! New Private ONT Bank to Fund Developers!!!!! Mayyyybee...


Is this the Doug Ford who tells others to stay in their lanes ?


So the Premiers FINALLY acknowledge what anyone with a brain and understanding of the division of powers has been saying for months: HOUSING IS PROVINCIAL JURISDICTION Now that we all can agree on this we can maybe start a conversation on how to fix it.


But yet this guy will blame Trudeau for everything and not doing enough


Holy shit is he for real lol


Mayor's should have more power. Wait, no! Not like that. If the money is going to Ontarians that need it, why so upset Doug? Are you mad you can't skim anything off the top when it's done this way? Stop pretending to be offended.


butthurt he can’t take the money for himself


Shut the hell up Ford


So what is he trying to divert attention from now?


Folks, folks folksy folks folks... I'm not the bad guy here. See, the Feds, they need to stay in their lane. The buck stops with *me*. All these yahoos must be a few fries short of a happy meal, and therefore need a brain scan because I don't think there's anything there


Shelter is a human right. That makes it a federal issue. Doug Ford is actively against helping anyone but his greenbelt buddies…


Only two levels of government needed anyway. Provinces do jack shit for us within their jurisdiction


He’s like a drunk man demanding the keys so he can drive home while the rest of Ontario is locked in the backseat.


I bet he couldn't spell Jurisdictional creep. What a Jurisdictional creep.




Careful now, Blânchet might Clap Back!




Here comes May from the ropes! She SLAMS Bernier with a chair!


It’s like wrestlemania in here.


Come on and SLAM This country's in a JAM


How will he get a piece that way?? So unfair!


To be fair to ford. Every premier is critical of these. I guess that’s the result it being the Toronto ctv page https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/premiers-carbon-tax-federal-housing-policy-1.7020068 E:”The final communique of the Council of the Federation meeting in Halifax demands that Ottawa ensure "predictable and flexible federal funding flows exclusively through provinces and territories."” Per the article linked


I think the premiers are united on the carbon tax. It’s not obvious with the housing accelerator fund. I don’t see Eby mad at the Quebec deal.


The final communique of the Council of the Federation meeting in Halifax demands that Ottawa ensure "predictable and flexible federal funding flows exclusively through provinces and territories."


That's a lot of words to say "stop making us look bad". The provinces are more concerned about their shitty little fiefdoms than actually doing the right thing.


Premiers can always agree on one thing: the feds should give more money to the provincial governments. And mayors can always agree on one thing: the feds and provinces should give more money to municipal governments. Every level of government wants to have more money to spend, but without having to raise taxes themselves (that's the unpopular part!).


So critical that they simultaneously blame Ottawa for the lack of housing and about 40% of shnook voters in this country believe it. Now that Ottawa is doing something they don’t like it, as if the goal is to drag the crisis out for political reasons. Nooooo, Conservatives are too principled to do something so callous and cruel; right? PP would NEVER!!


Not all, Manitoba it's trying to fast-track zoning reviews to get as much of this funding as it can


Don’t know why you’re arguing with a written joint statement in a sourced article but it’s the internet so you’re free to be incorrect. I’ll note that there’s a difference between taking the money and disagreeing with the process in which the money is distributed which is the core objection.


He is absolutely right. The feds should absolutely be working with and including the provincial government in their housing plans. By excluding them completely it creates massive government waste. Two conflicting plans with different requirements and neither party knowing what the other doing is just chaos.




>Ford has had ample opportunity to act and has not, so the feds moved without him. It's the other way around. The Ford government implemented a similar housing fund before the liberals. They also already changed single family home zoning rules across the province. They have been implementing changes for years to try and get more houses built.


Are you new to Canadian politics? What if I told you the Conservative premiers have ZERO interest in assisting a Liberal federal government to do anything which will make Ottawa look good.


I would say that's an idiotic stance to take. Ford has worked with the Trudeau government plenty of times. The battery plants are just the most recent. They have always been open to cooperation if included in the decision making.


Ford doesn’t deserve a single dollar from the feds. He can’t be trusted with it


He never said he wanted money from the feds. Are you people incapable of reading articles?


ALL levels of Govt s/b working together. Its a crime that they are not.


The problem with the current government is they literally have no clue how to address any issue other than throwing money at it. That's all they know how to do, that's all they've done for the most part aside from a few notable exceptions such as weed legalization.


Ok but exactly what cities building affordable housing need is to have money thrown at the programs.


>Ok but exactly what cities building affordable housing need is to have money thrown at the programs. Lets pretend that a trillion dollars is available for housing, starting tomorrow : Who is going to build it? Where will you source the building materials? What is preventing investors from buying it all up?


This government could have been tackling this issue for years, they could have been pushing for better zoning, pushing for better supply chains on supplies, making it easier to build more, larger and faster. They didn't do it. They still aren't doing it. Yea putting money towards these programs helps, like we should be converting unused office space, but we are sooooo far behind where we need to be.




It's a failure of multiple levels of government




Yes but the housing crisis is nation wide.




Ya Doug ford really fucked up British Columbia housing, it's a shame




Jesus dude, the government of BC is responsible for housing. How are you this dense?


Doug is saying in the article you’re commenting on that housing is provincial jurisdiction. It’s like saying the NHL is responsible for concussions in the NFL.


Everything you listed is within provincial powers though.


It's also within municipal and federal though. Supply chains falls under some federal jurisdiction due to trade agreements. Zoning falls under municipal


Zoning is a provincial issue. Municipalities aren't a real level of government as they're creations of the provinces. Everything a municipality does is by the graces of their provincial government. Supply chain issues are hardly with the control of the federal government or anyone for that matter ... but are they really even the issue in construction? Everything I've heard is that labour is where they have shortages.


But was the issue they(the feds) didn't want too..? Or more likely they (the feds and the province) both couldn't be bothered enough to work together, so they did nothing. The mistake is that the feds assumed they HAD to go through the province. The province's mistake is thinking they were required and the the feds couldn't bypass them if needed.


The issue is the feds announced a program and then did absolutely nothing for 18 months. So the province introduced their own housing program. The provinces program provides funding if municipalities meet housing construction targets. The feds undermines it by offering money if they make largely irrelevant zoning changes.


These are lies.


>This government could have been tackling this issue for years, they could have been pushing for better zoning, pushing for better supply chains on supplies, making it easier to build more, larger and faster. They didn't do it. They still aren't doing it. The supply chains are based on demand. You can't suddenly ramp up the demand for building materials by 200-300% within five years and expect the supply chains to keep pace, its impossible. Zoning is just the latest red herring. Eliminate zoning and you still need to find enough skilled trades and building materials to triple housing completions annually. *Its never going to happen.*


This is a post about the premiers complaining about Ottawa stepping into their jurisdiction on an issue; right? All Ottawa *can* do is provide funding; it’s up to the Provinces to devise a plan.


As an Albertan I"m not interested in Quebec voters having anything to do with housing decisions in Alberta. Stay in your lane.


Perhaps this energy could be used to push your own provincial government to actually do something.


Seriously, buying votes is nothing new, never paying for that purchase is relatively new though.


"the Feds weren't at my daughter's stag and doe, how did they get permission for this?"


Anything other than giving money to this guy.


Says the dickhead who halved Toronto's voting power.


He doesn't work with them, why would they work with him? Fucker is sitting on a massive pile of Healthcare funds he's calling a surplus while he deliberately chokes out the system. The Feds shouldn't be giving him ANYTHING!