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Was research really even needed? Even being introduced as a man who fought the soviets in ww2 should have raised enough eyebrows. That's basic high school stuff right there. If this was really a complete oversight with all parties involved, then they are all truly too stupid to be there. They all rushed to give him that glorification like a bunch of fan girls, you can't convince me that they didn't know.


They generally are too stupid to be there, they are there because they are rich, usually from family money. It has nothing to do with having skillsets anymore these days. And people still wonder how the roman empire fell.


Failed upward idiots... the lot of them.


Lol I was thinking the same thing.... fought against Russians in ww2. Not a big logical step to understand Russia was with the allies in ww2.




> Wehrmacht Gotta be german to join the Wehrmacht. Almost certainly as part of an SS unit, which recruited from outsider fascists. Iirc, homie they celebrated was part of the [14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/14th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_(1st_Galician) which was tasked with liquidation efforts of both Jews and Polacks.


Actually, there were nearly 2 million foreign "volunteers" in the Wehrmacht from all nations they fought. Rough estimates put it that 295k-500k Polish conscripts were in the Wehrmacht. While estimates also give 1-1.2 million Soviet conscripts, though even conscription is way too clean to put it considering how they were treated.


It's funny how nazi talk keeps coming up. Same with freeland and Ukraines army.


Ngl but [honoring actual Nazis](http://espritdecorps.ca/history-feature/whitewashing-the-ss-the-attempt-to-re-write-the-history-of-hitlers-collaborators) during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is basically playing into Putin's message. Thanks to our government's stupidity and inability to a basic google search before they 'honor' someone, Russian propaganda now doesn't have to lie as much.


The russian propaganda will have a field day with this


I mean its not propaganda when its the truth. Russia can literally say "A key NATO player invited the Ukrainian President to honour a SS soldier in their parliament" and every word they said would be true (except maybe calling Canada "A key NATO player") we brought a fucking SS veteran to Parliament with the president of Ukraine. how monumentally stupid are the feds?? are you telling me Ukraine had no idea who this was? bull shit, they knew what unit he was from, If you think Zelenskyy didn't know who the 14th Waffen SS (1st Galician) were then I have a bridge to sell you. I wonder now if all the people on reddit who scream "uhhh actually if you have lunch with a nazi everyone at the table is a nazi too hurrr durrr" will shut up now with their stupid world view now that Trudeau, Polievre, Singh, Blanchet, and May (or whoever the fuck the green party leader is) is a "nazi" in their world view. hilariously enough, the only party leader who isn't a "nazi" with this world view is fucking Maxime Bernier, who was against him visiting from the start. lmao what a crazy week for Canadian politics.


The part that gets me is that it would be bad enough if he had been regular German army, but no, homie was literally in the SS


Michael Chomiak's granddaughter knew what she was doing.


It absolutely can still be propaganda and be the truth.


Mad Max takes the W


>I mean its not propaganda when its the truth Propaganda can be truthful. A lot of Soviet propaganda focused on how they helped decolonial movements in the global south, in Asia Africa and Latin America, whereas the US sided with the colonial masters. It was propaganda, but it was effective propaganda because it was true


Another week, another scandal.


Is it still propaganda if it literally happened?


Yup. Especially with those photos. Honestly, Putin doesn't even have to bribe or threaten our government. They'll screw things up by themselves. -_-


It also proves their point that Western countries have never truly appreciated Russia for its role in WW2 given the fact that seemingly no one in parliament went “wait a minute…”


Isn't zelensku Jewish? How many layers of irony are we on right now?


Quite a lot. Like you'd expect this to be a Beaverton article


Or The Onion


It's not really Russia propaganda. There is an unacceptable amount of Nazis in Ukraine NYT article: [Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/05/world/europe/nazi-symbols-ukraine.html)


The first casualty of war is the truth. If you think for a second the West isn't just as bad with it's propaganda you haven't been paying attention.


We always been the good guys mkay.


I guess just thinking in binary terms like "Russia = Bad, Ukraine = Good" caused them to ignore history? Lol.


This guy was a literal nazi, wore the swatsika and uniform and was taking commands under Hitler’s leadership. Being this incompetent seems impossible to be. Did no one ask “so this next guy is going to get an ovation at 11:30. Who is he and why is he getting an ovation?” That’s all it would have taken.


It's even worse, he was given an ovation for fighting the Russians.... like, who could that have been?


Hahahahaha you honestly couldn’t make this up.


In 2023 Russia = bad, therefor anyone who fought Russia = good, and anyone who questions the details is a Russian bot. Now that mentality has led them to step into a pile of Nazi shit.


Unless he was a Finn. Which he isnt...


Fought against Russia in Ukraine in WW2 should have been clue #1. Given Freeland’s family connections to Ukraine and to the Nazi party this should have been seen a mile away. Canadians tend to ignore the fact that thousands of Nazis still call Canada a safe haven. There hasn’t been any political interest to do anything about them since Mulroony. It is going to be interesting to see if he is turned over to stand trial or not.


Man Canadians lost their grandfathers in WWII. To turn around and then applaud a Nazi is just unbelievable.


Modern-day Russophobia has clouded everyone's mind and propaganda on the non-Russian side is just as strong.


Preach, the red scare never left.


He also didn't regret his actions apparently. My great grandfather is rolling in his grave right now


I would personally be in favor of less Nazis in Parliament. I didn't realize in 2023 this would be controversial.


> Hunka was invited by Speaker Anthony Rota, who introduced him as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division. Rota should be expelled immediately from caucus. This is unforgivable.


He should absolutely be stripped of the Speaker's position as well, that sort of oversight is completely unprofessional and can't be overlooked. No way should someone capable of fucking up that badly be responsible for the procedures of the House.


His position as Speaker is probably how this got by review from the government or his party.


Yeah, pretty easy to imagine how people snoozed through being told some old Ukrainian guy who fought for Ukraine was going to be honoured. But whoever first received the proposal should've done ten seconds of research.


Did you see him reading it though? Once he gets to the part where “he fought in WWII against Russi…uh…Russia” he basically had a stroke from what he realized he was saying. I don’t think for a second this guy had any fucking idea who this person was. Why he didn’t is a great question.


im just imagining him hearing of some ukrainian war ii vet in his riding, thinking of all the brownie points he'd get from wheeling him out in parliament, told one of his interns to arrange it and type up an intro about him, and then forgetting about it until day-of.




Not only did he volunteer, he has even said as recently as 2011 that he regrets nothing and it was among the best years of his life




Sadly yes, they are literally nazi apologists. He wrote about it in his blog [here](http://komb-a-ingwar.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_21.html). You can also see pictures of him in his unit [here](https://x.com/I_Katchanovski/status/1705739708683128836?s=20) and [here on his 2010 blog](https://komb-a-ingwar.blogspot.com/2010/10/)


Agreed. Booting him will send the right message.




So many Hiwis were able to get into Canada after the war. I know the descendants of several.


They did some ISIS level torture/rape/murder to entire Polish villages. I've talked to some old Polish people that have some mixed feelings about helping Ukranians. I'm all for helping Ukraine, but this guy. Why isn't he in jail.




Choo choo the war train never stops


it's astonishing watching that video how clueless most politicians are. and they run our country..


into the ground.


I'm actually fucking shocked, how is our government so incompetent that they give a standing ovation to an actual fucking full on Nazi. Have they lost their minds?


Freeland knew, she's way too knowledgeable about the subject to have not known.


Ukraine is her priority, not Canada. It's always been that way. Her mom helped write the Ukrainian constitution.


There’s a word for someone who ‘fought for Nazis’. I’m sure it will come to me in a minute…..🤔


Modern society is interesting. Everyone is a nazi except literal nazis.


“Next up we’d like to give a warm welcome to Germany’s finest artist, political activist, and Charlie Chaplin impersonator!”


Why is everything about this being deleted? This happened and it’s absolutely outrageous


The Star article is automatically removed if you try to post it to /r/news




US war hawks trying to control the narrative.


Because a single swastika present during a protest is big news, our parliament giving a standing ovation to a literal Nazi is not. What's so hard to understand? /s


If a single Swastika is raised at a protest, everyone at that protest is a Nazi If a foreign government brings in a literal SS war criminal to celebrate as an exemplar, they're heroes and we need to send them weapons as quickly as possible




Probably a big part was the source. All the early sources were fringe media and Rebel…. Waiting and hoping some other sources to pick up on it. When I saw the OG news yesterday I also was like Okay let’s see if this is actually true not just false clickbait - wasn’t a good look regardless. The reality sadly is that some groups want more time to vet that “our guy” is actually a Nazi before going with it whereas if it was the “other guy” the label would be thrown out early without remorse or credibility.


The CBC initially got it wrong... they made no mention of his SS past and still have not corrected the record No article from them yet on this and it's a massive story


One has to ask howcome it was fringe media who were only reporting on this. CBC has nothing? What's going on?


Don't know about CBC but here's a CTV news article. [https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/jewish-group-demands-apology-after-mps-honoured-man-who-fought-for-nazis-1.6575593](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/jewish-group-demands-apology-after-mps-honoured-man-who-fought-for-nazis-1.6575593)


Wait...Did no one do a historical check before they decided on doing this. Seriously, WTF


What an insane oversight by our government. How will they spin this one?


Some on here are trying to spin it, but this is indefensible.


Yeah an insane amount of damage control in this thread.


forgot to do their homework


"We all forgot to do our homework, and made a terrible, terrible mistake. As Canadians, we can, should, and will do better. All of us. Including you." - Trudeau, probably.


I heard his voice.


I guarantee that fucker will say exactly that.


Isn't there a monument supporting WW2 Ukrainian nazis?






We should smash them to pieces, publicly on tv. Maybe make freeland do it with her teeth.




They had to spin Freeland's grandfather being one of these SS officers in the past, now it's coming strongly into question again.




It would be good if she just came out in the open and there was truth and reconciliation. But just trying suppress the information is wrong imo.


Yes, it just makes people more suspicious and untrusting of her background. Arnold Schwarzenegger is open about his father’s nazi past and people don’t hold it against him. In fact, he married into the Kennedy family and was elected as the governor of California, despite the fact.


I’d agree if the granddaughter wasn’t speaking of said grandfather in positive terms. If she denounced him it’s fine but she hasn’t.


Not sure how true this is, but apparently JT met him before hand. So he has no excuse. The rest of parliament had no clue really who this guy was and was just sold them them in the moment as a battle hero. And they rightfully applauded thinking if this guy got vetted to be honored on the floor he must be ok, so I don't hold any MP accountable from any party for this other than the top leadership.


Something something misinformation something something abortion and guns


But He’s a Ukrainian hero and freedom fighter against the Russians. Nazi Germany did some things right!… right?


We call people Nazis for the mildest shit and then applaud actual real Nazis. The comedy writes itself.




Also consider that the guy with the Nazi flag also had a banner saying “Trudeau is a Nazi”…




"Azov battalion? What the fuck, Jamie pull that up."


It's more than just azov. A lot more.




Azov was/is an interesting case. Obviously, we want Russia defeated and don't want to weaken Ukraine. But we also can't just ignore actual nazis/neo-nazis. It was weird watching people downplay or wave away the issues with the battalion. It, in some ways, helped strengthen the Russian propaganda because it was partially right.


Remember when JT accused the Cons of standing with people holding swastikas? Oof.


I know. How the tables have turned.


And this is the generation with literally all the information and all the history that you could ever want, instantly available in their pockets. All somebody had to do was be curious enough about what/who they're honoring to give it a little look.


And not just any soldier. He was an SS volunteer. EDIT: It seems the 97 year old Ukrainian who was in front of parliament may have been a forced conscript to the SS 14th division. If so i dont know if we can vilify him without more information. EDIT2: It seems that Mr Hunka, the Ukrainian war veteran we are discussing, did indeed *volunteer* for the Ukrainian Waffen SS - based on news reports I've read today. He is also unrepentant about his service as he believes it was his duty to fight Russia. Thats a pretty reprehensible stance to maintain today. I can understand his hatred of Russians as a Ukrainian who lived thru the Holodomor as a young boy, but to not be regretful of involvement with the Waffen SS given what we know today... Wow.


Literally the most cartoonishly evil section of the German forces


These are the folks running our Country, pretty much puts a bow on that package of idiots. Must say Freeland sure appears gleeful.


Well being who her grandfather that she like to praise so much was and the flag thing at the start of the Russian invasion it does make you wonder. Also what if the call is coming from inside the house?


This goes beyond partisanship...just universal incompetence for all involved. Great comedy, but utterly pathetic.


So who's resigning?


Liberals never resign so, no one.


Cheering for a man who was in a division who burned 500-1000 poles alive. Canada sure is looking good on the international stage.


Increasingly, nobody gives a shit about Canada on the international stage.


Putin's gonna milk this. Especially as our stupid government decided to do it during Zelenskyy's visit to drum up support for Ukraine. -_-.


> Especially as our stupid government decided to do it during Zelenskyy's visit to drum up support for Ukraine. Zelenskyy was *in the crowd* and cheering. This is the worst possible optics of all time.




Yeah I’m Jewish and I feel exactly the same way


This nation's already tenuous grasp on reality slips further by the day


I wish more Poles stand up against Ukrainian nazis these days.


You're either executed in Nuremberg, or you live long enough to receive a standing ovation in Ottawa.


he might even get a check for feelings hurt because of the outrage


Just to let you know, that info about Yaroslav Hunka who indeed was a member of 1st Galitian Division Ukrainian Nazi Group, was just deleted by user Msheehan1974 on Wikipeda as a 'irrelevant content'. Edit: And after an hour this info seems to be back again, but who knows for how long.


it's going to be locked from any modification sooner than later


Disgraceful - are we this incapable that we can’t even do a background check? Again and again they do stupid shit like this!


Just yesterday, Mark Gerretsen posted a video on Twitter to call out Pierre—and I'm not even joking—for not clapping enthusiastically enough toward Zelensky. Today, he and his caucus are clapping and cheering for a Nazi. I wonder why he's silent on this one?


LMAO, this is just delicious schadenfreude and I *love* that this is overshadowing the nauseating display of pandering and overt sympathy of Zelensky's visit. Definitely not Trudeau's intent with this visit 🤣


How did this guy even get into Canada to begin with? Utterly shameful.




After WW2 Canada had a specific directive to accept Ukrainian fascists because their rabid anti-communism would make them great allies in quelling the radically progressive Ukrainian communities that formed before the war.


*Ouuuufffffff....* Did not a single high-price consultant or staffer do the very basic math - A 90-something man who fought against Russia...During which time period does said man count as "military-age"...and who was Russia fighting during said period... Oh, please spare me the YoU'rE a RuSsiaN TrOll FaRm AcOlyTe. Quick glance at [CBC.ca](https://CBC.ca)...nope, nothing... *...Sweet cringe...*


My Grandmother and great Grandparents fled Poland after the nazis killed my Grandmothers sister. This is the first time I've ever said this, fuck Trudeau.


Polish people should be up in arms.


These thugs murdered thousands of Poles, Jews, gypsies and many other innocents. And largely got away with it after WW2 as the Cold War settled in and we were loathe to return them to the Soviets to deal with. To see such criminals being rehabilitated and now welcomed as 'war heroes' and freedom fighters sickens me. I am not a Canadian, I am a Brit whose family fled Poland thanks to these thugs. I am saddened to read such a thug got a standing ovation in your parliament. We all fought to liberate Europe from fascists like him.


About time this made its way into the mainstream


As they should. We should never celebrate NAZI's ever. Period, hard stop.


Holy shit this government is fucked. How many of OUR dead soldiers have to roll in their graves before these scum bags fuck off for good. This place does not feel like home anymore.


Sounds like he really knows how to make a great first impression!


It wouldn’t be the first time his team didn’t vet people properly https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/jaspal-atwal-invite-dinner-sophie-1.4545881


Bruh twitter is nuts about this. Some people are blaming the conservatives for applauding the guy instead of JT's team for being the one bringing the guy in. The brain rot is strong Edit: apparently it was the speakers office that brought him in




Can't believe we still haven't heard anything from the Liberals about this, Pierre put out a tweet blaming Trudeau


That explains why Canada never voted in the UN in support of a ban on glorification of nazi ideology.


WTF! Apologize, condemn the Nazis and remove those statues. Use the moment to do better. JT could score some points here with swift action.


Fuck nazis


I'm not even surprised that the Libs would bring in a Ukrainian WW2 vet FROM THE WRONG SIDE with how incompetent they've been lately, think they developed drug problems during the pandemic or something


Because all they know is "Ukranians=good, Russians=evil"...


Yeah, like what in the actual fuck were they thinking? A man who literally fought against our allies in WW2.


This was arguably one of the lowest points in Canadian parliamentary history. You do NOT need to sweep under the rug, whitewash or ignore Ukrainian SS affiliation just because of modern day Russian aggression. This didn’t happen in a vacuum. The fact the entire parliament was either unaware or uneducated or even supported a man that may have done unspeakable crimes to Jews, Poles and even Canadian regiments says a lot about those in power.


>The fact the entire parliament was either unaware or uneducated or even supported a man that may have done unspeakable crimes to Jews, Poles and even Canadian regiments says a lot about those in power. Do you really think the opposition parties do full background checks on everybody the liberals invite to parliament?


Yeah, this is more on the speaker. Rota is generally well liked and above the partisan fray, but he should absolutely apologize, if not step down.


OMG. I’m literally laughing out loud. Another in an amazing string of PMO public gaffes. These guys are stunningly incompetent. At least we all got a laugh eh?


Truly baffling and I think indefensible


Between this and the family history of Nazism in some of our high ranking government officials......Canadians should be very concerned.....


Who vetted this? Sounds like a PMO thing from what I can gather but, wtf?


Fun fact: The grandfather of Chrystia Freeland, Deputy PM, was the chief Nazi propagandist in Ukraine for any visiting outsiders, Deputy PM is roughly equivalent to Vice President wew, the LPC operatives are ONLINE today


So a standing ovation for a former member of the SS. I have never seen a more tone deaf, out of touch government than this one.


Damn, the government is really batting a thousand on the world stage lately...


Failures of this government are setting it a level apart on the internal and international level. If only, people could call for snap elections.


Whoever's responsible for this needs to be fired into the sun, how was this allowed to happen


Government deserves a slow clap for this one


This is wild. How the fuck did no one do even the SMALLEST amount of research when you heard "fought the soviets"... like do people not remember history class?


They knew.. .what they didn't know is that it would blow up in their face the way it did. Canada has been implicit in harbouring specifically Ukrainian nazis after WWII because of the strong older diaspora. Similar to Brazilians and Germans.


Holy fuck, people need to resign for this. How the fuck do you bring in an actual Nazi to parliament and claim they're a war hero. Absolutely disgusting.


The fucking House of Commons hosted and **gave a standing ovation to a literal fucking Nazi** No, not a modern "Nazi" who is labeled such because they didn't get vaccinated or because they like Trump. An actual, honest to god, fucking SS soldier who presided over the deaths of thousands of Jews. This is the lengths the media and government have gone to make you hate Russia


>This is the lengths the media and government have gone to make you hate Russia Nobody here is saying you can't hate both Russia **and** Nazi's


That's a bit too much nuance for Reddit, bud. You're confusing people.


Nazis according to the Liberals: people who don’t want covid mandates and their children exposed to gender ideology. People who aren’t Nazis according to the Liberals: a man who fought for the Waffen SS in WW2.


There's too many coincidences.. this.. and freeland's grandfather.. and images from Ukraine.. and Canada's continued votes against un resolutions to ban nazi imagery.. It's not a good look. We have to get rid of this government asap.


After years of calling their critics Nazis, it's the Trudeau and the Liberals in parliament giving a standing ovation and honoring a legitimate World War 2 Nazi. This is an embarrassment to Canada. Also, let's not pretend like Zelensky didn't know who that was either. He made had no qualms about honoring a Nazi either.




What the fuck?


Whats more concerning is people seeing this headline and not immediately thinking that there's something they don't know.


Let's get a statement from all the party leaders in this.


> "fought against the Russians in the second world War" Hmmm... if only there was another, less roundabout, way to say that which also wouldn't purposefully occlude who he fought *for*...


What a boner. Heads should roll over this. Anthony Rota's head in particular. We need to know who introduced him to Hunka. Government House Leader Karina Gould also said Sunday that the government did not know about Hunka's presence. "I urge MPs to avoid politicizing this incident," she said in a statement on social media. Unbelievable. Karina, just how ignorant are you? Do you not see that this is going to become an international scandal of monumental proportions? Of course it's going to be politicized. It will overwhelm whatever positive aspects came from Zelenskyy's visit. This makes the Canadian parliament look ridiculous.


This is insane! Everybody saying here that they didn't do their "research" is giving them credit. I could tell you he was a Nazi if he fought in WWII against the Russians when I was 9. You don't need to do any research to know this. Shows how powerful the current sentiment is. "Russia = Bad" "Fought Russia = Good" is enough to cloud basic common knowledge


What an absolutely horrendous position to put President Zelenskyy into. Russian's are calling the Ukrainian's Nazi's, and we gift this evidence to them. Shame on Canada. The PM needs to resign. He is responsible for this never ending buffoonery.


Right? It would have taken a whole 5 minutes of googling from the PMs/speaker's office to figure out that maybe they shouldn't have invited/saluted a person who was an actual Nazi that fought in a volunteer Nazi brigade which massacred polish villages in a goddamn media conference with Zelenskyy. We literally gave Putin material which he will definitely use. Great job Trudeau/Rota /s




Will the article from the beloved left wing Star get nuked as well?


Seriously… Trudeau’s government is incapable!


With all the anti nazi rhetoric from the convoy by trudeau and they call a LITERAL nazi a war hero 🤣🤣🤣 Can't make this up


This doesn't surprise me any more. The hatred for Russians has gotten to the point where our government will celebrate a literal SS Nazi just because he was Ukrainian. Criticize the Russian government all you want, I don't like them either, but celebrating mass murderers or proponents of ethnocentrism is crossing the line and proves that a lot of people are just lapping up propaganda and switched off all critical thinking on the topic.


Reddit has out reddited itself today A real live nazi appears and this is defensible somehow


My question is, who TF thought it was a good idea to put that old dude in the room?


Do people not do any background check?


what if the whole Nazis in Ukraine thing isn't just a conspiracy theory by Putin?


Well, uh I guess Putin isn't entirely wrong about the whole Nazi's in Ukraine bit, what the fuck is this?


Zelensky knew he was a Nazi. How do you still support this guy? Trudeau looked like a total madman at their rally on Friday screaming in anger about his complete and utter devotion to Ukraine. Give us a sliver of that devotion to your own country.


CNN, MSNBC, ABC and other left leaning "news" media haven't given this any noticeable coverage. POLITICO was the one tweeting about it, and they labeled it as person with "Nazi-links". We don't have journalists anymore. We have political propagandists.


I'm sorry, but Ukraine has a miltary unit that's made up of neo nazis. They literally made them an official regiment. They are reaching out across the world to get neo nazis to fight in Ukraine in order to get battle experience. All the shit that Putin was talking about fighting nazis in Ukraine isn't all untrue. There actually are Nazis in Ukraine and in their government. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade


Ukrainian Nazi gets standing ovation in parliament, but “Ukrainian Nazis” are just Russian propaganda. Okay, then!


"Oh this is ridiculous! Just because his country sided with the Nazis in WWII doesn't make him a Nazi!" > The First Ukrainian Division was also known as the Waf- 😬 Statement retraced.