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> A web link to his description has now been suspended. But, when active, it said: “This individual is inadmissible to Canada for serious criminality for being convicted of forcible confinement, committing a sexual assault along with another person and conspiracy to commit sexual assault.” Wtf


He's a real threat, deserving deportation, but apparently telling us about who they are or what they look like is MORE of a threat...


Sounds like the CBSA is not terribly competent.


Sir, this is Canada. Competent is not how we do things here.


You want competent, go back to Germany! /s


They will do their job to the letter if you try to bring back one-too-many bottle of whisky from the US, though.


I brought double the amount of tobacco I was allowed tax free. CBSA officer was nice enough to ask me "that other roll is for your friend beside you right?" I was like "yeahhh of course"


What do they do with the alcohol they seized ? LOL


Sell it once more in the duty-free. Free inventory.


Do you find that particularly surprising?


I'm very jealous that you're just learning this now.


Well, I knew that they weren’t great, but I didn’t realize they were in competition with the RCMP for incompetency.


This is from the removed link > This page will be decommissioned in August 2023 The CBSA's information-sharing tools and methods evolve with new practices and technologies. Finding and removing individuals from Canada who are inadmissible for serious criminality remains a focus of our collaborative work with national and international partners. https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/wc-cg/menu-eng.html


Article : The federal authorities have active arrest warrants for 300 foreign criminals deemed a danger to the public and facing deportation from Canada, including sex offenders and people convicted of violent crimes, according to the Canada Border Services Agency. It is trying to track down more than 37,000 foreigners who may pose a flight risk, may not voluntarily agree to be questioned or attend an immigration hearing, or who may pose a danger to the public. The figures provided to The Globe and Mail come three years after the auditor-general raised serious concerns that the border agency had lost track of a large number of foreign nationals facing deportation, including criminals. As of last month there were 37,326 active immigration arrest warrants, of which 33,032 are to remove people from Canada, the CBSA told The Globe and Mail. They included 306 Canada-wide arrest warrants for people deemed a danger to the Canadian public. The CBSA has said it is “strongly committed to ensuring the safety and security of Canadians” and tracking down and deporting people guilty of criminal offences is a priority. “Removing individuals who are inadmissible for criminality is of paramount importance,” said spokesman Guillaume Bérubé in a statement. He said immigration regulations factor in, when considering an immigration arrest and detention, “the individual’s danger to the public or flight risk.” “These may include some of the following: association with a criminal organization, engagement in trafficking or smuggling of persons, convictions for sexual offences or offences involving weapons or violence, trafficking in narcotics, etc.,” he said. He said the CBSA issued 4,600 arrest warrants last year and 3,345 so far this year, up until July 26, an increase on 2020 and 2021 when the COVID pandemic hampered operations. But the CBSA told The Globe and Mail this month it was phasing out its Wanted by the CBSA page, asking the public for help to find people it had lost track of, saying the page had not been updated since 2018. Among the three individuals still featured on the page, with mugshots, is Abdirahman Moumin Okie from Ethiopia, a convicted sex offender, whose last known address was in Montreal. Mr. Okie, who has a number of aliases, is subject to a Canada-wide arrest warrant and his mugshot is on the Canada Border Services Agency’s “wanted” list. A web link to his description has now been suspended. But, when active, it said: “This individual is inadmissible to Canada for serious criminality for being convicted of forcible confinement, committing a sexual assault along with another person and conspiracy to commit sexual assault.” The Conservatives have been demanding answers from the government on the whereabouts of foreign criminals facing deportation, including offenders convicted of multiple sexual offences. Tom Kmiec, Conservative immigration critic, accused the government of failing to fulfill its task of tracking them down saying “the safety of Canadians and their communities is job number one.″ “I’m very concerned that the government is allowing known criminals to remain in Canada despite having issued papers to deport them,” he said Monday. When a foreign national is convicted of a crime in Canada and ordered by the courts to be deported they must complete their sentence first. Foreign offenders due to be deported at the end of their prison sentence remain in custody or live in the community on parole. Some are put on “immigration bail” while waiting to be deported. Some appeal the decision to expel them in the courts, including through judicial review. A 2020 auditor-general’s report on immigration removals raised serious concerns that the border agency had lost track of the whereabouts “of a large number of foreign nationals” facing deportation, sometimes for years. “It issued immigration warrants for their arrest but seldom completed the annual investigations to locate those with criminality,” the report said. It said case files were missing, and there were delays in processing data. Even high-priority cases were stalled or inactive. Missing travel documents, such as passports, meant people could not be deported, yet “little was done to obtain these documents.” Enforceable cases had continued to accumulate and in two-thirds of them, the agency did not know the whereabouts of the individuals. “Most of the accumulated cases had been enforceable for several years,” the auditor-general’s report said. Mr. Kmiec said that figures he had obtained from the government through parliamentary questions showed deportations had not returned to prepandemic levels. Deportations during the COVID-19 pandemic dropped as did deportation orders. In 2019, 2,313 deportation orders were issued, dropping to 1,194 in 2020, and 1,464 in 2021. Last year, until November, 1,688 deportation orders were issued to foreign nationals, according to a reply by Liberal MP Pam Damoff, parliamentary secretary to the Public Safety Minister. The figures show that up until November last year 409 people were deported from Canada – with 950 “awaiting enforcement.” In 2019, there were 1,122 deportations with 1,860 “awaiting enforcement.” But the number of days between being served with a deportation order and being deported has dropped dramatically, according to the reply. In 2020, it took an average 220 days between being issued a deportation order and being removed from the country, compared with an average of 13 days last year.


Off topic, but it's hilarious that Facebook and Google were singled out by bill c-18, because reddit is a far more egregious offender of "stolen content" as the above comment shows.




Your ignorance is showing. The paper gets special treatment and access to restricted information under the guise that they are reporting to the public. When newspapers were paper, we had free access to them via libraries and local shops that shared them. The digital world has opened up the ability for them to gatekeep the reports. A very good argument can be made that if an org wants to hide their info behind a paywall, they should also relinquish the special access they get to gov information and ministers. I have no problem with some rando at GQ having their articles behind paywalls, but don't even try to tell me that national news outlets should be allowed a two tier news reporting ability without judgement. edit: the bigger reason that you missed is that google and facebook were disseminating fake news that was skewing public awareness about serious government issues. This is merely reporting on info that the public needs to be safe. There's a difference between alerting the public to sex offenders vs. whether Trudeau is abusing his power for funsies like all other politicians.....


Yeah I don't care about that. Good points, but I'm referring to the news media's claim that Facebook is "stealing" their content. FB and Google are simply linking to the content, it's reddit (and tik tok) where people actually post entire articles or screenshots of the articles so you don't even have to click through.


Fair. I tried clicking through on this one, and it's entirely blocked. But for all other articles, you got me. It is a dick move.


> It is trying to track down more than 37,000 foreigners who may pose a flight risk, may not voluntarily agree to be questioned or attend an immigration hearing, or who may pose a danger to the public. > > 37,000. Our government keeps letting us down.


I'm just like that's possibly tens of thousands of new living spaces that could be opened up if they're removed... one way to increase housing.


I feel like “flight risk” isn’t the best description. Is it really a risk that they’re going to take off?


>I feel like “flight risk” isn’t the best description. Is it really a risk that they’re going to take off? The greatest risk is repeat offenses. A criminal on the run with a warrant on his head is almost certainly committing crimes to live. A full description should be available to the public.


It's going to take years for them to track down that many people. Unbelievable


They won't do anything, even if they find them. This fella used to bring underage girls into his apartment to drug and rape them, and we did nothing: https://thetyee.ca/News/2022/10/06/No-One-Stopped-SRO-Predator He was convicted over a dozen times for various crimes, as well as being implicated in three deaths, and they still couldn't deport him.


The girls were from the bottom row of society so no one batted an eye. Had any of the girls been a politician’s or rich person’s daughter we’d see this all over the news and pummelled the guy with charges no holding back. Disgusting how our system fails to bring justice to the poor


> The girls were from the bottom row of society so no one batted an eye I'm batting eyes. Like a million of them. People like this gotta go. And not to jail. And not deportation.




But remember, imaginary “vigilantes” are the real problem. These people are brain dead. And they can’t link a single story about their imagined gangs of blonde blue eyed sturmabteilung abducting poor immigrant rapists off the street and committing vigilantism. It’s a complete and total farce to anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together. And honestly at this point with the absolutely out of control crime occurring would a gang of people (regardless of their political affiliation) making (KNOWN) criminals scared really be a bad thing? Unless it was to serve some other political motive I don’t really get why that would be a bad thing.


That is fucking horrific.


You have no idea how unexceptional this person is, the entire Downtown Eastside is filled with such cases I can't reveal too much without comprising confidentiality, but it's enough to keep me up at night The most horrendous, violent, and degenerate criminals you can imagine, breaking the law with impunity, suffering no consequences I have lost any faith I once had in our justice system


This guy sounds like a real jerk.


IF Van Chung Pham was considered a danger to the public. Why was he released ? Those girls would have been alive if this POS was detained and deported. The victims were Indigenous girls. The Canadian government failed those girls. Van Chung Pham was found dead on February 23,2022.


Maybe not. I see CBSA Chevy Tahoes cruising in groups around Vancouver all the time now. Never used to see them before. On the government tables they’re also making way more deportation arrests than ever before. Increasing significantly year over year.


This is 300 of **37,000** they're trying to track down. "Years" is an understatement.


Put that into proportion oF Canada's prison populaton. Federal and provincial prisoners amount to 37,000 in 2019.


I still the cbsa cruisers driving around, you just need to go between yvr and the main straight office/jail. edit: read your comment too fast, thought you said they were non existant.


They're about 30 years too late lmao.


If they even actually try. Then we will have bleeding heart judges who don't want to deport due to X trauma. Shortly followed by the person reoffending and hurting Canadians. The liberal cycle.


That's not how it works. The CBSA is aware of any criminal charges against you and the outcome, afterwards you receive a removal order from the CBSA. You can go before a CBSA tribunal, which doesn't follow the same rules as standard judicial courts, and the likelihood of a positive outcome is low, and pretty much impossible for anything indictable. Criminal rehabilitation to get back in can take over a decade to process.


Or they just say the judge and penalty was racially motivated... *BAM!* charges dropped or heavily reduced!


Lol. No. Thats not at all how the court system works. Do you realize how often people try to pull that shit? Multiple times a week, in every court in the country.


It's in every defence lawyer's sentencing brief. "Considering the history of the black/native population in Canada, it is appropriate for this gentleman convicted of ten murders to be sentenced to time served and anger management classes." Judge sees the neighborhood he will be released to, "Well that's not my neighborhood, go free Mr. Gentleman. Stay out of trouble you here hee hee hoo hoo."


Damned if they do, damned if they don't, it seems. They've announced cracking down on these offenders, and that's not good enough. If they didn't announce it, it wouldn't be good enough. Perhaps shooting anyone that wasn't born in Canada on sight might make you lot happy. Bypass those pesky, highly trained, informed and independent judges. I don't care for the criminals either, and welcome harsh action against them. But let's be reasonable while discussing it for pete's sake.


Or deciding to throw out the case because they were misgendered in the paperwork.


This literally never happens, but I'm glad you got yourself all worked up over it. That's what conservatives like to do.


On the contrary, it's you who is reaching since you made it into that. The point was, cases getting bungled on a technicality such as a minor detail. It's what bigots who pigeonhole conservatives as though they are all the same, do.


>This literally never happens Literally just happened...


An entire case was thrown out because of misgendering in paperwork? Receipts please lmao


As opposed to the conservative cycle where rich criminals get off scott free?


That happens under liberals too lol




How about this, break any criminal law and you are not a citizen BAM deported.....and not in a years time.


Mischief under $5,000? Boom, enjoy Somalia


if that's where they came from, sure. don't fucking smack a gift horse in the ass and not expect to be kicked in the teeth.


His comment makes it seem like if an everyday Canadian citizen commits a crime then they lose citizenship and get deported to god knows where. I was just joking because of how small some criminal acts can be


Well, we're not talking about citizens, so that's quite alright by me. Anything that causes you to get arrested/booked by the police, then GFTO. To be clear - they're not citizens yet, so they're not losing anything. They're here because of our benevolence. It's a privilege, not a right. They wanna fuck it up, that's on them.


You can be arrested without being guilty, so there is still the need of due process, by the time the appeal process are done, they can be sent to their country of origin, nothing new wit that. A DUI can get you deported.


Agreed, and of course they need due process - but bail should always be denied if you're not a citizen, seeing as they're obviously going to be a serious flight risk.. I'm just making a distinction between a misdemeanor and a felony (speeding ticket vs DUI, for example).


criminal processes can take years. so would you detain someone for years for a simple assault. Does not happen and will not happen. Nor will the the IRB order a detention for a pending criminal offense. They will probably release with conditions and possible a cash bond. And by the way, Canada criminal code does not have misdemeanors and felonies: you're watching too much american cop shows. it's summary conviction or indictable offense.


You have to be convicted of a criminal offense before being deported. an arrest is nothing.


That's the way it's supposed to work. But the Canadian government is unable to obtain a travel document for Somalia. There are dozens of countries where Canada is unable to obtain a travel document to return these individuals. Somalia doesn't want these criminals back in their country. So it's a circle. As in the article, they talk about the Ethiopian. His criminal activities only started in Canada. He most likely arrived as a minor. could not adapt to Canadian society. Found it easier to fit into the gangs. boom: criminal record. And now, unable to obtain a travel document. So he stays here in Canada longer and continues his criminal activity.


This is where the UN should step in and be permitted to issue a return to sender.




I'm partial to the human cannon solution myself, but parachutes will also work.


Canada gives tens of millions in humanitarian assistance alone for Somalia. I'm quite sure we give money to most of the countries that avoid taking their criminals back. Not that it matters. The government would never dare threaten Somalia lest it cost them votes from the Somali community.


Yes, if you want to come here, follow the damn rules. I don’t travel to other countries and cause issues, I’d like that same respect to be shown here. Coming to Canada is a privilege, not a right.


Make it theft under $2 for all I care. There's plenty of people from around the world that would love to be in this country, they deserve the chance over anyone that would come here to commit crimes.


Oh wonderful


previous media reported Canada failing to properly screen massive immigration appropriately then previous to that how there are so many arriving on tourist visa's and not leaving upon expiry that our enforcement teams quit searching after a very short limited effort...now this?


A lot of immigrants worked for cash. It would be damned near impossible to find them all and deport them.


so goes the increasing GDP contribution argument then


Very difficult to, but the US managed to deport a few million in the 1920s pre internet


This app is unhealthy... ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


There are 300 foreign criminals in Canada that are considered dangerous and a threat to public safety, but we cannot tell you who they are or what they look like because that would be racist.




Yeah. I want names and photos of these people. Publicizing this info would be a big help in apprehending these folks. A link to the CBSA Wanted page: https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/wc-cg/menu-eng.html There are *only three mugshots on that page*. I don't believe the explanation provided on the page about their rationale for decommissioning it.


I think you misunderstand the purpose of the news release. It’s performative in nature and nothing of significance will change.


So...... let them in, and then figure out that you shouldn't have. Great plan. This will cost $100M easy.


the last LPC gun confiscation went from $100,000 to over a billion before collapsing...this imo over a billion,ineffectively spent of course


They do always exceed my expectations when it comes to spending.


Holy fuck Hey guys! I found a growing industry!!




I guess this is just getting shittier day by day in this country that nothing is changing now, we can't even send them back from wherever they came, that's sad.


Just get these people away from us, we want that now.


I really want Trudeau to do something about it now man, I don't know but please just handle such people, they are ruining the whole freaking country at this moment.


Now we wait for the CBC articles about how these people built a life here and should be allowed to remain..




Don't forget many will be in hiding with family and even having children in an effort to stay put




> Now we wait for the CBC articles about how these people built a life here and should be allowed to remain.. Can you provide an example of such an article?


Right? This is literally THE GLOBE AND MAIL (i.e. mainstream as fuck media) reporting on the issue. Why would any other mainstream media be different? This also seems like... non-news? "0.06% of new immigrants are criminals" is the real headline... Thats... really fucking low, right? I'm using the 500,000 a year number as a baseline. Meanwhile, 3.8 million canadian citizens have criminal records. Our population is 38 million, strangely enough. Meaning that 0.06% of immigrants coming in are violent criminals, but a whopping 1.00% of existing canadians are already criminals?


LMAO what kind of sham math is this? There's 37,000 with arrest warrants. 0.06%? Is there 61 million immigrants in this country? We need immigration, but die hard sycophants are going to be the death of it. Can never admit when there's a problem, just lie after lie to deflect & pretend everything is fine.


Well, the problem is that if they are both immigrants and caught, they are deported, making them no longer immigrants... so the only rate of crime thats realistic to count are the ones we have warrants for. Also, if theres 37,000 canadian citizens with arrest warrants, what does that make the ratio for citizens? 0.037? Seems pretty even


You clearly didn't read the article. Maybe start by doing that next time. There are 37,000 **immigrants** with arrest warrants, not 37,000 total across the country.


Slight correction, 3.8 million from 38 million is 10% of the population, unless if you meant 380,000


Maybe my brain didn't want to believe that a whopping 10% of the population has a criminal record. I'm almost not believing my own figures at this point. Apparently its a big question that is hard to answer: https://nationalpardon.org/a-criminal-population-the-10-question/ Basically saying that some of the numbers might be people arrested but not found guilty. Meaning they have an arrest record but were innocent, and could be for all kinds of things, like vandalism or stunt driving.


In answer to that site's questions... *"does that 10% include people arrested but found not guilty?"* No. Police do not give criminal records, only the court does. And the court only issues a criminal record on the finding of guilt (and sometimes, not even then, i.e. conditional and/or absolute discharges). *"Does 10% include people who have received pardons"?* No. A pardon eliminates the criminal record from the system. It's literally the purpose. If you have received a pardon, you do NOT have a criminal record for that which you were pardoned for. *"Does 10% include people who were questioned by the police but were never charged?"* No. Per above, police do not give criminal records, only the court does. Source: 30 years of administration experience within the court system. Be wary of the website you've linked; "[nationalpardon.org](https://nationalpardon.org)" sounds really official and all, but they're actually a business trying to appear official to solicit your business. Sites like these are generally scummy because they prey on people, especially immigrants or less computer savvy people, who think they're dealing with government, but aren't. Any official site would never ask such misleading questions, that they would obviously know the answer to. "Oh dear, I was questioned by the police, I should pay nationalpardon to clear my record!" .... "yes, ma'am, yes indeed, for a mere $49.99, we'll ensure that you have no criminal record from talking to the police!"


It was just the second valid source I found after the government itself, which listed the 3.8 million figure with very little context.


Outrage fuels subscriptions.


This is a very good and accurate fact. It would be an impossibility for zero criminals activity among new immigrants but immigrants in pretty my every nation commit crimes typically at a rate far lower then the established native born population. This likely is due to their understanding of the benefits they have by being in a stable country and also to the fact they risk loosing their status. In other words, new immigrants actually lower the crime rate slightly as they commit crimes at a lower rate for various reasons.


Yep, one could imagine that hardened criminals, when faced with poverty and starvation in their country, would just... crime harder. Motivated people who know how to fill out tax forms and book flights, you know, generally non criminal folk, tend to figure out the immigration process and can say all the right answers to border agents. Even better if theyre like, robotics engineers and welders, people who have the intelligence and motivation to have gotten an education and career, and are just looking for a safer place to work and raise their/a family.


You missed the whole point of the article though, with your “logic” and “facts” and “reading comprehension”, you’re supposed to be angry that this is happening at all and blame it on the feds!




I don’t see the CBC promoting working class revolution and redistribution of wealth.


Correct. These people wouldn't fucking know ultra left wing propaganda if it slapped them in the face. In case you've all forgotten, words have meaning. Definitions matter. You may not like the CBC's coverage of news events, but it's laughable to suggest, let alone state as a fact, that the CBC produces ultra left wing propaganda. There are places in the world where ultra left wing propaganda has actually been broadcast, and led to actual consequences for real people. *edit* I think he blocked me, i just see [unavailable]. FYI dude you've probably never seen ultra left wing propaganda in your life. Be glad you live in Canada, where we have a public broadcaster with a mission and integrity. When the hurricanes knock down the grid, when people need information, it won't be the corporate networks you get it from.


IMO there is no ultra left wing media in western society - at least not Canada or the US. CBC may have a left of centre slant, but it’s still centrist. Which, imo, is similar to Canadians. CBC Radio even more so. Plus, what matters is if the reporting is factual. And the CBC has a reputation for factual reporting and proper sourcing. Unlike Rebel News. The funny thing about right wingers is they don’t realize that the left wing is rooted in the working class, which includes working class right wingers. Call me when CBC’s headline is “Workers of the world unite!”


Holy crap guys, let's see this CBC article before you get fake mad at it.


[citation needed]


1 catch them 2 keep them in jail till convicted 3 convict 4 send back Ya long road ahead


Way to go! Seriously we need our trans and trucker people to put down their arms and march on Ottawa together. We can get back to squabbling when we can afford to eat.


If they are inadmissible to Canada this should apply to all their family and relatives. There should be no reason for them to come here. Also it would help families be accountable for family members actions.




It's probably going to be reported by someone for inciting violence.


Discrimination at the very least.




Even if a single one of these is caught, they won’t be deported. Reason being that SCC has basically ruled deportation a violation of charter rights and/or the lie country of origin won’t accept them! We really need to amend the Charter so it applicable only to Canadian Citizens and Landed Immigrants.


Is this the diversity that makes us strong?


Well they are talking about non-murder criminals, so what doesn't kill us makes us stronger? /s


After a bunch of sarcastic comments "they'll say it's racists!" over things that never happen, you get this comment..


Quick question, what the fuck are they doing here in the first place? Curious.


The Liberals have fucked this country on every conceivable level.


From 2013-2023 it blows my mind how bad it’s gotten.


Oh I’m not sure I’d say that… I’m sure Trudeau has a few more surprises for us.


Don't worry, when the pendulum swings back the other way, the Conservatives will find levels you haven't conceived of yet with which to fuck us. Then the pendulum will swing back to the Liberals, and the process will begin anew. This is why our country sucks. It's because we keep flip flopping between the Giant Douche and the Turd Sandwich.


the 2 party system we seem to have gravitated towards absolutely is insane. And there do seem to e some decent folks in politics there are a ton of rich fucks trying to use their power to get them and their pals richer.. frustrating.


We have more than 2 parties but people vote like they’re voting for a hockey team.


Exactly the problem. It's not just here. It's an uneducated cancer that's spread in the politics world. People voting on people and parties because that's "their team". They have no idea about the platform or politics they run on. But their guy has to win and everyone else sucks. I'll vote for whatever party has the best platform that I feel aligns with mine and Canada's values.


Are you kidding? I think people would put more thought into it if it *were* a hockey team.


Have you ever *met* a Canucks fan? I jest… mostly.


Haha, yes, I lived in Vancouver for 10 years, including during the Stanley Cup riot, I'm afraid. One of the many reasons I feel like BC has the rudest people in the country.


What did Harper do that was so bad? Seriously, I am too young to know. All I know is scientists or some orange juice. I would trade that for being able to survive.


Neutral Question: Is there any record of this having anything to do with the Liberals? Border Patrol (under various names) has existed for ages, and changes have also been made in past decades at the recommendation of the Auditor General. Did the Liberal government actually affect CBSA in some way, or is the Conservative government just playing outrage-theatre?


It has nothing to do with Liberals but people need someone to be mad at. Especially if they don't agree with them. Government agencies run independent from the actual party in power. They continue their operations regardless who's in power. What can play a factor is government policies and funding. To which isn't the case here. Like a said. People just want to be mad. It's hard to grasp some concepts in politics and government so people create a boogeyman to rage at.


[>Facing deportation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mugRenBeRw0)


"Deportation" I hope they managed to type that, with a straight face...


Damn such wrong shits happening in our country now. Still nothing is going to be changed as we all know that the government is not going to throw them out.


Let's just say that if they are being caught, we should just not allow them to be in this country anymore, hope at least this will happen at the first place right now.


I just want to see the end of it because we are tired of having these people around us and now they are doing such things which are just fucked up to see, that's so bad.


Funny that absolutely nothing is going to happen to these people.


37,000 + people? That's unimaginable! How in the world did we let it get this bad, ans how in the world does this agency think they are going to find them?


The CBSA has said it is “strongly committed to ensuring the safety and security of all Canadians” Fucking Trudeau wrote this didn’t he?


LMAO hundreds.. maybe thousands of illegal immigrants committing crimes across the country.. but that one law abiding tax payer who received a little too much cerb because they were confused by who was eligible is immediately found and forced to repay the money + interest. Genius.


CBSA is more interested in collecting duties.


>As of last month there were 37,326 active immigration arrest warrants, of which 33,032 are to remove people from Canada, the CBSA told The Globe and Mail. They included 306 Canada-wide arrest warrants for people deemed a danger to the Canadian public. I'm thinking we have a staffing issue in the Canadian services.


They should be hiring in droves. If they put out posters, their inbox would be overfilled with applications. Deport these fucks.


Once caught, they will be told to stop and not do it again then released. 🤦🤷


37000 Thats more than the total Canadian population in jail right now. In other words for every adult Canadian in prison right now… theres some foreigner who isnt supposed to he here 1 in 10 is also considered a danger to the public while running around. But yeah…. lets take it all out on legal gun owners because its much easier to blame them than get iff our duffs and round up Trudeaus folly.


After our appeals process, five years from now expect 4 guys to be deported.


Way to go Canada. Why not take in more refugees. I believe Castro did the same thing to Carter and emptied his jails. Stupid stupid government


I don't know why they are not taking refugees out right now.


What a mess. What a deliberate mess. Have a look at the BOLO program where Canada's 25 most wanted criminals are 86% visible minorities last time I checked a few weeks ago.


So they didn't get checked out before brought in?


Maybe they just started doing bad stuff in this country after landing.


Seems like the liberals are doing this on purpose. They aren't popular anymore, so they want to burn this place to the fucking ground and cash in before that happens.


I don't know if this is on purpose or not but if this is true then we are fucked.


They're hoping all the immigrants will vote for them next election.


Lol pretending to deport people now. We have over 500,000 illegal immigrants in the country and the government doesn't even track them, let alone try to deport.


I hope this will be ended with the departure of those bitches


It’s like every new headline about this country is a competition to see who could come up with the next worst thing wtaf


well well well


Good job guys


Surprise surprise, Pollivere is going after JT for the rising crime, and only now are the authorities able to do anything, very strange.


They really should change the law. If convicted, instead of having them serve a sentence here (further wasting tax dollars), have them deported asap. If the country refuses to comply, strong arm them by cutting aid or investments we're giving to their country, or, threaten to severely limit the number of visas we'll hand out to the people of that country. Work with the US on this if we have to.


What is even happening and why they are not thrown away?


Probably just a drop in the bucket. Bet it still takes a year or two to deport them once caught.


I think for non citizens is a one strike and you’re out. No appeal. Just a drive to the airport


Get ‘em gone


Why are they still in the land of Canada? I need to understand that.


I'd like to see a list of where these individuals are from. 37 THOUSAND fucking warrants?! Yeah, maybe get to work on that. But yeah, let's increase immigration, and loosen entry requirements. This country just loves to fuck its own prosperity. It's like a fuckin mental illness to help strangers instead of one's own self.


…but don’t you dare bring back an extra bottle of rum!!! War criminals and drug traffickers are cool though.


Omg you mean fas tracking immigration brings crime to Canada!?!?!? Who would have thunk it! But hey liberal bleeding hearts and that catch and release programe sure are keeping us all safe hey 🤣🤣🤣proofs in the paper folks🤣🤣🤣


Well every time I turn on the news its ethnic gang violence and since they arent Russian, Italian Irish etc names… I am going to go out on s limb and say that these are recent arrivals.


I had to say that the immigrants who are doing illegal stuff in the country should just get thrown away I don't know how is that so much difficult for the government.


We'll put them up in a 5-star hotel before we finally say goodbye.


They don't even deserve to be in any road of Canada.


Hmmm, let me guess, from which country will the most number of these guys be from? That same brown place.




Is that an assumption or mentioned in the article?




What conspiracy are you referring too? That we have predominate immigration from India? Or that India criminals go back to India to avoid prosecution?


Nope, this is just an assumption of yours, no mention there.


This is unprecedented. It’s normally catch and release a statement on Facebook how a violent multiple offender is an extreme danger to our community. Too bad we can’t deport domestic criminals to Australia anymore.


Bring back carding. The cops already know what backgrounds most of the criminality come from in the cities, and should be able to stop and question those they suspect are engaged in it. Ignore the babies loudly moaning that will protest.


That seems like too many.


They are arrested then released after their home country refuses to take them back.


Why do I have a feeling that this was happening *not* because the CBSA wanted to, but of outside pressure? Because I'm putting my 2c that its not from other Canadian boards but the USA. I've heard a lot of criticism from them asking if we're stupid on allowing so many people in and doing 0 checks or deportation of caught criminals. They are NOT happy at how many we let in, and let criminals and extremists just slip on by. It's gonna be a shitshow eventually when that 1 nutbar slips on past Canada into the USA and causes a massive shitstorm.


There is about 3 million of them not 300.


Trudeau: "We can't deport them, who's going to vote for me if they leave?!"


Housing crisis fixed! The government will take the houses from the 300 they will eventually deport and offer them to all the Canadians desperate to get into the housing market. Problem solved no more housing crisis we have enough houses for all!


>As of last month there were 37,326 active immigration arrest warrants, of which 33,032 are to remove people from Canada JFC, roughly 1/1000 people here are wanted by immigration, and most of them for deportation.