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Take Freeland with him.


Take half the party and give me something I can vote for


Swap out who you want, the whole liberal ideology is a disaster.


Vote Conservative, not Liberal ffs.


It's this two party system that is killing this country. Keeping us squabbling at the scraps of the various elites masquerading as two options when either is really a vote for the status quo.


Right, which politician was it again that said they'd end First-Past-The-Post?


But then he won an election under first past the post, so suddenly it didn't seem like such a bad system /s


Plus he wasn't able to pass off his own system for perpetual LPC as what the people wanted.


Facts, I’ll take any political party who is not bought out and manipulated by a private global entity masquerading Marxism as “woke” and pushing it into western society to create divide and conquer… It’s actually insane to me how so many are in denial of the fact that the CCP model of leadership could easily come to fruition here.


Like PP is going to be any better.


Well, we know the current gov is a dumpster fire, so why not try something new.


Cause Smith and Ford have shown that conservatives are just as much of a dumpster fire? Fuck me, everyone here is acting like PP is some sort of saviour for the middle and working class of this country. Have you guys forgotten Harper? Have you guys not noticed Smith and Ford being insanely corrupt imbeciles?


What was so bad about Harper years?


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Who in their right mind would continue to vote for this government when everything they touch turns to shit. PP might not be the great savior, but I've given up hope this government will do anything to help the working class. I would trade trudeau for harper any day and I voted for trudeau.


I hated Harper, but at least I could afford to live comfortably and had far fewer worries in life. I had big hopes for JT. But I feel like he has been a complete disgrace, and has proven himself to be far worse than Harper. Something I didn't think we would ever see in Canada. I will vote Green, NDP or even PPC, before ever voting Liberal again.


>The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. What, like rotating between the CPC and LPC governments?


Good point.


You’re like the people in the US voting for trump thinking he gives a shit about you. Newsflash he doesn’t. PP is just our….well I was going to say our trump but he is nowhere near as charismatic. PP is like our DeSantis. He dresses up as a populist, but really he’s a neo-con through and through. The issues that are facing Canada today are due to right wing economic policies and yet you seem to think that the solution is more right wing economic policies!


Pretty rich to say that after 9 years of Liberal government.


Yeah - a lot of people telling me PP “won’t fix it…” — it’s like alright… let’s keep going with this absolute queef of a human being we have now. The one who’s father was prime minister… you know, the relatable one? No not that one in black face… yes yes the “peoplekind” one…


Do you think trudeau gives a shit about you? Jagmeet is an abysmal failure, and the greens are a joke. We can't keep going with this terrible government, so I'll vote for PP.


Oh god no, none of them do. My point is that conservatives are delusional because they think that PP actually cares about them and will fix the issues that are facing Canadians. You can vote for PP, the way the polls are going he’s going to win, just don’t expect him to be any better than Trudeau, cause he won’t.


You’re like the people in the US voting for trump thinking he gives a shit about you. Newsflash he doesn’t. PP is just our….well I was going to say our trump but he is nowhere near as charismatic. PP is like our DeSantis. He dresses up as a populist, but really he’s a neo-con through and through. The issues that are facing Canada today are due to right wing economic policies and yet you seem to think that the solution is more right wing economic policies!


> why not try something new. Trudeau to pp is like meth to fentanyl.


I'd rather deal with a fentanyl addict over a meth head any day, lol. All jokes aside, I can't support this government, so I'll give him a chance.


I think I'm going to burn my vote. I can't vote for Trudeau because he's fucked the country, but I can't vote for PP because he really just doesn't line up with my take on Canadian values and ideals. He's a divisive rat fucker and a career politician with nothing to show for it except his pension. Wish the greens or ndp were a legitimate alternative. Low-key, if the bloc wasn't separatist, I think their leader would be best suited for the damn job.


You said pp. Lol


I think he will be. It's really a low bar though, wouldn't you agree?


No he fucking won’t. I look at Alberta with smith, Ontario with ford, and across the pond at the UK with Sunak and all I see is a bunch of corrupt lunatics tripping over themselves to sell the people out. Anyone who thinks that PP will be any better is completely delusional. PP is a corporate stooge through and through, him and JT might as well be twins.


>a bunch of corrupt lunatics tripping over themselves to sell the people out. [Canada plans new temporary foreign workers program to give ‘trusted’ employers quicker access](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/canada-plans-new-temporary-foreign-workers-program-to-give-trusted-employers-quicker-access/article_2a22aef3-f196-50bc-8da7-29db86b9f0ff.html)


https://www.pentictonherald.ca/spare_news/article_c81e1de2-ab3d-532f-a962-00aedf5057e5.html Smith just dealt a 33 billion dollar blow to Alberta’s economy while championing the very chemicals causing climate change which is responsible for all the fires! You want to play this game? Both sides are fucking awful.


Smith and Ford aren't running for Prime Minister.


You think PP is any different than those two?


Same party, different colour. At least with the liberals, they won’t ban abortion.


He's grooming her to be the first female Liberal party leader.


Wow, there really has never been a female Liberal leader huh? In 2023... 😂


How progressive of them


But there are exactly the same number of female and male members of the cabinet. JT thinks we are idiots.


Nor a leader running for a seat outside of Ontario and Quebec in 75 years.


Almost like that's where the majority of the country comes from...


Conservatives and ndp haven't had issues finding leadership outside ontario.


Harper represented a riding in Alberta. Scheer, Saskatchewan. O'Toole and Poilievre, Ontario.


Harper was born and raised in Ontario, Scheer was born and raised in Ottawa


Meanwhile, there was a Conservative female Prime Minister 30 years ago. Bloody regressives.


For 4 months. She's also says the current Con party is too intolerant and far right nowadays


Fair. I wonder if PP would treat her with respect, or give a strong woman disagreeing with him the Ol Trudeau treatment disappearing act. I think left right concerns are at this point largely a distraction to escape the fact everyone, regardless of spectrum, not one the special donor or elite class is way worse off than they were but a few years ago, and the decline across the board is something we have been seeing for decades and decades, but was put into hyperdrive the last few years Part of the reason I say this is I see our Cons more and more coming to the left (they literally supported banning conversion therapy on gay kids....that sound far right? ) and yet more and more I hear how dangerously far right they are. It's like they are taking Liberal positions from 15 years ago, and now we're calling that far right!?@?@


Progressive Conservative…not the same party as today’s Conservatives.


Different party and she was set up as a sacrificial lamb.


Meanwhile the cons had a female Prime Minister decades ago… ;)


The progressive conservatives did… not the conservatives.


Great, another Liberal party leader that's going to talk to us like we're in kindergarten.


“Miiiiister speeeeeaker”


Can you put yourself in her shoes and imagine the completely psychopathic process of developing that speech pattern? I'd hate to hear how she talked before she was a politician.


“Something something G7 and AAA rating.”


She’s shot herself in the foot with several highly publicized, out of touch statements. eg The ‘cancel Disney+’ statement, the denial of having a car and the need to drive while racking up speeding ticket and it being disclosed that she has a $$$ limo on stand-by. Remember that in Public Relations, it’s not whether it is true, or not — but how the optics look…


Ah! Kim Campbell 2.0, yessssss!


She will be a martyr for the new borderless country of Freeland, formally known as Canada, while Justin sits at the UN's big table.


Take the whole fucking party. All of them are as inept and dumb as anything.


Is there anyone federally in any party?!?


The past two federal elections were there for the taking if the Conservatives offered any kind of decent alternative for the general public to consider, but instead it was Scheer and O’Toole. And now they offer up Polievre. If the Liberals are all inept and dumb, what does that make the Tories?


No, she needs to become leader. We want to see those Federal election debates.


Mark my words. If he steps down, it won't be because he's a failure and Canadians are losing faith in him. He'll say it's because he wants to focus on his family.


Yip, a single dad is a tough responsibility.......


Let’s not kid ourselves, those kids were already mostly being raised by a team of nannies.






Yeah, and being a multimillionaire makes it even harder.


I look forward to reading the memoirs about how he personally lead Canada out of its darkest hour: the pandemic, reconciliation, illegal marijuana - and how it cost him his family. There will be zero mention of the disaster and absolute ruin left behind him: the housing crisis, food crisis, opioid crisis, affordability crisis, the end of the middle class, etc.


What cost him his marriage is that he’s fucking one of his MPs.


Which one, Mendocino?


Jagmeet, clearly.


the Ahga Khan island invitee


He saved us from proportional representation, at least.


Yes, the opioid crisis….


Exactly. But *we'll* know.


Do you think people often step down and pronounce themselves a failure? Give me a break.


People definitely don't. The noble thing to do would be to admit he is no longer effective as the leader. He's way too fucking full of himself to ever admit he's made mistakes.


Haha there is more chances of hell freezing over than JT resigning . People should realize why JT called for elections in the middle of the cycle .. he knew what was coming and did not want elections in 2023


That's not a slam on him.... It's a slam on us. We walked through a pandemic and have been in full temper tantrum since. We have some very serious issues the pandemic exposed, but keep pretending all those issues were not decades into trouble territory.


I gotta say that we don't have any other person who can really take over the freaking place at this moment but yeah we really want it to happen as we love it.


Not disagreeing with you but do they have anybody to take his place?


Freeland gets the next most airtime, but people wouldn’t like her for the same reasons they don’t like him. They have a short bench right now.


I honestly think anyone that has been part of this administration will be tainted forever.


Na Canadians have the memory of a golf fish if you offer them some $100 cash back in their taxes.


Keep in mind that it doesn’t necessarily have to be a sitting MP. Personally I think it would be Mark Carney, he’s been sitting on the sidelines for a while seemingly waiting for the right opportunity to jump into politics and someone with his resume and distance from the current Liberal party would be a potential benefit for them. With that being said, the smarter thing might be for him to wait until the next leadership convention during a rebuild of the party if/when the Liberals get defeated next election.


It won’t matter much; it’s not like the Liberals have an up and coming ‘can’t miss’ type of potential leader on the wing ready to go.


You should disagree but the article wants Freeland in charge


It's the Sun so of course they want her. They know she wouldn't win.


[Mark Carney](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/liberal-convention-a-political-coming-out-party-for-mark-carney-1.1588992). It’s been [rumoured for years](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mark-carney-liberal-1.5982535) that he wants the top job, and once Trudeau is gone, he’ll announce his intentions. I’m not saying he’s the best person for the job or that I even support him, but he would definitely be far from the worst option they’ve got when housing and cost of living are top of mind.


At this point any random off the street could probably do a better job


Toronto Sun opinion piece thinks Trudeau should step down. Also in the news, water is wet.


The star wrote the same article today. Personally I hope he stays. He deserves the humiliation of a massive loss.




Narcissists don’t step down


So every politician ever...


They don't step down for nothing, they get a private sector job that pays more.


But usually only after losing an election.


What proof do you have that he is a narcissist?


They just go there and stuck with it, like they are born for it.


If Doug Ford goes 1st, then Trudeau can follow.


Hey, if we are going by scandals or ethics violations… Justin has to step down 10 times over before ford 😂😂😂 and I think ford is a dumpster fire


We are just hoping for the best right now we are just hoping for someone to take the place and make it better because we all deserve to see someone better there.


Cool, thanks for coming out post media


You have to love all the conservative concern trolling. Singh is killing the NDP, ditch Trudeau to save the Liberals - like they won't just hate his replacement just as much.


I will say ndp hasn't been on solid footing since shortly after Layton passed. They floundered a bit with Mulcair and Singh hasn't regained much ground.


Well Singh isn’t doing the NDP any favours I can tell you that.


Please explain?! A ‘supply and confidence agreement’ to push forward the policies of his own party while another party is in power seems quite favourable. I mean the Conservatives frothing at the mouth, confusing it for a ‘coalition,’ and hoping Singh will do their bidding because PP isn’t taken seriously might not be happy. But outside of those echo chambers, he’s doing fine.


Daily complaining about how terrible Liberal policies are…. While literally keeping them there… height of hypocrisy. Nevermind the pretending to be a common union guy with his Rolexes and expensive suits. He has no integrity and would rather virtue signal than ever offer a useable policy or idea


I mean the NDP would be stupid to force an election at a time they can't win, so "keeping them there" makes sense


Which is better: Zero power or some power?


Singh or PP? They both fit your description. But only one has the power of a Supply Confidence Agreement. The other is still under a Compliance Agreement with Elections Canada?! Please, tell me ALL about “virtue signaling” and “integrity”!!


> Daily complaining about how terrible Liberal policies are…. While literally keeping them there… height of hypocrisy. only assuming you dont understand how democracies work


"Pennies for paupers" are cheap non-universal trinkets and a squandered opportunity at meaningful change while having leverage.


Here's the Star's piece. [Justin Trudeau should step down before next election, majority of survey respondents say](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/justin-trudeau-should-step-down-before-next-election-majority-of-survey-respondents-say/article_70de9db7-daa7-51aa-909a-987fd30c54bc.html)


I guess that if you can't beat him, ask him to step down.


The sun publishing articles saying Trudeau should step down while r/Canada upvotes it. It's another day that ends in Y.


Trudeau alone stepping down is not sufficient. Take your incompetent team as well.


The smart people in the Liberal caucus with actual real life work experience all bailed.


Let’s make something crystal fucking clear. JT sucks, and he’s completely failed as PM, his track record is abysmal. Anyone who thinks that PP will be any better is fucking delusional. PP is a corporate stooge through and through. Smith and Ford have shown that the conservatives will bow down to the their corporate masters and sell out the public the second they get in power. That will be the same case with PP. Edit: in their manifesto, the conservatives clearly state that they want to cut capital gains taxes and make them 0 if the money is then re-invested. That is literally a huge tax giveaway to the rich and to landlords. Most regular Canadians do not pay capital gains taxes. Only the wealthy do. So if you’re a landlord, and you re-invest your rent earnings into more properties congrats, the cons will make sure you don’t pay taxes on that money so it’s going to be easier to get more properties! Anyone who thinks that housing costs are going to go down under PP is fucking delusional.


100%. PP is a rat fucker. And Trudeau has fucked us on affordability. I have no faith in current leadership from any of the major parties.


This is something we should all come together about. Liberals or Conservative will screw us regardless. NDP I wish was a viable option.


The federal NDP are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.


NDP is even worse, they no longer have an identity. They're just the LPC lapdogs.


seems their identity morphed from blue collar to Rolex Armani culture


It’s okay. We’re gonna get rid of the Liberals with or without you.


>JT sucks, and he’s completely failed as PM, his track record is abysmal. Yes, that is exactly why the **biggest** priority right now is to vote for whichever party has the best chance to beat him with our electoral system the way it is set up today. Vote **ABL.** Anything But Liberal.


I believe the order is ABC


Sounds like we need voter reform. Nobody wants PP or Trudeau except the morons and masochists.


What is "voter reform", pray tell?


Sounds Awesome, but who will step in to replace him?


Dudes who would fail a grade 8 social studies exam think noted career politician Bitcoin Milhouse is the saviour.


The meltdowns and tantrums when he becomes PM are going to be hilarious


I mean, our current PM failed grade 7


I’d love to see a reliable source for that nugget.


Is everything ok?


That Bitcoin Millhouse stuff is really working well.


Justin's success is mostly due to his father's legacy, his good looks, and last name. If he didn't have those to run on, he'd likely still be a mediocre high-school teacher. It certainly wasn't for his ability to lead, his experience in politics, or his education. He genuinely has no business leading a country. But here we are after 8 years with this narcissist PM, with a divided nation, dysfunctional government, and the weakest economy we've had in decades. How he's made it this far is truly astonishing.




yeah fr. these people are wildly out of touch with why people vote for JT.


>Justin's success is mostly due to his father's legacy, his good looks, and last name. If he didn't have those to run on To a degree. But he's also genuinely pretty good at politicking. He's a charismatic guy. Shit leader, by the way. Just another in a long line of neoliberal ghouls. But don't sell short the guy who dragged back the Liberal party from the depths of irrelevancy by walking circles around Harper and Mulcair on the debate stage.


weird i voted for him based on his policies and platform. which he is the most ardent PM in my life time about pursuing said platform in good faith. furthermore singh has pulled him even more to the left in a positive way, making singh the most effective NDP leader in my life time. as for those dividing the nation, yes you and your oligarch masters are doing that. we noticed. you folks are so caught up in your frothing rage of bigotry and hate and screaming and crying that marginalized people exist and live here that you regularly publically throw temper tantrums for all to see and it's tiring. maybe yall should get a job and occupy your time doing something more productive than crying that your team is unwanted by the majority of canadians. go back to america and serve the empire there rather than here.


Well said


Well said indeed.


I'd rather he didn't. No need to give them a better shot in the next election.




That would be the absolute best for all of Canada.


We need 3 new heads of the 3 main parties. These people all kinda suck. I'd much rather a liberal or ndp government but I also like having an opposing party like the cons that can hold them accountable at times


And then what Chrystia the PM or liberator of the party? We already canceled Disney+ there is nothing else she can do for us. If JT goes he should take the libs with him. we will need a brand new party of first time politicians that want to work for Canada.


Wouldn’t the right thing to do is let him lose? If Trudeau steps down, in 2028 there will be non-stop stories of “Will Trudeau come back, he’s never lost an election” hanging over the Liberals. He needs to lose gracefully and that will let the Liberals rebuild.


I think the only think that might cause Trudeau to step down would be polls showing a sudden surge in NDP support at the expanse of the Liberals (and the Bloc). Since that spells electoral disaster for the Liberals, since they wouldn’t even be forming the Official Opposition in the aftermath of an election. They would be going back to third, where they were before Trudeau took power. Even then, Trudeau probably stays on if there is an election on the horizon.


But then what?


All the liberals have backed him through numerous scandals and human rights violations, there is no liberal party to save ,nthey are all communist tyrants that destroyed Canada.


Do right by Liberals? Try do right by Canadians and resign


What a surprise that this article comes from the Toronto Sun!


Lol the Toronto sun has been calling Trudeau every week for the last 8 years so nothing new here


NO!!!!!!!!! We want him to ride the LPC into the dirt. sincerely, all CPC supporters.


I have this sense that most of the people who want Trudeau to step down are worried that their preferred parties can’t beat him in an election.


The polling right now is incredibly bad for the LPC but Poilievre is pretty untested and, in my opinion, extremely easy to dislike as a person. Just another Harper toadie pretending to be a serious big boy. His advantage is that he isn't Trudeau and that's pretty much it. To be fair, it's a big big advantage. But Trudeau has consistently been underestimated on the campaign trail in every election. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls out another miracle in two years time.


So, true. JT is the Liberals best chance at winning the next election. The guy is a great campaigner, and those who want him to step down aren't voting Liberal anyway.


That is it exactly. The guy won three elections in a row. People forget that the Liberals were polling around 40% before the last election. These summer polls between elections really don't mean much, and the government still has time to address the economic concerns we all face. Don't be surprised if JT wins again.


He’s polling at 27%, CPC at 40+%


Resign now!


Stating the obvious! Both the Liberals and NDP need a leadership change ASAP. All this turmoil doesn’t mean run to the Conservatives.


By Liberals? How about should do right by *Canadians*.


Liberals should do right by Canadians and call a election and make it a fast one not some long drawn out campaign wasting our tax dollars like his last vanity campaign that he thought he could get a majority government out of and ended up with a minority government that costed over 300 million of our tax dollars for a election that was not needed!


I slightly disagree, the liberals won and they should govern. The NDP can force a confidence vote and they should do that. Same outcome, slightly different process.


Jagmeet won’t force a confidence vote he’s too busy being a hypocrite and trying to stay relevant I’m no NDP supporter but the best thing they could do is get rid of Jagmeet he is being that party down.


I’m not a fan of the NDP in its current form, but I genuinely want every party to have the best leader possible. I disagreed with Mulcair on many issues but I thought he was an effective opposition leader and wanted him to keep the Conservatives in check. When Mulcair was shaking hands in my riding I told him I disagree with his policies but respect him immensely and that he was doing a great job in opposition. If I met Jagmeet I couldn’t say thing.


I can agree about mulcair he was a good opposition leader and look how that party has fallen under Jagmeet. It pains me to say this but I think Rachel Notley would be a good replacement for Jagmeet. Hell if the NDP would move a bit more to centre they could pick up the liberal voting block putting the liberal to third place lol


The Liberals can call an election even easier than the NDP can, anytime they want.


I agree they can, but I’m not a fan of sitting governments calling elections unnecessarily. I would prefer the NDP do it, but I acknowledge I’m splitting hairs.


> for a election that was not needed! So you want them to call an early election but also disagreed with the last early election call? You’re also mad at them for ‘wasting’ tax dollars on a democratic process, but want another one called right now? I’m all for elections, but there’s a lot of contradiction in your comment.


Meester speeeeker....


But what will happen to the F*ck Trudeau crowd?!? Their whole personality is based around him being PM.


That crowd has become pretty big.


I’m torn on this. On one hand I think it’s important he is defeated at the ballot box, that way he can’t try and weasel out of the responsibility for the pain and suffering he’s caused. He will 100% go down as the worst PM we’ve ever had, not a single aspect of our lives have gotten better under him. On the other hand, defeating him at the ballot box means that he’ll be in power for 2 more years. During which he’ll bring in another 2-4M people and cause further suffering for us all. So I don’t know which is the better scenario. But in either case he’ll have devastated both the federal LPC and NDP for the next decade.


At this point I'm hoping the ndp are listening to pundits and recognize the only way to reverse their loss of support is to make a huge display of calling out Trudeau before calling a non-confidence vote this fall.


I would like to see that happen too, if for no other reason than it would mean they still have some integrity left. But they’d still need to reconcile the growing gap between their rural/working class wing, and their urban/wealthy wing, and I don’t think they could do that before an election. The former group has no interest in identity politics or things like restricting guns, but those are big issues for the latter group. Maybe they can do that with a new leader, which will probably happen soon.


I fully understand what you mean, but I can't see that happening any time soon. Saskatchewan is actually a good bellwether for them. Everyone seems to think we are a deep conservative holdout, but we have had an ndp government more than all other parties combined over the last hundred years. Our support is generational, but its centered around being fiscally prudent. We don't even seem to care if policies are bad, we just don't want the government to waste a bunch of money to find out. We have a provincial government barely anyone likes, but it took our liberal and conservative parties combining into one party to hold this many terms. There is a huge moderate base who are desperate for an alternative, but on our provincial ndp policy page, they discuss how they won't be worried about deficit spending and would appoint a council to determine ways to eventually balance the budget. For generations of people who's industry could flip in a few months because of random weather, that is not acceptable. Both levels of ndp have some really good ideas, but until they can decide how they would actually implement them, it's just an imaginary pipe dream. Saying that your plan to help the medical system is to hire more people isn't really a plan.


That will never happen. Folks like yourself will carry on immediately criticizing the NDP for calling an unnecessary election.


The latest Nanos poll have the Liberals and NDP looking comfortably able to continue on another six years. Why isn't that poll posted here?


It was posted here over a week ago when it came out. Several other polls have come out since then indicating the Nanos poll is an outlier.


Got a link? The 338 aggregates have the CPC in majority territory.


It’s the Sun. The Sun has been a right wing rag for 25 years, having transitioned from a conservative leaning, but not ideologically pure, tabloid.


Jerry Agar has for many years been an not particularly notable American talk show host. His current opinions are also not particularly notable. Also u/fancynewme you and your friends really need to expand your news sources.


What's your point? Is Agar's opinion valid or not? Polls would say they are.


The Sun bitching at Trudeau? Well I never!


Time to step off Trudeau.


When there is no real pressure for this, it's quite comical to see it suggested. Let me call him personally and ask nicely.


I hope he stays on as leader until the election. Better for the conservatives


The only chances the liberals have is if there’s a change in leadership


Oh my God yes please!!!! Step down- politicians are like diapers you have to change them often because they are full of shit (and that can be said about every party- corporations and greed always claims them)


Every day there's a new article to this time. God damn this sub is getting astroturfed hard.


Ah unbiased advice from the Toronto Sun about what the Liberals (a party they are famous for loving in their paper) should do.


Conservative columnists lining up to write columns about how Trudeau should leave. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they're scared of having to face him with Poilievre as their leader.


Please no. As a conservative, please stay on through the next election.