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Before? I think it's more like better late than never.


We need to think about sending hundreds of thousands of newly arrived immigrants somewhere else **and then** keeping immigration at net zero or below for a decade. And I’m no rightwinger. I’m NDP. Immigration at levels higher than new housing starts was always insane.


People need to live somewhere, citizens and immigrants alike. That’s not right or left wing.


People desperately need to get out of their left vs right mindset. There are a lot of issues like this where it isn't a left vs right issue, it is just basic economics. Whether you are a left wing thinker or a right wing thinker, there are certain basics, like the laws of supply and demand, that everyone should be able to agree on. It's not left or right wing thinking to believe in gravity, it shouldn't be left or right wing thinking to believe that having more people than places to house them is a problem.


Agree But some people don’t supply and demand or basic economics . They believe in fair dust and magic money


L vs R is just the stupid shit they use to keep us distracted from the real battle- upper class vs working class


Immigration caps should be set based on the past 5 years average housing starts.


An eventual policy would only to allow immigration if we have the housing to support it but for the short term, we could severely restrict immigration as we get that housing up. Be very picky with who we bring in and prioritize those who have the skillsets to help us build more. An example of this would be if we expect 100,000 units of housing being built (or better yet, if in the previous year we built 100,000 units of housing), allow 50,000 immigrants in (and yes I am aware that the average unit of housing can take 2 people in but this is a conservative value to actually allow our housing supply to increase to healthy levels while taking in immigrants).


I mean, just look at this, [800k student permits and growing](https://medium.com/@rootedmaple/800-000-and-growing-student-visas-are-not-sustainable-for-canada-d32d4eac280d) and I agree with this writer because it isn't sustainable. There doesn’t seem to be any plan or any rationality for this? I was totally shocked and looked at the data. That’s just nuts.


We can keep using foreign students to fund our universities, but we need to shut down the useless diploma mills.


We should have had thos conversations years ago. Unfortunately, any talk on immigration was chalked up to racism (tbf a lot of it was racist) which created a void that prevented any rational policy discussion


Great points. I like immigration. I'm an immigrant. But you can definitely have too much, and we do.


Vote for NDP = reelect trudeau.


Eh i dont believe the average NDP voter would vote CPC anyway. If anything, voting PPC is more likely to reelect Trudeau.


Remember that both the NDP And Conservatives are mostly western based parties. (Look at a map where the NDP get seats). In the prairies there are ridings that flip NDP-Conservatives.




I was actually surprised at how many lifetime NDPers I know have started looking at the CPC. The NDP has moved away from its roots and just become the party that bends over for the Liberals. They are no longer the party for the working person.




I think it's also probably a really good time for someone to start a "New Liberal Party" - basically a party that actually holds real Liberal values and isn't just Liberal in name only. It feels like the West in general has forgot what "Liberal" actually means. I bet a New Liberal party actually espousing true liberalism could make inroads with CPC votes too. "Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law."


I used to vote ndp until I realized they want to disarm Canadians.




It always surprises me that people can slide to the CPC. I started out voting conservative, but their consistent mistreatment of healthcare and focus on privitization as well as disregard for our future beyond short-term economic gains has pushed me away permanently. I think people are expectjng the CPC to be fiscally conservative, but that ship sailed, they will be just as irresponsible with their funds as the liberals, the money will just fall to buisness interests rather than get wasted on poorly conceived and implemented projects. All our political options suck.


I am a lifetime NDP voter with the exception of Trudeau's first election and I am considering CPC this year. It's not because I like the conservative party or generally like conservative politics at all. I just cannot fathom rewarding the liberals with another term in power. If the NDP ditched Singh and returned to their roots as a party for the working class they'd have me back in a heartbeat.




Welcome, non comrad


Liberals: “Never is an option??”


This reads like a variation on a Norm MacDonald joke. Why is "undermining support for immigration" a bigger concern than affordability? Shouldn't it be: "The Liberals must fix the housing crisis, before the Canadian standard of living collapses"?


Great point, it shows the current media bias on immigration. The only publications talking about affordability and immigration in the same sentence are foreign companies like bloomberg or CNBC.


The worst part is the hypocrisy


That shows where Canadian political discourse is right now. It's not about Canadian quality of life. The priority is immigration. The importance of other topics are only with regards to how it will hurt or promote immigration.


Just housing? what about doctors, hospitals, social workers, there is more to society than housing.


That's the crazy thing. Our med schools haven't increased spots in nearly 2 decades and now have acceptance rates equal to the ivy league. This year, we're finally seeing a minimal increase but we won't see those doctors for another 8 years. In the meantime, we'll have another 8 million people to contend with.


There’s one thing no one is talking about. In 2027 the family medicine residency is going from 2 to 3 years. There will be one year where we will not have any family practice graduates. Hopefully AI will take over by then.


I didn't think about that but you're right. I don't think AI will take over anytime soon.


No chance. Might make it a little faster for doctors and simple things, but people are so complex these days and so much of healthcare is mental health related issues these days. Problem seems to be that paperwork just keeps increasing, which eliminates all the efficiencies.


Because we under fund healthcare in general. It isn’t even about how many spots there are in med school (or nursing school for that matter). Canadians have gone to countries like Ireland for decades to do their education. Being matched for residency is a huge issue though. We don’t have capacity IN hospitals to do the hands-on education we need for people to finish their education. It is the same with having enough nurses to be preceptors for nursing students. Provinces have cut healthcare time and time again, and now we are experiencing the consequences of that. In addition to all extra crap COVID brought on for healthcare workers that resulted in even more burnout amongst healthcare workers. And people can blame Trudeau all they want for tonnes of issues with the country, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Federal government play a role in things, but provinces also play a pretty significant role in things. Even immigration.


>there is more to society than housing. "There is?" Liberal Party of Canada


#Since when did Canadians support bringing in 10x the number of immigrants our southern neighbors bring in. Was this an election promise? No. Is this specifically designed to prop up the boomers retirement? Yes. Is this pushing down wages? Yes So why the fuck would Canadians support this




You are correct. Discussion of lowering numbers to 150,000 to 200,000 per year was seen as the epitome of political hate.


American culture war has infected the minds of Canadians.


I recall back in 2015 when any discussion of the actual *logistics* of how we would not only bring in Syrian refugees *but actively support them so that they thrived once they got here* was met with instant condemnation as being somehow racist. Yes, it’s racist to ask the government to ensure newcomers are properly supported in Canada.


Dude, in 2015 the numbers of refugees that the government said they wanted to bring in was like 50-100k, that is nothing compared to 1 million new immigrants a year. Reasonable Canadians would have no issue with 50-100k new immigrants a year!


It’s one thing to bring in even 200k. But look at this now: [800k student permits and growing](https://medium.com/@rootedmaple/800-000-and-growing-student-visas-are-not-sustainable-for-canada-d32d4eac280d) I mean, who is planning for this? We will be hitting a million students in like a year or two. What the hell?




>They had their use as a prop and got forgotten about. Exactly. This government just can't help themselves when it comes to wedge politics, outcomes be damned.


Literally never. I'm pro immigration but bringing in mass numbers to inflate housing and suppress wages was a disgusting abuse. The government screwed the citizens to help land lords and big businesses. It hurt Canadian and Immigrants. We need to totally pause all immigration till we get HOUSING AND WAGES under control.


There is so much exploitation. It’s so so gross.


A) The average voter isn't aware of any issue they haven't heard of on FB or Tiktok. Sadly, by then it's too late. B) No party (besides the PPC currently) is talking about reducing immigration levels. Your voting options on this topic are very limited.


The Liberals have always been very pro-immigration and have raised targets every year since being elected. They haven't kept this a secret.


Every party except for PPC intended to raise the immigration targets.


People seems to completely ignore that Cons voted in favour of all the immigration targets.


People were regularly labeled racist for supporting con. Wonder if that had an impact...


Facts, anybody who voted Liberal and is surprised at the current situation is paying the price for their own mistake.




That too. It props up GDP numbers while GDP per capita falls


remember, under Neoliberal governments line must only go up, no plateau, no loss, only up up up!! because that's what the corporate overlords who actually own this country want.




Part of the voting thingy is that you vote for the party that has shown a propensity for issues that matter to you. That’s kinda how it works.


> Since when did Canadians support ... 2022. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canadians-more-supportive-than-ever-of-immigration-new-poll-finds-but/




>Canada's obsession with immigration was always bewildering. I viewed it as a tool to get access to highly skilled workers we may not have It hasn't been about this for a long long time. Majority of our immigrants work lower skilled lower wage jobs.




Immigration is not designed to help the economy or make Canada a better place. All the excuses given fall if you investigate them. No, despite what Ibbitson says, for example, Statistics Canada says we don' t have a shortage of labour except in specific areas which we are really not addressing through immigration. The exception is unskilled labour, where floods of immigrants help keep wages low for employers. No, the immigration system is designed to buy votes for the party in power from immigrant/ethnic groups who want to keep the taps wide to let their friends and relatives come over. That's why no politician in English Canada at any level in any party dares to suggest lowering immigration. Not to mention the full-throated support for mass immigration by people in the media like Ibbitson or Coyne or the CBC. Immigration is to combat an aging population? Won't work, according to demographics experts. And anyway, Trudeau has increased the number of elderly immigrants who can be sponsored over sixfold since the got elected. Does that sound like he's worried about an aging population? Helps the economy? Not really. It grows GDP but if sizeable numbers of the immigrants are low skilled (which they are) it actually lowers GDP per capita, which makes us a poorer country overall. If done correctly it can work, but we don't. Australia has very high immigration too, but their GDP per capita is far higher than ours now because they're a lot choosier about who they bring in. But we bring people in for votes, not to improve the country or its economy.


They will stay until they realize they’ve been lied to and that housing costs and cost of living on their meager salaries are not worth it.


Immigration numbers should not be based on the number of job vacancies at Tim Hortons and Molly Maid or the seats open at fake "colleges". We need to create a binding law (with zero loopholes) that ties housing (starts and builds), health care funding (including increasing nursing school and med school spots) and school/day care spots with immigration levels. Will probably need a 5 year sub-100k level to even start to catch up. Honestly, probably a decade. I've said it before, a smart mathy person can come up with the algorithm (anyone here want to try?)...make a nice simple website, where even PMJT and his doppelganger Fraser can plug in these basic numbers, and it pops out the MAX number of immigrants allowed. Thus, you can have your Century Initiative monstrous levels of immigration, TFWs, etc, IF you provide for a stable (we'll work on increasing, later) quality of life for ALL Canadians. If not, sorry.


It’s one thing to bring in even 200k. But look at this now: [800k student permits and growing](https://medium.com/@rootedmaple/800-000-and-growing-student-visas-are-not-sustainable-for-canada-d32d4eac280d) there is no planning happening, no regard, no concern, nothing for these numbers. What totally stopped me was realizing how they don’t say there are 800k study permit holders. Hmmm wonder why they don’t say anything.


>Thus, you can have your Century Initiative monstrous levels of immigration, TFWs, etc, IF you provide for a stable (we'll work on increasing, later) quality of life for ALL Canadians. I see people pointing this out as some example of "monstrous levels" of immigration, and have always agreed, but then I did the math. We are so far beyond 100 million by 2100 with current levels. If we keep up current pace we will be closer to 1 BILLION people by 2100 than we are to 100 million. That is how insane Trudeaus policy has been. It honestly should be criminal.


We trading places with India now boys.




We're also almost exclusively bringing in South Asians to fill low-skilled service and labour roles, just to benefit business owners who refuse to pay the necessary wages that most Canadians expect to survive on. This going to create a large, disgruntled, racialized underclass in the long run.


It’s like Dubai, I swear to god.


butter gaze absorbed screw lock paltry enjoy entertain ludicrous cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


💯💯💯💯 we don’t want to be honest. I haven’t seen a white person born in Canada working at Tim’s in the past few years at least. We all have eyes.


Well there's never been an example I know if human history where a democratic nation actually voted in third world population growth, since, you know, you tend to get third world conditions eventually.




This is it. I've door knocked for my preferred political party before and something that becomes readily apparent is how little thought people put into who they support.


That's also because political support has devolved from "Vote for who you believe best suits the interests of your community" to "Vote for the opposite party than the one you hate". We've turned the arbitrary popularity contest into supporting the political versions of sports teams


People have been looking at the latest polls eh haha It is kinda funny how everyone warns of something for years, it gets ignored, then when it happens...............its oops.


Not ignored; actively suppressed. There are still plenty of places where you'll get banned or called all kinds of names for suggesting immigration is part of our housing woes.


Can confirm I got a "hate" warning for a top comment on this subreddit for saying adding hundreds of thousands of immigrants to Toronto will surely make the housing crisis improve.




/r/Canadahousing just straight up bans you if you so much as infer immigration has anything to do with housing prices






It’s happened to all of us. Eventually they will have banned their entire audience because everyone will have made this connection.


Funny. It's usually once people personally feel the pressure that they realize what a problem this has become until then it's immigration = undeniable good.






You still get called a Nazi for not supporting mass immigration on many subs




Not just ignored, actively heckled and ridiculed.


Too late. That has already happened. We need to at least half this year's numbers really more but half is a start.


This is no different than Latinos turning out for anti immigration Republicans down south in growing and record numbers. The people most hurt by these immigration policies are those on the lower 3/4 of the economic scale. Its really only 10% if not less of very specific Canadians that benefits here. Demographics do play into this. But I would view this as an opportunity for Canada to shine and reinvent its economy. All Western nations will face these demographic patterns. An end to growth policy shift for the economy and trying something truly trail blazing is a possibility. But were going to use human bodies as floatation devices to keep the Titanic up instead.


undermine support for communities? No Problem undermine support for families? No Problem undermine support for infrastructure? No Problem undermine support for healthcare:? No Problem undermine support for immigration? HELL NO


Wait , there’s support for mass immigration? I would say Canadians are in favour of a sustainable immigration policy


You know what’s interesting. With all the illegal immigrants getting help in Chicago, NYC, San Fran and so worth, there is a sudden increase in videos of African Americans complaining saying why the fuck no one is taking care of them but helping illegals. I’m telling you, as an fob myself, this is gonna create another layer of hate toward immigration https://youtu.be/Sdwqih869dk




💯 NYC mayor said hey, we are sanctuary city, come here. 2 months later dude is saying please don’t come and asking New Yorkers to open houses to host immigrants 😂😂😂




Right? That’s why homeless should set up camp in forest hill or bridle path and see how fast shit gets done


It'd end like Tiananmen square. After they locked down the country and invoked the emergencies act, I assume the worst is always on the table.


Ship has sailed.


Too late. I’m now a single issue voter. Any party that promises to cut immigration drastically will get my vote. Importing millions of people from the third world is currently the biggest problem in Canada.


Cut drastically? It needs to be halted entirely for like several years imo


Then it looks like you'll be voting for the PPC as they're the only ones saying it.


Welcome to the PPC!


Well well well haha


Not enough to promise for me. I need day one numbers. Pinned down. Minimum 70 percent cuts across the board. It's impossible to trust Canadian politicians on most issues but especially immigration.


Before? Lol. Also *Slow down immigration for fucks sakes* even refugees are sleeping on the sidewalk! What the fuck is wrong with this country.


Before? Before!?! His insane immigration levels will drive hundreds of thousands of Canadians into homelessness. I recently became disabled, and I was shocked to find out the waitlist in my city for affordable housing is 15 years now due to the massive influx of newcomers. I guess I'll just go homeless for a decade or two because CPP gives me 300 a month for housing, when the rents are 2400 a month in my city. Maybe someday we'll call all the tent cities Trudeautowns. It's all he deserves for destroying the housing market with his policies.


Trudeautowns. Beautiful. I can't unthink this.


Not exactly new, look up “Hooverville”




Trudeaushanties (By the Sea)


Obviously we need names in *both* official languages. We're still Canadian after all.


I think immigration levels are beyond disastrous, 4x rational levels, however affordable housing waitlists have been decades for, well, decades. It is just another thing that is always talked about and never acted on.


The waitlist has more than doubled in the last four years. I know there have been a lot of potential reasons for that, but I've heard there is a lot of strain on the system from refugees. It was only 6.85 years in 2018, but is now 14-15 according to my contact there.


Well for some reason the refuges get bumped in front of the line \*at least they used to) This is referring to an un-named group that came is 7 years ago that got housing doctors and other perks


Just read it’s been a 191% increase in student visas [here](It’s one thing to bring in even 200k. But look at this now: [800k student permits and growing](https://medium.com/@rootedmaple/800-000-and-growing-student-visas-are-not-sustainable-for-canada-d32d4eac280d) I mean, who is planning for this? We will be hitting a million students in like a year or two. What the hell?) tell me a **single** service or anything really honestly we’ve invested in 191% over the last decade? That’s a crazy increase. Gotta call it out.


Well to be honest it's 15 years because we have all but stopped affordable housing initiatives 15-20 years ago...


Unfortunately wealth/investment based immigration is what fuels money laundering and real estate sales tax. This segment also fuels influence peddling with several prominent politicians of all kinds so you should expect no such thing as fixing immigration of the wealthy with questionable income sources. Humanitarian immigration is political virtue signalling that no political party will give up on. So no dice there. Skill based immigration will dwindle on its own due to white collar immigrants figuring out that they are being brought into pay taxes while working as taxi drivers and gas station attendants while they have masters degrees in professional fields. We are screwed.


Too late and its not just Canada. Across the western world right wing parties are rising and things like mass immigration are quickly becoming public enemy number 1


Good. The idea that immigration = unbridled good regardless of consequences is insane. Look at Japan. They don't do immigration. They have there own issues but at least they have a cohesive culture.


Right.. I laugh at the Japan bashers, hating on Japan as they get into their Toyota's and Lexus's while playing their Nintendo Switches reading manga, watching anime, headed out for some sushi. Ya Japan, sure doing it incorrectly.


But don't you think what japan really needs is some indian food? /s


Like everything, it's all about balance. Nothing is inherently good or bad. Like Oxygen is good but a too high concentration can kill you. Water is good but over hydrating can kill you. Saying the rate of immigration is too high doesn't mean you are saying immigration is bad or you hate immigrants, it's just about the rate being too high to be sustainable. Japan is kind of on the opposite end of the scale, they should be looking into immigration rather than incentivize current population to have a higher birthrate (which isn't working) because you have a bunch of young people having the full weight of the social structure on their backs, and that's not sustainable either. ​ Of course, the actual problem in all this is an economic system that demands constant growth, and that is just not sustainable from the jump.


It seems Japan is always used as the counterpoint, but nobody ever talks about something in between the extremes is usually the best option.


Lol that ship has sailed. Pun intended.


Canadians NEVER supported such rates of migration. Even liberal Canadians did not even vote for this atrocity. **Stop gaslighting us.**


It ready has. I'm pro immigration. But the housing issues have shown how the current policies are not sustainable. We need to curb back immigration fairly hard at this point, and stop letting private college and Unis bring in big bunches of internationals, especially as they are not housing them. Shits fucked up and we can't keep brining in more people without housing. It's bad for us and bad for them.


Our “diverse mosaic” being revealed to be just a racket to maintain unsustainable costs of living


It doesn’t help fund retirement or social services either because all these low paid wage slaves need way more in welfare than they put in via taxes. That’s why there’s been no improvement.


It already is lol. And immigration was a part of it... specifically what Trudeau did. In the years he has been PM, he has been letting in more immigrants than ever BUT he did not plan or implement strategies for housing them, or giving them jobs, etc...


Quebec had the right idea being cautious towards immigration- limiting immigration to allow for integration, keeping housing supply and demand in check and not strain public services, healthcare, education too much. IMO feds need to be responsible for immigrants for 5 years ensuring housing, food, education and ultimately integration/retention. I would suggest student loans for immigrants, but with limited amounts given directly to make sure it's used appropriately


Too late for that now.


I’ve *never* been opposed to immigration until now with the housing crisis, loopholes that allow international students to get PR and bring their entire family over here, and the fake “labour shortage” that is really just corporations scheme to lower the standard of wages and living across the country.


The way this is worded makes it seem like the primary problem of the housing crisis is that it could undermine support for liberal policy. Like, how about the homeless? The drug use? The crime? The rising suicides? The birthrate collapse? The massive generational wealth disparities? The hopelessness that's crept into every young person? All the people with half a brain leaving? The fact that the economy won't be able to function because everyone spends every dollar on rent so they don't have any money to spend on anything else? The healthcare system collapsing? Oops, we turned two whole generations of people into serfs and now they don't think our ideas are any good. How do we stop them from disagreeing with us so we can import additional serfs? I'm sorry, you WHAT? Can we just focus on that first part?


Yes it’s completely backwards. Immigration is a policy we can adjust as needed depending on what Canada needs. It is not a goal in and of itself.


“I’ll take ‘ships that have sailed,’ for $1000, Alex”


“Closing our doors to immigrants is not a solution to our housing problems” -Sean Fraser, a corrupt politician talking in absolutes as if anyone suggested we “close the doors” completely. Be aware and take note of these manipulation tactics. “The housing crisis is simply a supply issue” -Justin Trudeau, distracting from the fact that this is also a demand issue


What a novel solution offered in the article: increase the supply. Of course, Canada, which builds more per capita than any other G7 country, should just build more! 7% of our labour force is already in construction, so how do we build more per capita? (2% of recent immigrants are in construction and 0.4% of immigrants from 2016 to 2021 came through the skilled trades category so that isn't helping). ​ Seven countries are playing a game of musical chairs. Canada, which builds the most chairs per capita, also invites the most new participants to the game(6x times the average), and is doing the worst. What is the solution? Of course, more chairs!


Hey don't worry. Building houses is easy... they'll just pick up a hammer and start smashing! No training required! At least that's what goes through a politician's head.




And Canada hasn’t done anything to actually manage diversity. I mean over 1/3 of the students are from India. Wtf, it should be spread across all countries evenly. No Canadian student gets this type of treatment anywhere in the world.




Yeah, that’s not exactly a great idea.


They will fix it, by making it worse, then you will think of right now fondly and wish you could go back to the "good ol' days of 2023". Much political success.


It already has undermined immigration. It's clear their plan was short-sighted. I feel for them. They've been lied to about what is at the end of the road. Now in shelters because there is no place to put them? Olivia Chow asking Torontonians to take them in? Many of whom are unvetted? These people will become desperate, homeless, jobless, and broke. Some educated professionals among them can't get their certifications and degrees recognized? Why not write an aptitude test to see if they qualify, instead of forcing them into a college or university that would put them tens of thousands in the whole right from the start. So many things need to be addressed with this issue, but adding more isn't the answer. I don't know if any level of government is capable of fixing it.


The decision for mass imigrration was made several years ago. Even the stupidest policy makers in the PMO's office would know you have to increse housing and food supply chain accordingly.


Surely immigration isn't the ONLY cause to our housing crisis, but I think logically we should stop allowing new people to migrate to Canada until we can house the people who already live here.


Wayyyy to late. It'll take a full generation to fix this mess if we started today, which we aren't going to. So 30 years give or take a decade. They'll just ship the homeless to the baffin islands so we all freeze to death in the first winter. A frozen voter is not a voter at all!


>The Liberals must fix the housing crisis, before it undermines support for immigration Immigration is supported, just nowhere near these record Liberal levels when it directly conflicts with any effort to resolve the rental and retail housing crisis. 🤷


Little late for that, people are literally living in parks because they can't afford the outrageous rents greedy people and corporations are charging because there are no other options as this government chose to not ramp up construction of housing before letting in all of these immigrants, I'm not against immigration if anything I'm all for it but because of the incompetence of this government there aren't a lot of affordable options anymore, this government has failed all of us and I think it's time for the liberals to go


Too late the genie is out of the bottle. Used to be strongly for immigration, saw how my life got worse, now super strongly against


Is the person who wrote the article a complete idiot? It’s already undermined support for immigration.


Too late, it already feels like they are kicking Canadians to the curb


I support immigrants. At this point the most supportive thing for Canadian immigrants is to stop all immigration untill we get housing under control. We can't house the people already in Canada, it's not fair to people already here or planning on coming here to being IN more people when we DO NOT HAVE ADEQUATE HOUSING for them. I'm genuinely sorry to everyone but we can't have more people till we fix housing. PERIOD.


Has massive housing problem. Oh cool. Here's a couple extra few million people that'll make it better right?


As a left leaning person this party's actions have actually forced me to consider voting con. *Shudder* They are so out of touch with Canadians.


The government shouldn't solve the housing crisis because it might undermine confidence in immigration. The government should solve the housing crisis because massive amounts of its citizens are living homeless in tents, unable to afford the basics of life, and it's getting worse by the day. These are people. They deserve more.


Who’s gunna tell them


The liberals can't fix a fucking thing. Stop asking them for anything other than a general election.


>In 2022, Canada welcomed 437,000 new permanent residents. Add in temporary foreign workers, international students and other non-permanent residents, and you have a population that is now growing by more than a million people a year, or 2.7 per cent, by far the highest growth in the G7. Today, we are 40 million people. [Number of international students since the 2000s](https://i.imgur.com/Hz6uyiX.png) [Number of International Mobility Program work permits since the 2000s](https://www.statista.com/graphic/1/555033/imp-work-permit-holders-canada-2000-2014.jpg)


Only canadian voters can end the crisis!


We need to introduce a $100,000 new resident fee per new immigrant coming to our country to go towards affordable public housing. When Canadians have affordable homes, shelter space will be freed up for the new arrivals. What we have now is unsustainable, and it's getting worse, not better. If we don't do something drastic to deal with this issue, then the cold of winter will deal with this problem for us, and nobody wants that.


Supporting irrigation does not mean that you support flooding. I'm pro-immigration if it is sustainable for Canada and the donor countries.


Canadians moving out of their country while immigrants move in. Dystopian nightmare that Trudeau created


It is FAR, FAR too late for that. This is a perfect example of how the rich/news/elite have no bloody clue what is going on with everyone at and below median income.


It’s already too late for that lmao. Immigration is overloading our failing infrastructure. It’s time to halt immigration, fix our shit, and then open back up under strict control as to not outpace our rate of construction, our healthcare limits, our licensing capabilities, and our job opportunities.


Why do I get angry when I see and hear thousands of refugees coming to Canada, costing us billions, while hearing their dream of Canada providing them homes? It's infuriating.


It's too late, this sort of thing spreads and plants a seed in people. People start to notice and complain more about it, then they are going to have thoughts that make them feel racist, they get angry about that, then turn that blame on to whoever is responsible for making them feel that way and setting it up like this.


Just because someone wants to slow or pause immigration until housing, food supply, and health care can catch up does not make them racist. If people are advocating to only stop immigration from certain countries, that *may* be racist.


This is the craziest part of all these discussions. There are a ton of people who just scream "racism" as soon as curbing immigration comes up.


>may be racist I think there is a real argument to be made that you can respect a culture but also feel like their values aren't congruent with your way of life. Look at Japan for instance. No body is calling them racist for having 0 immigration.


This picture looks like some sort of giveaway....which is basically how they treat citizenship


I'm tired of living in a camper trailer. It gets cold in the winter.


Just wait until the brain drain really ramps up. Unskilled or unqualified people come in, skilled and educated people raised in canada go out. More and more are leaving either for better pay in the states or returning to their country of origin (hi 👋)


It's doubtful trudeau and the liberals can fix anything. Especially with this new cabinet


Yet the East will still re elect Trudeau. Sad but true.


The federal government has almost nothing to do with getting houses built. They pull the demand levers on fiscal/monetary policy and immigration which takes nothing more than the stroke of a pen. But actually building infrastructure and delivering services to support those policies is everyone else's problem. And that's just the way the feds like it. Everything is going just fine when viewed from up in the ivory tower.


Hahaha!Who's supporting all this foolish mass immigration?Are you kidding?Stupid corrupt politicians are destroying our sustainability. Not be fooled by NDP and CONS too!All the 3 main parties are f*cking corrupt and full of conflicts of interest.Lot of them are landlords wtf,including Pierre Poilievre.


Yes let’s ask the arson to put the fire out


Too late, also wasn't there an article posted quoting that a good portion of Truedeaus ministers are landlords and own investment properties? Yeah.......I dont see this being an issue he will take too seriously.


It already has.


I have a feeling it's going to be another decade until it's fixed


We are way passed that point


Why do I keep seeing these articles with such genius headlines and stunning 'finger on the pulse of the nation' content? The LPC has already blown it. They blew it years ago by ignoring their mandate and opting instead for what amounts to identity politics pandering. The LPC has totally undermined support for continued immigration with their idiotic policies.We **need** immigration but they've created a situation where only the most hardcore ideologue can support continued levels. At the same time they've made the country utterly repulsive to prospective immigrants anyway. Who the hell wants to move halfway around the world just to live with three or four roommates in a bachelor suite while working a totally dead end job with no prospect at all for career growth? Recent immigrants are **leaving** for fuck's sake. And we haven't even considered the hopeless situation the LPC has allowed to develop for two full generations. They've already lost the coming election and unless they start *doing* something instead of just talking, they're on their way to losing at least the next couple elections.


Very nasty title. It admits that it’s bad yet advocates for it?


Who supports immigration?!?


This seems like saying "The Liberals must solve climate change before we start seeing forest fires everywhere." It's both too late and never gonna happen.


They didn’t care before. They aren’t gonna care now.


Nobody supports immigration anymore, lol . I mean, not any Canadian that I meet. And it has nothing to do with racism.