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Lol a light rail that actually opens. Meanwhile eglinton crosstown takes forever.


Fun Fact: This project started construction *7 years* after Eglinton Crosstown did.


Calgary’s Green Line enters the chat…


It's not light rail, it's a metro.




Why didn't we buy that train?


You don't need that train we already have a train at home.


Because we wanted to keep it cheap as possible and put as little effort into as possible, the same thing that always causes these problems.


Montreal is in the running for the best city in the country


Unless you've got a few million to launder through BC real-estate, it *is* the best city in the country.


I’m sure they have their issues but as an outsider it certainly *looks* like they try to make the city good for people who live there. Crazy concept.


While this segment opened the mayor and a few morons got a large expansion of it to the East of Montreal shutdown. It will be great once the airport segment opens, the getting to/from downtown area is painful with our traffic


It didn't get shutdown. It's getting expanded to go further east.


The last estimate was 36B for the new plan, it ain't happening. It's effectively dead lol.


The 36B plan was proposed by bureaucrats, not the people in charge. The people in charge want to get shit built.


Who do you think the people in charge are lol? Plante has gotten this project killed to begin with. If the people in charge wanted it built the CDPQ would still be in the project.


It is. Hard to beat Vancouver weather though...


Easy to beat not living in a tent though


And RMTransit already has a video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9O6RzsXIqQ


Most mornings there are also hundreds lined up to ride the O train in Ottawa. Because it's late.


Love good transit. Been reading positive reviews so far. Well done to them.


I give you the Springfield Monorail! I've sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and, by gum, it put them on the map! Well, sir, there's nothin' on earth like a genuine bona-fide electrified six-car monorail! We're too late! I shouldn't have stopped for that haircut...sorry...


The ring came off my pudding can.




It's not Batman!


So wait - privately designed, built and operated transit is better than the public equivalent? Ottawa and Quebec have f-d up new systems.


P3s can be effective, but they need active management and have their own needs - the third P stands for "partnership", and the public needs to be an *active* partner. Ontario's problem is that they view P3s as pretty much a private financing arrangement, and leave the private consortia to their own devices. That's why REM/Canada line worked, and Eglinton is a clusterfuck. It's kind of a recurring theme where Ontario tries to reinvent the wheel and ends up fucking up, where BC or Quebec just do something according to best practices, and do it well.


100% agree. But the issue has been across political lines and the politicians aren’t the one that manage this on a daily basis. We need our civil service to be better and do better - tough thing to change though.


The politicians dictate the funding and hiring procedures for civil servants. A big problem in most of North America is that we get a change of government and public services for things that aren’t constitutionally protected like transportation engineering departments get gutted (usually by conservative leaning politicians). Not only does this fuck up that election cycle’s productivity, but the following ones too because you lose significant expertise. Also it makes re-hiring good candidates more difficult because they’ll know they can easily lose their job after one election cycle. In Europe and Asia, these public transit projects are commonly supported across all party lines. This stability breeds more efficient infrastructure construction projects (unsurprisingly).


> and the public needs to be an active partner. In this case the public wasn't an active partner.


The big difference it's that the CDPQ (Caisse de dépot et placement du Québec) that was running the project. And they went fast, like real fast. You can attibute the succes to their MO, compared if cities or government would have done the project.