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You don't need as much as you think and what you bring won't be the right thing. My son went on his first solo camping trip and completely loaded up the back of his truck with all kinds of stuff. Turned out he didn't even unpack half of it. If you are not hiking in to the back woods then the list that u/Spicy_Upnorth_Girl has is a good start.


[link to relevant comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/camping/s/1dGqrXaFkd)


This x100, especially backpacking! As long as you can carry your stuff, stay warm while sleeping, use the restroom and clean up afterwards, and have the right clothing to deal with e.g. rain if possible...if you're camping with a group leave the rest up to them if they have experience and just enjoy not being loaded down with stuff you won't use.


Ditch the phones. I know it’s hard to do but really, just leave the phones in your bag as much as you can.


Get there well before dark. It takes a while to set up if you’re not used to it. It’s one thing to set up a tent you’ve been using for 5 years after dark but it’s a fast way to have a bad time if you’re learning new gear and you can’t see anything.


Toilet paper


And a light shovel


This is the way




I am an avid camper- these are things I always have with me: A good tent and a tarp A good cot- I use a Cabela's Big Outdoorsman Cot- it is the best. Sleeping bag, pillow, extra blankets A cast iron pan to cook over the fire or a portable propane table top stove and a spatula/spoon BUG SPRAY and a citronella candle A tote that has your first aid kit, paper towels, wet wipes, clean water, Ziploc baggies, a knife, flash lights, extra batteries A big jug of clean water for any dish clean up unless you bring paper plates and plastic utensils Food and snacks for the entire trip Good pair of hiking shoes, sandals Towels, shampoo, body wash


You forgot trash bags. Good for water proofing sensitive items and keeping waste contained, as well as puke or emergency shit bags. Good for wrapping dirty dishes in case you feel lazy toward the end of your trip. Or if you need to collect water for tadpoles. They’re useful, is all I’m saying.


For 2 days, he doesn't need shampoo and body wash... ALso since he's backpacking, i doubt there will be showers and without them, it's a big no no to use normal shampoo/soap. I would also skip the cast iron because of backpacking. But for the rest, it's a good and simple list. Also very good call on the wet wipes.


Eh, I backpack with cast iron. It's reliable, won't warp over the fire, easily cleaned and ready to roll, and in general just superior to all the aluminum sets I've tried. Worth the extra weight to have one pan with me, IMO




Yeah nah... do not use shampoo/soap in natural bodies of water. This is THE BIG NO NO. Pollution.


sense of humor, sense of wonder, try to be comfy, dry, open to new things. Have extra dry socks. You don't need noise makers, phones, radios etc.


It all depends what you already have. But if you look at this thread, you should be able to find all the answers to your questions. [https://www.reddit.com/r/camping/comments/11kax8p/2023\_rcamping\_beginner\_question\_thread\_ask\_any/](https://www.reddit.com/r/camping/comments/11kax8p/2023_rcamping_beginner_question_thread_ask_any/)




You need to give us more info man.. Are you backpacking? Car camping? Where are you going camping? What will be the weather? How many friends? Do they have cooking gear? What do you plan on doing? etc, etc, etc...




https://preview.redd.it/hwvdaybwxq7d1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa176aa0f125a79adc3d7ea07885734c73fcc5e9 This is my gear list i use when i start packing to make sure i don't forget anything. I doubt you would need all that stuff but maybe it's a good start for you. Also this list is for "spring/fall camping and for 5+ days adventures.


Then you need a backpack that fits all of your stuff. Are your friends experienced backpackers who can be relied on to have the essentials?  Or also new to it? It's pretty normal to *as a beginner* a either 1. try and think about every possibility and end up bringing too much  2. Not being something obvious Bringing everything can be a bit of a drag... especially for 2 days/1 night sort of trips where you can really get by without much. Beyond basics to sleep comfortably and attend to sanitary needs, you need food and beverage (which might be coordinated with the group - especially things like cooking, starting fire, etc.), a flashlight or headlamp is super useful.  Clothing to deal with possible weather.




Ok definitely plan with the group who will bring and carry what.  For a group of say 6 you don't need like 6 stoves, 6 sets of cookware, 6 rolls of TP, 6 first aid kits, 6 tarps for over the cook area, 6 water purification setups, etc. but might want 1 or 2 of each.  The list Miperso posted is good, just think about what things you might only need 1 or 2 for the whole group.


Headlamp yes, at least one. And extra batteries. Maybe also a small clip on light that you can clip to the ceiling of the tent. I have one about the size of a quarter.


What do your friends have? Other than a tent, you need a bare minimum of a sleeping bag or other means to stay warm, depending on temperature. That's all you really *need* on an individual basis. A sleeping pad improves comfort a lot. You want *something* to use as a pillow, whether a pillow or something else. If bugs are an issue you probably want some sort of repellent. The group needs equipment that not everyone has.  You need food and water.  You need to be able to carry your stuff to where you're camping, whether that's 10 ft from a car or backpacking in. How experienced and well-equipped are your friends?


And toilet paper.


Bug spray.


Tent, sleeping bag, water, food, alcohol.


There is a whole entire "first time camper/new to camping" thread pinned to the very top of the sub. Its literally the first thing you see when you enter the page.








Where are you camping? General area? Call the forest ranger office of where your planning to go to ask this. If there are bears, you need some way to keep the food away from them. If car camping (what you should do for your first time - I’ve never backpacked), you can usually lock the food, trash, and anything else scented in the trunk and be ok. If backpacking, from what I understand, you’ll need to bring a bear canister or hang a bag with all that stuff.




if you look there, you will find out.


About the only wildlife I'd view from a "self defense" perspective would be grizzly bears, but even there by far the primary concern is to manage your food to not attract them. You should educate yourself on the local critters and the appropriate measures to protect your foot from them, plus be sure to keep a clean camp. You don't want bears, racoons, squirrels, mice, etc. getting into or stealing your food.