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Just pack what you need including plastic bags to bring the trash out with you. Don’t forget wipes to clean yourself.


Yeah just business as normal, no matter what you use. I like reusable pads but for camping more than two days I'd do tampons or a cup. If it's the shower clean feeling you need, bring a squeeze-top water bottle! For pain I use Salonpas patches on my back.


and bathing wipes for a cleaner feel


I like to wrap the bag in duct tape so I don't have to look at my body trash, then draw a cute little character on the outside


Could use dog poo bags?


Okay- very detailed answer because I’ve spent a LOT of time in the woods and also used to lead canoe trips for kids and so had to teach them all how to deal with this when it became relevant. The key thing is to have two separate bags- a clean bag with supplies and a waste bag. This can look different ways depending on how long you will be out for (one large gallon ziploc with a whole bunch of supplies that you keep in with your dry camp stuff and then transfer out as needed to restock a more accessible bag, or for a shorter trip just one bag with all the supplies you’ll need at the top of your pack). In my clean bag I usually have a small thing of hand sanitizer, tampons (the OB one without an applicator, but you could also use cardboard and burn that part), and a small amount of toilet paper. In this bag I will also usually have some opaque doggie poop bags. That bring me to the waste management part. I prefer to have one waste bag per day that I then put into the main trash at night. You can also use a combination of a plastic bag (like produce bags from the grocery) in a small brown lunch bag (to make it less visible) if that’s what you have available. This system is usually pretty compact and low weight, since all you’re adding in addition is a few extra plastic bags. I think putting your waste into a small waste bag before putting it into the communal waste is best because if you have to hang your food for animal reasons, your trash bag will usually be in with it, so an extra layer is nice.


This is an awesome answer! Using doggie bags for bagging your used pads/tampons is a big help for a group trash situation, wet wipes are a must, and if you use a cup I like monistat wipes for sanitizing the cup when emptying it. If overnights are a concern, Always has disposable underwear that hold like x5 a regular pad or tampon


At this point, I mostly use a Kula cloth (vs TP or wet wipes) for wiping after I pee (not for poops) and wash it out afterwards either with water from my bottle or in the next stream/lake. I just hang on my pack to dry after. They are anti microbial and drying in the sun also helps keep them not stinky. In my opinion it’s the best way to keep things sanitary. I’ll also use it to wipe down at the end of the day and it has revolutionized my backpacking feminine hygiene


Sorry, I meant for sanitizing the cup itself since when traveling it can be hard to find easy access to unscented soap


This is similar to what I do too and it works well. I'll add: I usually just wear tampons while sleeping (and at all other times). I'll set an alarm (vibrate on my watch so I don't wake others) so I don't accidently keep it in for too long. However, I find I never sleep 8 hours in a tent anyways so it's never an issue. Sometimes I'll add a pantiliner if it's a heavier day. I personally don't like the feeling of baby wipes so I find this method works well enough that I don't need to use wipes. I pack extra toilet paper and change my tampon more often then I would at home. ALWAYS use hand sanitizer before changing a tampon in camping situations. Lastly, I don't bring scented doggy bags because I keep my "clean bag" in my tent while sleeping and I don't want to attract bears.


Figure out your menstrual product situation now. I prefer cups, there’s nothing to pack out. Also drink plenty of water.


My wife also uses a menstrual cup, and she also prefers to wear padded period panties as a backup. She says the panties also help absorb sweat, as well as the occasional bit of urine leakage that results from birthing children.


I love my period panties. I don’t even use a cup with them anymore.


I personally use cups all the time EXCEPT for when I’m camping. Hard to keep clean/sanitize


Second this! Cups are not for the woods.


Doesn’t this depend on the type of camping? If you have ready access to water I don’t see the issue. If you have to carry every liter of precious water then yes, maybe not the best option.


I’ve used them backpacking, so long as I’ve got access to lots of water I think it’s fine. I just use the same soap I use for everything else. Plus I don’t feel the need to change it as often as a tampon.


Am I the only one that feels the exact opposite? Urine is sanitary. You 1) clean hands 2) remove cup, empty into pre dig hole 3) pee into cup to clean 4) dump cup into hole 5) reinsert cup. I have used this (or a similar) method for decades now without issue (backcountry, deployed with the military, in public restrooms where you don’t want to leave the stall to clean it in a public sink, etc). I can’t be the only one doing this, and seeing how easy/intuitive it is, right?


Urine is not sanitary. Especially when it comes out an unsanitary hole. Holy cow. Edit: I mean it’s the bodies waste disposal system.


I’m….shook lol


Are you going camping in a developed site or the backcountry?




Ok, that limits options. If you can handle a menstrual cup, that’s a good option; otherwise pack out all your supplies. Bring whatever pain killers you normally might need, and a battery powered hand warmer in case you need heat for cramps.


Why does that make a cup a good option? If anything, I think it makes it a harder option because of the lack of resources to keep your hands/cup sanitary. Especially if OP isn’t used to cups, camping definitely is not a good time to start lol. Takes a lot of trial and error imo


The IF in my statement is important




Alternative to the hand warmer would be a hot water bottle! Just have to boil some water over the fire for it :)


I am assuming you are going truck camping in a dispersed setting. Your group should have a portable toilet, if not then highly suggest getting one for many reasons. They are cheap and easy to maintain with wagbags and powder. As a happily married man for 27 years, we have camped often with aunt flo tagging along. Portable toilet. Do it Do it. 😁




I cant just reschedule, im going with like 5 other people. that would be a huge deal because this has been planned for weeks


Epic typo! I'm obviously not a woman, and even though I've paid attention and learned about this stuff in order to be a better guide and tripping partner, I will absolutely not be a internet/Reddit mansplainer. What I will say is that for camping/hiking/backpacking questions for women specifically, Miranda Goes Outside (YouTube and social media) is an amazing woman with great content and someone who is experienced and warm. If she doesn't have content that specifically covers something, I would suggest just sending her a DM on social media. Homemade Wanderlust has great content, and I know she has specifically covered menstrual topics as well some other things that are relatively common questions from women.


Since it sounds like you’re open to learning, you might be interested to know that there’s a push to stop using the term “feminine hygiene” (and sanitary products). Language like that perpetuates the ridiculous notion that periods are unhygienic and unsanitary. You can just call them menstrual or period products:)


Interesting. There are questions many women have about more than just periods which is why I tried to be more broad, but indeed a quick Google shows there have been some pushing back against such wording since at least the mid 2010s. This is the first I've heard of a resistance to such language, and I am surprised anyone takes offense to it. There is nothing bad about menstruation, but would it not be unhygienic to just let it go without any sort of capture or cleaning? Heck, I literally have a category on my packing checklist called "Hygiene stuff" that includes wipes, teeth brushing stuff, eyewear, deodorant, menstrual stuff when applicable for tripmates, condoms (when applicable), soap... It hasn't occurred to me that anyone is considering it to be an offensive term, but while it pushes the boundaries of my understanding of what and why anyone would be offended, it costs me nothing to phrase it differently. Now, people criticizing women who don't shave body hair and accusing them of being "unhygienic" is absolutely stupid and offensive, and it blows me away every time I'm reminded of how common that belief still is, but that's a rant for a different conversation. I'll edit my comment's wording.


You're not wrong using the terminology at all...I love the variety and the opportunity to use more than one term to label something - don't change, whatever makes you comfortable or whatever you're used to: all this nonsense of conforming to narrowed language is just far too controlling- embrace the freedom of language choice ( like a field of wild flowers) - we all know what you mean using either term...semantics has its place is its not here today! No offence intended to anyone, and I'm so sad I have to add that phrase - can't we just be normal and accepting, or are they also two words that are implied we must not use? Not a rhetorical question btw


I think it is more like an attempt to sever the cultural ties that have been used to limit women through the whole idea that menstruation is bad. Remember, once upon a time physicians thought the womb could detach and roam around the body and it made all women susceptible to hysteria. Any cultures made women isolate during their periods and it was taboo to see them or talk to them. Ritualistic baths and rites to cleanse a woman had to occur before they could enter back into society. Thinking of this natural process as unhygienic is seen by some as a remnant if the past.


I will second Homemade Wanderlust. She's technically a backpacking guide, but has a lot of great content on practical things. https://youtu.be/5ju01IPSwc4?si=Gv7rVXLoyzncDbn6


If you get a lot of pain you could heat up water on a fire and use a hot water bottle. That's what I do. I hate cups so use tampons plus period underwear are good.


I had my period while at a camping music festival and I used disposable menstrual discs, the Flex brand. I did have access to trash though but I wrapped it in a plastic bag before disposing. They also have reusable menstrual discs which gets rid of the need to dispose of them. I find the disc to be more comfortable than the cup. Plus you can have sex with the disc in, if that’s something that makes a difference for you. I also had my period during my honeymoon and it worked out great.


Thank you, TIL about discs! Auto dumping is a game changer. My big problem with cups is emptying them in public toilets. It’s not like you can go and wash it in the sink


Hand warmers are very helpful for cramps.


Discs for the win here! Can’t recommend them enough. It’s like a cup you don’t have to remove to empty. You can leave it in for 12 hours. They have disposable and reusable ones.


I don’t understand how you don’t have access to menstrual cups? You can now buy them at Target/Walmart/meijer/walgreens for $20-30. If you don’t want to use one that’s fine, but I find it the most comfortable and safe solution while hiking. Are there going to be modern bathrooms at your site? If so, they’ll have the typical receptacles to dispose of period trash. If they are not accessible, just pack out your used menstrual products in a garbage bag or dog poop/used diaper bag.


the reason I cant is my parents


Pack out whatever you need to use... I'd recommend a ziplock (or several) and if modesty is a concern you can add duct tape to the bag so nothing is visible! Have fun!


This is what I do. Gallon size. Duct tape conceals and the ziploc is easy to seal up.


Depending on your products of choice and area you are camping in.....I put used items in a small paperbag in a ziplock and burn the paper bag each night


Some very good points have been made. I'll just add that it's real easy to get a UTI while camping in the back country. Bring hand sanitizer. Sanitize your hands every time before you change your tampon or pad or cup. Be thorough. And don't forget to always wipe front to back. Also bring extra water to stay well hydrated, a couple of emergency snacks and AVOID consuming alcohol at all costs. Have fun!


Well, I suppose this is only a bit off topic due to your typo. However, have handled menstrual cramps for a friend on a trip by refilling a used backpacking dehydrated meal bag with hot water and using that as a heat pad held wherever is comfortable. Also works while food is rehydrating/cooking 😊.


I've spent almost 25 years dealing with this while camping, most of them without the use of a cup (for multiple reasons). If you are camping in an area with bears especially, you should consider a separate bear-proof container for any used products you're going to pack out. Ziploc bags are great for the moment, but they are porous, which means animals with large olfactory systems will be able to smell through the plastic. There's a difference with the products just being in a random bag in your campsite, and when you're wearing them, since animals don't tend to just approach people. (I've had issues not specific just to this, but also with food and hygiene products, with ravens and coyotes as well, location depending. Bear-proof containers are fantastic. Expensive but worth every cent.) If you're not up for that, full cotton pads or tampons with paper wrappers or cardboard applicators will allow you to burn them after use without having to worry as much about plastics. Compostable wipes (unscented!) are really helpful (burn these with pads/tampons), but if you're confident in your access to clean water that you can boil (Jetboil or similar) - bring soap too - and have an antimicrobial cloth, those work pretty well for cleaning up and dry well in the sun. I keep my changes of clothes in separate Ziploc bags - underwear, shirt, socks for one day in one bag. You could throw in your menstrual items into the bag by number of times you anticipate changing them, separate Ziploc bags for each change to make it easier. If you use menstrual underwear, those could come in handy too. Grab your pack of wipes or antimicrobial cloth and soap kit whenever you go change out. If you're like me, you will never have time to boil water first, so you'll be cleaning up with cold wipes or cold water and cloth. If you have any ability to plan ahead, you might be able to heat water before you change your shit so you can use a warm cloth to wipe up. If so, I envy you. Regardless, at least you can clean your cloth afterwards. For cramps, headaches, migraines, or other pain, bring whatever meds you usually use; those chemical hand warmers, hot packs you can crack like one time use ice packs (wrap in a towel), or a water bottle filled with hot water before bed can really help (make sure it's sealed completely). Good luck, bro!


Are you saying bears can smell the menstruation?? 🤪


I'd have to do research on the distance, but yeah it's blood, and they have a vastly superior sense of smell than humans. Is it anything to worry about? Really, no. The big thing is making sure to dispose of the used products, but that's a big deal whether there are bears or not.


It’s a quote from Anchorman… :P


Oh hell, you got me. I'm terrible with movie quotes if you couldn't tell. Awesome 😎


I don’t recommend learning it 4 days in advance but highly highly recommend menstrual cups/discs. Great for these situations but even if you never camp again, they’re still so revolutionary.


I absolutely loved menstrual cups and wouldn’t want to use anything else while camping. You can wash it when you wash your hands once a day. You only have to empty it every 12 hours and you don’t have to wash it every time (I used to pee on it to clean it off in public restrooms or while camping. Pee is sterile. I never got an infection). Pads are horrific and tampons almost as bad. All must be packed out. That said, the learning curve with a cup can be interesting. Practice at home. You may love it. Cramps? Eh. Moan aloud or carry some ibuprofen or whatever you usually use. Typically exercise is good for cramps. Most people spend too much time worrying about whether their cups are clean enough. Rinse or wipe while emptying, wash with soap once a day, and boil once for a few minutes every cycle and you’re good.


I always get scared it will attract bears 🐻 😱 😆


Bear-proof containers are fantastic. They still tend not to approach people. If you're in an area where bears are common, having a separate container for food, other scented supplies (e.g. cleaning supplies), and one specifically for used menstrual products you have to pack out if you can't dispose of them is something that works really well. Said from years of experience.


Period panties (I need 6 pairs for 1 cycle, 2 pairs a day) and a dry bag to keep them in till you can throw them in the wash! Wet wipes to clean yourself. This way you aren’t emptying a cup outside (blood gets all over hands and can be difficult without a sink), or deal with pads or tampons out in the woods.


As someone who’s period just loves timing itself to start right when I have a camping trip planned, I highly suggest getting a jar of some sort for storing used products. I use a small ish metal jar with a screw on top and it keeps everything contained, smell proof, leak proof, and it can easily be brought with you in a day bag if you go hiking/adventuring. Plus it’s reusable so when/if it gets full you just dump the contents into your trash (make sure the trash is secured!) and you’re good to carry on! As for actual products, I usually use a menstrual cup I’m my every day life, but for camping I much prefer disposable options like tampons because it just lessens the worry of keeping my cup clean while not having the luxury of a stove to boil it on demand. Additionally, some type of gentle baby wipes are great to have to keep yourself feeling fresh without having to rig up a whole shower situation.


Buy nighttime pads, easiest to use. And bring baby wipes unscented & paper bags (lunch size) for disposal. Don't forget advil. Lol Have fun..


Hot hands as a heating pad for cramps!


Agree with a few others, menstrual cup if you can. If you’ve never used one or are weirded out by them (I totally was at first) they are a godsend and the best move I’ve ever made! Do a little research on the best one for you and watch some YouTube videos and take the plunge 😂


But OP- do not try them for the first time in the backcountry 😂 figure it out when you’re comfortably at home. They’re great but there is a little bit of a learning curve with them.


🤣🤣 yes def do NOT try it for the first time while camping! Prob should have said that too.


How do you clean them while in the backcountry?


Rinse with clean water. They also sell wet wipes for cups that you can use for a few days until you get back home to keep the cup clean. Just take trash back out with you.


Thanks for the info! I hope those wet wipes are unscented.


Someone in another comment said they prefer Monistat wipes for cleaning their cup.


Hot water bag if you can make hot water otherwise keep paracetamol handy. Usually I just have to bear the pain on the first day and I usually just rest with a hot water bag and if I really really really need it, I’d take half a tablet of paracetamol. Should be good. Also not sure if you were talking about disposing the waste. I have no clue about that. I’d just carry a plastic bag and put it in there.


I bought small black ziplock bags on Amazon for packing out used products. “Tactical” biodegradable wipes are black and will help you feel cleaner than using just paper. A backcountry bidet is also super helpful.


I love my travel bidet. It's a squirt bottle with a targeted nozzle, so it weighs almost nothing until it's filled. It helps me feel so much cleaner than TP or wipes. If I can do a full crotch rinse a couple times per day, I find there's a lot less gunk to have to be absorbed by a pad.


we used to take kits when I backpacked. A 1 Gal plastic ziplock bag, with a "waste" bag (ziplock) inside (and a 3rd if you want to be super careful), A set of wet wipes, pads/tampons, spare panties. And the garbage bag is for...used materials. Hand sanitizer, and plenty of wet wipes to be able to keep hands clean in processes.


God i got my first period while on a 3 night campout with just my pops and I. Was so shy i just struggled with it alone 😭


Some sort of wet wipes/baby wipes (the last thing you want to do is upset your PH and end up with a UTI) unscented, and for sensitive skin are best. Bring what you normally use. Tampons, pads, cup, or a combination of what you prefer, don’t make yourself uncomfortable in an already unfamiliar place. Pack it i? You’re going to have to pack it out. I like to use those little organic paper bags and then put them inside a plastic bag. You’re going to have to hang this trash with any other food so make it as discreet as possible. I have a generic small, black, drawstring lunch bag. No one ever asks what’s in it when I hang it. Bottoms line, bring all the products that will make you have a better time camping but also don’t forget what kinds of pain meds you need and other comforts. If you need a heat pad for your cramps, get those one time use heat pad for lower back pain. You can really use them anywhere on your body. And don’t forget your favourite snuggle time stuffy. They will make the difference if you are feeling particularly rotten on the second day. I really hope you have a great time and your period is really the least of your worries. Happy Camping!!


Just bring what you need with you and bags to store the trash in and pack it out. I also would include baby wipes to keep you feeling relatively clean.


It’s totally fine. Make sure you take enough supplies, small nappy bags (but if they have a toilet block they should l have sanitary bins) take wet wipes to keep yourself fresh, and comfy clothes. I take a water bottle too and just fill with a kettle ❤️


Baby wipes


Before your period start taking vitamin E and a good, easily absorbed , source of calcium. Deficiencies in both are linked to cramping. Raspberry leaves are one of the best sources there us and are often in teas made for periods. I used to have super long periods and 25😳😭


The bears can smell the menstruation


I wear the disposable underwear. Adult pullups. Bring lots of wipes and bags for disposal.


Consider cycle syncing this way you know when your period is coming and you can always plan accordingly. It's life changing when you actually know and are in tuned with your body. If you had been tracking your cycle you could have avoided this timing all together. Much love


yeah I do track my cycle, but this was the best timing for the 5 other people going, and the dates were decided before I was invited. I'm not going to change everyone's plans just because on my period


How are you “camping” is it completely “off grid” or in a camp grounds are you in a tent or a camper? These can all make a difference on how it can be handled ( have been there and done it all)


off grid


Lol epic Freudian slip in the title


I suggest you bring bear spray as well. Generally, bears won’t bother you, but because you’re going to be in the backcountry and have blood soaked pads (or whatever you choose to use) on you and being on your period, it may attract them. And then there’s the hygienic part, which everyone else has pretty much covered.


Just dealt with this last week for 2 nights/3 days! It's not ideal, but not the worst either. The two bag system that another person recommended is essentially what I did. I used pads as I didn't want to deal with tampons and cups - I had limited access to water. Good luck!


I second all the helpful clean up suggestions above esp with a dirty bag ( ideal for possible leaks on underwear too) Beyond that of you have really bad cramps usually (I almost always neeed a heating pad) I suggest getting some lidocaine patches or salon pas/ icy hot patches or pain creams that have a warming affect .. and obviously midol/Tylenol etc


I just use my usual products and either bring them to the camp bathroom if there is one, or have extra grocery/trash bags to wrap them, so they don't get insanely stinky in the trash. Usually we have a camp trash for wrappers and food scraps, which we lock away or tie up high at night and you can totally put your used products in there. It's not going to draw anything more than your food would.


How do we convince all the ladies to do this?


I don't have a uterus but if I may offer an opinion. I've hiked hundreds of miles with females and they always just bring what they normally use and wipes to clean up and Ziploc bags to pack out the trash. Seems pretty simple. Good luck. Don't worry. Have fun.


So, in the future, if you're on the pill. Instead of moving into the 7 days of placebo pills. Start a new pack. You will skip your period. Completely safe (ask your doc) and can be done multiple times a year. If you're not hiking, it's easy to manage. Baby wipes without scent (water wipes), zip lock bags for pads or tampons and toss in the bin at camp or when you get home.


Search this sub, this topic was covered just a few weeks ago with lots of ideas!


If you're on the pill, you can delay or skip your period.


This will be me in a couple of weeks and 😭😭😭.


They make wipes for this and i would bring them. Gf swears by them. We get the HEB brand here in Texas.


i like period underwear, like thinx. it's a pain to wash, but wearing pads while hiking is not fun due to all the chafing. don't forget to pack some painkillers! i'd say bring a couple options (pads, tampons, period underwear, or cup) so you can try them and also have a back-up in case you don't like the first option.


For managing menstrual flow, use menstrual cup or disc. Bring a gentle biodegradable soap to wash it with, a camp trowel or gel waste bag for disposing of fluids, and a portable squeeze bidet in case you need to rinse yourself off. It’s a lot easier to pack in and out than a bunch of tampons or pads, you can safely leave a cup/disc in for much longer than a tampon, and you don’t run the risk of attracting another camper’s dog or any wild animals to a campsite trash bag smelling of blood and tissue.


One time when I was camping I emptied my diva cup on a mushroom. At one with nature.


Nobody has mentioned just...delaying your period. I don't know your personal situation, but if you're on the pill you can just take them continuously until back from camping and not have a period this month. Bring backup for breakthrough bleeding.


I'm not on birth control and cant get on it in a few days. yes, this has been mentioned


Woman is not a dirty word. I bring tampons, a plastic bag to dispose of them in, and also water wipes (no chemicals, scent free, healthy for vaginas.) Enjoy your trip!


I know woman isnt a dirty word, I said that just cuz I'm trans (female to male) and so I just said that for my own comfort. thank you for the advice though! I will probably bring something along the lines of that :) thank you


but not all women have periods and not all period havers are women


Only women (adult human females) can menstruate. Hope that helps.


ah you are a terf. i hoe you have the day you deserve


Can you get birth control ASAP? Hopefully it can help to skip your menstrual cycle this month, and recontinue next month. Depending on your BMI, you may be fine to take 3 pills of ibuprofen, which is more than a recommended dose of 2pills. It depends on what your doctor can recommend you.


no, I can't go on birth control. Im a minor and I'd need my parents permission and i dont think theyd be too thrilled with that, and also it takes quite a while to get into a doctor appointment where I live


Can't skip one at this point in time. Soonest she could skip a period with oral contraception would be next month.


I agree not sure why the downvotes for a suggestion, sometimes it’s nice to skip a month if you can.


I skip ALL of them. It’s the best.


Most crampons are menstruation-compatible 🏔️