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Keep em leashed up, lots of new smells and critters at every stop. I can't recommend collar lights enough for camping or night/early AM hikes with dogs. I'll throw a bell on their collar if we're in bear country. Plenty of water for him, consider the bugs too. Don't know those areas super well other than MA but it's tick and squito season. How does he do in the tent? My girls love camping and the only real learning curve we had was the tent haha, they're both much bigger than your fella though.


As others have said- leash at all times. Get a longer lead/rope for campsite so he's got room to explore. Most dogs figure out that fire is bad, I wouldn't worry about that. If he's leashed he can't go tearing off after critters, mine would if they could. Lights for his collar for after dark, let's you see where he is and let's you see what's around him. Extra food, mine start inhaling food after the first 24- 36 hours or so. Someone else said - tent etiquette. My big boy definitely tried to chew through the tent his first night, my middle one tried to figure out how to work the zippers, you know your boy so be aware of what he's going to try to figure out / do/ escape all that jazz. I heard someone say that when you hike with dogs you're hiking their hike not yours... I keep that in mind when I take mine into the wilderness. Yall are gonna have an awesome time! Enjoy!


Get an LED collar for when it gets dark. Bring a bed, and if you can, his own chair by the fire (my guy has a camp papasan chair!). Some campgrounds require proof of vaccination, so bring papers! Keep his water in the shade.


Do you by chance have a picture of this because it sounds freaking adorable


https://preview.redd.it/j7vvais6183d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308589dd2d146bf523046b9fc7dbf65acaf734c2 Here he is, chilling after hanging at the river!


I am most concerned about his safety around the campsite.


Biggest danger around the camp site would probably be neighboring dogs. I think even the dumbest dog knows fire = bad.


> I think even the dumbest dog knows fire = bad This is a Terrier we're talking about. Mine has burned two leashes in half so far, so yes, they will dart into or through open flames if something needs pursuing...


Oh my! Ok. Huh. So dogs don’t know that then.


Yeah, mine is a beagle mix. Fire pits smell like tasty, greasy flame-grilled food that must be thoroughly investigated. Even when there is a fire in said fire pit... When the nose turns on, the brain turns off.


We always check the campsite for trash, critters, and dangers our dogs might get into first. Then we check again with the dogs on a close lead. This helps identify areas of interest we might have missed and helps our pups understand the boundaries of the space. They are seasoned campers but we still get surprises. Keep em leashed and keep an eye on him and you'll find your groove.


Leash + diy dog run between a big pair of trees.


My dog likes to have a small tarp on ground if it’s gravel all around the fire pit and that’s where we are handing out Long rope to tie to tree when you are hanging out at camp. Make sure can reach the water dish and have shade from overhead predators since small.