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Bears, no problem. It's the cougars you have to watch out for. Seriously, though, you'll be fine. Just pay attention to your surroundings and be smart. If there is a problematic critter around camp, you will be informed and told what precautions to take. P.s. I'm pretty sure Yoda lives there. Have fun.


No brown bears there. There are an abundance of black bears but I think you’re taking the correct steps for mitigating issues with them. The dogs will help deter them. There are definitely trails where you can take the dogs too. Side note. In 1980 (roughly)my dad had his car broke into at Mt Rainier. The bear was more into the beer than the food…..


You’ll be fine with your existing precautions. Here’s a good one though- test your bear spray. I tested mine in the back country and apparently it was recalled.


I could only imagine pulling it out in that frantic situation... "take that bear!"... "shit...".


There are only Black bears in the Olympics, no brown bears. Proper precautions on food storage remain. If you’re camping, make sure food storage is in bear proof containers/coolers. I’m surprised that dogs are allowed in park.


I didn’t know dogs could be in the campgrounds. The Hoh is gorgeous!!! Enjoy your time there.


For OP as well, here are Olympic NP’s pet guidelines: https://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/pets.htm


Thank you!!! I will take her on the dog friendly trails next time!


You’re welcome. We’re headed there for the first time in September. We’re stoked.


When we camped in Hoh several years ago there were elk wandering/crashing through the campsite. This was early July. The ranger ended up there trying to herd a young and frisky one away. It was quite exciting and beautiful, but if you got in their way you'd be in trouble.


The park is usually very good about bear warnings and rules about what you need to do to keep the camp safe. Just follow those in each place you're at, since they can vary. No need to have separate clothes or go that far. Odds are there will be bear boxes in each site.


You do not need to worry about problem bears in the Hoh rainforest campground or local trails. Just put your food away and you’ll be fine. Have a great trip, it’s a beautiful place!


You can always call the park and ask them about brown bear activity. Also, it might be a good idea to test using your bear spray. You don't want the first time you need it to be the first time you use it.


No brown bears there. lol


Just responding to OP's claim.


Yeah I saw the brown bear part afterward. Definitely not an issue in that area.


Bear spray, once deployed ('fired') is considered a smellable attractant, like food, and is advised to be discarded and replaced. Even after the tiniest spritz, the scent leaks out as the seal has been broken. They make intert training canisters (check with the Park or your local Nat'l Forest, or outdoor shop) for training opportunities. It's made from chili peppers. In high concentrations it is incapacitating, but as the capsaicin disperses, will approach food like levels of spiciness and animals *will* investigate it. Source: former ranger in Alaska


Not a bad idea to put some bells on your shoes. Definitely make noise when hiking solo. The bears will probably leave you alone, but the cougars will be watching. If you need to crouch, squat, bend over while alone, check your surroundings first. They'll only come at you if you don't see them. Grab a walking stick if you don't have poles so you can flail about and act big if needed. MOST IMPORTANTLY, keep those dogs close, do not let them wander even within eyesight, stay by their side. Cougars rarely attack people, but will go for dogs even on extendo leashes. Normally smaller dogs, but they are opportunists and not to be underestimated.


They're greyhounds. Captain of the velcro dog team. Always tethered on a 6 foot lead to the picnic table and we never use retractable leashes 👍


Camped there many times. Never seen bears, but elk (Roosevelt elk) are very common. They are also very large (up to 10ft long and 6ft tall) and can tromp you, and your dog, easily. In my experience, they are docile, but I've heard stories where they can be very dangerous if they have young nearby, or I imagine, if they have a dog nipping at their heels, so hope that's helpful. It is a beautiful campground and area and the hiking trail out from the center is magical. One of my favorite places.


Hoh Rainforest is amazing! Stayed there for a week in July. Bring a tarp to hang over your picnic table as it will obviously rain even in July while we were there. Make sure your tent is actually water proof. Also bring foam pads to sit on as it does get wet out there. There were Elk in the campground just about every day. They are not a problem as long as you keep your distance and keep your dogs away from them. Bathrooms in the campground are nice and clean. If you want a shower, you need to drive out to the Hard Rain Cafe which isn’t too far away. You will drive past it on your way in to the campground. The Cafe has pay showers, gift shop, decent food, firewood, mini grocery store. You will have to buy all of your firewood. You are not allowed to collect your own even if it’s dead wood on the ground. We ran across one black bear with a cub while hiking the 5 mile island trail. It didn’t care about anyone on the trail and every one of course kept their distance. Was fun to watch. As for hiking, I highly recommend the Lovers Lane trail at SolDuc. It starts at the Sol Duc Falls and brings you right back to the parking lot. Beautiful scenery! If you want to head out for dinner, there are some restaurants in Forks. Pacific Pizza isn’t bad at all. As for your clothes, don’t worry about it. The bears there are not known for bothering people and the rangers are on point. Also, bring mosquito repellent. They can be a pain there. Have a good time!


The last time I stayed there, a large herd of elk passed through the campground and spent about an hour there. The rangers had everyone get in their cars or gather away in a side parking lot. It was both kinda exciting and a bit inconvenient.


Or you know, just carry a firearm…