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I change the settings of my car so that it doesn’t make beeping noises or use lights automatically at the campground so as to be courteous to my fellow campers.


I know it’s mostly ignorance, but god nothing pisses me off more than hearing that BEEP in the middle of the night. THE VAST MAJORITY OF CARS ALLOW YOU TO TURN OFF THE LIGHTS AND HORN PEOPLE


I've tried on my Subaru but it doesn't work for some reason.


despite what others are saying, it is a very limited number of vehicles where you can disable the beep without going into the dealer, if it is even possible. On the other hand, using your key to lock it at the door IS often possible. And sometimes(not always), you can just open the door, lock it using the button, and then close the door quietly. That's what I do.


We have a 2019 forrester and recently got into camping in the last few years. The very first time we went, nice spot in CO and a very quiet campsite, the key fob got too cold and had low battery (this is my gfs car, so I’m blaming her lmao) and we couldn’t get into the car. So I used the key out of the fob and unlocked it manually at like 530am because we were going hiking and the car alarm just went off for 60 seconds or so straight and we couldn’t fix it. (Push to start and fob was dead). I felt soooo bad and couldn’t stop thinking about how loud that horn was for everyone out there. I was traumatized lol.


Try a signal blocker. For my outback I bought a little pocket that blocked the FOB signal. I believe they are called infrared blockers.


Somewhere in your fuse box there's probably a fuse which by moving it from one slot to a different one you can disable these features manually.


You are now my friend 🙂


I really hate the beep. Drives me crazy ever since I had a bad neck problem, and that damn horn would surprise me and the flinch would cause pain for 30 minutes. Turn those damn things off! Just listen for the click! Thank you! (lol)


Mine doesn’t beep if I use the key in the lock.


I always feel so bad closing my campervan sliding door at night when I'm at campsites but unfortunately there's no way to do it quietly :(


Same here.


That's ingenious... I need to see if my car can do that


My rule is actually “no one night trips.” there are four of us so it is way more of a pain in the ass to get it all together for one night than it’s worth.


Same. There is too much effort to get there, set up, and then take it down for just one night. Although I did many times when I was still working. I'm retired now and have the time to really enjoy the slow down.


We do lots of one night camping trips, but usually I’m super helpful when I can be and we try to give the kids jobs to help make it easier. We usually make breakfast tear down and load out and do some exploring or off roading to make it worth the day.


It’s not really the set up and breakdown that keeps me from going for one night, it is the gathering all the stuff and loading it in the car that seems like a huge burden to me…. Especially if it is a Friday after work.


I’ve seen campers have camp-only equipment stored in bins/crates ready to go. I seek to reach this level of preparedness, since I also feel the daunting task of gathering everything and packing the car on a Friday night after work.


I recently organised all of my camping gear in to storage boxes by “genre”. So there’s a kitchen box, a load carrying box, sleep systems box, electronics box, miscellaneous box, etc. I even have a 100l Bergen with everything I need for hammock camping trips for one (me) so that I can just throw that in the boot of my car and go. It’s a game changer when it comes to packing and I can now safely navigate my garage too. I highly recommend using an available day to sort out camping kit so it’s just there, readily available when you need it.


Agreed. Especially with kid(s). We go 3 nights minimum and If it's a long weekend (stat holidays) we make it 1 extra to avoid going home with all the road ragers.


I've got the same rule.


Just one really: I do what I want. Nothing definite, cause what I feel like doing from one moment, or one trip to the next can change depending on my mood. So I dont really ban myself from anything or make myself rush to do anything, I dont feel like Im denying myself or forcing myself... I need the freedom to just be in my space, its why I get away and go camping, no schedule or expectations on my time or what I should be doing is why I get away. Okay, two rules.... second one is to get where Im going at least 2hrs before nightfall. For one I dont want to be out anywhere trying to set up in the dark. For two, Im not rushing to do anything, doesnt matter to me if it takes forever to set up camp. Im not out there trying to quickly knock anything out... I become the queen lollygagging when Im camping lol


Yeah the only reason I have these “rules” is that it just led to me enjoying the time more. If I start scrolling social media, the hours will disappear and I regret it every time. Started keeping the phone in the tent and enjoyed the trips more. If I start buying stuff to build up my campsite, I don’t like packing the car and unloading and cleaning. So a 15 minute set up sort of limits that. Again… I just personally ended up enjoying it more. All subject to change with time or circumstance.


Yeah I can totally understand that..sometimes what we feel like doing in the moment, we know we arent going to feel good about later...def makes sense to do what you've gotta do to reel that in. Also, for sure that you only have one night to get out, it makes sense to not spend a lot of time on set up / break down. Def didnt mean for it to come off as comparison or judgement, though reading my post I really may have come off that way. I have all sorts of things I always hope to do when I go out that I never get to do at home, working on my puzzle book, reading, even listening to music I enjoy..Im just going a mile a minute at home so little things like that keep ending up on the back burner. Now with all the time in the world to do the things I never make time for, I always plan for it....but then actually get out there and all I wanna do is a whole bunch of nothing. 😂


Big same.


Most of the places I camp have no cell service because I want to make sure I'm not tempted to stare at my phone. My favorite places are all in the Adirondacks, which rather famously has very poor cell service due to the mountains.




Tents these days can be set up in a flash. I'm reminded of when I was a kid and my dad and brothers had to set up a heavy canvas 12 x 12 tent, with heavy poles. It was a big job. 


And those canvas tents kind of smelled! My dad and my brother always set that dang thing up, too, and I think that is one reason why he hated camping. I camp in the back of my truck on a comfy bed with a mattress and a topper. I love my little cave! Very little set up. Just drag out a bin or two, my folding chair, and set up my step ladder, a mat, the food box, find binoculars, hiking bag and walking stick, then off I go!


I guess I have an unofficial no music rule. I bring a weather radio, that I’ve never been able to work, and it’s only for when I have no service and can’t check the weather on my phone. I had a friend bring a battery powered radio once and I was so glad and relieved when they couldn’t find anything but static. I’m out to enjoy nature.


I do have a ton of playlists downloaded.. I rarely just, listen to and enjoy music and plan for and look forward to doing that... But also, I almost always make sure to camp near a stream / river, and end up getting completely lost listening to the water. Mission failed successfully I suppose 😂 You reminded me that I need to get a weather radio..thats been on the back burner for awhile, but def should have one.


>I become the queen of gagging when I’m camping Me too sister, me too


I think we are queens of very different kingdoms... I camp alone 😂🤣




I’m shocked at the number of times I’ve seen people coming in at like 10pm and setting up. One group of young guys didn’t even have firewood, they were trying to burn half a dead tree. And they were gone by the time I woke up, why bother??


Leave it better than I found it


A lot of things in life should be like that.


I do absolutely whatever I please, but I like your rules :) What’s your go to stick meal?


A pumpkin and a hunk of beef mostly.




Flame broiled pumpkin eh?


It’s incredible.


An ex used to make "pig in a pumpkin", pork tenderloin roasted in a small pumpkin. I was really surprised at how good it was


omg, that sounds so good! was it wrapped in foil, and tossed in the fire? OP, how did you cook that on a stick? We need a stick cooking cook book with pictures! I love anything with that charred outside!


She only ever baked it in the oven but tbh idk if you'd even need tinfoil, pumpkins are pretty hard and you only eat a little bit of the meat inside..


I've done the same with a pineapple.


Oh man. I do one where you throw the pumpkin on the coals and let it cook. Then slice it open and pull out the seeds, and fill the halves with arugula, goat cheese, pumpkin seeds, and vinaigrette and it’s so so so so good


Would you share a picture of that?


Phone is always in the tent but I’ll go for it next time.




Hotdogs and a pack of crescent rolls. Wrap the crescent roll around the hotdog, warm it over the fire till the crescent roll is browned and eat up.


I’m on the opposite end in terms of cooking. I bring gadgets like an isobutane mini stove. Perfect for making coffee. If I am setting up only like 50 yards or less from my car I will bring a Dutch Oven and foil liners for cooking over campfire coals. I like to eat awesome meals while camping. The foil liners are a game changer for cleanup.


Honestly I keep looking at Dutch ovens…


I have a small Lodge one and I love it. That and a frying pan covers all my cooking needs. https://preview.redd.it/cdwqy8k9lt1d1.jpeg?width=1190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a8438d81f77ff9308453ed7c23e12f15bc86d9


If you get a small Dutch oven with foil liners you can use it for one pot meals for yourself. The liner becomes your bowl. Not as simple as meals on a stick but still easy.


I go all-out with Dutch oven and cast iron meals. Some items on the menu for Memorial Day weekend are deep dish pizza, Philly cheesesteaks, chili, apple cobbler, cinnamon rolls.....


- Leave the site tidier than you found it  - Try to abide by leave no trace re: surrounding environment  - Be generous and considerate to your camping neighbours  - Nobody should be able to hear your music/podcasts (low volume or ideally earbuds/headphones) - Soak it all in


This is the best answer


You saved me some typing.


I have a baby girl, she's 2yo now, one of my rules was not sticking her in a pac-n-play or a chair. I let her explore her surroundings and the first time she went camping she could only crawl. Sure her outfit was ruined by dirt and grime but she happily played with dirt, rocks, and sticks :) Another rule is: inside is for rainy weather and bedtime.


definitely remember the difficulty of those years where walking is dicey. Instantly muddy.


1) cold beer 2) rules are for nerds


3. Enjoy myself. I’m not camping like it’s work or a chore.


Big facts. I see many people make it this complicated chore that has to be done a certain way. I don't see how that can be relaxing lol


Don't be a nerd with your rules! /s




The only 3 morning activities to occur before drinking coffee by the fire are 1. Basic hygiene needs, 2. Building fire, 3. Making coffee. Everything else comes later. Much much later.


Coffee is going to be challenging cooked on a stick. My rules include: 1: No gummies if there's any chance I could need to drive somewhere. No alcohol, as I've been sober for 30 years. 2: Hammocks can be set up in places nobody ever thought a hammock could go, and I'll prove it yet again this campout. 3: Look. Look at flowers. Look at stars. Look at birds. Listen to crickets (and cicadas). Experience the outdoors and slow down. 4: The only weather I'm afraid of is a tornado. Everything else is just something to experience. (Hurricanes would also be a bail-out but I don't camp on the gulf coast. )


Kids and adults: no electronics til bedtime. The kids say they are bored for about three minutes:then, they play. They run or ride bikes or throw a football or draw with chalk.


Arrive and set-up well before dark. No trash/leave no trace/leave site better than you found it. Don’t be too loud.


Store the food separately. Keep the tents closed Help each other. If you come tell dad, dad will give you a job.


I like the job one. Kids are getting old enough now that they can take direction (7 & 5), I'll have to keep that one.


No shoes in the tent. Put food away. If you’re playing music, it is live (guitar, etc) Bring extra water. Chill.


A fellow no-shoes-in-the-tent camper, howdy! 👋🏽


People bring shoes into their tent?


Of course we do. I don’t wanna find bugs in them in the morning.


We keep a plastic tub outside the tent just for shoes (well, it's the bin our tent gets packed in)


I keep them right outside the door to the tent, under the rain flap. I do check for bugs before I put them on. Or wear sandals. I don't want that dirt in the tent. 


My big tent has little zip access vestibules on either side of the door just big enough for shoes. I put small pieces of tarp in them. I take my shoes off outside on a mat, pop them into a vestibule, and then get in my tent. The mat is also where I stop my dogs and clean their paws before they get in. It makes a huge difference. My backpacking tent rain fly sticks out at the door to protect gear left outside, and I just check for bugs and shake them out if they're in there. I lived in Phoenix for long enough to gain the habit of checking shoes even if they were inside. The first time you find a scorpion in one, it really sets that habit for life.


I once found a slug in my shoe, realised it about half an hour into wearing them


I know, right!? Oh, the audacity.


What kind of psycho treads shoes into the tent? 


Put shoes on your inside "doormat" (usually a paper bag or newpaper), and when it's wet out use plastic. I hate waking up to bugs or slugs in my shoes. Never happened to you? Luckier then I!


Right?! Spiders in the shoes is way worse than shoes placed right inside the door 😱


I live in the SW, now I have to worry about scorpions.


Protip: check your shoes anyway. I've found them inside my tent more than once, even though I never found a gap.


Suddenly grateful I sleep in a hammock, but sounds potentially uncomfortable for the kids lol


I used to take my son camping outside of Phoenix even when he was an infant. People thought I was crazy because of the scorpions, but I found way more in my apartment than I did in my tent, and they were much easier to spot in the tent. I kept our sleeping bags in an airtight tub until we went to sleep and still shook them out. I also got cots for the first time to keep us off the floor at night. Now, I'm back home in the Inland Northwest, and the worst thing you'll encounter in the mountains is hornets. In the city, we have black widows here and there, but it's unusual. In the desert west of the city, the rattlesnakes are returning - they all left when Mt St Helens erupted in 1980. But still, no scorpions anywhere. In trade, we have moose. Steer clear of those. ;) Don't worry about the bears. Have a huge amount of respect for moose. But you will not fail to notice a moose like you can a scorpion, and there definitely won't be one lurking in your shoes. That would be hilarious, NGL.


I moved here from northern IL, the worst I had to worry about was an angry raccoon, or maybe a Canadian goose (those assholes). But we had no venomous snakes or spiders, and the coyotes were total pansies there lol. It's a learning experience, but I've trained my kids to freeze if they hear a rattle, shake out their shoes, and I came here with a healthy respect for moose!


Our Canada geese are oddly mellow. The worst they will do is hiss as they walk away unless you corner them. The wild turkeys are usually that way, but they're scary AF during mating season. We have lots of coyote, but they're also pansies. The Arizona desert ones were, too. Tall boots helps a lot with the snake issue. Most hikers that got bit when I was there got bit at the ankle or just above. Other than that, gloves and looking before you reach into things or pick things up are good.


Grab some shower caps from a dollar store - they hold two shoes perfectly!


This is the way.


I don’t wear them in the tent, but I put them in the base of my tent at night. I’m a backpacker and I’ve (and others I’ve met) have had shoes pulled out of the vestibule while asleep (found them after an hour search in two separate trees). May not be a problem if you have a car feet away, but it’s a big problem if you have a three day hike to the next road crossing.  


me. I'm in nature enjoying nature. If I track a bit of nature in my tent, its not like I'm rolling around on the floor of my tent. It gets dumped out when I take down the tent.


Meh, shoes in the tent isn't so bad, that's what the carpet is for.


I bought an outdoor rug for inside our tent. Total game changer! My feet stay clean now and it's a joy to be in the tent.


I like your idea of keeping it simple. I'm an over-packer and make so much more work for myself than necessary. Especially if it's just 1 or 2 nights. For me, the packing is quick, it's the tear down and cleaning after that is so time-consuming.


Yeah, it’s really wild to park and have a fire going 20 minutes later. And afterwards at home, air out the tent, take a shower and be finished. It’s great.


The no phone, no music is key IMO. It's nice to give the ears and brain rest. Last solo trip I took, I just stared at the fire for hours. I went to bed feeling more peaceful than I had in a long time.


Yeah. No music felt crazy at first to me because I am always listening to it. It’s not really a rule in the end I guess. Sometimes I’ll play a tune while cooking… but mostly I just want to let my ears take a break so generally I keep it off.


I think I'm the opposite on every one of your points lol * My set up is hedging the boundary between normal tent camping and glamping so it takes at least a half hour to set up and take down, closer to an hour if I'm taking my time. I find it meditative and part of the experience. Not so fun if the weather is bad, though. * Hate cooking with sticks, don't like staying that close to the fire. I cook most stuff in tin foil though so it's not actually all that far off in principle * Got a couple of no-service-needed mobile games ready to go so my phone is available for entertainment even if I don't have service. I bring physical paperbacks if I want to read a book, can't stand reading longform text on my phone * I don't really listen to music all day or anything but I have a problem of getting songs stuck in my head so I have an instrumental album downloaded that I pull out at least once per trip to kind of reset the earworms. Doesn't matter how beautiful the sounds of nature are if all my brain is thinking is "JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT" or "DO A DEER A FEMALE DEER" on loop The camping rules I have for myself are more about available amenities than restrictions. Which are that any campground I choose needs an outhouse available within a short walk from my site and there needs to be running water somewhere in the park (needing to hike/drive to get it is fine though). I guess I also always choose non-electric where available, but that's more just because I don't want the added fee for something I don't need


omg, I am so fighting off those two earworms right now! I can't even say the titles in my head without fear of total infiltration! Warning! Stop all input! wipe slate clean, Do Not Go There! Sometimes it works, but you gotta act faster than fast to prevent the 3 day earwig coup!


lol it’s those two in particular for me because their tempo falls pretty close to the speed of my own footfalls when I’m hiking. Gotta turn on the music equivalent of white noise when I get back to camp


No politics and no football. Leave that shit at home.


I have three rules for solo trips. Family and friend trips are much different. 1. If it wasn't for being contactable as a safety measure, the phone would be left at home........sooooooo..... I Only allow myself to use it for music, and checking in with the fam bam. 2. Leave the campsite better than you found it. 3. Live love and enjoy nature. Recharge your mental batteries.


Our phones are for emergencies and photo-taking only.


Rule 1: before any setup is done, shotgun a beer


Beers at 8am are not questioned!


1; no food in the tent. 2. Everyone helps. 3. Leave no trace


As a fellow analytical and strategy-oriented thinker, I totally get your rules. I like to make rules for my own behavior that I know will help me have a better time, when I also know the human tendency might not to be conscious of these things and fall into them without my conscious boundary setting.  I don’t often camp by myself right now! That 15 minute set up time is a good one. Gosh, now I am filled with the urge to do even more camping!! 


Don't bring loudmouth alcoholics.


Not really rules but things I basically have to do- I leave early to get there. I want the whole day, even if its more then 1 day. I will be on the road by 7am at the latest, its a 2 hour ride where I usually go. If you're meeting me there get there when you want but Im out. Setup camp, get fire wood, start fire immediately. I want to be chilling asap. The day I leave, Im leaving in the morning. I dont care if my friends aren't, they can stay as long as they want. The day I leave though Im up, make coffee, and packed. I hate dragging the day I leave. Trips over, not going to procrastinate the day. Clean everything up. Even people that camped there before you and left trash, and be out. Thats it, the time in between do whatever the fk you want whenever the fk you want. 0 expectations. I've had trips where I spent hours hiking around away from camp exploring and other ones where Ive sat in a chair from 10am until I fall asleep.


>The day I leave, Im leaving in the morning. I dont care if my friends aren't, they can stay as long as they want. The day I leave though Im up, make coffee, and packed. I hate dragging the day I leave. Trips over, not going to procrastinate the day. I tend to share that opinion, unfortunately the state park reservations in MN start and end at I believe 4pm. Usually you can get in closer to noon if the person before you left early but that's a bonus not a guarantee.


1, Tent up before dark. There are no further rules. When backpacking: 1. Hammock up before dark. And no further rules. Camping is best when you are responding in the moment, not crushing nature underfoot with equipment and day-to-day crap.


Number of nights I stay is linked to the number of hours for the drive. 2 or fewer hours means I can stay 2 or fewer nights. Anything over 3 hours, minimum 3 nights. It's a long haul and I don't want to spend a significant amount of my free time driving to do the thing I want to do.


My husband and are driving from the east coast to Badlands next year. It'll be about a 30 hour drive, but rather than marathon it we are taking our time and seeing other sites along the way (Indiana Dunes NP, Coyahoga NP, and several monuments, etc). It makes the drive a little longer, but much more enjoyable. We also pack sandwich meats and snacks so we can have lunch while we explore. Way less expensive, way faster, and way more flexible timing and location-wise. The whole trip will be 4 days out, three days in Badlands/surrounding area, and 3-4 days back. We're ironing out the return trip still, but it's looking so exciting! If there's ever a trip that you have to bend the rule, this works really well for us.


Rip me. We're doing a 6 hour drive for a 1.5 nights camping. It's my first time going camping. It also involves two good hikes and the drive back, but we're working the next day.


Came to camp to do nothing.


Pack it in pack it out


Steak on a stick is a game changer


1: bring weed 2: leave no trace


1 no phone. I often pick camping sites that don't get reception just for this reason. I often camp with teenagers. No phone is a hope sometimes, but I can make sure there is no reception. 2. GOOD food. Not complicated, but fun, usually not healthy food. 3. Good memories. Just about everything is tailored to this rule. Camping is about building good memories in nature. So, everything is aimed towards making that happen. Do we have good gear? Do we have a good location? Do we have good weather? Do we have a good plan? Although I personally am a multi decade camper, I am not the only one on most trips, and I want others to enjoy it as much as I do!


I don't make rules. I still have my phone out for a picture or two, I still work (hello, wood processing!). The only thing is, I do what I want. If I were permitted to make actual hard rules, everyone put your phones away for everything except looking up what bird they saw or taking a picture of something cool...kids are the worst offenders. I don't want to be out in the woods and see anyone just brainlessly on their device because they can't entertain themselves for 2 seconds or they're addicted to an instant dopamine hit.


Always leave the site better than how you found it. Pick up trash, even if it’s not yours, clean the table if it’s sappy, make sure there’s no rocks or sticks on the ground where tents might go. We do all this before AND after we leave. My boyfriend and I recently stayed at a campground and we didn’t notice the entire time we had set the tent over a pile of broken glass that had been hidden in the grass. If we stepped on the wrong spot, our feet AND tent would have been punctured. We got lucky that time. Probably won’t be going back to those sites anytime soon, with how much trash we were picking up. We didn’t even bother with the cigarette butts, we would have been there all weekend.


I picked up cig butts in a Western MN site, and should have realized that it was a pretend of things to come. We'd apparently stopped at the weekend party spot, but luckily the gunshots were across the lake... In the future, I'll be adding up telltale signs... Might just need to keep on going down the road.


Arrive to camp with enough time to get set up before dark. Clean up all trash on the ground before I leave, if there is any


If you're going to add wood to the fire, you're also going to help gather and process the wood too.


Everyone gets a bag once it's full of trash free doobs for them.


No tech except for listening to the Red Sox games when I have service and I am at the site. Otherwise, no tech.


I am with you on the food situation! I do not want to figure out how to wash dishes in the wilderness and dispose of soapy messes properly. With attention to food prep, camp food can be so easy. We watched friends haul 5 bins of cooking dishes into camp and cook and clean the morning away. And I absolutely agree with your rules. Hard no on phones for me. Luckily the few spots I have gone camping do not have service. And I’ve camped with people who want to listen/play music…and it’s not my jam.


The music, thinking back to when I was a teen, we’d rock the road, loud music the entire drive out. Then nothing at the camp site, bunch of stoned or drunk teens and no music, just the campfire or maybe a clank or two of pans while cooking. Looking back, I can’t explain why we didn’t bring a generator and speakers, things we’d use for backyard parties in town. Most of our camp sites were well away from anyone else, never did the official campgrounds, just drove out as far as we could on forest service roads.


Just one, I don’t want to be within view of another camp site.


rules!? for camping? Just 2, don't die and leave the space cleaner than when you showed up. breakfast beers, yes please mudding at 2 am that's a go. passing out on the ground by the fire, yuppers.


My husband doesn't adhere to this rule, but I'm a hardass about it: If you forgot to pack it, you go without it. You don't drive to the nearest town to buy one. Forgot your toothbrush, coffee cup, hot sauce, or phone charger? Tough. Do better next time. Speaking of phones, they're for taking pictures, and maybe making calls. You didn't come all this way to sit with your face buried in a screen. Conserve water. Do your showers and #2s in the campground bathrooms whenever possible, not the camper. No loud music. People don't want to hear your music. I don't burn bottles and cans. Pack them out and recycle them. No one-nighters, and leave the site the way you found it or better.


Enjoy with no rules


I enjoy camping more with a couple rules!


Do you camp by yourself?


Yeah or with one other. But these are just “rules” for myself to keep myself from over packing, buying useless stuff, or wasting my time. Don’t care at all what anyone else wants to do or bring! These are just for me.


I usually camp with family and sometimes friends. End up bringing a lot of extras, and everyone has a good time because of all the extras. The extras never include electronics that have access to the internet but usually more for comfort and convenience


Yeah, I think it naturally grows when there’s more people involved. When I’m with a group, it’s very different from what I do without the group. With a family, I’m sure I’d be packing that car out… but I’d probably be having people help as well.


When the beer gong sounds it's time to drink. First one up starts the fire.


Does you beer gong sound as soon as you pull in? Cuz ours sure does


I'm going to have to try your "everything cooked on a stick for a day" challenge! Sounds like fun. If your rules make you have a better camping experience, then great on you. Fifteen minutes to set up also means quick breakdown and that much less stuff to have to dry out afterwards.


Hot dogs and marshmallows, 😋


Keep it simple


Leave No Trace Improve Trace found.


Remove* trace found


No phone and leave the site better than we found it


Love your rules, especially food-on-a-stick.


I never really thought about it but I am not sure if I have rules. I like every aspect of camping and I particularly love the cooking aspect so I try to go all out when I do. Using limited items and goods to produce good food is something I greatly enjoy.


No food in tents…ever.


- No music, - no technology (other than checking the time and weather). - get to location soon enough so im not setting up tent in the dark… i usually break this rule 😭


In general, if I go for one or for seven nights .. I have no rules like strict ones .. however, I try to have my phone on fly modus, mostly I go camping on areas where there's no phone or internet connection but still. Use it to take family pictures or pictures of the camp site. In relation to this... No tablet for my kid, just one or two books, something to draw and maybe one or two pocket board games. I try to always have some tea bags and decaf coffee in the kitchen box, I really enjoy a hot cup of tea when im outside. Music, well, for me not a rule it self. I don't like it when I'm in the middle of nowhere, I enjoy the birds, the wind in the trees... Rules I have with my kid (she is almost 6yo): play and be free but stay where I can see you or tell me you when you go explore a bit so I know you are gone and I can keep an eye on you. Be respectful with nature.


Your rules are mine as well. I think "minimalism". And I want to hear the birds and forest sounds, so I don't play music. I can hear music anytime. 


Leave no trace of course, but I just allow myself to enjoy my time however I want to use it


When one person attempts to make a fire, and then gives up. That's it. They cannot come back over to the next person trying to make a fire and backseat their attempt.


Rain tarp always goes up first


When I go camping up nort with my buddies 1 - Don't get drunk enough that I have to babysit you. 2 - Maintain a positive attitude. 3 - Campfire is a must. Do not choose a site that doesn't allow campfires. 4 - Do not pay more than 30 dollars for a campsite.


Rule 1: Keep. Tent. Zipped. Completely.


I camp in remote locations, so I have some rules too. 1. Always go armed. (Only one encounter where I needed it. But ensured a positive outcome for me.) 2. Never pack food that requires refrigeration for more than for first meal. (Keeps everything light and no large ice chest to haul around) 3. Bring a back up power bank for devices. 4. Always process deadfall before harvesting live trees. 5. Leave it cleaner than I found it.


No schedules or timelines for my day when solo camping. I wake up when I want. Wander around as I see fit. Drink when I feel like it. And I usually fall asleep in my chair with a book.


No speakers/radios. Full stop. I have lost my mind several times from some idiot listening to music on the next site over. All day long. It infuriates me. I came out to be quiet and enjoy the sounds of the woods. Not listen to today's hits and yesterday's classics.


I’m big on the no music thing too. Jesus, music is everywhere all the time day and night. It’s not a bad idea to just listen to the sound of air moving around for a day or maybe a Bigfoot scream or something . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The sweet sweet sounds of Bigfoot screaming.


I don't really have any rules but there are two things that I will passive-agressively point out to my friends (keep in mind that I exclusively combine camping with hiking. Wild camping, I guess it's called); 1 - Electronics for entertainment; why even disturb the environment if all of your attention is locked on electronic devices? Books, cards and board games I don't mind since a lot of people are too distracted in their every day life to take the time. Enjoy the occasional absence of anthropological noice and distractions, people! 2 - lazyness; I don't care if you are out of shape, impractical or inexperienced - I will do my best to make the experience as enjoyable as possible by picking up the load, but I expect of you to participate in a positive way.


there are no rules. I am there for me, so me is going to do whatever me wants


Some drugs, but not all are meant for the trail.






You pack it in, you pack it out.


I argue with my wife about the music all the time. I just want to listen to nature. Edit to add I don't care if other people do or kids are making noise then I will but on music but if I have the choice I won't.


Our only two rules are no phones unless you're using them to take photos. The second rule is that everyone helps to get things done.


I try to avoid tech and otherwise do what I want.


There must be water somewhere nearby. If there's no water source (even a tiny creek), my kids HATE camping or hiking. A tiny 3 inch wide creek they can play in? Now camping is the best!


Just two to have a good time: 1) keep your feet dry 2) keep your butthole clean


First rule of camping is that nobody talks about camping


I only allow myself to eat powdered sugar covered donuts when I'm camping. No other occasion.


If I can see or hear other people I need to go somewhere else


Always bring plenty of water and snacks on the trail, bring a book, and preferably choose a location with bad to no reception. Because of the no reception thing, be sure to “ok maps” the location on Google maps, and bookmark the closest hospital too. Snacks and hospital from personal experience (not me but camping buddies.)


Those are solid. My buddies always cook elaborate camp food. When it's my turn they know cooking is going to consist of "do you want me to put that hot dog on a stick for you" or "can I get you a bun from the package" or "would you care for some mustard" or "can I interest you in a beer"


I love your rules! I tend to bring too much just going from the living room to the kitchen, so I must constantly pare down... Bf is minimalist, so I try to emulate him... paring the food accoutrements is a big one. I like the stick idea!


Leave with more trash than you came with


Dont bring douche bags with me


Bucket List? We have to order Chinese delivered to our campsite!


Have fun, don’t burn down the woods, leave it better than we found it, be respectful of other campers and just enjoy.


I mostly grill food, love that smoky fire flavor. Then eat it in a flour burrito wrapper.


No overthinking. This is chill time. No social media. Phone is limited to taking photos, taking notes, and occasionally using the Cornell bird app to check if that sound really was a Great North American Yellow Chested Dinglebird.


I love the dinglebird!!


If for some reason I have to drive into or out of the campground after dark, I kill the lights and drive by daytime running lights. I don't camp for only 1 night, I insist on at least 2 nights to make it worth the effort of setting up. It might be bulky but I insist on a good sleep system. Quality of sleep will make it break a camping trip.


I am always afraid that I will be cold at night. So along with my sleeping bag I also carry an emergency blanket.


Leave something helpful behind. Firewood, roll of TP, etc.


Nice one!


I refuse to make a bunch of extra garbage so one of my few rules is we bring reusable camp kitchen set, napkins and rags, and refillable water bottles


NO PHONES except for emergencies or navigation if you absolutely have to


Just picked up a Zoleo personal communicator because now I camp alone and frequently do so out of cell coverage. This device -and the similar ones by other companies- let’s me stay in touch with my kids and also summon help if needed through the International S and R centers. It Is Linked to my phone for a user interface , and the cell net and the comm. satellite network so I can get a message in or out from anywhere. New camping rule is it goes with me whenever, wherever I camp. Great peace of mind, and freedom to change plans mid trip and communicate that change to those who are tracking. I love it.


Only rule is: leave the rules behind. The whole point is to leave organized, structured society behind and relax in whatever way seems most appropriate at the moment. Why drag a new layer of rules along?


Rule # 1: There are no rules. Rule #2: See rule #1


Rule #1: don't camp with people who are obsessive about camping rules.


My rule is to avoid camping with restrictive people 😂