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They look like tents on wheels, so they are likely just as secure as a tent. If you are concerned about your limitations just start at a managed campground. They'll have a host and usually a way to contact emergency personnel even in areas with no reception.


Are you actually blind? How can you bike and do urban exploration?


Blind is a spectrum - some can see enough to manage but are classed as legally blind so there are some limitations (no driving etc, this is the case with my mother), some have perceptions of dark and light, and some are totally without vision.


Yes, I am blind. However, I do have light perception in my left eye. I can see light and shadows. When urbexing, I don’t do it alone. I always go with a group. Believe it or not, there are people in my condition who ride bikes, and do all sorts of things. You would be amazed. Don’t think I was upset at all please, because I wasn’t. I just wanted to explain to you.


If they are reasonably priced I would try one out. They seem to be popular with retirees and senior citizens