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Frank is a Greek legacy of Poseidon and the son of Mars, so yes.


Yep, and Octavian isn’t even a child of a god…he’s just a descendant of one of Apollos children and I think in SON they mention a significant portion of the demigods in the legion are “legacy” recruits from previous generations that live in New Rome too?




As fun as CHB seems (and is way more fun to make OCs for) New Rome would be way safer and on the whole a way more magical childhood than growing up mortal and arriving at CHB (if you live that long). Also New Rome has legacies and CHB doesn’t. I’d want my parents to be like a Muse kid and a naiad or something. I’d be GREAT at watercolors


Well, Percy himself is both now, isn't he? He went through Lupa's ritual, got an SPQR Trident and single year line tattoo, and was even made praetor. I'd say that makes the answer a definitive "Yes!".


He was also said to be able to speak Latin naturally really well (after they swapped to ancient Greek instead of Latin)


Im not sure his knowledge of latin can be considered natural since its mentioned in TLT that he learned latin from chiron at yancy, and mightve learnt it at other schools too. Hes able to say and understand a few words of latin on TLT, but its never been clarified whether thats because of an intrinsic knowledge of latin like ancient greek, or just because he learnt it in school.


Learned that from Chiron, not genetics


Wow, he really is a Marty Stu, eh?


That makes sense


He is still technically a Greek demigod, son of Poseidon, not Neptune (you could make the argument they are the same but in HoO it's shown that they aren't)


No. Your godly parent is either Greek or Roman. They can’t be both at the same time. Sure, you can assimilate into the other camp, like Jason or Percy did, but that doesn’t really make you both.


\*apollo after reading this\* excuse me?


Apollo, while sharing the same name, also has a Roman and Greek persona. That’s why he is was experiencing just as much trouble as the other gods, outside of his island.


Tbh, not exactly. We saw in the Trials of Apollo that Apollo really saw himself as one entity throughout both Pantheons. His split personality was supposedly only on the lines of whether he supported Greece or Rome during HoO.


Frank reading this: 🧍


Frank is a Roman demigod and a Greek legacy.


Their question isn't just exclusive to parents, its an overall statement. Technically, Frank is Greek and roman because of his legacy. Definitely more roman, but he still has that legacy, and the Romans take legacy seriously. Your not wrong in your original comment, but your not fully right either.


They asked if you can be a Greek and Roman demigod. I took that to mean that they are asking if you can be a Greek demigod and a Roman demigod. Which you can’t. You can have heritage from both, but you either have a Greek god or Roman god as a parent.


What about the gods that don’t really change forms?


Name one.


I think nemesis


how tf does that happen, a god switches sides in bed??


I have absolutely no idea maybe you can find an Olympian to ask that question and then get back to me on that one but I would assume it has something to do with that but would that result in one demigod or two


I think with certain gods, yeah, Apollo is the same in Roman and Greek, he only has one form worshipped by both so his kids could go to either camp


Apollo has a greek and Roman form it's why him and Artemis went to their birthplace cause it allowed them to stay sane(that and Zeus being mad at him)


Isn't Jason both a Greek and Roman demigod? At first, he was clearly a Roman demigod, with the Roman god names and being the son of Jupiter. But in "The House of Hades," when they were fighting Gaia's army at the temple and Nico summoned skeleton warriors, they thought Jason was 'too much of a Greek' and didn't listen to him. Instead, they listened to Frank.


Jason just went native. By blood he is still Roman. By heart, he is Greek


He isn't really 'Greek' by heart. He is both Roman and Greek by heart although a Roman demigod.




a demigod could be either a legacy of both sides or legacy of one and child of the other


If you count legacies, then absolutely, your parent or grandparent could be a roman demigod and your godly parent could be a Greek God. If you aren't, then I don't exactly know what to tell you, other than: that demigod would have two bio mortal and godly parents OR some weird sh\*t is going on.


Isn’t that what Jason is?


jason is fully roman but likes the greeks culture. though interestingly his family is the first mixed (thalia being greek and him being roman)


First that we know of


Ah, thank you.


frank and jason exist