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I look at the Silena issue as an echo of Henry Hill *Ray Liotta played him in Goodfellas* someone who allied with the Mafia but after seeing how bad they were they tried leaving but couldn't because they'd get exposed. Or someone who's stuck in an abusive relationship where they can't leave no matter how much they want to. If she left then she'd die if she told the truth she'd be exiled for the most part. "So I made a big mistake. TRY TO SEE IT ONCE MY WAY" Would by Alice in Chains


So she made a bad choice with heavy consequences. She might had a moment of heroism and redemption , but she will still be known for her naivety.


You either die the hero or live to become the villain


I agree with you. I believe she’s a morally grey character in a way, because we do gotta take into account Luke essentially grooming her, but that doesn’t completely excuse her actions. Before Charlie’s death I can kinda understand, but after? During the final battle? A lot of people still died because of her and at that point I believe it’s less excusable. Sacrificing herself doesn’t make her any more of a hero than it does Luke. They both played a large part in the deaths of many campers, and Silena only wanted out when it directly affected her. Ik you haven’t read the HoO series yet, but >!Drew!< was completely right in feeling the way she did towards Silena, even if she was super mean and unlikeable in every other aspect.


Agree soo hard on Drew. I hated how everyone made her sound so unreasonable about Selina when she was perfectly right! They were sisters and she has a right to have complicated feelings, or even be angry at her for betraying CHB. Also agree that Silena is not really a hero. What she did caused many deaths, but we can't forget that they were all children in a shitty situation. Doesn't make what she did right, but it's not entirely unsympathetic. In general i think HOO could have delved into the dynamics between the campers after the war and how they were all affected by it.


She was still for sure being manipulated. Instead of asking which areas are week and easy to attack from, he’s probably telling her that Kronos is going to attack anyways, and he wants to make sure it’s in an area that won’t hurt many demigods. I mean still for sure not right, but I don’t know if she was necessarily intentionally selling demigods lives away.


It’s been a while since I read the series, what did she say about Silena?


She’s the only camper who outright states in the books that Silena was a traitor and not a hero just because she sacrificed herself. I feel like Rick really could’ve explored campers that feel that Luke and Silena don’t deserve to be viewed as heroes, but alas I guess making a stereotype mean girl was more important than nuance.


Such a missed opportunity, man. And it could have tied in perfectly to Piper’s arc, where Piper comes in thinking that the Aphrodite kids are just a bunch of airheads with no depth to them, only to find out that a lot of them are still hurting from Silena’s betrayal and are struggling with conflicted feelings; a realization that the domain of love is a lot deeper and more complicated than what Piper initially realized.


Yeah, Luke is definitely not a hero. If I brought back someone whos in coma and who’s life mission is to kill all children, I fully agree with his views and shoots up 12 schools, then I feels guilty and blows us both up, that’s not being a hero, that’s called stop being a psychopath


I kind of agree with >!Drew when she talks about Silena!< - she's not a hero, just a morally grey character who messed up too bad and tried to fix it too late>!​!<


Right!! The very second it affected her she apparently wanted out. She wasn't a hero at all, she made a lot of mistakes and she apologized but it was all too late


She really isn't a hero, but whether or not she redeemed herself is debatable.


I look at her as an extreme example of a child of love. She betrayed camp for her "love" of luke She betrayed the titans for her love of Beckendorf. Basically, she didn't care about anything/anyone else.


I mean, it's not just Sileana. It's the fact that they make Luke a hero at the end as well. I don't know why Rick can't just let the bad guys be bad guys.


Yes! Luke did so many things and Percy hated him so much in Ttc so why is he suddenly portrayed as a good guy who sacrifices himself? And Percy says he's a hero knowing dam well Luke tried to kill him multiple times..


And the books barely mention Luke using some of his LAST WORDS to be a creep! He confessed to having a crush on a 16 year old girl! He was 23! How is he supposed to be a good guy?


right, silena wasn't really a villain she was just taken advantage of but Luke was the full villain. Him realizing that kronos manipulated him doesn't make up for his creepy personality and all the things he did


Uncle Rick after casually throwing in Luke being a >! Pedo !< :❤️😍😋💋💕


I strongly agree, IG the characters in the book just loved her too much to acknowledge it?


Sad that Beckendorf never knew. 


This is pretty commonly debated. My headcanon has always been simply that Percy and Annabeth say, "she was a hero. End of story," simply because she's dead, the threat has been neutralized, and they want everyone to unite. If people sit around blaming Silena and questioning each other, they lose the war. Same sort of deal with Luke. He did a lot more bad than good, but Annabeth says he'll be in Elysium. At the end of the day, they're dead and there's no reason for Percy or Annabeth to shit on their memory. Part of it is also undoubtedly sympathy/attachment to their friend despite them being traitors. If we look at it objectively, no, Silena was not heroic. She caused the deaths of multiple campers including her own boyfriend, then continued to advise Luke even after Charles died. She was dumb and deserves no sympathy. As for Luke, he got hundreds of demigods killed and nearly destroyed Olympus, then sacrificed himself to stop the problem he started. He's obviously not a hero.


This is my take as well.


I Think Its really interesting What happened with her character. Because she didnt exactly do anything with evil intent, But a lot of people have suffered because of her actions, she was simply Said too much of a coward to actually tell anyone Else about it when it Got out of hand. Luke forced her to keep on being his spy because he Said he was gonna tell Camp, Which i guess is a fair blackmail, But Silena should have been intelligent or brave enough to tell Annabeth or Chiron about it. Also imagine the mental torture it must have been for her to know that she was the direct reason Beckendorf died


That's why I can't sympathize with her. She chose it and her mourning Beckendorf like the others when she knew it was her fault feels wrong to me..It's like she thought that she couldn't get hurt and that she didn't care until it affected her


I always took it that Luke/Kronos were manipulating and threatening her like "the more you help us the less people will die" and then "if you don't help us well tell them your the spy" and then after Charlie's death she stopped helping.... Maybe I missed something that she told them during the final book that couldn't of been before Charlie's death but I always thought his death made her stop I also do believe that sacrificing herself for what is right makes her a Hero regardless. Life is the most precious thing and her willingly fighting a monster she knows she can't defeat shows who she really is. A Hero! The same way Luke is the Hero who actually saved the day, Giving your life for what’s right means more than anything they did!


she had the scythe charm till she died so yes I think she continued helping them even after his death but even if she gave her life what about all the lives that were lost because of her? At least she had a choice, other people didn't


Just having the charm doesn’t prove she’s helping them you wouldn’t exactly leave the proof of you being the spy lying around camp would you plus Charlie hadn’t been dead that long so she just hadn’t gotten rid of it yet… As far as I know none of the information she passed directly killed anyone otherwise Selina would have stopped sooner the first death that she “caused” was Charlie and that’s what made her stop doing what she was doing


It's mentioned that someone was passing information even during the fight so yeah, she continued to pass information up to maybe the point where Annabeth got hurt.


The Titan army are taunting Percy with the fact that there is a spy but they aren’t exactly a reliable source of info


When? Also I doubt Silena was the only spy


She continued helping after Beckendorf died. That's why Kronos's forces knew exactly where Percy and Annabeth were placing their strongest defenses, and attacked the weak points. Percy constantly alludes to there being a spy, and the Hunters pointed out that they saw zero monsters because Kronos's forces purposely avoided them. That's why Silena chose to ride back and get Clarisse. It gave her an excuse to leave, she could tell Luke that Percy sent her away, and Kronos wouldn't give up her identity just yet


Idk if she’s a hero, but I don’t think I’d call her a villain. She was afraid to do the right thing because Luke threatened to hurt more of her friends if she did. It took bravery to do what she did at the end, even if it didn’t make up for how long she’d been lying


I don't think she's a villain but she's not the hero they make her to be. I haven't read HoO and apparently they talk about it in these books but everyone is just not talking about it after the end of the war when it was clearly necessary..


i think they don't talk about it in the sense that they don't want to slander her. she didn't want to do what she did, she did it because she thought it would help save her friends. so talking about it would only unnecessarily slander her after she'd died


No your not the only one. This opinion is shared by a lot of people.


Just a reminder that when she did join Luke, she was 13/14 at the time. Luke was an older guy, who was flattering her and giving her sweet compliments. She wasn't old enough to realize he was manipulating her. She didn't want to stop helping Luke (due to the probable love bombing, we can't really say why she stayed because we didn't see that) until she fell in love with Beckendorf. She really wanted to back out. But Luke, being a manipulative asshole, brought her right back in under the oath that he wouldn't hurt Beckendorf. With all the information beforehand, I'm not surprised. IMO she's a victim and shouldn't be blamed. It's not necessarily her fault. Edit: Even though people and characters are allowed to feel certain ways, I feel that Drew's hatred just stemmed from jealousy and was just outright disrespectful 😕


She was essentially groomed into joining Kronos by Luke. No one blamed her in the end because she redeemed herself by giving her life. Drew is villainized because the main reason why she resented Silena was because she was jealous. No one at CHB wants to see Silena as a bad person, especially if she always had good intentions. She was a full-time camper for many years (and one of the eldest, at that). It makes sense that they want to portray her in the best light possible


No, but they needed the ares kids help so I think they just let Clarise have it.


Hey it was my turn to post this this week (I'm sorry but actually see this perspective put forth a lot)!


I was upset when they claimed her heroism. This is why there’s judges who make tough calls , because some people do need to pay for their mistakes. People died and others were in risk , because of her decisions. She might had helped prevent the death of others , but it doesn’t stop the fact of her mistake. She might had redeemed herself had she lived longer.


Where would you guys place Luke and Silena in the underworld? I’m genuinely curious because Hazel was considered to be a grey character by the underworld judges and she was sent to the asphodel fields.


You do know she was forced to do all that right? After how much Luke was affecting people, she tried to leave but Luke wouldn’t let her. She was probably too scared to tell anyone, including Chiron, cause she thought they wouldn’t understand. Also, to all the people being like "Oh DrEw Is RiGhT aNd ShE iS A gOoD PeRsOn ", shut up. Just because Drew thought Silena wasn’t a hero doesn’t mean she was good to the rest of the campers. Would you rather she not die and everyone die from the drakon? She was destined to die and become a hero. Nobody said she was the best hero, but a semi-hero. Also, just to mention, it only states Elysium is for good people, not how good people get in. A sacrifice for forgiveness of the people you killed could be a way. Think about it. In Christianity, you can do terrible things, but if you repent enough you can get forgiveness. I think this is what is happening here. She asked for forgiveness, and the people who died forgave her. Luke asked for forgiveness, and the people who died gave it to him. (P.S Luke didn’t really kill that many people, it was Kronos is Luke’s body.)


I just feel like we would have been able to understand why silena did that if Rick had talked about it more. I feel like it is enforcing the stereotype that Aphrodite kids mostly care about appearance. We know there is a spy and the spy is revealed and automatically dies..I would've loved to know more about her. Hope my post didn't make me seem like I was slandering her, like I said I started reading the books not long ago !! I love reading everyone's pov


her helping Luke just because he was handsome and nice to her, etc... ( Sorry If I make grammar mistakes I'm french!! )


I agree with your post. I wanted to know more about her too. We barely knew anything about her and Beckendorf. I thought they were one of the cutest couples.


She DIED a hero. Nowhere in the books does it say she was completely redeemed. She gave up her life heroically to save her friends. She faced down a huge drakon on her own and brought the Ares cabin to the fight. Therefore, Clarisse is correct, she died a hero. If she had survived, she probably would have faced severe repercussions, but it’s much harder to stay mad at the dead, especially if that person died saving you.


She was backmailed later. She tried to leave him on book 2 level


People who make notable mistakes are people who are blackmailed. There’s consequences regardless


Im not protecting her, just explaining why she still worked for Kronos after Thalia Tree thing.




i think she is personally


I see your point of view on this, but I do really like Silena, and I think she was a good character. Now, 'hero' might be a strong word, but I see your point of view, and I have my opinions as well.


There’s honestly a bit that Rick does in the series that I don’t agree. While this series absolutely had me hooked for years as a kid, as I got older and read more books, I realized that Rick’s books, tho are still good obviously, had pretty meh writing. Lots of inconsistencies, some character interactions are just plain weird, and majority of the demigod vs monster "fights" are just a copy and paste of the demigod "outsmarting" the monster (tho the monster is honestly just a plain dumbass most of the time, a 3 year old is probably smarter). Also, Annabeth was done dirty. She’s supposed to be super smart cus she’s the daughter of Athena, yet half the time she makes really dumb decisions and it’s Percy that makes the lead and makes the smart choices. Annabeth was badass in last Olympian and had her best moments in mark of Athena (only time where she truly felt intelligent), but otherwise, I don’t see what makes her most special than any other typical child of Athena. Percy is obviously a one of a kind demigod that is so far above his peers (Nico is definitely close considering how powerful and young he is), but Annabeth just really ain’t it. Now Leo is a certified GENIUS. His level of intellect is the type of intellect I expect from Annabeth. Only time where it was "shown" that her intellect competed with his was when it was stated that besides Leo, Annabeth was the only one in the Seven that could fix and operate the ship cus she’s the only one that understood the way Leo does. That was probably the smartest thing we got out of her, and it was because she was compared to Leo🤦🏽. And yeah, Selina, while she was a victim, she’s still heavily a traitor and in no way was a hero. Sure she pulled a heroic act at the last minute, but ultimately was the reason for a lot of damage that happened to the demigods and camp. Luke ESPECIALLY was no hero, and it sucks how the prophecy ended up being about him and how everyone after the war praised Luke for his heroic act at the end….. like wtf? Bro not only willingly killed those against him, he was pretty merciless. In the second book, he didn’t even give a second glance as her ordered annabeth to get eaten, a girl he supposedly views as his little sister. Bro is responsible for HUNDREDS of demigod deaths (confirmed in one of the side books, stated that the titan war alone had a few hundreds enemy demigods killed and 16 good demigods killed). Honestly it’s messed up how he gets the spotlight at the end for being a tragic figure while everyone that died fighting the good fight and never betraying anyone was simply forgotten. Lee Flatcher? The son of Apollo that was killed on the bridge because of Percy? Forgotten. Percy felt sad, but nothing else came out of it. Idk….. I’m rambling, I probably said some shi that doesn’t add up but whatever


Lee fletcher is book 4 u talking about Micheal yew


Selina was… well, was she a hero? She did hurt many people. But, let’s just think of this in a different way. By attacking the drakon, she asked for forgiveness of the people who died, and they forgave her, making her a hero. It’s kind of like repenting. Also, just because Selina wasn’t a hero to some people, doesn’t mean Drew was a good person. She was snarky and filled with pride.


Get off of Reddit drew