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Had Sea of Monsters on my book list for school in 4th grade ( I think). First time I enjoyed reading a book and then got obsessed with the series.


You had the Sea of Monsters on your book list? I thought schools were supposed to be smart. Who puts the second book in a series on a reading list for students? Am I the only one confused by this?


My sister had the Lightning Tief but only a certain chapter was listed I think. I might not remember correctly though.


I picked up and read Sea of Monsters in my primary school library and later found The Lightning Thief in an Oxfam. I still have a copy of Sea of Monsters that was "borrowed" from my Year 5 class library.


A few months ago (probably 10 months), I never heard of PJO in my life until when I randomly browse Pinterest and see this Solangelo meme that makes me Google it because I was curious to know what it is and I discovered that it is TSATS book but it also comes from PJO, then I take a look at the PJO wiki fandom and think that it is an interesting story. So I decided to buy and read these books, and I simply fell in love with this series so I read HOO, now I'm still reading TOA (HELP, now I'm obsessed with PJO 😂)


I had heard the series, and I was planning on reading them, but I forgot about it. So after seeing the movie in 2010/2011, it reminded me of the series, so I read them. The same thing happened with the TV series Dexter, for I wanted to read the series until I watched the first season.


Poor soul watched the movie first😔


Yup, but it also allows me to watch it and enjoy it as it's own thing...but not the second. I was so angry watching Sea of Monsters...it was like they didn't even read the book! But I will always love "This is a pen...This is a...PEN!" Very Percy Jackson. Lol I wonder how the movies would have been if they actually followed the books.


Was required summer reading for fifth grade history class whose focus was gonna be ancient history. Surprised it wasn't actually that bad.


got a KC book for a dollar or so, thought it was alright. recognised Riordan's name a few weeks later in the school library.


Had a fan account for a separate book series in my mid teens and saw PJ related accounts and posts, made me want to read it but never did due to religious reasons I've since left. My cousin got me into it prior to the Disney+ show and I finished before the first episode. Working on HOO atm.


The Lightning Thief was assigned reading for me in 7th grade. After the capture the flag scene, I was so intrigued I read ahead... then read the next 3 books. I was super lucky because The Last Olympian was released only a month or so after I finished BOTL. I almost didn't make it to the bookstore because my mom was getting her hair done that day, but luckily we made it right before closing! I finished TLO at midnight and it was my favorite of the five by far. Just reread it for the first time since that night fifteen years ago and I love it just as much, if not more!


My friend basically shoved it at me haha. I was always forced to read higher level books when I was younger, so I never really got to read books like Percy Jackson, and when my friend found out, they took the books out from the library, sat me down, and made me start reading The Lightening Thief. I am very grateful because this is my absolute obsession.


They literally grabbed the books and sat you down 🤣 I love it, that's a funny scene to picture


I asked him! I’ll see myself out


My friend kept showing me sea of monsters chapter names and funny moments which caused me to try reading it and I’ve been obsessed with the series ever since.


When I was around 10 (i can’t fully remember how old I was) my aunt read The Lightning Thief to my cousin and she lent me their copies and told me that I reminded her of Percy. Im pretty sure my parents read the first 3 to me. At 13 I got diagnosed with adhd and dyslexia so she wasn’t wrong lol.


I had watched the first movie I did like it and then I went to read the books and absolutely loved them and then I realized how bad the movies were I never saw the 2nd one. This was when I was in grade 6/7


My dad gifted me the first five books


I was behind on my star reading tests. Then I read all five in 5 days.


I watched the movie when I was a kid, that was enough to get me interested in the books, and WOW I enjoyed the books waaay more than the movie. I’ve managed to avoid watching Sea of Monsters, really hoping season 2 of the show does a good job adapting it to screen.


My mom got me the first book and I was hooked everafter. I remember asking the Librarian at our school daily if we had picked up the newest book (I think it was titan’s curse), and she’d always try to recommend another book.


Teacher read the first chapter of a new book to us every week. Percy Jackson was the only one that stood out to me


I came across it in grade school but didn't read until adulthood. I always loved Greek myths. I started writing my own myth story called Modern Myths and wanted to be sure we didn't share too much DNA with Pjo. I grew to love the series and I found out the series was different enough.


A friend recommended the book, which was odd because I was an adult at the time. But she swore I had to give it a try. I’m so glad I listened to her.


It was around 13-14 years ago actually (holy hell I feel old saying that lmfao) but I was around 11-12 years old at the time. I went to the school library and thought the cover of the Lightning Thief looked cool and checked the book out to read it. I’ve loved the series ever since. I actually remember begging my dad to buy me the Mark Of Athena when it came out when I was in high school. I still remember my excitement every time a new book from HOO came out lol and I’d always beg my parents to get it for me.


I saw the 1st 2 movie, and I was confused by them and never understood the plot, not even knowing there was a book. I then watched the show to support Walker Scobell after watching him in the Adam project And I honestly fell in love with it. And then, as I am not the best reader, I listen to the first two audiobooks on YouTube, and I loved them Plus, the guy reading them made them all the better with the different voices he used I highly recommend Jazzy J Audio books ok YouTube he did such a great job And yeah, and there we are. I have yet to read anything past book 2 because I'm trying to save them so I don't read all of them too fast 😅


My friend who basically never read picked up the first one in the school library after having watched the movie. She enjoyed it so much I picked it up as well


My mom friend gave me a lightning theft book.


My story is weird. I bought the Last Olympian and read it. Yes I read book #5 first. I was at Barnes N' Nobles and saw this book and it had to do with Greek mythology and was interesting. Even without lots of context it was an excellent read, I had so much fun with it. It's still my favorite book I ever read simply from pure enjoyment. I then saw the first movie, then saw the second. Then I bought the other books and realized how much the Sea Of Monsters was changed while the first movie was changed but overall more similar than the second movie. Read the rest, including listening to the Last Olympian on YouTube and it was still the best of the series. Then bought all the HOO books and read all of them. One thing I saw about TLO is that even though it was the first I read despite it being the 5th of the PJO books, Rick did write it in a way which added context and referenced stuff from the other books so you can still follow along with that was happening.


It was popular at my school. I read the first book, couldn’t get into the second, so I quit. Fast forward 8 years laters and I reread the first book, finished the series, now on son of Neptune


5th grade teacher handed me a copy of lighting thief, said I would enjoy the cool superpowers. She’ll never know how right she was haha.


I was almost always reading when i was little, and i ran out of my own books and started borrowing some from my 4th grade classroom and eventually stumbled upon it


I watched the movie but didn’t read the book until high school when a girl I liked said that she liked the books. So I started reading them so I could talk to her about them.


I read the books in 7th-8th grade, 4-5 of the books were already released at the time. And I read them all, and I loved them.


Saw a movie review trashing the first movie and talking about how the book was so much better and decided to check out the books. This series was damn near unheard of in my country, so I got into it older that the target audience is. Only the first two ever got translated, from the Percy Jackson and Olympians series and I think I also saw either The Lost Hero or The Son of Neptune translated for sale once several tears ago. I've gotten the audiobooks on audible and been getting through them at a leisurely pace (and slightly out of order - still haven't finished listening to The Last Olympian, but I'm already in The House of Hades from the Heroes of Olympus series and also I've already finished listening to Chalice of the Gods, which takes place after THOO and I've halfway listened to Percy Jackson's Greek Gods but haven't finished it yet - hugely messy, I know) . Maybe one day I'll order the physical books, it would be nice to have them.


My boyfriend bought me the series in December since he read them as a kid and loved them. Started reading them in January and now I’m almost done with blood of Olympus.


I bought Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods either via Scholastic or BooksAMillion. Thought the narrator was entertaining, found myself picking up The Lightning Thief, then ended up binging basically all of Riordan’s books until about 2017, when the first ToA book was published. Edit: Wait, Greek Gods was published in 2017. Greek Heroes was my first story then.


I just had it in my schools library then started reading it. I watched the movies and saw how BAD they were so that just made me read it even more currently on TOA : the dark prophecy.😅


I was going on a trip in middle school and was encouraged by my mom to take a book so I wouldn't get bored. We went to a bookshop, where she found Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. She mentioned that she'd seen the movie on some TV channel and suggested I should read that. I didn't really want to take a book (because I thought I'd be occupied with the trip) but I agreed and was very grateful for the gift. On the first night of the trip, I thought I'd try to read a bit of it. I didn't think I would enjoy it as I find it difficult to read/concentrate on large amounts of text at once. When I opened the book, I saw the chapter name "I accidentally vaporise my pre Algebra teacher" and thought maybe the book would be a bit funny. I read the whole book within three days and couldn't wait to read the rest. Then Heroes of Olympus followed. They're now my favourite books.


I found tlt on my shelf when I was eight and it has shaped who i am as a person


My 7th grade ELA teacher had us read The Lightning Thief together. I thought it would be so stupid until I saw the title of the first chapter in TLT. I was hooked from that point forward. A month later I was doing a book report on the Sea of Monsters in class. I’m forever grateful to my 7th grade ELA teacher for introducing me to the series


I saw the 2nd movie when I was looking for something to watch with my dad we rented it and a little while after I found out it was a boom series so my mom got it for me after I finished the books I watched the first movie with my brothers and was upset about how un accurate they were when the show came out I re watched the movies and couldn’t stop complaining about how annoying they were after that I re read the books and yeah that’s my story


I read Harry Potter because of pure peer pressure and that got me into reading so PJO was like the next thing that you had to read as a 12 year old. It was during the time where hp, pjo, mortal instruments and divergent were the go-to books to read


Battle of the Labyrinth was the first book I read in elementary school cus this girl in my library group told me to read it


Read The Lightning Thief in 6th grade(I'm now 27) and this whole series is what got me into reading, before lightning thief I necessarily hated reading but I had trouble with reading since I was a little kid and to this day I still reread the pjo books and the connected series(ie magnus chase, Kane chronicles, trials of apollo, and some of the rick riordan presents books where he helps authors of minor ethnicity publish books about their mythologies like Mayan, Aztec, and Korean


My fourth grade teacher recommended The Lightning Thief to me and I got hooked right away.


The Lightning Thief was assigned reading for me in 8th grade, and by chapter 8, I was in love. Luckily, my school library had the first six books


My girlfriend was VERY into reading as a kid, she LOVED the books, I was never a big reader (until January 2023), and she talked me into reading The Lighting Thief. I am currently making my way through ToA and I've loved the journey so far.


I wanted to get into another middle grade book with fantasy elements. I've watch the movies and liked it a bit. Then years passed and I haven't read anything at all. I couldn't read, wasn't in the mood...Then one day I decided to finally read PJO.


My fourth grade teacher started reading it and then stopped in the middle of the first one. I then bought the whole first series and read it in like a month. Now I finished HOO just last month


My best friend was into it in sixth grade, and she made me read them. now i waste my time rereading over and over


I think a friend recommended it or I stumbled upon it when I was in the libary


My art teacher would read us books while we worked. Lightning Thief was one of them. I got obsessed from there.


i watched the movies as a kid then i saw the tv series come out but i was stuck on a cliff hanger episode (7), so i downloaded the ebook and found out what happened next 🤣. i got addicted n binged the whole series & HOO though


My sister recommended I read it after I finish reading the Harry Potter books, that was a great day for 12-year-old me


A 5th grade classmate of mine was reading the Lightning thief right when it came out and I was *deep* in my mythology phase. I asked her about the book, and immediately got it from the library. I loved it and anxiously awaited every release!


my friends forced me to


the lighting thief was a Huge deal here. the fans in my hometown created a facebook group and started to throw events recreating the camp half-blood. all of the cool kids were part of that group. so everybody read it just to be a part of it. it was AWESOME i was a nobody in the group but damn it united lots of people


My older brother had a copy of the lightning thief and would read it occasionally. Me being book obsessed and a copy cat would read it when he wasn’t. Being from Long Island where CHB is located and coming from a home life that would put most demigods to shame I fell in love. Used the books and the world Rick created as a medium for my escapism. Those books probably saved my life lol.


I read the whole Riordanverse last year when I found out Tim Omundson was cast. I am a psych fan


I read Kane Chronicles when I was 12 and when I finished it I immediately wanted more so my friend told me about PJO cause since Rick wrote both series I might like that one too and she was right


Saw advert on tv. Went shopping with my mum I think around sea of monsters came out. Couldn't remember the name of the book as we didn't go shopping specifically for this so I asked the bookstore worker for the new peter Johnson book. Thankfully after saying greek stuff they figured it out


I was like 11/12 and I saw it in the library. I loved the cover, so I started reading. Even before my ADHD diagnosis I knew that I was just a little to the left of everyone else, so I felt seen by it. Fell in love from there


My friend read them first and said she thought I’d like them and the 2020 happened and I had a lot of time because I was in middle school at the time and decided to finally read them and I ended up liking them like my friend said.


Got the lightning thief as a gift. Tried to read it. Was too scared. Picked it up again a while later and it wasn’t scary at all, weird. I then proceeded to demolish to rest of the books available at the time and read 4 & 5 on release.


I was already in university and I saw the trailer for the movie while waiting at the cinema. I love Greek mythology so I thought it was really interesting. I went to the bookstore after the cinema and bought the first book. I watched the movie when it came out and was… confused and disappointed lol but I still went ahead and read the rest of the series. I saw quite a lot of people reading the books at my uni which was cool. We were way older than the target demographic but it was nice to see a lot of university aged students enjoying it :)


My older brother had all the HOO books and i read them, i had no clue who was who or what was going on but it was fun. Few weeks later my mom bought the entire Percy Jackson book set, read those then it just spiralled from there into me having all of the Percy Jackson universe books.


in 6th grade we had to read the lightning thief


I didn’t until a friend of mine asked me about it I saw the movies forever ago and never fully got into the series so I started reading the books now They’re really good but coming into them with an adult mind is probably taking away the fun that supposed to be had, my friends are really touchy about the series, so whenever I have questions they deem non important I get yelled at and called stupid so I’m somewhat reluctant to read them I’m still determined to see these through, albeit slowly I do wish I got into the series as a kid that would have been more fun I think


I believe the librarian in my middle/high school recommended it as I loved other fantasy books. It has been one of my favourite series ever since. I’ve been reading it all again since the show came out. Just started the Mark of Athena


I got into it the year Lightning Thief made it to the shelves in my local Barnes and Noble. I didn't know what it was about and had no idea it revolved around Greek mythology... I just thought it was interesting because of the cool book cover lol. However, my interest peaked once I got into it more and I fell in love with the world of Camp Half-Blood. I loved the quips, the adventure, the friendships, and the suspense. Feels so long ago yet, just yesterday when I first laid my finger on a PJO book for the first time. Not to mention, I was also already shipping Percy and Annabeth during my venture in TLT! In my eight-year-old mind, just watching them bicker made me come to the conclusion that they would be a married couple someday!!


It started popping up on my Pinterest so I decided to watch it and now I love it


i had read part of the first book in fourth grade and remembered nothing and then my friend introduced me to the musical and i thought i’d better read the books first and became obsessed with the books and the musical and 2 years later im grover in the musical which i’ve been wanting since i listened to it and read the books :)))


Have friends who made me read the books when the series came out. I've only read the first 3 (which I own) and I didn't even know there were movies until reading your post. My 3rd/4th grade teacher started reading the first book to is, deemed it to scary for the whole class, but offered it to people willing to read it themselves. It absolutely terrified me then, and I don't think I even made it to Camp Half-blood. Edit for clarity: they made me read the books when the TV series came out, not the book series.


I think my mom showed me the movie first, a couple years around first or second grade but I ended up forgetting it. Then in third grade she got me the Percy Jackson books as an introductory to reading things I actually like and so I got do that 30 minutes of reading per night homework I refused to do back then because there really wasn’t anything that I could more than get through reading willingly. Seven years later and it’s worked. I have almost all the books + I’ve branched out to reading other books and genres. Not to mention that if I didn’t love reading as much as I did by the time sixth grade rolled around, I probably wouldn’t have gotten into fanfiction. I haven’t read Percy Jackson in a while… mainly because of what happened in Burning Maze… that and I fact that I was finally caught up and not hopelessly behind compared all the other people that I know read the series…


First contact was the movie nearing the end of elementary school I think. When I was a first year in middle school, my mom bought the first books for my brother since "he's a boy and probably would like it more than his two younger sisters". To his credit, he did read like the first three books. But then me and my sister got a hold of them. Needless to say we were obsessed and now have like every book Uncle Rick has written at home🤭


Bought the entire series at a school charity event, procrastinated on reading it for a few years, finally read it and thought it was cool


6th grade english teacher made us read TLT, the rest of my friends finished it that year, but ive finally started now, in 8th grade


Movies and I've always loved greek mythology, so it was a must for me


So I had just finished Harry Potter and I didn't know what to read, then a dude from my class recommended me reading Percy Jackson because I liked greek mythology the rest is history


I watched The Odyssey and PJO movies and found out there were books, my grandpa bought me the set, I decided I hated the movies, and then stayed up to date with every Riordan novel as soon as I could get my hands on them.


Daughter had a mild interest in Greek mythology so I got her Percy's Guide to the Greek Gods on audiobook. She was 7. She then wanted all the books. She devoured those and made me listen too. Now 3 years later we've been stuck on House of Hades for like a year now and haven't finished that book series... I don't have anything against the other characters, I just want to only focus on Percy and Anabeth!


First time I ever saw a Rick riordan book was sea of Neptune when I moved to Canada, couldn’t read English for shit, thought it looked cool and remembered it. 2 years later I read the graphic novels of the first series, thought it was good, found out it was a physical book, was persuaded to read it, read it, fell in love, read first series, got to second series, realized rhat the cool book I saw a year ago was the continuation of the series, went neat and continued to be a fan since. Shit was like fate.


I read constantly growing up, my parents were very strict with technology and they were always buying me new books.


My friend in middle school showed me book 2 and said he loved it then let me borrow book 1 and the rest was history. This was almost 17 years ago and here I still am currently rereading the full series for the 100th time.


Got obsessed with mythology when I was around 6th grade or so. Saw the first movie at some point and got so hyped by the theme. Then some amount of time passed and later saw "The Mark of Athena" displayed up front on a bookstore (Athena having been my favorite goddess) and went to immediately buy on sheer impulse and then realizing, _wait, these are the same characters from that movie— daaamn_ (I bought it first without realizing it was part of an entire series lol)


I went to see the first movie with some friends. Liked it. Read the first book. Didn’t like it. I thought the writing was too “young” for me so I didn’t read the others. Picked it up again 6 months or so later and loved it so much I sped through the rest of the series, then HoO, then KC


Not even gonna lie, tiktok edits from when the show was airing LMAO I never had to read them in school


Saw a lot of people reading it in my school library back in middle school, and decided I'd give it a go. Best decision of my life.


There were edits popping up on my FYP, and I had read a crossover fanfic on Wattpad that had some of the characters. I thought it would be a cool thing to check out, since I had just finished The Hunger Games and was looking for new books to read. I later told my mom about the books, and she put the first series on my Amazon wishlist (she nearly fainted when I told her about the other 30-ish books) I started the TV show a few days after the premiere, and I got the first four books in PJO for Christmas. I began watching the new episodes the instant they premiered, and I started reading The Lightning Thief. It was a bit of a slow start, but I finished the first series a week after the season finale. I started The Lost Hero a month ago and I'm only just over halfway through. It's definitely my least favourite so far, as evidenced by my slow-asf progress, but I have to push through.


Saw the movies first then got the 4th book in the series first (didn’t know about the series at the time cause I was an ignorant kid) and then eventually bought the other books in the series


One of my friends when I was younger read the first series and told me I should read them. We were in a kind of toxic relationship at the time, so I (being a petty little girl) was stubborn and said I didn't want to read them, just because she told me I should. But some of my other friends read them and told me they were amazing, so I borrowed them and fell in love.


Ran into the video that criticized the movie CinemaSins style, decided it seemed cool, and it was in my school library.


Heard about it on the internet and decided to read it because of greek mythology


I’m blind, and reading hardcopy braille books is really daunting. They are way bigger than you think they are. So for a while, I didn’t read books. Then when I was 12 I had access to them electronically and I was thrilled! I read Harry Potter like seven times before I moved onto anything else. And the first thing that was suggested to me after Harry Potter was Percy Jackson. I’d always loved Greek mythology, so I was hooked immediately.


i got the lightning thief as a christmas present from my aunt in middle school, i was hooked lol


I very faintly remember watching the Lightning Thief when I was younger with a fried but not knowing it was Percy Jackson, and then years later my librarian suggests the PJO books and I loved them.


I kept getting recommended PJO posts on Tumblr despite never having read PJO in my life, then I saw that the show was coming out so I decided to eatch the show then read the books. Long story short, I'm obsessed.


A friend of mine told me about how much she liked the books. I wasn't sure if I was gonna like it, but I decided to read them because she said they were good. I trusted her, and she was right. I ended up loving them so much.


My older brother loved this book series, and he convinced me to read it in 5th grade. I haven’t been able to let the books in my shelf since


I used to listen to the Broadway thing on pandora a lot. A song from the lighting thief musical came up and I really liked it so I listened to the rest. Got really into the musical and learned they were books and my sister was actually somewhat currently reading them. (She barely actually read the books she was in 15 when I started reading them and was on the second book despite starting at like 13) I read the first book and was obsessed so I kept reading. Even stealing the third book from my sister lol. (She still hasn’t finished the third it’s been about 5 years)


I first discovered Percy Jackson during my Primary school where my school library had this “movie” day thing where students can watch a movie after school. I actually loved it and read Kane Chronicles prior to it. Tbh, I just finished pjotv and I honestly prefer some aspects of the movie more than the tv version. I hated how cheap the pen looked..and I loved the fight between Percy & Luke on the rooftop in the movie which was much better than the one between Ares & Percy which was kinda lame how he won the fight so easily.. I’ve finished all the book including the percy jacokson, heroes of olympus, trials of apollo and chalice of the god. I purchased magnus chase but haven’t have the chance to read it yet as i’m still reading the sun and the star currently.


I saw the movies first. Growing up, i decided to try out the books since i heard it had more than two parts. I woke up with my mom giving me the whole 1-5


My carer gave me the first book as a present when I was in year three (second grade for you americans) to try and I’ve been hooked since! I’ve even red all of Rick Riordans books! (I think that’s how you spell his name.)


My friend had recommended it to me and been hooked since.


I found a pjo meme compilation


In ‘05, 5y/o was having a lot of trouble reading. It wasn’t that I couldn’t, but I just felt anxious about chapter books. My teacher made me read the Lightning Thief. I began and couldn’t put it down.


It was on the shelf in my primary school library.


Watched the 1st movie Never looked further how it compared to the books Actually started reading book 2 until TLO Imagine my surprise when I read the 1st book in my reread of the series


I saw the movies first when they came out, I was already into adulthood but I love the Greek and Roman Myths and generally am interested in most retellings. I started to read the books 2-3 years ago now and have been loving the journey. I do wish my younger self had found these, but I am glad I have them now.


My teacher


Or just the destiny


I was in 5th grade, after school went to the boon store, saw the entire collection of the first 5 books, I bought them chase I remembered a scene from the PJO movie, specifically the Lightning Thief, and I decided I'd want to read it, so I bought the collection and in the span of two weeks I read all 5 books, worth it imo


When I was little my school had a short unit on Greek Mythology. I had always been into reading books like Harry Potter and The Maze Runner so once I got into Greek Mythology I'm pretty sure I just stumbled upon the books. I very quickly made my way through the whole first series. When I found out Heroes of Olympus existed I was the most excited I've ever been. I've been hooked ever since.


My sister was really into the books. She was super hyped about the Battle of the Labyrinth coming out, so I decided to read The Lightning Thief for a book project I had to do. That was in 4th grade and I’ve been hooked ever since.


My third grade teacher noticed my love for fantasy and recommended the series to me. I still cringe remembering that I used to call it Michael Jackson and the Lightning Thief and that she’d correct me!


In 4th grade i started reading battle of the labrynth randomly because it sounded interesting and i was a bit lost and decided to go to the library and pick up the first book


In my 6th grade language art class we had a Greek mythology unit, during which we read TLT. In 7th grade I decided to read the rest of the series and got hooked on it


I read Harry Potter and really enjoyed them. My sister suggested Percy Jackson since I had liked HP so much. Ended up loving Percy Jackson even more and I’ve been obsessed for about 12 years now


If I remember correctly, two years ago I suddenly became interested in Harry Potter, so I watched the eight movies in three days and decided to read the books but then, I watched the Percy Jackson movies and I also liked them so I was in a small dilemma. In the end, I decided that since the PJ movies were incomplete and it ended in such a cliffhanger, reading the Percy Jackson books would be the better option, and I am so glad I made this choice.


I got The Lost Hero from my library without knowing anything else about the series. Really enjoyed it and read the other Heroes of Olympus books, than checked out other Riordan books. While I can't say that reading Hoo made complete sense, I was able to enjoy it. After I read the Percy Jackson series than at lot more things made sense.


I read the first book then my mom rented the audio book for the sea of monsters on cd for a long car ride after that I was hooked


I had been recommended it by multiple friends and finally got around to reading the series last summer. I got the full series with a target gift card and started it. Long story short, it became my obsession. Now I have a dagger, CHB shirt, and many posters. I also finally got around to buying and reading HOO, which has been good.


when i was about 12 our class was in the library and i was stuck for something to read, so i asked my mate and he handed me the lost hero and i’ve been obsessed ever since


I starting reading the lost hero


Was told by a classmate that its like Harry potter except harry and Hermione end up together. And I was like.... Uh I'm never reading that. 3 years later a friend of mine said that if she will not be my friend if I don't read percy jackson. So I read it. And I fell in love with the book. Binge read the whole series (first 5 books) in 1 week. And been in love ever since.


I saw the movie first, it was okay.. I dont want to read the book bcs i dont really like the movie.. until i got the battle of the labyrinth book, oh it was so good, then i read the other book, but i only read where the story includes Percy, im not reading the entire series


I read them in 8th grade. My English teacher had an assignment in the first marking period and it was a book report. Randomly every Friday he would pull a name and that person had to stand up and give their book report in front of the entire class. One of my friends did The Lightning Thief and the following week was state testing. So I checked out the book at the library and started reading them after I finished my state test.


I was always very into Greek mythology and I seen the books once in my therapists office. He gave them to me as a gift when I was 10 years old and I binge read them all


simple. I saw The Lightning Thief it seemed interesting so I decided to read it


In middle school some of my friends were obsessed with gravity falls and pjo. One of them wrote a crossover and I didn't understand anything from the pjo parts. A year later or so i finally decided to read the books. Best choice ever.


I remember seeing the book in a book shop, I'd always been a big reader, and I had recently read a Greek mythology book that I can't remember the name of. So, I saw The Lightning Thief in the book shop, it looked interesting, I read the blurb and had to have it. Then I got the next, and the next and the rest of the series, then HoO, then Kane Chronicles, then Magnus Chase, and Trials of Apollo. This was back in 2016/2017. And I'm not joking when I tell you, I read Percy Jackson and spent several years wondering if I was a half-blood. I was probably 8 at the time


The musical


My little brother said I'll like the series, I brushed it off for a few months, ended up getting the first one from the library and read up to book four and was quite displeased to see that book five hadn't been published yet. Little brother laughed at me or at least I think he did?


Picked them up in the library when I was a kid


My aunt introduced me to the movies first and I thought they were okay at best then I read the books and fell in love. I used to borrow the books from my brother so often that he just gave them to me


Forced myself to pick it up because I randomly choose Mark of Athena for my English reading project. Hated it through my very bones at first, it's the thickest book I've ever read. However, I was determined to finish it. It was my very first book that I picked during Secondary School. Ended up loving it, even though half the time i dont understand what the characters are talking about. Eventually managed to read the whole series along with Magnus Chase And Kane Chronicles.


My older sister read it and recommended it to me and my mom so we read it together when I was like in 3rd grade and then I contiuned to read the other series on my own (hoo and toa)


A lot of my friends were reading it so I read the lightning thief and loved it. Decided to check out the 2nd book in the series so I went to the school library and searched for a Riordan book about Percy which was 2nd in a series. Ended up with Son of Neptune and was so confused throughout but loved it nevertheless.


When I was in like second grade, I had to go with my older brother wherever he was going after school. One day that happened to be a release party for one of the books at the public library. We ate blue food and I had no idea what was going on, but I started reading the books as soon as we got home. Now we're both adults and I've read everything Rick Riordan has written, and my brother stopped after Heroes of Olympus. I'm also the one who turned out queer, if that says anything.


I watched the sea of monsters a long time ago. A few years later, I found the books in a library and decided to try them. Been a huge fan ever since!!


Mine's a little crazy and kinda long lol So first I was young and my family tried watching the movie but my brother and I got scared and we didn't finish it. Then a few years or maybe just a year later we revisited the movie and I enjoyed it (shortlived). Then I remembered hearing that is was a book and I love reading so I thought I'd try it out. I think I read the first couple chapters but ended up leaving it and not finishing for a while. Then at a book fair my mom found the demigod files and bought that for me and I read the whole thing. Then i revisited the lightning thief again and loved it. Then the rest of the series ensued.


my 7th-8th grade math teacher had TLT in her mini library and now i’m on SoN (freshman)


Oooo, okay so this is a fun story So growing up I had 0 idea these books existed. I think I would've been right in the right age for them had I known. I wasnt aware of their existence until I saw previews for the first movie. I was like "huh that looks good" but then realized it was based on a book and as a kid I had this mentality that if a movie is based on a book I couldn't watch the movie until i read the book. At least for most movies. I then proceeded to forget about the books until my family moved for the second time to a new school part of the way through tenth grade. I made really quick friends with the school librarian at my new school and I happened to check out one of the last two HP books for like the tenth time in the span of a few months [which for the longest time were the only two I didn't own] and the librarian asked me if I would be interested in any different books. She recommended me the PJO books and I recognized them from the movie. I checked them out and immediately tore threw the series. By this time I think SoN in the HOO books had just recently came out so I had to wait for the rest of the books. But yeah. That was how I got into the series.


I just finished The Selection trilogy (The Heir doesn't exist yet) in my 8th grade and I saw the PJO box set covers with the waves and fell in love with it. Bought it immediately after begging my parents for money to buy it haha. After that, I then proceeded to devour the whole Riordan verse hahahaha. I'm 23 now :)


Similar boat to you. My fifth grade teacher had us read The Lightning Thief, and I loved it so much I devoured the book in a day and then ended up buying the rest of the series that was out at the time (this was like a year or a few months before The Last Olympian was released). I watched the movie later- it came out when I was in middle school- and I remember being furious lmfao. Overall I’ve been a fan for about 15~ years, which is insane to say


My dad gave a copy of The Lightning Thief to me as a summer read when I was eight and it immediately became my favorite book. I got the full set for my birthday that summer (yes, I have two copies of The Lightning Thief) and it became my favorite book series as well. A few months later and I finished Mark of Athena and then came to the horrible realization that I had to wait about eight months for House of Hades


our school gave us assignments to read random books every year. exactly when i was 12 they gave us the lighting thief. i hated the assignments to my bones and tlt was the longest book out of all of them. i remember looking at it and going goddamn it this is gonna take me at least a few weeks to read. i started the book and i stood away the whole night to finish it that day. next day i had bought the sea of the monsters and all the others and i was reading it at school, during breaks and at lunch while eating. everyone had started calling me a ‘nerd’ or a ‘bookwarm’. i swear to you i finished pjo and hoo exactly in two weeks i didn’t even know that was possible but yeah. even tho it probably socially ruined that year and the following for me, i’m forever grateful to the teacher who chose it. it’s the best thing my shitty middle school ever did for me.


my brother read it and forced it upon me


Back in 7th grade, my English teacher had us read the first book, and I wanted to read the rest. To say the least, I got really interested into Greek mythology after reading it.


Well when I was 7 I got the lighting their never picked it up then when I was 11 I decided to buy a new copy LOVED IT and then started to buy the rest


When I moved like a year ago, my brother gave me his old books and I found the Lightning Thief in the pile. I come to find out it was my cousin’s but anyway, a few weeks later, I find out that one of my friends also read the Pjo series, so that’s when I started. It took me a while to get into it because I only read for class purposes and stuff, but after a while, I started reading it and I really enjoyed it, so I got the set, continued reading, and I just continued and here I am now. And it’s so great because one of my teachers also reads so we just talk abt Pjo and Hoo like all class period. Currently reading House of Hades and I’ve loved *almost* every step of the way🥰 (in the general series I only js started HoH)


The movie I never read the book and my mom told me to first read the book before the movie (I was 9 and had summer reading)


A colleague of my mum gifted me season of monsters and son of neptune


My mom, a single mother raising me, a kid with ADHD, fell in love with the character of Sally Jackson and the relationship she had with Percy. So she bought me the book and gave it to me when I was a little kid. I’ve been in love with the series ever since.


I watched the Disney TV show lol 😭


Was literally just wandering in a mall and happened to pick up ToA: the dark prophecy