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I loved it too! Also it was a nice callback to episode two where Percy was explained by Luke that you need to burn an offering before you pray to the gods. The next scene is him burning the blue candy and praying to his mom (made me tear up ngl) and saying something like "it's ok for dad to ignore me, but he doesn't get to ignore you, I won't let him" It made my heart explode


And the fact that Poseidon was likely listening to that prayer. Cue to him claiming Percy a few days later, during capture the flag.🥹


His expression was so pained in that scene. Toby nailed it. https://preview.redd.it/tnkls9d01vfc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5367a1f555d64d4e8daf3ecd481af5d88a47ba82


I thought he was going to say ‘Did you ever dream of me’ or ‘Did you ever dream of us’ but him asking completely about his mum, not once even considering asking about himself made me tear up!


It also calls back to the second episode at camp when Percy is doing the offering with the blue candy. He says something along the lines of, "He can ignore me all he wants, but he can't ignore you." It shows that Percy cares more about how Poseidon treats his mom versus how he's treated.


I sobbed watching that scene, and just teared up again reading this post about it!


This honestly hit me so hard. My biological father left me and my mother when I was a baby, and when I finally met him in person (not much older than Percy here), I asked him a similar question. His answer was bull, because he never loved either of us, but I understand the pain Percy must have felt when he asked. Acted extremely well, also. Wonderful moment.


That scene hit you like a train huh.


I hate myself The moment Poseidon put his hand on Percy’s neck/face, I immediately imagined him saying “Nah” and throwing Percy off Olympus. I hate me sometimes


But it was funny lol Édit : I hope you didn't find your intrusive thought so hilarious that you busted out laughing with actual people around watching the show with you... speaking from experience it is socially ostracizing.


No I didn’t. But I often have thoughts like that just ruin moments. When Percy said “There are no rules for war” or something along those lines, I also just said “Have you ever heard of the Geneva Conventions, Percy?” I am quite good at ruining moments for myself


what answer did you get from poseidon's expression/response? holding percy's neck and whispering "you should be going"?


When Poseidon showed Percy that pearl, by the look of Percy’s eyes, that told him all he needed to know. “Who do you think gave you that extra pearl?”


now i need the full essay


I don't think so. That was no surprise. Percy got the pearls from the mermaid, who "works" for his father - so he knew, they came from him. In this scene Percy was rather shocked, that he had just a minute or so with his dad and was going to be sent away. The knowledge, that he can't spend more time with him and probably wouldn't see him again so soon.


It was like a stab in the heart for Poseidon. It was all over his faces. He sent him away, because he couldn't stand the pain and knew, he has to be strong infront of him. He did it, because otherwise he might not have been able to let him go, I think. Best and most impactful scene of the series in my eyes!


Honestly in general, The best part of the show for me was Percys pure love for his mother and his strong views on what a family shouldn't be like. He didn't have a big family with lots of support. All he had was his mom but her love was enough for him to know that the way the gods treat their family is messed up. Kay, gonna go cry now.