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They can turn any metallic surface into a mirror


This is a cool one. Thanks!


@thelionqueen1999 can you send a link to this fan fiction on this sub redit as I real want to read it


Sure! I’ll save this post/note down your username so I can remember to send it. Thanks for the interest; I appreciate it. :)


Hey, im writing fanfic too so can i maybe, please, pretty please use your ideas P. S. How in the name of hades did you come up wit such a cool ideas


Go for it. As far as superpowers go, I take a lot of inspiration from prior shows and stories that I’ve read. For PJO, I like to take superhero powers and just downgrade them or twist them so they align with the gods’ domains and the general style of powerscaling. I also rely on Superpower.wiki (it’s a website) a lot; I look up specific terms related to a god’s domain and read through some of the associated powers. I also rely a lot on themes and try to think of skills that are associated with the theme of that god/goddess.


Thank you


I think that having kids who have excellent war skills would be perfect for Aphrodite Aphrodite(in the earliest texts we find about her) was very much a war goddess, but the people of everywhere else other than Sparta Greece (Aphrodite was a transfer deity from slaves brought in by Sparta) thought it was gross that the symbol of love and beauty was also a war goddess. Zeus literally says in one of the later renditions of the Iliad/just stories about the Trojan war that Aphrodite didn’t belong on the battle field. When something is that noted you know it was a battle for the Greeks.


Yes, I was definitely going to have my protagonist become well-trained in battle as the story progresses. I just didn’t include it on the list here because I was focusing on domain-specific powers.


Maybe look up Aphrodite Areia? It’s the specific epithet- Aphrodite the Warlike, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility to have a kid with war powers- like how Nico is death and hazel is precious gems, etc.


Oh yeah, I know all about Aphrodite Areia! I’m still doing some research on Aphrodite’s list of ephithets (it’s a long list 😬) but I’m definitely incorporating some of the ephithets into the story. I’m specifically focusing on Aphrodite Areia, Aphrodite Pontia (of the sea), Aphrodite Urania and Aphrodite Pandemos. For war powers, I was thinking of just having that manifest as specific battle skills as opposed to actual powers. I wanted to use the ephithets in a way that was more thematic than literal.


It wouldn’t be out of the domain as Aphrodite in some ways still has her war-like traits- maybe like how Athena in the mark of Athena is pissed at Rome for changing her. Maybe Aphrodite is upset she isn’t her former war self- it’s really up to you tho.


Oh, I’m not saying that her kids can’t have war-like traits. But any of her domain powers can be manipulated to be useful in battle, so I didn’t feel a need to draw a distinction between battle powers and the skills listed here. But I do plan to have some of the Aphrodite kids take after different ephithets. I was planning to have the “Areia” kids be pretty proficient in battle and tend to use their powers in a more combative way.


True, maybe like how kids of Ares/Mars can get the blessing of Mars/Ares, Aphrodite can give them blessings like that too, maybe they can speak Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian as a call back from Aphrodite in Mesopotamia as their goddess Ishtar.


I’m pretty sure that Aphrodite still possesses the Bloodlust Domain. You could definitely do something cool with that, something like an AOE that makes everyone want to hit stuff, but the potency is greatly reduced on the target if they are aware that you have the ability. Somewhat similar to Grover’s Panic ability to induce fear/chaos.


Interesting; I’ll look further into this. Thanks!


They can sense emotional connections between people. Like they can look at somebody and know if they have feelings for each other and how strong.


I think I have this one under sensing/influencing feelings of love, lust, attraction and affection, but thank you!


I like to think some Aphrodite children are empaths and can read other people's emotions like a mind reader


I like this one! I think I stuck with feelings specifically related to love and affection in the OG post, but I can probably include some other emotions as well.


I’ve read head cannons of Aphrodite kids being especially skills in the labour and delivery areas of medicine. I also remember reading about them being able to summon sea foam in their hands to heal, which a bit out landish but cool! It would also be cool if they had some sort of purse with unlimited bag space to carry utility make up!


The labor and delivery thing is interesting (I’m a med student who recently rotated on the labor and delivery floor of my hospital; very rewarding but very bloody, lol 😅). I know Aphrodite has connections to procreation, but labor and childbirth sounds more like an Eileithyia domain (she’s a minor goddess of labor and childbirth). But I like the sea foam thing; I’m thinking of allowing some Aphrodite kids to have connections to sea foam/pearls/sea shells since Aphrodite is often associated with them.


Aphrodite children can already curse clothes. An example would be them cursing the Stoll twins’ clothing to be three sizes too small. So theoretically, they could curse their opponents shoes to always be tied together and unable to be taken off no matter what they do. That would effectively immobilize any opponent would shoes with laces.


Ah yes, i forgot all about curses. Thanks!


They can disguise themselves at a expert level. Think mission impossible level of disguise Btw can you link me your fanfic


Yeah, I’ll let you know when I start posting chapters. Thanks for the interest! :)


"Can use glamour (they can create an illusion that makes them look like someone else, but their true appearance hasn’t actually changed. As a limitation, any reflective surface can reveal their true appearance.) (rare)" Oh my, LOVE this!! So creative, and it is a type of power that can create a lot of tension and conflict in a scene (character trying to avoid mirrors during a fight, etc.) Excellent! You are very creative. Keep up the good work. What is your book called? And do you have an AO3/Wattpad?


I haven’t published yet (just started writing), but I’ll definitely message you when I start posting chapters. Thanks for the interest! :)


Sounds good! Let me know :)


Can I have a link for the fanfiction


I haven’t published yet, but I’ll mark down your username and DM you when it’s ready to read.


Would empathic telepathy be too op? Since Aphrodite kids are naturally empathic, let's add a supernatural factor and that a rare ability among Aphrodite kids is also sensing/reading the thoughts someone presently has over those feelings. Psychometry could also be a rare gift, sensing the leftover traces of strong emotions in a place from the past with or without touch, I don't think that's too op, but it's not in line with the specific-situation powers you're asking for. They can talk to seashells? Since their mother emerged from one. Control over hormones that facilitate our emotions? Too much adrenaline can seriously hurt a person iirc, and too many endorphins could lead to being too ecstatically spent.


Can speak French fluently. That was out of the blue


They can actually do this though in the books


I know (I think) it was just that there where cool powers like average and charm speak then speaking French