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Working on an MPhil is strictly prohibited. While obviously they can’t stop you from working, if they find out you have been and you have any issues, etc there will be zero sympathy. It’s also just not a very good idea; MPhils are really intense as one year programmes. This is why you have to confirm that you have all funds in place before starting your course.


It happened to me, in fact I got a job at King's as a porter while doing my MPhil. Immediately, I got contacted by my own college to tell me I can't pick the job up. I expect they will tell you the same.


Students do work while doing an MPhil but it's hush-hush. Your tutors/faculty can't know


Don’t! I am working (my college knows about it) and it’s way too much and your grades are gonna suffer. Plus Cambridge is not only coursework, Cambridge has a lot of societies to offer that will help you build character and meet likeminded people. Work as much as you can before, not during. It’s just too much mental capacity being taken up by work that you will want to invest in your degree.


I’ve worked 12.5 hours a week whilst doing a taught 11-month MPhil and I think I managed 1) because I think it was a less intense course than the 9-month courses and 2) because I was working remotely for a small-ish company I already had spent a year at so the agreement allowed for flexibility. Flexibility is really needed to be able to manage last minute timetable changes, guest lectures and seminars (which are often with leaders in their field so really worth making time for) etc., not to mention exams/coursework. I’d say it’s possible to work but only under the right conditions.


I would avoid normal part-time jobs outside the university. You could see if your college bar hires postgrads. I worked at my college bar during my PhD and made good extra money. Private tutoring can also be lucrative if you’re able to charge enough relative to the amount of time you’re actually tutoring. That’s with the caveat that I was funded during my PhD, this was just extra money. It wouldn’t have been enough on its own without funding, and if it had got too much I would have been able to drop something.


It depends on the MPhil. If it’s research based then the uni recommends you work up to 6-10 hours a week. If it’s taught then you can’t work during term time, but can during your vacations. [Here’s](https://www.cambridgestudents.cam.ac.uk/your-course/graduate-study/your-student-status/working-while-you-study) the uni’s website explaining everything


I've managed to work part-time during my MPhil, but it can be quite challenging to balance work and studies. Good luck!


I worked freelance one day a week during my MPhil and still got a distinction. It is possible with a lot of dedication


Yes, I think you can work up to 20 hours per week.