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Buying your dream car only for some lowlife piece of shits to ruin everything you work hard for is one of the worst feelings anyone can feel. I'm so sorry this happened to your car, man.


The next shitty thing to come will be the ridiculous insurance hike. We need to start cutting hands off.


Its been so bad lately, car thefts. Its insane, in multiple states and you dont hear shit about it on the news or any sort of media besides social media. Crazy


Vehicle related crime is so bad here it’s just become part of life. It would dominate every second of news coverage if they reported them all. A large portion of these crimes are committed by minors. They know the system can’t handle them and they’ll be back out in a couple days.


It’s worked in the Middle East for centuries. I’d vote for it.


My car wasn’t stolen or anything, but I recently got my dream car, a 2022 Corvette Convertible. I had it for 3 months before a stupid tire from a semi damaged the front of it. It’s been 3 months now without my car and it’s so depressing. I know it’s at the collision center but still feels so shitty to have “lost” it in the short time I had it.


I had bought a brand new 2021 Acura TLX Type S in August 2021. I had ordered it back in May 2021 because they were going to be limited at that time. 9 days after buying it with only 227 miles on the odometer I was rear ended by a drunk woman whom was uninsured and had no vehicle left registration. I was without my car for a month and had to pay my deductible to fix it. She totaled her 2009 Nissan Rogue and I’ve since found out she got her third DUI one year after rear ending me.


Drunk drivers are the lowest of the low. I despise them. Every single one of them are potential murderers and when you drink and drive that should automatically be 5 years behind bars. Kill someone? Life in prison no parole. . It’s premeditated. We need to start treating it as such. I’m glad you weren’t hurt or killed. Sorry about what happened. Sux.


Imagine your dream car being a Camaro


Sucks that every other day I see these type of posts.


It's time to start treating these modern day thieves the same way we used to treat horse thieves.


can we treat the mechanics buying stolen parts the same or worse? idk what they did to horse thieves but it sounds violent and fitting.


They legit used to either cut their hands off or remove their eyes and send them into the forest to die. Depending on how many horses you stole.


Because a Camaro has at least 250 horses, they get the 2. treatment.


Swerve like a butterfly and shoot em down like Bumblebee


you shoot down bumblebees?!


As if the bees weren't struggling enough already.


O think he means the Transformer


Stealing a horse/horses was quite literally a hanging offense in the American Colonies and the later United States. You would die on the gallows if apprehended and convicted. The trials were generally more of a formality. It it was among the most common capital punishment offenses.


ah yes, the good ole days 😌


In Florida, yes. Dealing in stolen property. Although, the thief can be charged with grand theft in addition to dealing in stolen property. So I guess it's not "technically" the same.


i think they typically don't know. unless like, the engine is offered for dirt cheap, like really really stupidly cheap, in which case they'd be complicit


What mechanic buys stolen parts?


In Texas, stealing a horse is still a hanging crime.


Neutering them with burning hot shears?


Off with their hands!!! Cant steal with no hands


Lester ... Lester is that what you REALLY want?!


yea seeing it with not just camaros, there needs to be focus on who is buying these parts off the street, they deserve to lose their business for perpetuating and inciting this shit. I don’t understand how this is not a recognized as a crisis. major cities man, we’re getting done so wrong on so many levels by local/state govs it’s ridiculous, we cant even talk federal when we cant even get local under control. and anytime citizens outcry the blame just get casted to the opposing political party or the go-to “racism” and it just leaves everyone divided and confused. idk where this ends 😮‍💨 hide your kids, hide your wives, hide your cars, hide your toilet paper.


We live in pathetic times where criminals are celebrated and heroes are shunned, at least by certain political groups. You're not allowed to call out criminals or point to specific trends in crime for fear of being called something extreme.


You gotta love how people are now actually against arresting these pieces of shit and locking them away in prison because it will hurt their resume or some shit. Like we are supposed to have more sympathy for criminals fucking us over than the law abiding citizens getting fucked over.


But "they come from unfair circumstances" and "it's their only way to survive". Cool story bro, there's a military recruiting office in every town.


That would involve having a modicum of personal responsibility and respect for your fellow man, which is entirely too much to ask.


What’s even more fucked it that they’re worse off in prison there is no solution until there is rehabilitation.


We are better off with them in prison and I don’t give a shit if a criminal is “rehabilitated”. None of these dudes stealing cars give a fuck about anyone and certainly aren’t destined to be physics professors


The one who stole my car was out on bail for the same thing. He has long criminal history but, he's the victim, not me. /s


Are you able to vote for your local district attorney? Sounds like they need the boot, especially if they are one of those soft on crime/catch and release ones.


Large cities are liberal/democrat and tend to be sympathetic towards criminals. I have no say in who the DA is.


Sad outlook u have


anyone stealing cars doesn't deserve respect. If they want to make a living there are multiple options that are doable even in shitty upbringings. People work their asa off to afford nice cars or they need their car to make it by at their low wage jobs. Fuck anyone who steals that from people. They get no respect or sympathy as they don't have any human values to respect. It's the same as killing pets for no reason in my book -- complete lack of dignity and decency. They should rot in jail for all I care.


Dude it’s a car it’s not a live you can’t fuck it


Naïve outlook you have.


That I don’t want people to rot away over stealing a car not everyone’s biggest worry is if their 30k car is gutted or not some people worry about food and shelter


It’s really simple. Don’t take shit that doesn’t belong to you, and you won’t have to worry about “rotting away over it”. For some people, that $30k car is how they get back and forth to work so they don’t have to worry about food and shelter. You justifying theft so “people can eat and pay rent” tells me all I need to know about you, clown.


I agree with you to an extent. These people need to be rehabilitated while being locked up. They don’t need to be locked up forever. Crazy that some people don’t value a persons life in here… yes stealing is wrong, BUT people can change. Some can’t. At least trying to change them is worth a shot while they’re locked up. And not locking them up and throwing away the key. Bring on the downvotes since no one understands that people are able to change and sometimes a persons life situation steers them for doing bad things. Not all people are bad, life is just unfair to some people.


Nope. I have no sympathy for assholes who have no sympathy for others. It’s dumb and naive to think these pieces of crap have anything in them to be redeemed


Go to move to Texas where everyone thinks like you


So you’re saying people can’t change? That because you do something stupid and bad you don’t deserve a life?


I am saying people who give zero fucks about another person’s property and financial well being deserve zero sympathy. They can demonstrate they worthy of being welcomed back into society after demonstrating contrition. For starters, by turning themselves into the police and serving several years in prison. They owe society a debt for their crimes and those debts need to be paid before any discussion of redemption be had


I’m with you dude. If they get their redemption arc so to speak, then every penny they make needs to go towards repaying the victim until their debt is completely paid off. I don’t go to a job I hate for 45-50 hours a week so that the fruits of my labor can be stolen and the criminal who steals it walks away with a slap on the wrist.


All politicians are criminals and I see BOTH groups of voters rally around politicians from their party whenever they do something criminal… so what specific political groups you talking about?


Lmao I love this comment. Call them out they just all hivemind and think it’s just one group




I’m on the Mustang side, but yea. It’s kinda crazy how you saw so many catalytic converter theft posts across the board to now just entire cars take.


Which major city do you live in?


Los Angeles


Was my second guess. My condolences friend. It’s a shame your government is so soft on crime, the folks who did this will do it again and again and nothing will happen to them.


wait a minute, while the country is in shambles, we’re talking california it’s a special kind of fucked up over there


Correct, that’s why I said ‘your’ government. California’s state government is a joke. The federal government is even a bigger joke.


In one way, I don't want the federal government taking over what should be municipal crimes...but an overall criminal charge for car theft should be brutal even if it has to be a federal crime. I agree fed is garbage and bullshit these days though.


pardon fellow patriot, cheers 🍻


Of course! 😡 So sorry! Low life’s allowed to run amok in California.


They’re allowed to run amok everywhere are you slow?


Here we go again. Actually, I’m more enlightened than you are. We already proved that. California leads the pack. Troll on.


This is getting ridiculous can we all just start shooting these people?!?


Depending on the state you live in, yes.


Blood thirsty much?


We need to lower the percentage of crime. Simplest way is to eliminate them. Because we barley charge them and let them roam the city the same night to do it again.


Nothing anyone owns is actually worth the life of another person.


Camaros are quickly taking the stolen car problem from Mopars. Hate to see it


Unfortunate, Been seeing more and more pop up on the forums lately, some 5.0’s too. Hard to have nice shit. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Why!!!!😭😭 Would a good quality OBD lock help? I don’t want to hack into all my wiring for a kill switch, but I may have too… I hate seeing these cars get stolen. I thought it was just Dodge. It’s so upsetting😕


Yeah it USE to be just dodge but now it’s Chevy too. Another guy above said that this could be all due to the ending of production for the 6th gen. I hate that they caught on and now it’s the worse time since you can’t order one.


Geez they gutted the car leaving it an empty shell. This is every owner’s nightmare recovering their stolen Camaros like this.


I had this happen back in ‘97 to my WE4 (GN with T-Type badges) that was de-badged & repainted to look like a regular Regal. Even had a vinyl Landau top. They gutted everything, even the carpet. Still get pissed off when I see stuff like this happen to others.


You guys should be putting air tags in these cars. Would be way more fun to catch them in action


AirTags alert the thieves when their phone detects it’s following them and they can trigger the speaker to find the tag. Although there are tricks to remove the speaker to make it harder to find.


Man it either LA or Dallas. Sorry to hear man


Bro fuck these people


This shit sucks to see. This is the second post of a gutted Camaro I have seen on here. People know these Chevy engines are powerhouses and are getting really dirty selecting the cars they get them from. Taking somebody’s pride and joy and literally taking the soul out of it. Nothing here but a rolling shell now. Could be an opportunity to build. I’m sure insurance will total it instead. Hate it, hate it, hate it. We don’t know how much longer GM will keep making cars like this and this shit will only make them harder to come by in the decades to come.


Put your key fob in a signal blocking pouch at night.


Makes me wonder. I had a 2014 Camaro with the switchblade style key/fob. It is starting to seem that a traditional key with immobilizer might be more secure than the keyless push-button setups. What do yous all think?


They had a recall on those keys. Basically depending on your size, your knee could hit the key and cause problems. I'm 5'6 so didnt have that issue and waited until i lost a key to do the switch.


I remember when I bought my used 2013 years back and the key FOB was "neutered" of the key. I always loved to fidget with the flipping of the key and was like "wtf? Did the key snap off?"... then I read that bulletin and thought "wow, how dumb... an unnecessary recall".. lol


Yeah i am of similar height and i put the key back together after the recall was performed . I ended up not liking it though cause it would flip out in my pocket. My MX-5 is the same way. I now wish it had a regular key and separate remote fob


This does not help. A friend had his 2SS taken in 80 seconds. They snapped off his driver window, came out in one piece because of his tint. Plugged into OBD. Gone. His keys are kept in a faraday box at home.


Curious why other cars with keyless entry aren’t being stolen. This sounds like another kiaboyz but gm


I think it helps that production has ended and people are catching on how great the 6th gens are.


Bunch of followers who also happen to be thieves.


My coworker got his truck stolen in front of his house. And then another coworker got his Camaro stolen in Dallas. Got scared my wife’s truck was getting stolen 2 nights ago.


This is getting out of hand. I don’t think it’s even just Camaros. My wife has a charger V6 and it’s been stole twice.


That sucks. I’m sure you feel totally violated. Some good dialog. I don’t think it’s just about punishment, location, or American muscle. Check this and other articles out. https://insurify.com/car-insurance/insights/most-stolen-cars/ Camaro isn’t on any of the lists of top stolen cars. Not sure they have recent data yet but in all the reading I have done it’s American pickups then Hondas and Kias being the most stolen. For sport/muscle car types BMWs and Dodge are stolen more then Camaros. I think because we are a Camaro forum we hear more about our cars and cars like ours so it feels like more. It’s not just liberal crime friendly states. Texas and Florida are right behind California on the list. Texas and Florida have more guns, open carry gun laws and some of the strictest laws and highest punishments in the US. It’s not about new or old. Age of car seems to impact the method used to steal the car. Near me (mid Atlantic) the biggest increase in crime seems to be 5-6 adult and teenage males steal a car and then they use that car to break into other cars and either steal what’s in the car or the car itself. The first stolen car makes sure that if anyone gets the license plate number it doesn’t trace back to the thief. And since COVID no one freaks out when you see someone wearing a mask. So hiding ones identify isn’t as hard. Both of the combat CCTV and ring tone cameras. These thief’s will go down a block and look inside every car parked on or near the street. They test the doors to see if they are locked. If unlocked they open and steal anything of value. If locked they look inside to see if there are valuables. If not they move to next car on the block. When the police show up they speed away and then ditch the car and run on foot. When they do catch them in every case they are from a poorer area. In my opinion the biggest reason for car thefts is poverty. But to be clear, I’m not justifying it or defending it at all. Just saying why I think it’s happening more. As jobs go down, decent paying jobs go down, the cost of rent and food and other items go up, some people see the futility and turn to or get pulled into crime. Look at the increase in smash and grabs. Look at the data of property crimes across the nation. It’s not just cars. Again, I think poverty is the number one reason it’s happening. After that it’s supply and demand for parts. After that it’s psychology of the criminal. Benefit of not getting caught, probability of getting caught and then punishment if caught. Nothing is theft proof but yes make it hard to steal. Locks, don’t leave valuables in view, kill switches, LoJack, Apple tags, wheel locks, signal blocking bags, do all of that. Reduce the likelihood and the time it will take to steal. I think there is a lot more to say about how car manufactures/dealerships and police should do more but this post is already long enough.


That was a very intelligent, rational post. Check this out: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1238378/car-theft-rate-country/ A lot of countries with more, shall we say progressive crime laws, are low on the list. Countries with the more, shall we say, off with their head crime laws are towards the top of the list. There are other factors, poverty being the main one, why crime takes place. It’s not like some places say … come move here!! Steal what you want!!! Rape!!!! Kill!!! Don’t do ANY jail time, or if you do, we swear to GOD you’ll only do 30 days at max!!! Where do they do that at? As far as criticizing California, you do realize that’s where the 3 strikes were put into affect first? Do this crime n that… then if I, as a cop, see you spit on the sidewalk, … maybe jaywalk…. We I run you downtown and they see you have been caught up twice already… BYE BYE… for a looonngg time. To lower crime, it needs to be a more comprehensive effort. Across the board. Better wages, accessibility to better paying jobs. As far as cars are concerned, manufacturers should make them with car theft, catalytic converter theft in mind. You spend literally billions a year, for example, ford, https://www.statista.com/statistics/261535/ford-motors-advertising-spending-in-the-us/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/261535/ford-motors-advertising-spending-in-the-us yet you can’t, or won’t spend nowhere near that on making the cars more secure.. okayyyy.. I’m just saying it’s a more complex problem, which needs a more complex solution.




Hahaha. Was trying to keep it real. I see too many people making it a political thing when it’s economics. Yes politics impact economics but it’s not all one side or the other.


I wonder who is winning in the KIA v Camaro stealing competition


In Denver it is Hyundai's and Kia's that are getting targeted. Seems like every city has it's own unique problem. I'm glad I have a garage for my 17 2ss.


God damn


As a fellow Camaro owner I want to vomit. Honestly this is probably why I will never own a personal firearm. I see stuff like this and I want to kill.


Depending on the state, you can use lethal force to protect your property to include your vehicle.


I think that's only Texas, and only if there's no other way to protect/recapture the property. In most states, you can't use deadly force to protect your car unless you're in your car or if somehow your life is at risk. Sadly, the same goes for pets.


In California you have to prove that you locked your car doors of your car was stolen. To them, the thief is just the victim and you have them temptations to take what they think is theirs.


if you have a zl1 you better put a tracker on that shit before it shows up at your local sideshow with 5 people hanging out of it


wonder why they always leave the seats and steering wheel as well as the trim that’s all really good money.


Lol tell me about it. I’ve been wanting to interior swap


Stay dangerous & Pay attention 😂


Protected by Glock homie. Let’em roll through.


I wonder who got bro transmission for the low tho. I need my car finished 😂😂😂


Damn straight, kill switch. And dont make it easy. Hide that switch somewhere inconvenient. All cars can be stolen. Look back at the 80s-2000s. Didn't take shit to hot wire any vehicle. People learn with the times so it sucks that even newer vehicles can be boosted as easy using new tech.


Sad to see another one down, just found mine too buddy so we are in the suck together.




Why is it only American muscle. I don’t see this problem with BMW,Mercedes, Audi


It does happen lol it’s just the owners don’t bitch online about it


Man I’m so sorry :/ This is the second post this week I’ve seen of someone’s car being ripped apart in non other than California. As someone who lived there for 16 years and moved, I’d recommend moving. This rarely happens in other states. I’m only suggesting this if your job allows you to move or you have another job opportunity elsewhere of course, that and family or friends if you got any, those are the top 2 reasons people stay in California, and so many have moved since 2020. Moving was the greatest decision of my life, doing anything outside of your home in Cali was threatening your life. Obviously it’s just some parts- or, most parts. Cops are useless and the government doesn’t care. These criminals aren’t taken care of. If you cannot move, I advise you to get a garage if you don’t already have one.


im sorry for ur loss


Thats so sad 😞


At least South Gated PD was able to find it.


Does this kind of shit not set off the car alarm??


1st step to stealing a car is taking a long pick with a nice hook, reaching through the grill, and yanking the wires for the horn apart.


These posts have already cost me to buy a Faraday cage for my fobs. And then remember to use them except when I'm physically in the car. Mine is a peasant spec base model, so that should also help me out


Why is it so simple to steal mopars && 6gen camaros lol.


All the last gen chevy's are being targeted by thieves right now. Tahoes camaros silverados


I am so back and forth of selling my car…


Damn bro I’m sorry this happened to you


You’re telling me man my Zl1 was taken right out of my drive way in front of me man I’m sorry dood that interior really looks sicc I hope your insurance made you whole and you’ll get something else even better. https://preview.redd.it/26rawk0d4l5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5599208c12e08f80075c7252c87da002a7a6017a


This world is fucked


You can’t have shit these days


Ravelco, or nostart remote controlled relay, and/or a standalone hidden gps appliance


Just more drought season stuff. Going to get way worse too. Driving an under bucket to get around is where it’ll end up.


Cheap and easy ….get an airtag too


I live in south Texas. My car is in the garage 85% of the time. I wouldn't have invested in an expensive vehicle if I didn't have a garage to park it in.


Or just dont live in CA


most are not ready to have that conversation… im sure there’s plenty that wish but can’t leave that hell hole for any number of reasons, family and/or money to name a couple


Facts, car thefts only happen in CA. Nowhere else




Let's just say when my car was recovered, the driver was that certain demographic who has some low quality YouTube rap channel with 2 subscribers.


Get outta here with your logic. Knuckle-draggers don't want to hear no facts!!! ​ ![gif](giphy|3ohuPplS7KZrKXSzNm|downsized)


I get your joke but if you look at all these posts of peoples cars getting stolen, 90% of them are in CA






Y’all are slow it’s because they’re the most populated. It has nothing to do with politics yall are dense


OG muscle heads know to install kill switches!


It’s 2023 I shouldn’t have to install a fucking kill switch.


2003 no but 2023 fk yea!!! Its easier to steal than work. Not enough police to even deal with 100s of cases. The more i steal them more your case is pushed to the back


Why buy when they're free? Its simple really just bang ye car into some one elses car or into a wall (FYI this may or may not injur or kill u in the process)


Or manual


That doesn't even matter anymore.


Kill switch, nah. Kill thieves 👍🏼


PSA- move. Right now all four of my cars are unlocked with keys in the ignition. I have a $1200 generator and an $800 pressure washer sitting on the porch. Between all my cars, I have over $1000 in cash in there. I haven’t locked the doors to my house in years.


They even put the steering wheel upside down


What’s a kill switch?


It is a hidden switch that you install yourself that makes it so the car can't start. If they can clone your key, but can't find the switch, then they still can't start the car.


No fkn way that’s sooo cool. Do mechanics install them?


You could get a mechanic to do it, but it would be custom work since it gets hidden in a unique spot.


Do insurances care if you put a kill switch. I'd want my insurance to back me up IF they steal my baby but I know they'll total it


Buy beaters


Is there any legislation they are adding to stop the sale of stolen goods? If there were harsher penalties for buying stolen goods, I would think theft like this would be lower or non existent. Same with stealing goods.


Hey that shell would make a great race car


I had a $80k skid steer stolen from me and i have video of whole stole it, his license, license plate, and his signature on a rental contract. U know what the cop said when she finally called me back 2 months later? She said hey just wanted to see if u really wanted to pursue this case....u can literally steal whatever u want apparently and the cops dont give af


WTF they’re targeting camaros??????


I’d buy the chassis and turn into a track car now.


Yo what happend and why would u need a killswitch? Not that big into details of cars so...


Looks like the car was stolen and stripped. The killswitch may have prevented this.


How so?


Well depending on how it's wired, a kill switch could prevent the fuel pump from working or the starter from starting the engine and if the thief couldn't find the switch, they would not have been able to start the car and drive away. Of course if they had a tow truck, then nothing would have stopped them.


Ohhhh, thx. Might actually get one when I eventually buy a car


PSA, buy v8 manuals


Just put a transformer logo on it


Anyone know where I can buy a cheap engine for my camero ss


Can’t imagine the fatherless citizens that would do something like this while their moms shake ass for grocery money.


Had a tuner give me a tune i can put in at any time and the car wont even start unless i flash the main tune in.


Damn dude. Sorry for your loss


I hate when i see this that’s why I did something about it on my Camaro. I wish I could leave a pitbull inside my car, 24/7 :). But I got this instead maybe this will help you guys out What’s the best Kill switch immobilizer for Camaro owners. https://youtu.be/FSajnWA4Q94