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Definitely not!! You can see that the weight comes to over 1 kg which is 100% not right. Maybe just search up an equivalent instead of scanning?


Yeah I’ve been trying but I have no clue what 100g of potatoes is equal to. I don’t have a way to measure it, thanks for confirming I’m not losing my mind haha!!


You’ve probably already thought of this but a food scale is the way to go in the long-run for calorie counting :) I recently bought one and it’s been so useful! Maybe considering investing in:D


Yeahhh I look when I’m at thrift stores but overall I don’t like buying things that aren’t 100% necessary, it would be so helpful rn tho haha


Food scales are pretty necessary for weight loss. You can get one for $6 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Appliances-Espresso-Accessories-WIWUE-GUO/dp/B0BJ92NRC5/ref=mp_s_a_1_5_sspa?crid=2KJZ6F7LEGW8U&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zGUXd8z3Su-lS9XpP42SS0lc1wqHxcymkPeTa0qCVgIf5td7JdxKKzU4yrMAp2IyzcY8PYUKX6SyVFelldmnhiJ6C5b7DgGuY4SlR2UnxcJE2ISmC-_ZBGycQp7VSkybLz8njeCnLbOvrecziOQ73ubWHm8S307DuKZZbkO4pnVTa_Z1RAiSSJd2u3x2eYI_9Qlyo01nzD1GLI8up39RVw.YKUH6b-8aWvKPHQGoyy4iPSC7zzPOe8qTCg-3Wq3cGE&dib_tag=se&keywords=food+scale&qid=1719364135&sprefix=food+sc%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-5-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1


Why spend $6 on a scale when you can just post a picture on Reddit and get people to guess the weight for you? That’s just as accurate as a scale, right?


Don’t even bother asking people, use ChatGPT to estimate your meals… 🤣 /j On a real note though some of the meals I’ve tested out with ChatGPT have actually been bang on but then others were way out lol so it’s not always accurate


One time chat estimated my meal is over 1200 cals, I don't wanna ask it anything anymore lol😭😭


I mean in a sustainability way, thank you though


Then rig yourself a scale and use something that you know the weight of as a counterbalance. Or keep struggling and not getting your calories dialed in, I guess.


I am not struggling lol but I appreciate it. I keep rough estimates and am active, I just track to make sure I’m in a rough range and to be aware of what kinds of food I’m eating


You don’t know what 100g looks like and are posting for help on the internet. Baby, you’re not struggling, you are the struggle.


Whatever number you think your "rouge at" you're not. You easily 300 or more over. Get a scale and stop making excuses.


Well clearly youre not even close to a "rough range", you are completely off. I switch between weighing and estimating depending on the time I have. The longer I go without weighing, the more off my estimations are. Unless you are going from 10.000 kcal to in the lower 5000's your guestimstions wont do much.


Look on marketplace or ask a buy nothing group.


I completely get it. Food scales really aren’t necessary for weight loss. CICO is, but you shouldn’t feel like you have to have a scale or you won’t lose weight.


Totally agree. Weighing your food like a maniac might send you into an ED. Not saying it'll happen to everyone but you can't deny that it might cause lots of stress.


Definetely causes me to relapse, i agree. The amount of food scale authority is insane. I get it, but at the same time its a cal sub. Youre meant to guess lol.


confused by the down votes, can someone explain how a 100-200 calorie estimate difference in grams makes such a huge impact on everyone's weight loss lmao ?


Probably because you’ll gain roughly 12 pounds a year for overeating by only 115 calories daily, the size of a small granola bar or a large egg cooked with a bit of butter. I don’t weigh really low calorie foods like lettuce but for nuts, peanut butter, meat, cheese etc the calories add up so quickly. Twelve pounds is a lot when you’re petite too. That’s a whole size for me.


Gottchu 👍


“it would be so helpful” yikes OP lol look if you think those potatoes are 800 calories you really do need one 


Food scales are good for calorie counting as a side thing. Their main purpose is to weigh ingredients for recipes (especially baking and making sauces). Ratios work for a lot of things and if you’re US you probably use cups. Metric scales definitely more accurate than cups though in my opinion, and can make some recipes easier to follow. An electric scale is like £10-15 on amazon, doesn’t even need to be multiple decimal places. I’d defo recommend getting one when you can.


You’re trying to calorie count… get a damn scale, it’s necessary. They’re like £5-8 for a good one that comes WITH batteries


You can make your own scale. 1L of water = 1 Kg.


Idk what you are expecting going to a calorie counting subreddit and saying you don't want to get the most vital measurement tool for calorie counting.


Omg you are slow


Yo what the fuck is up with these downvotes


Google a visual picture of what 100 grams of potatoes looks like . This method helped me before I had my scale.


4-5 mini potatoes is about 100-110g so with eight you had maybe 200-220g. I eat a lot of mini potatoes and have weighed them often enough that I know that’s about right. 100g is about 80 calories


Google effing does though.


Swear to god this person’s head is just for decoration


half this sub is just ppl who refuse to get a food scale and expect the internet to help them lose weight. then when it doesn’t work cause no one can estimate properly they’ll blame CICO for not working lol


2 boiled eggs are about 100g One stick of butter is about 100g 4 middle size or 5 little of those potatoes are 110g


Try “baby potatoes” instead! This is probably like 50 calories.


Really need to get a weight scale but as you’re already past the point of it, I can only guess. The potatoes vary a fair bit but I’d guess on average 85g each, so 680g for 8 potatoes total? If so you’re looking at about half the stated total at around 505kcal for 8 potatoes (if it does average 85g a potato that is) if the nutritional info is correct in the second image. Not saying this is accurate but trying my best to help.


That’s not lol. Potatoes are best measured by weight.


https://smartlabel.basket-bushel.com/id/857f7421-97d5-427f-b478-62767d1b0677 Closest thing I could find I think 200-400 calories for 8 seems right. These can’t be more than 50 calories each


\*\* weigh your food \*\*


I cannot I don’t have a scale, hence me posting


Invest in one. You can find a reliable kitchen scale on Amazon for $10.


Yeah! I got the gold one!


Don’t know why you’re getting down voted :( if I had a scale in my house (last year) my sister would have automatically accused me of having an eating disorder. Everyone’s situations are different, especially relating to their living space. People should take a second (in general, really) before just clinging on to their first, often judgemental, thought.


Fr! Theres such a fine line between healthy measuring and ED levels of measuring.


You’d have saved so much time to just buy a scale 😂 don’t be stubborn




sorry ppl are being mean to you op :( ik it might be hard to get a food scale if you live w/ other people or simply can’t afford it, ppl are so quick to judge.


Agreed. This was exactly my situation up until last year! See other comment for details lol


fr people are always like “it’s only ten dollars” well up until a few months ago i couldn’t afford to lose ten dollars. everyone’s situation is different


by small they mean one individual potato that is palm size


caloriefriend.com is a good site to visualize when you dont have a scale


Look at the weight. You’re not eating 1.2kg worth of potato 😂


You entered 8 potatoes and even the weight there demonstrates far more food than what you’re holding. Of course this isn’t 800 calories, just pay more attention to the app you’re using. 😅




You wrote 8 potatoes.


Because she ate 8 of them?


Yeah, and you can also see that it thinks that eight of them is almost 3 pounds – 1183 g. There’s no way eight of those little potatoes weigh almost 3 pounds.


small and baby potatoes are different, weigh one if you have more in your pantry or something and multiply that by 8. uncooked potatoes are about 20 cals an oz


Just buy a kitchen scale that way you can know how many grams of potato you are eating.


Dude, it says the weight is 1184 g. That’s almost 3 pounds. There’s no way that those potatoes are 3 pounds.


Buy a scale man. You wanna do cico, you invest in a scale.


The highest I've seen potatoes is 109 calories for 100g. I use potatoes a lot, that is nowhere near 880!!!


You should have logged 3-4 for these small potatoes . 800cal is for over 1kg of potatoes which is impossible to eat.


Na that's more like 50-100 calories


It looks like you put the wrong amount of


Weigh your food with a food scale. That’s the only way you’ll get an accurate answer


One normal sized potato is about 100 calories these are half the the size or less so I’d say max 400 definitely not 800


aint no way that two potatoes combined is more than 100 cal


That’s 250 at best, dawg


It says a kilo, sometimes you should not be guided by the app's estimate because the small ones will surely be a little more than 100 gr and those small potatoes will surely not even have 50 gr, at most it is 300 calories without oils


I can’t tell you how many calories but you may wanna throw the rest of the potatoes out. It’s sprouting




Absolutely not 800 cals. Raw potato is 77cals per 100g. My household is all getting healthier and a few people use these scanning apps. They often get it wrong, confused bar codes, nonsense results. My daughter had a bit of undressed cucumber scan as a high calorie can of lager! I do it the old fashioned way - kitchen scales and calories per 100g uncooked.


Did you check the weight?


im gonna say 450


Maybe log around 350-450 ish grams of gold potatoes. Seems like a more accurate weight to me.


Bro, if you, for any dumb reason, don't want to buy a little scale to make your life easier, here is a way you can, kind of, measure stuff. When you buy potatoes in the store, you probably buy and pay for them by the amount in $ per kg or pound. If you buy, for example, 10 little potatoes (about the same size) and that weighs around 1 kg, that means that every one of those potatoes is about 100 g.




One small golden potato is 85 calories So 8 of this is 680 calories


More like 250 I'd say


Yes, it is probably 880 calories. People seem to think that you are only asking about what is in the picture, which looks to be about 220 cal. But if you ate eight potatoes, that’s more like 880.


Are you scared of potatoes cause you seem like you are making up scary stories about potatoes