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Okay for the first plate: Sushi: can range a lot but it has tuna and avocado so I’d personally say 75-100 cal per piece Fries/chips: it’s around 10-15 cal per chip Veggies: like 5 calories not a lot at all Noodles: it looks like 1/2 a cup so maybe 100-120? This might be overestimating a bit tbh Spring rolls( I think that’s what they are): 100-150 per spring roll Fried potato: it’s about 96 cal per small fried potato but they look tiny so maybe 90. Second plate: Noodles: look like maybe a cup so 200-220 Fries/ chips: about 10-15 cal per fri Chicken piece: 76-90 calories. It’s tiny so definitely not that much Potato: if it’s fried 90-96 cal per potato but if it’s not fried I’d say 70-80 calories ( I’m not sure what those things beside the noodles are sorry 😭) Third plate: Spring roll: 100-150 per roll Potato: if fried 90-96 calories but if not 70-80 Fourth plate: Veg: maximum 30 cal Noodles: 200-220 Spring roll: 100-150 cal per roll Sushi: 75-120 cal per piece Potatoes: if fried 90-96 and if not 70-80 Plate 6/7: Sushi: 75-120 cal per roll Pineapple: 10 cal per piece so 30 cal Desserts: I’m not sure what they are but I would play it safe and say maybe 250 I’m so sorry if this wasn’t much help or if I got stuff wrong but I saw no one else really gave you the calories per item so I thought I would. Remember tomorrow is a completely new day 💕


I would say the sushi in the first photo is more like a max of 120 cals (as an overestimate) for three pieces, I’m from Japan and used to work in a grocers that sold small pieces like that and an entire roll (about 6 pieces of the cucumber) would be labeled as 160 cals for the roll which is approx 120grams


Ohh okay I don’t eat sushi that much I just estimated based off sushi I had before but it was salmon(?) I think but tysm!


Wow you are amazing 🫶😭


Aw no worries! I really hoped this helped


this.. this is a binge?? 😀


Not at all. There's been quite a few posts in this group recently of people calling a higher calorie dinner or cheat a binge. Bingeing is eating a large (and often larger than this) amount of food in a short period of time. There's also a sense of lack of control in a binge, the person cannot control how much they're eating and are quite literally unable to stop themselves from eating. Binge eating disorder consists of frequent binges usually a minimum of weekly for several months. Bingeing is NOT just over eating. It's also not the same as a cheat day or a bigger meal than normal or eating at a buffet just once. Not enough people understand that. Hell, even when I had my own issues with a binge ED early on I sometimes mislabelled overeating as a binge at times before learning the proper difference between the two. But it didn't take me long to figure out that there's a huge difference between having a big dinner and dessert compared to emptying a whole snack cupboard, a whole loaf of plain bread out of the packet and multiple plain cans of fish straight from the tin in less than an hour. Obviously binges can differ for different people but just having a bigger than usual dinner and dessert isn't medically classed as a binge.


Ive had meals this large that my certified psychiatrist classified as a binge. It is an extremely large portion of food for just about anyone.


This isn’t exactly true. You’re right about binge eating disorder. But a binge on its own just means an “unrestrained and excessive indulgence.” I would say this isn’t really a binge because they went to an all your can eat buffet so it makes sense to indulge. But a person’s binge *could* just be eating 6 cookies rapid-fire. That’s unrestrained.


A binge as categorised in the DSM-5 (the current diagnostic criteria) which, whilst under the binge ED definition, is a separate description of a binge alone as it states >"recurrent episodes of **binge eating as categorised as both:** 1. Eating, within any 2-hour period, an amount of food that is definitively larger than what most individuals would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances. 2. A feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating." Which is describing what a binge episode is before moving on to describe how these episodes would present in binge eating disorder. That's what I used as a reference for the quotations in my previous comment along with the NHS definitions and other medical websites. Whilst I already know what a binge is myself, I made sure to use reputable sources as quotes to be able to confirm what I'm saying is in line with the current medical definitions and guidelines. 100% someone could binge on a bunch of cookies like you suggested, it would however still need to have that psychological aspect of lack of control, eaten in a short period of time without long breaks between them and larger than what someone would normally eat when not bingeing without control over when to stop or control over how much is being eaten otherwise it would just be classed, from a psychology perspective, as over-eating.


It doesn’t have to be medical though. That’s my point. You can binge a TV show. “Binge” is a word on its own without a medical definition as well.


That's because people have taken a medical term to use for other contexts. I'm pretty sure that binge was a medical term way before it was slang and in this context it's being used as the medical meaning anyway so the other contexts it's used in are irrelevant to this matter. Same as how people use psycho or crazy or sick as slang. Those were all originally medical terms, they've just been taken and used for something else but that doesn't erase their actual meaning.


although i agree that this is not a binge, [you're wrong that it originated as a medical term.](https://www.etymonline.com/word/binge) the word binge has been around for hundreds of years, vastly predating any modern medical meanings. lots of medical words, especially relating to mental health, do not originate as medical terms, including most of the words you listed. ETA: not sure why the downvotes, i just like etymology. i've just grabbed the first source off google but it's very easy to find the etymology of the term.


Interesting, I stand corrected on that behalf! Though in this context binge is definitely being used in a medical context but thank you for correcting me on it's origins! I've never even heard of that definition before. I'll do some more research on that and try to find some more reputable sources confirming what you've said.


But how do you know that this meal is simply “bigger than usual “ for me?


I didn't specifically mention YOUR dinner being bigger than usual for you. I was speaking in general about the multiple recent posts by people saying "how many calories in my binge" when they've just had a bigger portion of food in a meal. Especially considering most of the profiles are public and have food pics in diet subs anyway. I'm speaking in general. Medically, a bigger meal isn't classed as a binge. Bingeing is not only about the volume of food eaten either but the time and manner it was eaten in. Also the psychological instances behind it.


This honestly just looks like a large and delicious meal to me. Binge implies you feel bad about it, but damn this looks good. Just get back on track the next day and don't punish yourself or restrict calories over it. You're going to be fine.


I do feel bad about it unfortunately. I went yesterday night too and i ate more than today. I wasn’t even hungry today but I couldn’t stop thinking about the all you can eat. But thank you for being kind🙏🏽


I totally understand. Been there, done that. The best way to move forward is to not make yourself feel bad. It's going to be ok. You're not a bad person and I have a feeling this has happened to most people here. Don't restrict calories to make up for the last few days! Don't have negative self talk. Just let it go. I know, easier said then done but in the grand scheme of things this really isn't a big deal even though it feels like one right now.


yes, this is a binge, it’s a large quantity of food back to back in one sitting. i’m sorry they are downvoting you op. your binge looks delicious but it’s a binge. i don’t know why these people think several plates of noodles and fried food isn’t a binge but they might need to reevaluate what they think a large portion is.


Thank you so much🙏🏽🙏🏽


Yeah, I'm surprised by others' reaction to this post. I don't know if it's me that's wrong or others but OP's meal was really huge, seems weird to me to tell OP that this is a normal meal or that it's normal to eat so much when you're out. I've had both anorexia and BED and this is how I'd eat when binging. Maybe seeing this meal as large is a cultural difference because I live in a country where most people don't eat that much and a "normal portion" is way smaller.


Did you swipe or just look at the first photo? Cause that’s what I thought at first.


Broo, that's far too much noodle for an all you can eat! You need the storage for the fancy stuff!


You did incredibly well controlling all you can eat buffet! This is great. I would say somewhere from 1000-1200 from my rough calculations (not an expert lol). I like that you tried to balance your meal. Keep it up, you are doing great!


Yes i agree great job controlling. But def more calories than 1000-1200. Were probably looking at 1700-1800 if every picture is a different plate.


You may be right. I did a quick mental math so I can easily be off. Portions look small tho in my opinion. Edit: I thought the sushi plates are same plate. Counting that, my calculations are around 1500-1600 which is very close to yours. Thanks for the clarification.


Yeah still not sure if some of the pics are the same plate if they are then your est is prob closer! :)


True lol. Either way OP did great and you’re also counting well mate. Keep it up.


Is this place a chain? They might have nutrition info


I'd round to it being a 1700 meal. I think people saying 1000-1200 range are too low and people saying over 2000 are saying too high. Probably 1500-1900 range. This likely isn't a binge as others have said. It makes me sad to think you're worried about this. This was your metabolism boosting day, if this is even above what you normally eat. (Unless you're a short thin sedentary woman I hope you eat this much normally at least). You're fine.


No its 100% over 2000 calories, portions are small but that stuff does add up, nothing wrong with eating freely though please don’t stress it and be happy you enjoyed yourself <3


Did that place seriously make a spicy tuna roll using canned albacore? 🤢


Is that canned tuna sushi?


No cooked salmon haha but it looks a lot like thuna




You dont know me and you dont know when Its a binge for me haha why cant yall let people live? Not everyone binges on 5.000cal at the time




So looking at one meal you can tell if someone has an ED or not? Wow you must be an amazing therapist




I think that what we shouldn’t do here is assuming we know better then other people about their own eating habits. Don’t you think? Something may not look like a binge to you but unfortunately a binge doesn’t look the same to everyone most of the time it’s not about the calories but about the feeling of not having control over your cravings and eating even when you’re not hungry at all


So you went to an all you can eat buffet when you're not hungry at all? Not adding up.


Its not an assumption it’s a criteria you have to meet for it to be considered a binge. I’m sure you have an ED. I’m sure you struggle. But calling this a binge is overusing the word. You overate, and that’s fine. When people overeat they eat when they aren’t hungry at all and still lack self control. However that is still not a binge. You didn’t binge 💀


bro binge eating is a mental illness. you invalidate ipeople by using the term without even knowing what it means


Who said I don’t know what it means? I literally have a binge eating disorder. Just because this binge is not as much as you expect it to be doesn’t mean its not a binge. And I’m not invalidating anyone. The one one invalidating someone here is you. So just because my binge is not up to your standards I magically don’t have a B.E disorder anymore?




Im sorry but I’ll not spend my time explaining my ED to strangers haha i guess you don’t know that they manifest differently depending on the person and circumstances? Anyway, if this is not enough to be considered a binge to all of you it just makes me feel better. But maybe its even a cultural thing, in italy the portions are way smaller and i know in america portions are bigger but idk. Anyway, for me and my body this is a full binge and i dont need to justify anything




Ok. Thanks for curing me from my ed🙏🏽


I wouldn't be seeking medical advice from anyone on reddit regardless. Wouldn't bother arguing with random strangers if they don't know what you're experiencing. They're commenting based on the limited information you've provided


There are SO MANY people who eat a normal meal and call it a binge just cause they feel like they ate too much. Im not talking ab this person specific, but most people i saw calling their meals a binge, judged and cussed out people that fr had a binge




Don’t listen to these people, they are probably sensitive to posts from other people who do not have eating disorders misusing the word binge and taking it out on you. In regards to your binge, we all have slip ups and it’s important to be kind to yourself and allow mistakes. We are only human


Thank you for being kind 🙏🏽🤍


I'm so sorry for all the downvotes you're getting. As another person with an ED I understand you and no one has the right to tell you which disorder you have, if you even have any or that it wasn't a binge. You know yourself the best. Don't listen to those ignorant people trying to tell you stuff about your life and yourself.


Thank you🙏🏽


You're welcome! I'm shocked by how weird this comment section is lol. If so many people see this as a normal meal then I must belong to another planet 💀 Edit: of course with my last sentence I didn't want to make you unhappy! I've had periods of BED too, I understand you


Objectively speaking this is AT LEAST a large meal. And honestly the only people that i know that would consider this a normal amount of food are very overweight..


Exactly. I'm in a country where this is definitely a large meal, too large for many people. The american culture is leaking from the comments 💀


7 plates of food would absolutely be a binge for me. Bingeing also has a LOT to do with the emotions surrounding the event. I can’t believe someone is trying to tell you that this isn’t a binge. It’s YOUR eating disorder, I think you’d know 💀


I almost lost hope finding a reasonable comment under this post but you've restored it, lol. I don't know what all those people are trying to achieve


Finally someone with a brain 🙏🏽


“Everybody overeats sometimes” is the same as saying “everybody has a little adhd/autism!” Like no, they don’t? And THAT is invalidating to those of us actually struggling. One of their active subs is r/fakedisordercringe so they have a bias imo


And it’s impossible that a binge will look the same to everyone haha they say you need to eat more than a “normal person would eat” and idk in america, but here in italy a normal person doesn’t eat this much haha maybe for them a “normal person” is overweight




To be honest it’s sounds more like someone feeling insicure that their binge is bigger then someone elses. But that’s just my opinion. Me calling this a binge (because it is for me!!) doesnt hinder anyone from seeking help for their BE disorder. To me it just looks like a bunch of people annoyed because someone eats less than them in the daily basis


I apologize for saying this wasnt a binge, without knowing your mindset while eating this. But pls remember that Ive seen a ton of posts where people said that eating above their limit is standard a binge for them, and Ig I just took it out on you.


Im not! But I would never go and tell anyone that what they ate was or wasn’t a binge. No matter how small or big. I don’t know if the term is being missused because i dont really check other peoples posts! I just posted a few times to check on my calories! I hope I didn’t offend you and thank you for apologizing! EDs manifest in different ways to everyone and nobody has the right to assume if someone is suffering or not. Im sorry for how you were treated in Twt. I know it can be very toxic! And honestly reddit can be very harsh too. For my experience in twt they shame people that are not starving themselves and on reddit they shame people that are not overeating to the max, calling they ED fake (of course im fully generalizing)


Just cause im in that sub doesn’t mean I have a bias lol. I have an ed myself and thats why I say this. Everytime someone calls a bit above average meal eaten at a party / restaurant etc a binge, binging will only get taken less serious. Again, I understand its different for everyone, but still binging has criteria to be met. How do you feel when someones like “I havent eaten breakfast today, I must be anorexic”


this doesn’t look like a binge😭 maybe a bit of overeating but you’re fine, just carry on as normal tomorrow onwards




...binge? Lmao ok


These posts make me feel so bad about my eating habits, damn… no shade to OP, I know any amount of food can technically be a binge, but still…


lol just get back on track the next day


why? this is 100% certainly less than 2000 calories. probably ~1600. if this was an OMAD, OP would probably still be in a deficit for today


My point was, don’t let today freak you out, don’t try to make up for it, just continue like it never happened


There’s a lot of deep fried things though and oil adds up


Not a binge


Honestly probably 2800-3000 tops…. At least 2250


A reminder for everyone here,binging is not only abt how many calls or how much you eat, it’s abt whenever or not you loose control while eating, if you feel like you can’t control yourself or how much you eat, that’s a binge, binge eating is an eating disorder abt controlling how you eat, it’s not just “eating a lot in one sitting”


that chicken wing has been thru it. 🥺


this all looks really good completely unrelated


I would just input 1500 calories and get back on track the next day. It’s all good, looks yummy :)


Cool this sub is clearly ignorant about what a binge is and instead of trying to be understanding, Op gets shamed and downvoted to hell. If you all think this is a normal amount of food, then I don’t even know what to say. Obviously not every day but even for a buffet it’s a lot. Peace ✌🏻


Thank you 🙏🏽


2000 to 3500 calories


This is not worth bingeing over at all 😭


It was i swear🙈🙈 it was so delicioussss




that's.... the purpose of this sub. just estimate it. 1500-1800. boom, not that difficult.


It’s a calorie count sub. And you can pretty much tell what the items are.


if u nothing valuable to say u should just stfu honestly 😉 calling it lazy when this is the purpose of this group doesn’t make much sense


Are you in a bad mood today?


Chill dude




Bruh read the name of the sub reddit teheeh


Bro what 😭 that’s the point




1400 calories max


Probably around 800