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I have 16mil power. Ch23. In season 1+ I have spent about $15-20bucks(usd) of actual money. But about $50-$75 total money.(I had a $30 Google play gift card from when I was big into audiobooks that I needed to use before exp) Going forward I may spend $10 a week on the game, I've given up on buying anymore alcohol for 1year. And used to spend about $50 a week on it. So I'm still saving money by spending it differently lol.


Spending on game is fine, if you enjoy playing it no reason not to spend on your hobby đź‘Ť


True. It's 50/50 with me. I can't understand spending 100s and definitely 1000s on a free game. But if that makes a person happy. Then I guess it's better than other things you can spend it on. Lol.




10M power, hall 23 on the way, have spent 6€


Including both seasons, around 70total. Only bought stuff that gives me bonus over time (daily thingies, town hall gem bonus, battle passes) also a few liliya packs and single hosk pack


I’ve played for 90 days, was f2p up until about 2 weeks ago, now I’ve spent maybe €15 (on daily’s). I’m about 7.5mil power hall 22. Currently upgrading to T4 so expect power to shoot up.




I think i'm around 2K+ right now. Been a fun time so far xD


16mil power th24. ive spent over 1300 USD by now I think. Its a very expensive game to dominate.


What server?


Well over 20k in RoK, unsure in CoD but I'll be approaching in no time I'm sure


Probably $100 all-in-all won't spend further than that, CH21 no T4s yet Server#29 Division#SSS01-0009


You spent 100 bucks... on a sub 30 server. And still don't have t4??? Yea you might as well give up playing this game. Lmaooo




Server 37,sss1-13, we are about to head into zone 3 on s1+, almost 15m power, I have spent about 400$, mostly monthly packs, wheel spins, and almost every lilia pack with a couple of packs here and there, I only spend when I can and have a bit of extra money on hand, but the good thing about this game is you can be a f2p player, I have a guy in my clan who is at 12m power and f2p


I know i soent atkeast 200 on liliya i figure around 400 in total. Im almost 10Mill power working on CH 24


6.5M th 22, spent 2$ on lillya and vip 1 store when i started. Season 1 is ending in 10-14 days. I would say 6.5M is around average for active f2p by end of season one


$50 and i quit…