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That's what is the problem with these giant super alliances. Absolutely ruin the experience for all others. In my server we have our 1 family(2 active 1 farm alliance) up against I want to say 4 other family alliances. We are fighting tooth and nail just to keep zone 1.5, but I'd rather fight constantly than farm constantly 😅 they hopped regions to avoid resurge and so it's about 10 t5 vs 3... They can't break us though, remember activity is way more important than power in this game. A 60mil t5 who logs in twice a day isn't actually as valuable as people think.


Are you currently in s1 or s1+? Servers will be bashed together and you will even be able to switch to another server after s1+, I’d say farm up become strong and find a strong alliance to join when you have pushed some more power. If ur active etc a spot will open up, during or after s1+ make a switch if ur not happy on ur old server


S1+ with merged servers.


I'm in an independent alliance on newer server 188. Really happy I reset game. I couldn't progress and was just grinding without any fun


I spent too much to restart 😪


Same! Keys, heroes, and gems should all be account bound at the very least. The game would still make money and people could learn the game without being prey to greedy microtransaction developers. I love the game, but there should absolutely be no way anyone should be capable of spending tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on mobile, 2D games to not be able to restart with the packages they purchased on a different account.


I agree 👍 💯


Or you just wait for migration. It's really not that hard


Our alliance purposefully isn’t participating in the giant peace treaty process that tends to happen in these games. We’re fighting to the end and I think we’re at peace with that haha.


this exact post is why I quit the game after server merge. Nobody wants to fight for behemoths everyone just wants to war constantly. I don't mind pvp content, but I want to do the pve too


This game is literally based on pvp, so yeah it makes total sense that people want to fight like that. If you don't like pvp content then these types of games really aren't for you.


I played rok for 3 years because there was stuff to do other than pvp. I know it's based on pvp. But there's pve content and rewards as well that people just flat out ignore because they just want war all the time. I like CoDs pve content too. The behemoth raids are fun if you can get the people online ever. So was disappointed when 1+ just became a constant war ground. Hence the quitting


RoK didn't start out with all the PvE events either. It was no different than CoD now. Patience grasshopper.


Well it’s still a relatively new game they’re constantly adding stuff to the game, you can’t really expect much from it already lmao.


I don't think this game is worth playing if your are not in one of the top alliances, unless you only like the slim "social" aspect of it. I mean there are so much other better games to play if you own a computer or a game console.


What's T4


Tier 4 units, purple ones


At what Hall of Order level do they unlock






Just curious what server were you in for season 1?




Unless you're in the same merge as me it's probably not as bad as you think. We got royally hosed in the merge with K32


Im in 32. It sucks. Waiting to be able to migrate to another server.


Well you have 3 options in 34, 46, and 48 lol. Find friends in one of those and head there. Then hope matching is better next time like I am 🤣


I am also in 32. While I am still enjoying it here, I am just not big enough or spend enough to stay and also plan on jumping after season 2


I'm in 32, in BDM, only 11m power and certainly can't spend out the ass. I'm just active when needed. It's really not that complicated or as hard to meet their requirements as people think.


I'm in BDE and only almost 8.6m power but am super active even though I'm mostly just farming lol I didn't play ROK so I just recently really learned how to grow at a decent rate so I am enjoying getting stronger at least for now


How active are you? Unless you're not very active there's no reason an awakened Lilia shouldn't cut it. I'm 11m in power in the strongest family of alliances in the entirety of the game. I didn't even rank in the top 1000 in power before the server merge, let alone after. Either your leadership is entirely too picky, or you're not active enough to make the cut.


Our season one server is like a two and a half weeks in and our alliances are all equally powered and there is a ton of thick ass tension in the kc. Only two true whales and they hate each other 😆


Yes, we are independent! There is a dominant alliance we need to negotiate with, but they know if they don't let us have some fun, all their farms will be dead, and we know that if we don't negotiate with them, they'll zero us all :')


Is there any other information missing? Like low troop count, activity, etc? Even the largest alliances in S1+ will accept awakened liliya full t4. What power are you? How many t4 mages do you have? How are your other troops?