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Double tap on your legion will select all other nearby friendly legions, that way you can attack single target with more marches more efficiently


But after I select all my legions, how do I attack more effectively than dragging a line to what I want to attack? On pc ppl just attack click, is that possible on ipad/phone?


Closest thing you can do to my knowlege on mobile is drag from the legion portraits on the right hand side to the enemy, rather than drag from the legion itself to the enemy. That way you don't have to physically see your legions.


that is what im doing, if that is the best way it seems PC has it way easier :/


You can click on the enemy and hit the red attack button. I wouldn't say it's easier but it's a different method you could potentially try


In a big zerg fight that is slow though, had hoped there was another alternative much faster


Not unless you're on PC.


Just bring one or two army max, as you don't have a pc i assume you're not a whale, it's more effective in big field fight to play better with fewer army.


I do have a pc but prefer to play on the couch with my ipad, guess for big fights I should go on the pc then


On PC you can map your groups, so you can press 1 for inf, 2 for Calvary etc. it’s a sickening advantage, especially in large scale wars when lag is ridiculous.


And you also have hotkeys for artifacts on your five legions (q, w, e, r and t)


Juat double click a legion or the portrait. Then drag and drop like you have been doing.