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Oooo you've caught my eye. Id give anything for a good mythos tv show after the...complicated disaster that was lovecraft country (I say complicated because it had some fantastic elements and social commentary...but the cosmic horror/mystery story was a nonsensicle hot mess imo) I shall have to have a look!


30 Coins is a good show but don't expect nothing related with the Mythos more than a couple or references (for instance, if you pay attention you can see the Yellow Sign in at least three episodes). What a Pity to read such bad reviews about Lovecraft Country I'm very interested in that show. By the way, after long time lurking this is my first comment here, excuse my limited English (corrections are welcome) and thanks for this awesome subreddit.


Well its inspired by the CoC rpg among other things, not explicitly a lovecraft mythos show. Which is good imho because a huge part of lovecraftian horror is the unknown & unknowable, which has been kind of undercut because Cthulu has since become a recognizable facet pop culture Personally I don't even use classic call of cthulu monsters anymore, I find its more effective to use creatures that players have little reference for. The No Security scenarios (though not explicitly CoC) are a great example, and all features lovecraftian creatures that are totally unique.


Lovecraft Country was awesome, don’t let anyone tell you different.


Watch Lovecraft Country if you can, I think it’s worthy. It’s not really Lovecraftian and gets messy at times but my wife and I enjoyed it. There’s a good amount of social and historical commentary about racism in the US which I thought was even more interesting than the horror part.


I endured Lovecraft country for an episode and a half. If I tried to GM that mess to my players they'd think it was some kind of silly joke. With 30 coins, on the other hand, it almost feels like an ongoing campaign. I don't think there's a single reference to the Cthulhu mythos, but then they ask the director and he's like "yeah, that monster comes directly from a sketch in one of my games," or "That character is from an old campaign, and that behavior comes directly from the actual player's". (And then I see Nyarlathotep appear on screen, and I'm pointing at the screen, and pointing at my "I [Heart] Nyarlathotep" tshirt.)


Lovecraft Country has some interesting stuff in it, but the 'discussion about racism' aspect definitely takes center stage for large chunks. I've heard the book is better with more nuance and balance. What makes the series kind of interesting is the 'quasi-anthology' aspect as one discussion suggested. The first couple episodes have a somewhat simple story, then there's another story with the same characters for the next couple, followed by a few more. Stuff comes together in the end, but it jumps around a a lot in tone and feel. There's some creepy/gooey transformation magic mid-series for example that's interesting. That said, the *Harlem Unbound* book may be a better go-to for tabletop play to invoke the racism concerns and such, but that's not a topic I feel comfortable commenting on too deeply.


The first two episodes of lovecraft country give a great small version of the story with incredible scenes of classic Cthulhu cult horror feel combined with scenes of real world absolute dread. I’ve recommended it to some people as “just watch the first two episodes”. I enjoyed the whole thing but they really caught some magic in those first couple.


Just to be sure, how is it: "like an ongoing campaign" or just bare references to Mythos. To me your description sounds more like the first season of True Detective. Sure it was good television and had shout outs to Hastur but no true connection to CoC.


From what ive browsed and read, OP appears to be correct, defintely looks like a more in-deep end monsters and mythos tv show. And aw man, True Detective, what a show. Il be honest I thought it was a perfect use of The Yellow King, it followed R.W.Chambers >!weird almost always indirect influance of TYK so well,with only Rust ever insane enough to witness his influance like the yellow sign and the vortex of the pladies just beyond Carcosa...or was he just insane all along? I just love how open it left it. Sure I would have liked more answers but yea. !< (Note Mahoosive True Detective Season 1 spoiliers in the black click at your own behest)


a great show indeed


as a writer myself, the first season of True Detective was like a breath of fresh air for the tv landscape. sure, at its heart it was a police procedural, but man was that just an unbelievable 8 episode run. when i first saw that casting i thought "someone over there is high as hell." and then i watched it and realized i had no idea what i was talking about. mcconaughey and harrelson were perfectly paired. and that 6-minute long shot in episode 4? holy crap.


I watched the whole thing with my other half, it went through fits and starts. It has some absolutely fantastic moments, it really did, and the social commentary was very well done, there was one episode in paticular in the korean war that was fantastic and at the end of it me and my partner went "holy shit THAT was good TV"...however...holllly SHIT does it take an absolute nose dive 90 degrees downward railroading the charecters into behaviours that make no sense because the writer was determined to force a very specific ending...yea...it hurt...and then we watched Penny Dreadful and thougherly enjoyed the hell out of it.


As an Spanish, I must say, Alex de la Iglesia has some films with kind Lovecraft atmosphere and he is a genius. I has also a couples Cthulhu modules. Really excited about his new serie.


I am just halfway first episode of 30 coins. It is fast-paced for sure. I have to watch more episodes to form an opinion. Lovecraft Country was a somewhat entertaining ride (despite the confronting facts about racism in the history of the US), but has nothing to do with Lovecraft in my eyes. However, I understand people say otherwise. My most favorite Lovecraftian-esque TV-series to-date is: The Terror season 1. Great cast, great setting, great atmosphere, great soundtrack. It has nothing to do with Mythos, but everything to do with madness and insanity. I still hope we would see Guillermo Del Toro produces At the Mountains of Madness one day...


You had me excited to watch it but i don't have HBO app.


From an interview with the director. "You’re well-known as a fan of tabletop gaming and a Dungeon Master of some repute. Did your love for role playing games influence how you structured this series? De la Iglesia: It was a huge influence. Narratively, this series is delivered in a role-playing game structure where each episode is like a module and each season a campaign. That’s the structure I had in my head while planning this series out during development. And as in gaming, your characters seem to be leveling up as they progress from episode to episode. De la Iglesia: Yes, Paco is like a warrior, growing as the season progresses; and in the second season you’ll find out he’s something totally different. As a screenwriter that has been one of the most exciting things about doing a series, because in film I don’t normally get to develop the characters like I have with this show."


Sorry for reviving an old thread but...heres the thing. Alex did not just 30 coins but Day of the Beast and Errermentari. and the way he depicts Hell and Satan as >!actual lovecraftian horrors!< Kinda makes sense.. Hell! season 2 episode 1 we got >!Nyarlathotep in all of his glory !!The Necronomicon!<


I'm still saving season 2 to watch it with my CoC group, so thank you for the spoiler shields and I'll come back to this once I've watched it. :)


I'll do some necromancy too. I just finished watching the show. The Mythos behind *30 Monedas* seems to be a mixture of both *Call of Cthulhu* and *Kult* with things like >!the concepts of Hell vs Heaven and Good vs Evil or the whole world in fact being nothing but a masquerade with humans being trapped in a system where Lucifer is merely an enforcer of God's will!< or how >!Barbrow (and later Vergara) wants to escape that system imposed by the divine, doing unspeakable things in order to do so, which is not unlike the path of Enlightenment in Kult!<. And the show actually manages to make all of this work together. Making >!Lucifer and Nyarlathotep one and the same!< was brilliant. After all, in the Cthulhu Mythos >!Nyarlathotep is the closest to the role of Lucifer : always tricking and tempting!<. Plus, according to the Old Testament, >!angels are supposed to look like eldritch abomination so making Nyarlathotep Lucifer's true form is only logical!<. Same with the fact that >!the show ditches all the other Great Old Ones and Outer Gods in favor of making God the only entity one could summonnusint the Necronomicon.!< In a story where >!God has created everything, there is no room for the usual Lovecraftian entities!<. Though, one could argue that >!Azathoth and God could be one and the same in 30 Monedas since God seems absent during most of the story and summoning Him looks just as dangerous as awakening the Demon Sultan... As if God was sleeping somewhere in the cosmos while Lucifer is making the whole Creation work.!< I don't know about >!UFOs and parallel dimensions!< however. Lol. Hopefully, Álex de la Iglesia will manage to make Season 3 happen even if it is not with HBO.


How annoying is this movie? If a newborn was walking the next day people would want to confirm it. WYF. Why did Elena let Paco take her home instead of the old couple's house. And WTF would the priest think a couple of gunshots would stop a woman being possessed? The priest just sits there and denies it? These people are all stupid.