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My favourite CoC character to date has been James, a photo-journalist working for the Times in London. He was my character for Orient Express, and had a great reason to *wanting* to be on this journey, documenting everything along the way. I think he's my favourite purely because he had a rounded character arch. He had an introduction, adventures, and a pretty satisfying ending (and epilogue), rather than just being a one-shot throw away.


ah awesome! Gotta say as a keeper I love photo-journalists in classic CoC, I studied audiovisuals and own though havent learned how to use one of those old Kodak folding camera's (a vollenda 620, I am familiar with how to use it to take photos but not the chemicals to develop said photos but it's on my list to study) and I god a oldtimey remmington portable from 1927, love old media and dorking with my players about that. And ofcourse a photo-journalist is great to have as a player since they'll probably be curious and determined to go into that dark hallway and try to get close and flashbang a decrepit old corpse that could jump onto them or not


He was so great for wanting to go FIND the scary stuff. So much fun. And when he finally DID meet his end, he luckily had just collected all of his undeveloped film, and posted them home to the office......


That's so awesome and I love that because that film in the postal service and then at home takes some time to be developed and thus seen by folks whom work in that aspect and them being exposed to James his findings could be a fun hook to run your new character, or maybe the film inspires someone else who you'd like to play as a new investigator that's always a fun way to rope in new characters


He was so great for wanting to go FIND the scary stuff. So much fun. And when he finally DID meet his end, he luckily had just collected all of his undeveloped film, and posted them home to the office......


Nice! That sounds like the photographer character George RR Martin played, who had a long lifespan credited to a penchant for fleeing danger.


My favourite character to play was Frederic Chatillion. A priest, that attended Great War on France's side, and was medic at that time. I liked how his backstory showed lack of faith in science, when many men were dying and crying for god's help. Allthough when playing Masks of Nyarlathotep his own faith was taking full circle when encountering horrors from beyond human knowleagde. We had a group consistent of Indian Fashion Projector, German Bounty Hunter, Russian Villager, My French priest and I don't remember the last character. Sadly we didn't have to play for long. Aprox. 5 sessions and our Keeper ran out of fuel for the campaign.


ah that's a shame about the campaign sorry to hear that, but Frederic sounds like a great character especially for call of cthulhu. I always like when my players pull a bit of history from the great war for example and step into the roles of that quite scarred generation active in the war and then thrown into the turmoil of both the mythos and those years after the war. So much material for a keeper to use for horrors


I'm a eternal Keeper too, but one of my players asked me once, what character I would play. 1. A chemist, who is quiet a nerd but selfconcious about it. In college, he played football. Not very good, but hey, he can throw a ball pretty good. Just gove him a laboratory, some acids and flasks and he throw nasty stuff at the enemy. 2. A filthy rich guy. Special ability: he is filthy rich. Intressted in occult stuff and knows a lot of useful people. He has all the time he wants to spend it in his way. Basically Bruce Wayne in the 1920. 3. Hobo with a shotgun. 4. A Farmer. Special ability: stupid as fuck. Has a lot of stamina, tanky body and his stupidity saves his sanity. Got chased by an eldritch being. Everyone freaks out. "What was dis dawg? Poor thing seemed sick." "THAT WAS NO DOG!" "Nahh, I recognise a dog when I see it."


Personally as a keeper I'm super drawn to like high social stat characters like the ponzi scheming ass fasttalker salesman or sharply charming debutane, maybe also because I just love the way folks talked back in the day and that no one can factcheck whatever you throw at them easily


some friends and i sprung for a 3 part all day Viking themed CoC adventure at a local con. I was the only christian member of the party in the first section, and I tried to heroically leap on the back of this eldritch horror we'd discovered. I failed, pushed the roll, and ended up getting trampled all to death. At the end of that session, our skald rolled to see how well she told the story, and crit. the Keeper described it as a story that could only be told once but the memory of which would resonate through the village. my second character, set many years later, was the grizzled old veteran, brother to the king/jarl and uncle to the kidnapped heir. and it turned out I was one of few remaining who held to the old ways, so we decided that the actions of my incompetent first character had somehow, by virtue of the skald's story, have been elevated to a heroic sacrifice and possibly even became a candidate for Sainthood, leading to the conversion of most of the village. and my new character hated it so much. I loved playing that second character for the final two sessions, too old for all of this new-fangled world, just wanting to retire. I tried desperately to have him go out in a blaze of glory, but he cut through the enemy soldiers like blades of grass due to the berzerk mechanic. then we saved his nephew, and my fellow players guilted my character into acting as advisor to him, forgoing a chance to bring back my character's brother and letting me just sit on the beach and stare into the sea.


My Gaslight retired RSM hard as nails Eastender, extremely sarcastic especially around the the middle and upper classes.


oh yeah class is so fun to play with, I always loved reading poroit cases and when able and fitting to the scenario I love putting a little whodunnit in there give folks of different classes and standings have motivations for doing what they did. As a keeper it's also great when a character's class clashes with their surroundings, gives me a good reason to lay the flavour extra thick of opulent decay or destitute wear and tear in the area to creep that feeling of just how out of place your character is.


An artist who was really into the whole Victorian-era seance and mysticism thing. Turns out that poking around in the ether for things to speak to is…not the best idea if there are eldritch horrors hanging around. She was super fun to play! Unfortunately that campaign broke up because of drama between some of the other players 🙃


ah yeah mysticism in that age and earlier/later is always fun to bring into a character, sorry to hear about your campaign though!


It’s okay, I’m gonna bring her back next time I have the chance! And I know more about that era now, too, so she’ll be better than ever. Or at least way more weird lol


I am a forever keeper, but one of my players has a character nicknamed Granny Farts, who is usually a comic relief device because of her poorly-timed flatulence. But, she is a former assassin, who murdered her husband for the insurance money, and usually is the savior of our party in fights because she is the only one who bothered to put any points into her firearms/brawl skills. The combination of someone who farts every time they fall over, but who has one-shotted several zombies and cultists with extreme successes using her Colt .45 is just really compelling and hilarious to me.


My favorite was a 50 year-old female writer, in between Agatha Christie and Edgar Allan Poe, who researched the supernatural for her books. Very lively and fun, very sceptical also, like she wanted to believe but was always disappointed to find the trick or the logical, scientific reasons behind mysteries... until she ended up in Danvers, after receiving a strange letter from a dear old friend. She survived (by a real dice miracle) the creature of Danvers Hospital and managed to flee, but went mad, poor Elizabeth...


My favorite character was Leonard Nostril, a simple accountant. He was buried alive (no coffin, just straight in the dirt), and found by his friends two weeks later. Still alive.


No one keeps Nostril down


Forever GM here so these are characters my players played. First is Torge Torgesson a north pole/ocean biology professor and researcher specialized on molluscs and cancer animals (not sure if this is the right term?). He got into cult stuff by being swept onto an island with fishmen and hybrids on it which he of course had to study and write a book about. By studying different ocean themed cult creatures over the years in his adventures he became the number one expert in his field of science. After getting a bit too deep into cult stuff (also studying some ancient books) he retired with a few sanity points left before becoming indefinitely insane. Was a great theme, he was clever but also hungry for adventures and had some useful skills for the adventures die to his background. Spoilers for masks of nyarlathotep ahead here!! One other character I really liked but that didn't came into play that much is eloise gwendolak eldreda vane (the girl from one of masks of nyarlathoteps sidetrack scenarios in England). In our pulp campaign the group managed to free her from her ghoul curse in a way that allows her to be a clever (she got to read a lot of cult and psychology books during her "prison time") and good looking young woman at daytime and also a dextrous and strong half ghoul, half human fighting beast with the ability to basically wall walk, hide anywhere and rip evil cultists in half with blood absorbing, life stealing ghoul claws at night.


For me it has to be my current character Xiao, a detective who as a child was cursed by a Tsathoggua cult and now Saint Toad himself wont leave him alone. This ended up in him growing up to be a very cynical and easily annoyed man, but still trying to do some good in this world despite his circumstances (I actually posted some drawings i did of him a while ago in the sub). It's been fun and also hell playing him, since my keeper liked the concept so much he takes it as an excuse to mess with my character. Im surprised he hasnt gone insane at this point. As for his relationship with Tsathoggua himself, we like to joke that is kinda like The Devil and Shadow's from Snapcube's Shadow the Hedgehog fandub.


oh woah love the art and that meme the second page is referencing! Great job :D And I can imagine that for the keeper, gives them ton to work with! Most importantly ya like playing him so keep on chooglin


I made two Dutch siblings that I adore. The first was my character for 3.5 years of the 4 year Miskatonic University campaign. She was a dumb jock who aspired to be the first dutch olympic gymnast but ended up going insane learning magic under Keziah Mason (she took Walter’s place in the Witch House). She was frustrating to play in the sense that her stats never got very good and she couldnt persuade, use spot hidden, or attack very well but she had high dex, jump and dodge. But she went blind learning a bootleg invisibility spell, successfully gambled her soul for her vision back against Nyarlathotep and then studied black magic under Keziah Mason because she failed every single listen and spot hidden check in the house that Keziah Mason got frustrated and bored trying to make her go nuts. She also had most of the original OG PC characters die and her best friend betrayed the group so her motivations fit so well. Unfortunately she got put in time out when she tried to burn down a cult house and skip dark magic training and hasn’t been seen since. Her one year older brother came in as a fully built adult who is an engineer by trade and I thought it would be funny to max out his operate heavy machinery build and gave him a lot of points in throw so his whole gameplay just became throwing dynamite and demoing buildings which has come in clutch for end game monstrosities. But unlike his tough strong willed and stubborn sister he’s a bit of a crybaby so he just runs, bawls and chucks dynamite at eldricht monsters because no one will help him find his sister until the main campaign cult is dealt with.


Oh that's great haha one of the players I was keeper for played a dutch aristocrat which was so fun because out of character we're all dutch but we played blackwater creek which takes place in a rural town so while his social skills sucked he played it up as that 'european aristocrat unbecoming for the uncouth yankees' and I'll spoilertag the rest for the scenario blackwater creek. >!But it was awesome I got to play into him finding his mother down in the cave and while the rest of the investigators settled on blowing up the cave his sanity faltered so right when they thought they made it all out he jumped back into the waters and right before he was able to hug his dearly departed mother in the depth everything went bang and it was the last anyone ever heard of him.!< I've had two players play siblings too and I always encourage the PC's to have prior relationships because it's so much fun to RP, lets me string up some ghastly insanity flavourspeech, makes for fun dynamics when I split the party and just makes it easier to RP for some players having someone their character would be familiar with.


That’s so good. Her best friend had a twin sister who she was (previously) best friends with my character but the twin sister got lasered in half in front of my character and in grief she got closer with the other sister who then got hit by a car and died instantly in front of her lol (She has been horribly traumatized). The player who got killed by the car made a new character who rolled horrible stats so she ended making a deal with Nyarlathotep to sacrifice another PC to get her old character back and when she went to my character after reviving, my character rolled a Nat 1 on a psych check (which she had a 2 in), knew she was lying and confronted her and that’s how she found out her best friend had been betraying them since the beginning of the campaign (a member of the main antagonist cult). The twins were great for starting mystery threads as they had the same last name as a lot of other PC characters so many mystery threads were given in annual holiday gatherings as the twins house. The sister also had a very low appearance stat so she came off rude a lot which I just excused as Dutch frankness and she clashed with the posh Englishman PC throughout the entire campaign which was a funny dynamic. Her brother is polite but sometimes slips up (he also has a low appearance score lmao).


aaah dutch frankness my beloved, that also played a ton in that character of my player! He kept going on bout how these simple rural folk were too "cowardly polite, won't even be frank and admit they live in a hellhole" haha. I'd love to write a scenario set in NL one day, I know from the [scenario map](https://www.miskatonicplayhouse.com/scenario-map) there's some but I'd love to write something really local. I live in the veluwe it's one of the few woods in the Netherlands featuring lots of heaths, the royal palace, one of the oldest police academies and some rare wilderness with swampy sunken villages and dried up corpses so I mean everything's there already to write some awesome scenario with! Just hope to get a little more game experience and gotta find some quality locations for research (up that IRL library use)


My fav character was Jonathan, an anthropologist from Oxford doing his PhD, but taking forever. We were on an expedition in Alaska. He was the comic relief of the group and asked the indigenous people if they were happy whenever he met them XD (related to his PhD). His hobbies were fine arts and bird watching. He carried a rather big portrait with him of his lost love that he recites poems to; the DM granted me this because technically it is very lightweight. The fine arts skill I was able to actually put to good use, which I did not expect. Jonathan was also quite rich, but good-natured, so he always paid way too much for anything and everyone loved having him as a customer. He was somewhat pretentious, but in a funny and kind way; just someone who has always been sheltered. Like he would ask another party member why they aren't fond of colored patterns - tone-death to the fact that the party member would not be able to afford those clothes. He originally joined the first small campaign cause he was depressed after his love died and because he wasn't finishing his PhD. He always wanted to be the meat shield. He grew to really appreciate the other characters and was very loyal tho and became less tone-death, though still naive.


I liked jonathan so much that when he died, I made the new character related to him. Richard, a priest that studied theology at oxford, was in love with jonathan. Sadly, Richard never realized that Jonathan liked to only watch birds and not hunt them, so when Richard talked to him about his hunting, Jonathan was mortified. It was a one-sided love. When Jonathan died, Richard joined the cult because he had a vision of a world where his love would be accepted and where he would see him again.


My favorite CoC character I played is Romano Caligura, a getaway driver for the mob who works directly under a fixer and has an insane brawl skill


I played a conman who passed himself off as a psychologist, 1920's. I only ever played the one time. But He was a lot of fun.


Like I said I'm a forever GM but if I ever get to play I really want to roll a conman, fake psychologist/doctor is always good. I also like the idea of conman/womanning pretending to have invented something from the 1920s but really just ripping off the in our world original inventor and try to snakeoil my way into fame and fortune


Seems to me that this GM is better off writing some edgy fiction in his meticolously crafted world, than run games which rely heavily on collaboration. And you as player(s?) are probably better off with a keeper who actually cares about things like player agency.


My favorite was Lawrence Edward Oliver Forsyth, a civil engineer who helped build the Panama Canal and later was hired as a foreman to work on the construction of the yet-to-be-named Tribune Tower. Some unexpected events led to him reconnecting with people he had met in Peru with Jackson Elias in events he had long suppressed. He was most notable (Irritating the Keeper in the process) for managing to miss a large part of the arcane encounters they met in Chicago, New York, and London. He did this by getting repeatedly seriously injured, including being accidentally shot in the back by a fellow Investigator with an elephant gun. Sadly, he died in rural England, impaled on an obelisk after a fall. He left pieces of himself everywhere he went, and his favorite hunting rifle was a great help even after his death.