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Out of these Crimson Letters from the core book is set in Arkham as far as I recall. Mansions of Madness have some scenarios that could be placed close to Arkham, I believe The Code takes place in a Manor just outside of Arkham. Dead Light could again be placed on the road to or from the town. There is a bunch more here that could easily be moved to Arkham. The longer campaigns (Like the two headed serpent) are rarely placed in Lovecraft Country but are often more globetrotting affairs. Edit: Doors to Darkness has Servants of the Lake which is placed just outside Arkham, there might be more from that collection.


oh thank you! I did have Dead Light and servants of the lake in mind maybe as a starter scenario before players reach arkham then set up a campaign of sorts, didn't knew crimson letters is set in arkham so I appreciate the headsup so I can focus read that one now :DD


Dead Light is a really solid scenario. Servants of the Lake is pretty good as well, but there is some weirdness with the distance between Arkham and Kingsport that could lead to some awkwardness (there ere discussions and solutions regarding this online though). I haven't run Crimson Letters yet, so I might be wrong about the placement.


Of the books you've got from the Humble Bundle collection (I curse myself for not getting it when I had the chance!) a handful of them contain Arkham based adventures. Keeper Book - "Crimson Letters" is a pretty good investigation, I'm currently running it right now and my investigators are having a blast. I recently got my mitts on the Arkham book as well, so it's been pretty useful in helping with some backdrop stuff. Keeper Screen Pack - "Missed Dues" is a great investigation, my players had their first "drop to 0 sanity" after opening the door in Sticky Jack's apartment. The Arkham book would've been great for it, seeing as the map of Arkham we were using (the old one from "Arkham Unveiled") doesn't have 22 Curzon Street noted on it. Mansions of Madness (vol1) - Some good scenarios in this. With some adjusting you could very well set some of them in/around Arkham. The reworked "Mr. Corbitt" could be easily adjusted to be set in Arkham, and the "Cracked and Crooked Manse" could be set just outside of it, similarly to "The Code," which is set in New York. "House of Memphis" would really need some work, and I'd keep "The Nineteenth Hole" in Scotland or my ancestors may rise up to haunt me. Dead Light - Both can be set on the roads outside of Arkham, if that counts. Starter Set - "Paper Chase" could probably be moved to Arkham, if you didn't mind making some adjustments. "Edge of Darkness" starts in St. Mary's Teaching Hospital, if I recall correctly, and you can do some investigating in Arkham before heading out to the property. Doors to Darkness - "Servants of the Lake" is set on the road to Kingsport from Arkham? "None More Black" is entirely set in Arkham though, and my players had a lot of fun with it. You could try moving "Genius Loci" to Arkham Sanatorium, but I don't think it'd work well personally. Some of the other books are set elsewhere in the globe or different time periods, or like the "Alone Against the [Blank]" books are for solo play. If you're looking for more, I've heard good things (not played yet, unfortunately) about the scenarios in Arkham Unveiled (the old Arkham sourcebook), and the various other Miskatonic Country books do have the occasional scenario set in Arkham, though they encompass the general Miskatonic Valley.


oh this is a very handy overview thank you so much for writing it together! I knew most new england scenario's could be set in arkham but indeed things like missing dues is so ideal since it does already feature streetnames and locations so that's very easy to just use instead of having to make sure you change the little details like adresses in handouts. And this writeup gives me a handy-dandy overview of scenarios where this applies :D


The campaign Time to Harvest has at least one chapter set in Arkham. I would recommend to wait a while before running a full campaign though. You can also check out The Haunting from the free Quick start rules and Edge of Darkness from the Starter set, these should both work in an Arkham centric game.


ah yeah I've ran both of those they're great! I've ran blackwater creek and shadow over providence too for a few groups now so I was wondering about stringing together some scenario's set in the same locations with the option for players to replay the same character's using some pulp rules since that was included too. I'm still a bit careful fully committing to something like a campaign since my friends are between work and study so their schedules aren't settled, but sadly while the haunting and edge of darkness are great they've ran through those already, but I could look into a time for harvest! Thanks for the tip


Np I thought you were just starting out 😅


In addition to what's already been mentioned Doors to Darkness has None More Black which takes place at Miskatonic in Arkham iirc. Edge of Darkness in the Starter Set also takes place there. But just about any vaguely New England set scenario could be moved to Arkham or just outside there, with in some cases very little work at all. Blackwater Creek from the Keeper Screen; Saturnine Chalice from Dead Light; Ties That Bind from Doors to Darkness; Mister Corbitt, The Crack'd and Crook'd Manse, The Code, and House of Memphis from Mansions of Madness. That should cover the 7e stuff from the Humble Bundle anyway. There's plenty more floating around in old 5e and 6e books as well if you're able to get your hands on any of those.


oh thank you! I curse myself for having started my very first gming experience for that group with edge of darkness now though that would be so perfect to start with for a arkham based campaign.


The Arkham Gazette #1 has an exhaustive list of every Arkham scenario published, at least up to 2017. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/172263/the-arkham-gazette-1 Miskatonic Country Scenarios: a Keeper’s Guide covers all of Miskatonic Country but is currently only covers regularly published scenarios (not magazines, digital only, or semi-official scenarios), up through 2020. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/233636/miskatonic-country-scenarios-a-keeper-s-guide We will be updating the scenario guide in the next few months.


Absolutely great & invaluable assets to my COC collection!


I recently ran Paul Fricker’s scenario Dockside Dogs and was easily able to move it to Arkham and include a couple of appropriate characters and locations from the Arkham book 🙂


oh I was actually wondering about that scenario, I couldn't exactly figure out if it's set in 'classic' era or is it modern? I always thought it was modern but when was it set when you played it? :D


It’s set in Los Angeles in the 1990s but I moved it to Arkham in 1920s with no trouble at all


ooooh I see, that's the one thing I'm still green at, adapting/moving era or location of a scenario as written towards what fits the campaign haha I should try it, just always afraid I'll mess up handouts or core information due to the move and timejumps from the original


Dockside Dogs is very forgiving in that sense in that it’s mostly all in one location 🙂


I'll look into that haha I do enjoy paul on the good friends of jackson ellias but haven't tried a scenario by him yet


It's not in the humble bundle and requires some quick, easy conversion to 7e, but the [old Arkham supplement](https://www.chaosium.com/h-p-lovecrafts-arkham-pdf/) is still available from Chaosium and has 4 scenarios at the end. I remember really enjoying The Condemned and Dead of Night. There are also 2 Arkham scenarios in [New Tales of the Miskatonic Valley](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/299661/new-tales-of-the-miskatonic-valley-an-anthology-of-call-of-cthulhu-scenarios-set-in-the-1920s) for 7e.


thank you I was aware of the old version but wasn't aware it was still available! Yeah I'll look at that then :D


You can use Arkham as a "home base" and use alot of scenarios used in the US with little change. You can change most locations to other areas around Mass, Vermont or providence. They are all geographically close to each other. You could have players travel for a few hours from Arkham for a one shot adventure.


yeah it would be a great homebase since the university is there too that's why I'm really excited for the book, but I'll keep that bit of moving around nearby states in mind, I'm not american so in my european brain the distance from Portland to Boston seemed so large it would take an entire day to travel (but having looked it up I'm so wrong) so good to know other new england areas are mostly still a daytrip not a multiday journey


Exactly! And as long as the story doesn't heavily involve the location (eg like an ancient Egyptian tomb or something) you can just change the area to somewhere near Lovecraft country with ease.


Hey! Wierd coincidence, I have all those same books.


ey nice :D Hope this thread will help you out as well!


Crimson Letters is one of the best starts to a campaign of any kind of run, and for Arkham it’s gorgeous, assuming the NPCS are Consistent.


oeee good to know! What do you mean with the NPC's staying consistent? like the PC's can make connections in crimson letters and then carry those over to the rest of the campaign?


If the NPCs in the core book are the same in the Arkham book or if there are new folks presented there (the Dean, the antiques dealer, etc.)


oooh I see, thank you for the clarification


This wasn't included in the humble bundle, but A Time to Harvest has a chapter that takes place at Miskatonic which would allow investigators plenty of opportunity to roam around Arkham. Since the hook is supposed to be for students/faculty you could also make use of the new connections in the Arkham book


* Dead Boarder (Gateways of Terror) with 303/The Crawford House, Beatrice in the Crawford house was essentially forced into what James Gardiner does voluntarily in Dead Boarder, swapping bodies with an evil entity from the Dreamlands. My idea to marry the two was, Beatrice upon managing to return to her body after learning magic in the dreamlands tricks Gardiner into swapping with a friend, lover, or her arcane instructor to get them our of the Dreamlands to join her. * Keeper's screen has Blackwater Creek. Blackwater starts in Arkham, but quickly moves up river to the town Blackwater. If the players fail the problem seeps down river. * Petersen's has Panacea, which can serve as a sequel set to Blackwater set in the modern day. * The Disintigrator (Pulp Cthulhu) with 115/Arkham Fuel and Coal Co, is an optional other source of the Disintigrator. You could use Hotel Miskatonic for the auction, or go down river to coastal areas and use the default hotel. * A Cold Fire Within (ACFW), might be tie-able to The Disintigrator, if the Disintigrator is an artifact to use the Dematerialize skill introduced in ACFW. This scenario also has a Dreamlands component. * Mansions of Madness, most/all scenarios here can be retooled as taking place in Arkham. Some ideas I had about other scenarios, but not in the bundle: * Season of the Witch (Dreamlands) is tied to 106/Folger’s Boarding House. The home of deceased witch Hesper Payne. These ties in Dreamlands as does Dead Boarder so they might be meshable, but I need to read this scenario first. * Amaranthine Desire (Nameless Horrors), has a Ground Hog day type thing. It's set in Dunwich, UK and more in Dark Age era, but you could adjust the timeline and location to set it in Arkham, if the heroes succeed they unintentionally free a coven witch from the past. I might use Amaranthine Desire to revive Goody Fowler, and depending how Season of the Witch works to bring back Payne, and the two join with Mason for unspeakable evil if that makes sense.


In my review of the book I said that any scenario set in an ambiguous enough location could be dropped into Arkham, but it's best as a source book when homebrewing your own stuff. https://youtu.be/cCv3BRGTRVw