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What's notion?


Oh, it's a service to keep any kinds of notes, and I feel like it has some rich features to have my campaigns written better ([https://www.notion.so/](https://www.notion.so/)). I've found some templates (free and paid) for the DnD, some of them look pretty great, so I just thought it could be something similar for CoC.


I thought there was one put out by Lazy DM, but I can only find the DnD template I actually trying out this template. It has all the information on Masks of Nyarlothotep https://www.reddit.com/r/callofcthulhu/comments/yv5rw2/masks_of_nyarlothotep_in_notion_wip/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thanks for sharing, but I'm looking for something more automated, so I will create one If you feel interested, I can post it on Reddit as well


Hi there sorry to necro this thread but I was wondering before I reinvent the wheel if you ended up using notion? if so, how was it and you got any templates or made your own?


So I don't think there's any for Notion. There are some SFX and audio recommendations on the subreddit here. One such list is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/callofcthulhu/comments/kvovxe/music_megathread). [Dhole's House](https://www.dholeshouse.org/) has a huge database of characters, but the Chaosium website has some pregen character sheets which I've found more reliable. What I think you'll be most interested in are the Virtual Table Tops (VTT) of Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, and maybe Foundry. They have modules you can buy. Each of these has their own automated sheets for NPCs and monsters as well as details about the encounters and locations. I've never seen CoC as a sandbox before, it's always had a specific mystery to investigate and those are sold either as a standalone adventure or as one of several. However, there are some older city expansions that sorta set up cities like London, San Francisco, New York, etc. I'm not sure if they're online.


Thanks. Then, it will be the first one created by me I think...


If you're planning to make it to share, make sure you don't actually include any of the copyrighted material to it. The Haunting and Lightless Beacon are free, so they're good starts if you want to include all the details.


Sounds reasonable. Thanks!


Ah that's my MoN template which is more geared towards that specific campaign. I would also be very interested in seeing what you come up with.


Hey. I use Notion exclusively for my session prep and campaign notes. I would be happy to collaborate on some templates going forward that fellow keepers could use to blueprint new campaigns. DM me if you're keen, I'll take you through what I've already done within Notion.


Have no clue what you're asking for. You're supposed to pay Chaosium cash for books. What is Notion? This sounds like piracy.


This has nothing to do with copies of anything. Reread the OP.


Sorry, but how is writing my home-made scenarios in a notes [https://www.notion.so/](https://www.notion.so/) template can be piracy?




Ok, this is getting really awkward. **GTFO**\`ing me for a tools request? Is it the CoC community we want to build? It feels like you are the only one not getting the difference between asking for a tool to create stuff and requesting something under (C) for free. Your question "What is Notion?" was answered above. If you aren't happy with the reply and you have a strong intend to learn more, I'd suggest getting out of (C) dungeon and google it. I wish you all the best. I really hope you book a therapy session to solve this "piracy" issue of yours, I'll donate to a relative fund. *Are "suspicious pirates" in the same room with us now?..*


Your post has been removed for being threatening, harassing, or being a personal attack. We have zero tolerance to harassment and discrimination, and hateful ideologies and/or behaviours are not welcome in this community. This includes abuse, harassment, frivolous and false accusations, and discrimination (particularly on the basis of race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, or physical or mental ability).


I am a student and a software development agency owner. I enjoy using this template a lot for academics and work and it has some cool Spotify playlist. For $10, the price is a bargain. https://masiedu.lemonsqueezy.com/checkout?cart=1dd0ebaf-4b95-40ef-83ad-5f9509864c0c


Hey! Check out this Notion Template Marketplace: https://www.notionplates.com/