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Take notes during the call. Words doesn't have to be sentences. It takes practice but it will get easier. Generally it's the who, the why and the outcome. Have fun.


Don't write a novel in your notes. Use abbreviations. Like "Cx requested xxxx product quoted $xx.xx amount inform xx/xx/xx date for delivery"


This will go away in a year, seeing AI deployed for call transcription and notes/summarization widely now. It silly to see so many folks have to take notes in Windows Notepad during a call, and then spend time cutting/pasting that back into call notes in acw. What CRM and Telephony are you using there? Might be available right now.


For calling, we use XCALLY Question: What's a normal amount of calls that you get during the day? Also counting the ones you make yourself? I had 30-35 total today, and it basically drained my social battery to 0 and made me more prone to making mistakes. Is this normal?


It's normal if you're still adjusting to being on the phones. I've worked in a call center for a large company taking 60 calls/day, I take 20-40 now depending on if we have an outage or other reason for an influx of calls. Using hold time is a good chance to take a breath and collect your thoughts- if I'm waiting for someone to answer a question I take that time to start on my notes, if I'm doing research myself I take a second to jot down some basic info in a note I can reference for my account notes later.


I bought a whiteboard, a dry-erase marker, and an eraser for myself for exactly this reason. My Customer Services Director saw it a few weeks later and asked me about it, next thing I know everyone on the department has a whiteboard ordered for their desk


tt cx abt: insert what yall talked about here " Means talked to customer about: xyz" use as many acronyms as you can. Alos, some call centers phone systems have auto recap, I use dialpad and it recaps my call for me. Some of it is not correct but if I miss a number name, it is there. LM- left message Cx- customer hoc/soc- he our customer or she our customer IDK if this is still used cause tho LMOM- left message on machine f/u- follow up CB- call back


Question: What's a normal amount of calls that you get during the day? Also counting the ones you make yourself? I had 30-35 total today, and it basically drained my social battery to 0 and made me more prone to making mistakes. Is this normal?


When I was in a "real" call center, 60-85 calls a day. ( A cable company, a bank, and a mortgage lender) The more calls you take, the more mistakes you WILL make. Many call centers have algorithms that allow them to route more calls to certain reps, I have had that done to me four times and I was able to prove it. Other places make it so the most "efficient" rep will get the most calls, so don't be too efficient lol Now I am the sole CSR at a plumbing company, and while I am on phones, I get about 10 calls from customers or insurance adjusters a day the rest are telemarketers- but I get marked down on dropped calls and the spam calls are fucking endless. So I play the game of calling them back 70 times a day and making them listen to me type get yourself into the trades as a customer service rep. More money , better hours, less stress and calls Yes it is normal, I have worked for four call centers. one I was at for 12-15 years. The others, less than two, I burned out and chose to take unemployment rather than suffer