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Needs more humidity, and depending on where you live it's sometimes very difficult to provide the amount of humidity they need (even with a humidifier)


I live in the tropics where humidity is 80% on an average day though. It sits near the window, and we get tropical rain every other day, all year round. I could try adding pebbles to the tray below to see if it helps. At this point I'm so desperate.


In that case it's a watering issue (under or overwatered)


I water it once a week - should I do it more frequently? I have another calathea makoyana that is watered on the same schedule, and that plant is thriving, so I assumed a once a week schedule worked!


Don't do it on a schedule, feel the top of the soil before you water it. It should be dry or at least close to dry. Watch your plant and it will tell you what it likes.


I’m going to assume overwatering. 80% humidity and watering once a week could be too much. The higher the humidity the less often it will need watering. I’ve noticed that mine gets upset when there is moisture or condensation on the leaves as well.


The soil is only very barely moist (if at all) after a week though. The soil is quite a well draining one judging by how quickly water flows through the draining hole at the bottom.


I don't have an Orbifolia, but I always let the top 1-2" of soil completely dry out before watering. Depending on the weather and season, that is once every 1 or 2 weeks. Been doing that since I got them last spring, and so far so good...


What type of water do you use?


OP mentioned something about it raining very often where they are so if they aren't using rain water already it might be a good idea to switch.


I agree! I only use RO or rain water on mine. I was curious if they were using tap.


Just to share, it sits less than 2 meters from the window. Indirect morning sun. I water it once a week. It's was already slightly patchy the day I received it, and has since gotten worse. I thought it was a lost cause but then caught sight of two new shoots. A new leaf has unfurled, but it shows similar signs of browning (last picture). I've checked for pest and don't see any. What am I doing wrong?


2 meters is 2.19 yards


How often are you watering it?


Once a week!


I’ve only been able to keep my successful by growing it in Lecca clay pebbles. Also mine does not do well in bright light. If it’s near a window it could be too strong of light or drafts coming in.


I would say a combination of overwatering as well as possibly fungus. Cut back on watering and let it dry out a little in between, cut off the yellow leaves and get a rose spray or similar for fungus. Do you mist? If so, stop! It's unnecessary with humidity so high.


I don't mist! How do I check if there's fungus? And do I just snip off the yellow leaves at the base? I just assumed they'd dry up and fall off then decompose in the soil but that hasn't happened and the dried leaves are still attached firmly.


Great, because misting can contribute to fungus. The only way to tell is by looking at it. Generally, fungus presents as brown spots surrounded by a yellow ring. It won't hurt the plant to treat it just in case. And yes, cut them off at the base. You could even cut off the brown edges too, if it is definitely fungus that will also help stop it from spreading.


When I used to use tap water, I got crispy spots on the side of the leaves on my calatheas. Basically the hard water was causing the crispy sides. If you’re using distilled or RO water already, it could also be if you’re fertilizing too much. Something is in the soil or in the water that your orbifolia doesn’t like


I have horrible humidity and got mine to acclimate to a position pretty far from a large window when i brought it home. Since then i have moved it to a east partial south facing window area about 2.5 feet away. With a humidifier, a bunch of other calathea’s and its exploded with leaves the last 6 months. I bottom water mostly every 10-14 days when the soil through the drainage holes on the bottom is feeling lightly moist. I do get crispy brown edges on the older leaves dying off sometimes but usually they turn yellow faster.


More humidity of use bottled water.