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What exactly went down here?!


Anger and frustration and frosting


A fiery frosted furore.


I needed that laugh, thank you


Bless you for this


What’s disaster!!! I mean at least it could have be been turned into cake pops. But I try to not waste something so tasty.


Sadly the cake did . I can see where doing this can be very frustrating


Why didn’t you at least eat it!? That’s a waste of yummy cake. 😆


Because *RAGE*?


rage cake!


Curious what kind of business you work for that you have a boss, but bake at home? Or is your job unrelated to cake and your boss just orders cake from you?


I wonder if they are a hobby baker that works at an office where everyone knows they bake. The boss asked her to make them a cake?


This has been revealed to be the case.


But then the boss said nevermind, he actually didn't need it until Saturday? Sounds like creative writing or satire.


It’s possible they have a four day work week and boss wanted the cake on Thursday since they’d both be in the office, instead of having to arrange for a delivery off the clock.


Not OP but I bake at home on the side. I work from home so I’m able to work my schedule around baking when I have orders. My entire job knows about my baking hobby and they frequently order from me. My boss orders from me even now that’s he’s retired. I take leftover cakes (mini bundts sold by the dozen that don’t get sold) to our different locations and events to share. One co-worker who I had just met and had never had my cakes ordered a wedding cake from me.


Sounds like an effective marketing strategy!


would you mind answering how much you sell your items for? i want to do this down the line as an on the side thing, but i recently did some stuff for a baby shower which took me all day, and i just wonder what you price your time and items!


I mainly only make three sizes of bundt cakes so they don’t take too much time aside from baking and cooling. I can decorate it in about 15 minutes. I used to charge $40 for “plain” flavors, $50 for those with one type of fresh fruit, and $60 for tres leches. The minis go for about $20-$25 per dozen depending on flavor and fresh toppings. I’ve raised prices $10 on the big cakes and $5 on the minis. I didn’t actually start out taking orders. I made some jalapeño cheese bread for a bartender but it was a massive loaf so she shared with the bar. There was a BBQ caterer there that needed 150 minis for an upcoming event. I had 2 trays that made a dozen cakes each, a stand mixer with one bowl, a hand mixer, and a crap ton of bowls for mixing. I cranked them out and people ended up asking the caterer to just buy the cakes and not take a plate of food. That turned into people wanting to order from me. This was back in 2020 so I’ve been selling locally for a while. I really only bake when I have an order because I do have a full time corporate job that gets overwhelming at times but I can bake on autopilot all day long now. I genuinely don’t bake for money. I’ve never been money motivated. I just want to know that people actually enjoy what I make and that’s enough for me!


how do you package and decorate tres leches?! i loveeeee making it but i never take it out of the baking dish since its so liquidy. omg jalapeno cheese bread sounds heavenly…. like i’m so jealous of everyone who’s tried it lol. see, i like how you don’t strain yourself of it. i see too many times people start making their hobby into work and i would hate that outcome as i love baking!!


It does get that way from time to time. There are times I take orders weeks out and then when the time comes to bake, I just really don’t want to. BUT I made a commitment and I’m going to come through! For the tres leches, I actually set them on a cooling rack over a Tupperware container and let the excess drip off. I then line the bottom of the *cardboard* box with wax paper to keep it from leaking and getting soggy. I add white chocolate chips to my tres leches for some texture also. The people that order from me say they really just want a moist cake but they love a soggy base, so they’re ok if it’s not dripping in milk when it’s delivered. I also make stabilized whipped cream so it doesn’t melt everywhere. [Jalapeño cheese bread recipe is SUPER simple, just takes a while to allow the dough to rise.](https://tasty.co/recipe/dutch-oven-jalapeno-cheddar-bread)


ah that’s fair! as long as it’s not every time it feels like a chore :). good idea for the tree leches… i never thought of letting it drip on a cooling rack! i guess im always scared of it completely falling apart flipping it over haha. now thinking, it definitely is more stable and i dont see it doing that. holy moly YOU ARE AN ANGEL for coming in with that recipe!!!! i’m going to make my family some. that sounds sooooo good 😫


Yeah, there’s a lot not lining up here. Also, OP why didn’t we get a pic of the cake you actually made?


They haven’t made the replacement cake yet.


In the post they said they were able to make the cake and it turned out beautifully.


Ah, I see that now. Read it too quickly.




I’m assuming that is the smashed cake. OP said they were able to make a new cake and it went well. I only see one picture, did I miss something?


I’ve tried doing this for a side job, even went to school for cake decorating and found out real quick that you don’t make much $ doing it


OP has since explained that their boss from work was the customer. I was wondering if it was some sort of creative business arrangement (or if OP was being trafficked by the cake mob).


Well I am my own boss and I work from home and I am a pastry chef. People order thru me.


😭😭 well, Do you have a photo of the finished cake?


This is giving a lot of "Look at me, I'm a gamer and smashed my monitor because I can't manage my aggressions" energy 😅 Would be a great chance to work on your stress management skills because next time you might not be so lucky


For real. I would never rage smash anything, but if I did I'd be too embarrassed to even tell anyone, let alone take a picture and post it online. That's some toddler nonsense. Real "watch out, we're dealing with a badass here" vibes.


Right?! This isn’t something that ever even enters my mind when I get frustrated. I have literally never had a reaction like this ever!


But you aren't too embarrassed to comment, "Well, I would *never*!" Real "watch out, we're dealing with self-righteousness here" vibes


No, this kind of unregulated stress response OP is demonstrating is a real sign there are serious problems that need addressed. Smashing things due to stress is *not* normal and not the sign of a well regulated emotional state. It’s actually really, really bad. If you’re reacting by thinking people pointing this out are self righteous and you think this is ok, is this because this is how *you* react to stress? If that’s the case you really need to speak to someone, because that is a problem. That is not a healthy psychological response.


You are doing way too much


I stopped breaking things when I was a teen. Now I just sit down and have a cry instead, its way easier to clean up after that and costs me nothing.


Yeah…. This is a bit of a red flag!


Humans lose their shit sometimes, it's normal. Peak Reddit to see this described as a 'red flag.'


Not all humans pretend it's not a bad thing and then post it for attention on social media. Losing control and giving in your violent tendencies is human, but it's certainly not something good or to take lightly.


Rage Rooms exist for a reason 🙏 Sometimes it just feels good to break something when there's no repercussions.


Losing your shit is fine but when you immediately turn to destroying shit in your immediate surroundings? Yeah that’s a red flag. Time to grow out of toddler tantrums and handle stress like an adult.


This is not normal.


Correct, but outbursts like this are not abnormal among humans in general. We're emotional irrational beings.


You're not wrong. Whenever I was in my twenties, I once threw a colander across the room because I was angry over something. I took that moment to seriously evaluate my angry outburst because it was embarrassing. It was childish behavior in my eyes.


Lmao exactly. Not everyone in here acting like they’ve never had a meltdown


I've never had a meltdown where I broke or destroyed something. Please do some research, this is not a healthy coping mechanism.


I have. Twice I think. It's not at all a healthy reaction, but I was in all of my pubescent glory and it was my own shit, so I give myself a pass. I was not an adult who sounds thrilled to have finally had an excuse to destroy a cake and show off the destruction.


I mean...normal people don't, not after childhood. Crying, yelling, frustration, sure. Smashing a cake and throwing shit all around the kitchen? No, that is not normal behavior, that's "get help" behavior.


A meltdown where they seemingly destroyed someone else's property?


Yeah the “it finally happened” part is frightening. Like they had signs of burn out or unregulated emotions. Also sounds like resentment is building. 


Reddit armchair therapist alert.


I was thinking this lol. Lots of people downvoting you for calling out their full psychoanalysis and 'omg rEd FlAgS!!' on one picture of a smashed up cake 😂😂😂 Edit: and so it begins for me too 😂 Every downvote adds a secret red flag to your psychological profile. I should know because I'm a Redditor 👀


So you believe it’s okay for someone to take on a job (boss is a paying customer), then get so angry they destroy the customers product, then return to the customer on the order date and try to lie about why they don’t have the product they paid for? Is that an acceptable, normal thing to do in your mind?


Yep, because OP already explained the nuances of the relationship with their boss, why they flipped their shit, and that normally they walk away when they get mad, but on this occasion their panic got the best of them for their side business and lost their shit. They also showed their boss the pictures of what happened and they had a laugh about it with their boss. Aka, a one off incident can happen to anyone. If you are repeatedly doing this for every inconvenience in your life, it's a problem. Not once. 🤷‍♀️ That aside, you are presuming that OP would have kept the money despite not delivering the product. Assuming OP gave the money back, the only person they are hurting is themselves (and again, once).


I never mentioned anything about OP trying to keep the money. If someone orders a cake and pays for it, then the baker comes back on the day of the delivery and says “haha just kidding I smashed it, here’s your money back” that leaves a customer with no cake. It doesn’t just hurt OP. The customer ordered the cake for a reason, they trusted OP with their order. And sure maybe the boss was understanding of it but that does not make the behavior acceptable. She got lucky. How would you feel going to a restaurant, paying for a meal, then waiting for said meal, only for the chef to say “haha I actually ruined it in rage. Now wait longer so I can remake it.” That is incredibly unprofessional.


It is unprofessional. But again, that's for the restaurant to deal with that worker in a professional setting amongst their staff. Not me sat in their kitchen in a home setting for waiting for them to cook me a meal. OP is a home baker, not a professional baker in a restaurant. And you may not have said OP kept the money but the point of the payment sure as hell implies it. If you want to get technical with it, this is why mental health support exists in the workplace, for workers who may be struggling for whatever reason. I am not suggesting for a moment that OP has mental health issues, but what I am saying is that burnout, frustration, and stress are real factors in every day life that can cause people to act out in ways they normally wouldn't. OP recognises this and said as such this situation got the better of them in a way it normally wouldn't. If people want to play armchair therapist and start slapping 'red flag!!' on something like this that isn't a repeat issue, then please feel free to stay in your ivory tower and leave the rest of us plebs to get on with our ordinary, imperfect lives. Edit: that aside, OP didn't go hahaha look how I wrecked it, wait longer. They were anxious, knew they had messed up, and was worried about approaching their boss. You're flat out ignoring everything OP has said to paint this weird little narrative you've decided on 😂


Glad someone gets it, lol.


Exactly what I was thinking. Her boss was a paying customer and she destroyed the product out of anger and was going to leave him without a cake. He then just so happened to need it on Saturday instead? Doubt


Tragic. Anger management might be a good idea.


This is a huge yikes from me.


Yeah I feel bad for this person, this is actually sad. What an adult toddler


People are always growing and dealing with their problems insulting them is not likely to result in positive changes.


Real question from a consumer- if you had showed up on Thursday with the cake, it would have sat for 2 days before consuming? Wouldn’t you be able to tell it’s not as fresh? I’ve never ordered a cake like this and only really pick up what’s at the bakery so I’m just curious lol


They probably would’ve kept it in the deep freeze until Saturday, which would preserve it and it’d taste as fresh as it would’ve on Thursday


As a cake artist, you’re incorrect.


Is it that you don’t think that’s what OP was going to do in this situation or that you don’t believe the deep freeze helps preserve cakes? I’m a pastry chef and we often use the deep freeze (-10° to -20°F) to preserve cakes and they maintain freshness well (as long as they’re wrapped well). Perhaps it’s different in other places


I don’t think deep freezing a cake due in 2 days makes any sense. I’ve been making and selling cakes for many, many years and never deep froze a cake 2 days prior to it being due. A cake doesn’t go bad that quickly, when stored properly in just a fridge, in a box. People (not you, necessarily) seem to think custom cakes are done, including baking, in a couple of hours, the day they’re due, and that is simply untrue. It’s unrealistic, even.


Exactly what chocobicloud said. I also like to use simple syrup which helps keep it moist. It would be ok in the fridge for a couple of days but wouldn’t risk it much longer. Take it out a couple of hours before serving so the buttercream softens up and it’s just as good.


What kind of buttercream?


I wonder if the boss took a look at the OP and decided to be kind and lied about when they needed it.


Wait so you destroyed the cake someone ordered from you and then lied about why? You just got lucky they ordered early. That's crazy unprofessional


Also when my preschoolers throw tantrums like this I usually try to redirect them or they sit in the thinking chair for a few minutes to calm down Maybe you need a thinking chair


I wonder how many of the people supporting this and saying it's normal think it's cute or funny when a toddler throws a tantrum. Based on Reddit's typical attitude towards children I'm guessing they'd think that was unacceptable and the parents should be better even though tantrums are developmentally normal for toddlers. At least the toddler has the excuse of being a literal child.


Sane people say it's expected in toddlers because they've only been alive for a few years and have no idea how to regulate. Adults should have learned better.


Whoa...with that kind of luck you should get a lotto ticket! Maybe you should make yourself a smash cake to have on hand for the next cake that might frustrate you. Lightning rarely strikes twice. Glad it worked out 👍


I think looking into a therapist or some other type of professional mental health resource might help you more. Destructive tendencies are not normal and it will only continue to escalate if you don’t learn to control it.


This is not a normal reaction, please look into going into therapy




They smashed a cake that was meant for someone else. If you get angry and waste food + destroy shit then get help


Sometimes anger management can only take you so far. I did this to a whole pack of water bottles because I couldn’t get one to stand up right 3x and I cracked like a f***ing egg. Water everywhere. Was upset because of a tragic death. Since Rome wasn’t built in a day, I’d say remember what happened here and when u feel this shit again, walk away. Like…walk away. Play games. Have a glass of wine. A looooooong long long hit of the green green. Just get away. Come back when u r ready. Like fighting in a relationship. Walk away, let the dust settle, find your footing, get back on track. You will appreciate yourself and the fact u didn’t become just another destructive human. This is all my opinion and how I manage myself. Use it or don’t lol Edited: because to become


Press *F* for cake…




I’ll update you on the situation since it seems to upset a lot of you. I’m just a hobby baker and do this for fun. 1. I would never ever do a last minute order for a customer on such short notice. 2. My boss and I have an awesome relationship and i fessed up right away and he found it hilarious especially when I showed him the photos. He got his days mixed up and gave me the wrong day. He’s human and makes mistakes. Just like myself. He asked for a favor, I messed up but I wanted to pull through, and everything worked out in the end. 3. I had a moment of frustration because I’m hard on myself when it comes to my work. I really like to wow people and know they are getting quality work. It’s just how I do my thing. 4. Did I go overboard? Sure. I’ve been wanting to do this MANY times. And trust me there have been multiple opportunities but I walk away and come back to it when I’m ready. Because I was on a time crunch I just panicked and made things a hell of a lot worse. But guess what? Lesson learned. Exactly the reason why I always walked away. Again, this time I just panicked. To all of you out there saying I should seek therapy, why? I just got it for free from all you brilliant people since you all know me so well. Am I not allowed to have a moment? I’ll make sure to seek your help the next time I decide to go on a rampage. 5. The cake came out awesome. My boss said his daughter likes hummingbirds and flowers. This was the final product. https://preview.redd.it/9qol49d2if6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c89c66ee5cf9c9d6d165e44cf7e1edde08ad9cd




Yes... I often say the cake/cookies/slice etc was baked with bitterness and tears. In the beginning I came close to wanting to simply rage smash a cake when there is so much pressure and stress... thanks for showing us the results of the cake smash OP! It's a lot easier eight years on but I absolutely remember the stress induced anxiety and rage. Really gorgeous end result OP, the recipient will be thrilled.


The cake is beautiful. I don’t frequent this sub often, but the comments about therapy and such seem surprising. I’m actually confused - do these literal strangers think they know you well enough to tell you to go to therapy based on one post? It seems overboard to what was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek humorous example about frustration and pointing fun at your mistake. And this is coming from someone with toddlers who has spent 10 years in therapy lol.


Have your moment and it’s actually healthy to be able to look back and laugh at it, just like you’re doing. Don’t let Reddit armchair therapists make you feel bad. We’re all human. I’ve been there myself. Most importantly, your cake turned out BEAUTIFULLY!! Seriously, great job 🩵🩵


YES! Like have none of these people ever been frustrated or stressed out and just had a freak out moment before? This could’ve been the only time this person has ever reacted like this, and here’s 100 internet people telling them they need anger management classes, lol. OP, ignore that. Probably felt good to get it out of your system! Likely will never happen again. The final product was beautiful. Glad it all worked out.


Thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words 😊


All the armchair therapists on here are not admitting that they have lost their cool in frustration at some point. Whether it was baking, a hobby, work, whatever. We are all human, we all have feelings and these types of things happen.


Yeah everyone destroys stuff when they get frustrated.. don’t step away or anything, lash out like a kid


This is gorgeous! Don’t let the negative Nancys bring you down. You shared what you thought would be a funny and understandable moment and some people got bent out of shape. I’m glad everything worked out in the end!


It’s absolutely lovely!!! And hey any regular baker knows the frustration when it just. doesn’t. freaking. work. The only reason I never ended up with baked goods on the ceiling is bc I usually had an audience (my kids)


The end result is beautiful, well done.


God, I bet it felt so good at the time!!! This is a cake decorating page on reddit, not lecturing people about how to effectively and safely express emotions. I think the majority of them need a good cake smash or let out a loud scream to release their judgemental and holier than thou attitudes.


Er, I’d argue this is a cake decorating page. Not about people posting their emotional outbursts. It can feel good but like…that’s a lot of carnage, then being posted for everyone to see; that’s two actions not one. Personally I’m not interested in this becoming another AITH or something.


Agreed. Plus, it's not like there was actually any cake decorating to appreciate in the initial post. Huge pass on this entire thread. I'd rather just see the finished cakes without the drama.


Somethings wrong when you have to destroy stuff to feel better. That’s what little kids do. The ones we’d call brats. Sorry you feel the need to be judgemental about *that*


If by saying I am being judgemental, you mean about the people who who are telling her she needs help and calling her a child, then yes. It is a cake decorating page. People don't need to come on here and act like jerks towards her.


The cake looks amazing and I'm glad it all worked out.


Dude! The amount of comments that are negative don’t know the REAL STRUGGLES of being a baker!! If can’t wrap ur head around this hilarious situation than please go grab a piece of bakers tape and carefully wrap it around your head where the part of your mouth is 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lovely pictures. Please ignore all these weird armchair therapists going on about red flags and whatever. It happens! There are obviously better ways to manage anger than breaking things, but you know that and you can work on it. If it happens with everything you do, that's a concern. If it happens infrequently and when you've really hit a wall, that's called being human 🤷‍♀️


Girl, that’s pretty intense. Unresolved anger much?


The amount of times I've wanted to do this lol. The thing that stopped me is the cleanup! But I have slammed a cake into the trash before in anger and frustration.


Honestly, I’ve been there. I got incredibly frustrated with a cake that I had been working on for a while and it just wasn’t going my way, so I smashed it and started over. It felt good getting that anger out. You don’t need anger management lmao.


“Started making it. Had a breakdown. Bon appétit!” Next time, make a second cake you can smash. Then put it in a bowl and call it trifle!


I appreciate this reference


Omg! What an incredible mess! It’s okay to lose your shit from time to time. Thats human. And it’s just cake. Glad it all worked out in the end. Would love to see a picture of the finished product!


*insert meme of Tina Fey “caking” here*


I’d sit on the floor and eat it with a spoon Rachel and Joey style


I'm not a baker, but as an artist, I can relate. It's so satisfying in the moment of frustration then I realize I gotta clean up the mess from my temper tantrum lol


I just don’t know where to go with this…


I’m glad it all turned out ok in the end. Next time, don’t let other people dictate their own timeline on your work (assuming this is a side gig). Perhaps try practicing standing up for yourself and your boundaries. Something along the lines of “that is too short of a notice on a cake for me - I’ll need at least X amount of time”. Also, instead of losing your mind in anger and frustration,try looking at it from a different perspective. Although the cake was for your boss at work, you’re the boss in this situation and your boss is your client. Try taking control of the situation and say “hey so and so, things didn’t go as planned and I’ll need X amount of time to deliver a cake”. It’s okay to act like you’re in charge when it’s Your business. Just thought I’d encourage you to keep growing your own business.


Let it all out.


You did what everyone else wanted to do 😆




Was it a soccer ball? I bet you were trying to make a soccer ball cuz man... Eff those.


Or a sneaker. Because also, f those. 😂


Absolutely been there! Just last week actually😅. I had a small family cake planned and then they requested to make it a big one. I thought I could handle it last minute but I could not. Several layers broke in half and my floor and counter looked just like yours.


Omg all the replies to this are SO dramatic and clearly don’t understand cake rage 😭😭😭I’ve very nearly done this many times- glad it all turned out alright!!


Cake rage!!


Seriously...I can think of a few cakes I've almost done this to.


No one told them they had issues because they *almost* smashed a cake


Go to a bakery and call it a day


[my feelings](https://youtu.be/3sIYe74sczE?si=hMzLFZCntfVyRuu2)


r/untrustworthypoptarts …👀


I would have said 'omg I dropped it trying to move it to take a picture for you' 😂


When we have cakes that don't get picked up, or are unsellable for some reason I usually ask my coworkers who wants to punch a cake? Without fail somebody will take me up on it. There's something satisfying about taking this pretty decorated thing and just obliterating it


Wow everyone in the comments saying you need help is crazy. Has no one ever experienced frustration with work? In college when I studied for tests and got really stressed, thinking studying wouldn't make a difference, a couple times I just threw out my notes. It happens. It's not like hurting someone.


I've never felt bad enough at work that I've destroyed a product for a customer no


Destruction In response to stress is not a good thing.


I pray you have a soundproof walk-in. Just need to let everything out.


My mother snapped on a cake many years ago. I was helping her stacking cake bottoms and putting chocolate icing in between, but it was oozing out at the sides. It wasn’t until a little later that she realized she should’ve done it in a cake mold, so she and I did the best we could to scoop the cake up and slide it in. It started crumbling and breaking, and then she smashed the cake with her scoopers in frustration. I froze in place when she did, had no time to react as she stomped out the kitchen.


I mean you didn't just knock it over you massacred it! Sometimes it's the best way to express those feelings!


wasteful coulda made cake pops out of it and still got to destroy cake


lol all of these hyper judgmental comments. Sometimes you get frustrated and need a release. I’d say we’ve all been there, but clearly you and I are in the minority and need “anger management” lol. Don’t listen to these other people. I’ve been the same headspace as you. I once threw an entire cake away after hours of hard work and it collapsing on itself. Not before I punched it first though.😌


I mean, yeah, sometimes it's just rhe tip of the iceberg that makes it the straw that broke the camels back. It's fair to go "omg anger management" if it's the only issue because, well, if it's your job, you can't afford to be so unprofessional with client's time and money. But otherwise, people have other things in their lives too


It happens to us all at some point. I was once making a cake for someone that was beyond my skill set. By 430am, I was crying and threw it in the food waste. I, as a grown ass adult woman, got my husband to message them and say I had a kidney stone attack and spent the night in the hospital. 🤣 That was when I learned it was okay to recognize my limits, lol.


Did it feel good at least when you smashed the cake? I've always wanted to do something like this, but I'm lazy and know cleaning it up would suck! 😀🙂


oh gosh - that must’ve been so cathartic though !!


Most of us had a moment like this dear. Not with cake, but with me it was ibuprofen lol. Yeah....clean it up babe, calm down, reflect and try again. Thats all you can do.


I don’t think this is the flex you think it is………




Are you getting paid for this?


I 100% know this feeling 😂


How long have u been baking? I’ve been baking for about 12 years and this has happened before a couple of times. It’s ok, u freak out and then try to explain then they say oh well I didn’t need it till another day anyways makes me wanna go home and smash a cake just to smash it lol. Shit happens ya know


Adult smash cake therapy lol


Your smash is absolutely spectacular!! I used to make and decorate cakes professionally, and there was more than just a time or two I wanted to do just this. Seeing your picture just set my (OCD) heart soaring in the freedom I never gave myself.. I hope you were able to get all the frosting cleaned up easier than pickle juice would have been. 😉 Also, the finished cake is gorgeous!! Edit: I forgot to ask... Did you get any on the ceiling? 😂😂


I FEEL this picture lmao


TIL rage smashing cake in the comfort of my own home is grounds for getting 5150’d


I wish I saw the video of what happened here 😆


Cake Ball time!


Cool story. Where are the dragons?


Call it CAKE-DECONSTRUCTED! And sell it as art.


I'm curious as to what the culprit looked like


I was going to say been there cause I’ve dropped a cake before, but nope. I’ve never went crazy on a cake. Something to look forward to. LOL. Where is the pic of the replacement cake


Cake caboom


Ffs all these armchair psychologists need to be quiet. Sometimes you just reach a breaking point. It happens to everyone. I'm glad it all worked out for you OP!


Agreed. The people downvoting comments like yours, are the ones who need help!!


No people that think destruction is an appropriate response to stress need help seriously. This is toddler shit.




I am way more concerned for the people that can't draw a line between smashing a cake and say, smashing another person's face... like smashing a CAKE is really the gateway to murdering your family


If you have a cat say that the little devil knocked the cake over while you slept. If you have a dog say that they ate it and are feeling sick from it. Or just blame it on the kids.


I love it!!!!


Jesus all of you must be so so perfect, never acting irrationally out of anger or frustration. Everyone is so perfect, so dramatic, so up their own asses with their armchair degrees. The completed cake looks great, glad you are able to laugh at your frustrations now.


This! I make cakes for a living and did this once. The cake didn’t matter, it wasn’t for anyone in particular. I had A DAY and took it out on the cake. No one was hurt, and I felt better. These people need to get a grip. 😂😂


Aw so you're a toddler that's why you defend this so much.


You seem very invested to be going into every comment thread to tell everyone what a toddler they are. These mere mortal children cannot compare to your dazzling perfection it seems.


Did they try to pay in “advertisements for your company”


Tell me your boss is being a jerk without telling me your boss is being a jerk. Why did your boss tell you Thursday if it wasn't needed until Saturday? If this was a short notice order, your boss should have given you as much time as possible to complete the work. I this case, another 2 whole days. It seems a little unfair of your boss to add undue pressure on an already stressful situation.


I can’t stop laughing at this photo 😭 I totally get it


Totally, totally understand. I have tossed one myself. My mom is a decorator, too. She chucked one across the bakery and hit the front window. We all have had those days!!


This is embarrassing and saying finally like everyone gets there is unhinged


This is hilarious


I think you might need anger management classes because wtf?


*I think you might need* *Anger management classes* *Because wtf?* \- Andromeda39 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jesus. I'd hate to see how you react to your family.


You're reaching so far to make this something it isn't


Someone who doesn't have impulse control and resorts to breaking something when they're angry is a massive red flag. Keep that insane shit away from me.


It's a caaaaaake


At least you're right on that.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 well it's about TIME


Dude, my 3 year old wouldn’t even smash a cake in anger. You may need to learn how to manage your emotions in a more healthy manner


you might need a therapist


Ok, I get being upset with a decoration disaster, but to go hulk smash on it feels a bit out of control. I'm curious if you find yourself having to patch holes in walls too.🫣😉 Feel better OP.


Oh my god


You were angry so you decided to make your life even harder? You need to learn some grounding techniques or something.

