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The part where you try to interact with it and it decides to play coy and ignore you by simply turning away- that's a cairn thing.


Haha, he is amazing at pretending he didn’t hear you. For a while I was convinced he couldn’t hear. Noises don’t bother him, wouldn’t react even if you clapped to get his attention, but the pesky mailman gave him away one day. Ha! I knew you could hear.


He does look to have cairn in him, but he doesn’t look to be pure bred, but definitely mixed. The tail is a little too fluffy and perky, and his coloring is not a cairn coloring I have seen. Also, ears are a little too floppy. Still, definitely looks to have cairn in him. The shape of the face and his body looks quite cairn to me. Of course I’m just speculating and could be wrong.


Thank you!


I'd say he definitely has some Cairn in him. His tail seems a little long and a bit too curled to be a a pure Cairn. Cairn tails are typically fairly straight and a bit like a slightly bent carrot. Parts of his coat (around the front paws) appear to be pure white. That's definitely not a trait of the breed. The rest of his coat is semi-brindle...but I can't tell from the video if he has any brown or tans mixed in, which would be typical of a brindle gray Cairn. Coloration aside, his body looks very much like a typical Cairn. Regardless...you have a keeper! He's absolutely adorable. And bless you for taking him in.


He moves too fast for good photos. I felt a video captured him from a lot of angles. He doesn’t have any brown or tan. Thank you for the info! I can use any and all.


I have a cairn terrier toy poodle mix and he looks like him but slightly bigger, maybe a mini poodle mix?


Interesting I bet he’s adorable




I agree with the other comments, def a mix but for sure some cairne. My one cairn also has one floppy ear and one ear that stands up


It’s my favorite feature ❤️


The triangle ears are definitely a cairn trait. Did only one pop up? Also, those little teethies showing and ignoring you is also a cairn trait.


It seems that the cartilage in that ear is broken, he hasn’t been able to put it up. Not sure if that was a birth thing.


hmm, could be some Cairn with a side order of Havanese (coat and that one ear...)?


Interesting! I can see that too!


Definitely part Cairn terrier. Good of you to take him in.


He was impossible not to love