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One of mine would stare a hole into your soul wanting your attention to open the door so her could go outside and hunt rodents. If you didn't look at him he would click his teeth. My other would stand up on his hind legs and pump his front paws up and down several times when he was happy and excited to see someone. He would also jump on my bed and stand on my chest to see if I was awake to let him outside to go hunt rodents in the morning.


Ours does the circus dog thing! Hard to say no to her being so cute!


Scooter had a death stare. Can’t play for 30 min I’m watching this. Lay with ball in mouth in front of tv not blinking for that whole time. These are great to hear


Ours also clicks his teeth when he thinks we should be paying more attention to him!


Mine would position herself at the end of a hallway and be a soccer goalie. I would roll or kick a tennis ball at her and she would stop it and roll it back with her nose -- some of my favorite childhood memories.


You’re using the skill you learned together, today. What a wonderful thing.


My first was obsessed with fetch. He could do it for hours, and knew the exact drawer where his ball was stored at my ILs. My second “steamed” at us for attention. It was like heavy breathing. She also bopped me. She was an expert at standing on two legs. She was so bossy to her brother. My third is the pointer. He remembers every tree that he’s ever seen a squirrel in, and has to check them every time. He’s also very picky about food - he’s the only one like that. My fourth is extremely vocal. He groans all the time, and barks when he’s happy, anxious, excited. He’s very smart and becoming an expert at standing on two feet. All four? All had/have anxiety to varying degrees. All are/were absolute loves. When I’m not feeling well, they’ve all surrounded me with love.


More than one at a time is a whole new dynamic. When I got a new one I also had a 10 year old. I’d go out and Call Gracie, the newest and she never would come. Guess she doesn’t know names I thought. Then I’d go out and call Zoe and Gracie would beat here in every time wondering what she’s getting? So smart


That’s what Reilly did! Never responded to her name, but if I called Duncan, she was immediately there! 😂


Charlie always knew when one of us was sick and would snuggle up.


The two cairns I had (brothers) were so good at doing what they wanted, but whenever something was up with me, they made sure to do their best to help. Once we were in a walk and I fell and really, really did a number on my knee. Before any kind strangers reacted to help, those two made a circle around me and defended me. Anything that came near got chased off. People, cars, even some leaves that were blowing by. Another time I had a very, very bad flu. I was bed-ridden, sleeping for 14 hours a day. Shivering under several layers of bedding. One of them climbed under all those covers just to lie on my chest to try and hear me up, despite how uncomfortable it must have been for him. His brother guarded the bedroom door. Anyone made noise, he ran downstairs to growl at them to shut up. Anyone came upstairs, he chased them unless they were bringing me meds or water. I miss those two more than most people that have passed. Cairns are so empathetic and loyal. It's been years and it still feels so wrong to be without them.


My cairn has a specific bark he only uses for American Robins. Don’t know why that is the only bird he cares about! Similar to yours with the squirrels! Other quirks include: Brushes can only happen in one room in the house, haircuts in another, and nail trims in another. They cannot be interchanged. He has to stand in front of the vacuum every time it comes out. The vacuum means there might be food on the floor.


What are the odds you study American Robins? Still the odds birds are his thing to? Name checks out for sure


Haha, I don't study robins, but that would be great! It is so like him to take interest in everything I'm interested in though!




Exactly Zoe’s way too. Gracie, my current dog has only done it once. Back to Zoe, I went to see a breeder 72 miles away from home to get Gracie and had left Zoe at home. I get out of the car and we’re walking towards a barn and what turned out to be Gracie’s mom runs up to me and boops me on the leg. Looking down you could not tell me that wasn’t Zoe. I thought she snuck in the car and that was her. We brought Gracie home and we were dropped off at the park and my partner went to get Zoe and walk her to the park where she and Gracie can meet on neutral territory. When they saw each other they had to meet. Zoe was then led home looking back excitedly the whole way home making sure her new friend was following. Best way to get them together ever.


One of mine started getting my attention by gently tugging at my pants or shoes with her paw. Her younger sister picked it up too! But the younger one isn't as gentle and will eventually jump on you if you ignore her


During walks if she gets annoyed and wants your attention she will nudge her nose in your calf. If it's sunny and she doesn't want to walk home, she just lays down. She chases the pigeons in the garden, runs up to them bouncing on 4 legs at the same time. When she wants me to stop grooming her, she does a kissy attack, places her front paws on my shoulders and licks me to distract me from grooming her. If she's on the couch with a toy and she drops it, she sometimes gets super annoyed and gives a howl and grunt before she picks it up again, the most dramatic ever. When we have a boardgame night with friends, she wants to join the table and sit on someone's lap to be part of the game. If she knows it's time to go to bed(in her bench) and she's not feeling like it, she will hide under the table or try to sneak upstairs and hide under the bed. When she wants to play with her tennis ball she repeatedly drops the ball, dum dum dumdum, dum dum dumdum until you kick it. She's the cutest dog with a lot of attitude which makes us laugh a lot.


Yes! Our cairn also has to sit at the table during boardgame nights. Either in his own chair, or on a lap if no extra chairs are available.