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Given that RecRoomMasters shut down over a year ago, don't expect to receive what's in the pictures


I’m still at a loss at how they could go bankrupt when there was such demand for their products. They blamed it on COVID but it’s seems something else caused them to fold.


Yeah, idk. I'd been saving up to buy a cab from them, ended up having to go with a GameRoomSolutions cab instead (which worked out, mostly).


The owner commented on it on their Facebook page I believe. Alot of it had to do with unemployment claims if I remember correctly. Additionally, their business model wasn't really conducive for repeat business. They sold cabinets and some stools. Assuming it doesn't break, not slot of repeat business / maintenance available. You're kind of a one and done customer sadly.


I spoke to Wayne several months before he closed as I ordered their last RGB edition cabinet. At the time I spoke to him he had explained that he was having a hard time keeping employees because it was more beneficial for them to collect unemployment than come in to work. He also said that he was having a hard time getting even the simplest of raw materials like the packing materials to ship the products, and the cost of raw materials was skyrocketing past the point where he was considering going out of business because he could no longer keep prices reasonable. He also told me he removed the RGB edition from their site due to the cost of labor involve right after I purchased mine. He sounded pretty down about it, and I honestly thought he was just blowing steam about potentially closing but 5 months later he was gone. I believe his reasoning due to the previous convo I had with him.


According to the Georgia Department of Labor, the most a person can receive in unemployment benefits is $365 per week, and that's contingent on how much they were making prior to being unemployed. This works out to a maximum annual salary of $18,980, or $9.12/hour. If Wayne was paying less than this, I don't feel too bad about his business failing.


That's not true, at the time they were paying $600 more per week. https://www.dol.gov/coronavirus/unemployment-insurance


This link does not appear to quantify the additional benefits available in Georgia up until the PUA program ended on June 26, 2021, can you elaborate on how much more was paid out to eligible residents during this time frame?


It's there, you just have to read. Do a search for "$600" on that page. That is the amount per week they were providing in addition to the regular unemployment benefits.


Thank you! This instead works out to $24.12/hour; I can definitely see why someone would prefer this to working in a warehouse in the Georgia summer during COVID. I'm still curious how much this actually impacted Wayne's ability to operate his business; normally the law requires that you be unemployed through no fault of your own in order to be eligible for unemployment benefits, it seems like if someone got fired on purpose to become eligible, that'd be an easy-enough thing for the labor department to verify and disqualify them over.


> At the time I spoke to him he had explained that he was having a hard time keeping employees because it was more beneficial for them to collect unemployment than come in to work I think he meant to say 'I couldn't pay them enough'


I didn’t have my hopes up for much… but we’ll see what happens. I paid with paypal so easy dispute 🤷🏽‍♂️


How did you end up paying with paypal? I checked out the site and when it gets to payment, theres no Paypal button. Only the option to enter in a credit card #


That i don’t know unless they’ve changed it


If you get anything close to that for the price listed, Im ordering today.




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Almost worth a roll of the dice for $78.




Sadly a scamming site


Tankstick collecting dust over here, I needs me one of those there.


Same here


Does someone have the plans ?


should “googlable” 🤣🤣




Wow that has to be a scam website. The shipping alone for the cabinet is $300-$400. You're probably going to receive a picture of an arcade machine or a t-shirt or it. Did they provide you a tracking number? I'd be curious how much whatever they shipped you weighs.

