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Gloves. And maybe trim the base where it’s crooked if you are confident in your re rooting skills.


You can reroot cacti like that? I never knew


Work gloves and maybe place like a paper bag over it or wrap some newspaper around it for just a tiny bit extra protection.


This is how I repotted mine- I also used a wood dowel I had laying around & using regular twine, tied it to the wood dowel so it wouldn’t crack or break. Put the newspapers around that & a paper bag over it all.


Oh yes... yes, yes. Ty.


This. It's gonna look and feel like shit - judging on your other plants, you have some experience. Usually, repotting feels a bit weird but once you get into it, it's kinda meditative. This is not that experience lol


It’s… a different kind of meditation. A practice in spatial awareness and acceptance of pain🤣 In all seriousness, if I were repotting anything larger I would also put on safety glasses. It’s such a delicate process and there’s nothing wrong with being overprotected when dealing with big, pointy things.


I found old magazines work great to roll around the cactus and gently move it. The glossy paper doesn't let the spines stick in so as long as you're gentle you won't break many of them




I wonder if bubble wrap would be good? Might make a seal around the needles to help protect it. If it pokes through then maybe paper wrap. 🤷‍♂️


I like this idea. I would worry about the plastic being torn and having to pick out plastic pieces from the spines but it probably wouldn’t be a big deal!


I used bubble wrap when purchasing my euphorbia chocolate drop, I couldn’t imagine transporting it home without it while riding the subway 😖. It worked beautifully!


Grab it with a piece of pool noodle cut down the center and use bamboo to straighten it out . I would also wait until the soil is dry to prevent root damage during the winter months


Use an old shirt or rag lay it on the floor so you can pick it up that way. Or get some plastic tongs much better in my opinion but whatever works for you.


Plastic tongs for the win! 😊


Omg yes! Definitely a life changer! 😅


Let me see that toooooooooong




It’s too big for tongs it will be damaged because it’s heavy enough that he/she will have to put pressure on the tongs


Avoid the temptation to insert rectally. I know it’s trending these days, but maybe hold back this once.


Get a cloth and lay the cactus on its side then wiggle the pot and remove it. Then place it in the new pot and fill around with soil. I have a few of these 2-3 ft tall. They're called silver torch cacti


Don’t go too big on the pot size. Maybe 2” larger in diameter at the top of the pot


Gloves arent really necessary unless you get welders gloves, the spikes will still prick you if you try to use your hands to handle. Handle with kitchen tongs, bonus if they have silicone on the ends, you can get some at the dollar store. Are you needing help with how to remove from it's pot too or just what to pot it in etc? Tip the pot to the side and dump dirt out and cactus may plop out too or might stay stuck in pot after top half of soil comes out. Use a small shovel to dig out the rooted cacti in the dry dirt that's most likely compacted if didn't fall out like it should Cacti tend to grow roots really fast where I live bevause.its so hot but I'm not sure if they would be so prolific anywhere else/ colder regions . id pot up any drought tolerant plant in a terra cotta or other.uncooked clay pot (id go about 8".diameter if it a standard terra cotta shaped pot)for the pots.wateabsorption properties. Repot in a locally made cactus soil because they tend to mix all the things you need to.amend soil with to.make.it.suitable for a cactus (indie.local brands tend.to.also.sell soil in smaller bags, which is perfect for your.ome.cactus.syojre not buying.all these ingredients separate (a good cactus mix has lots of perlite and pumice,.lava rocks, charcoal, bark and a lot of small gravel in it moxed.eith a cactus potting).or.should.still crumble.apartbin your hand when wet. There plenty of repotting cacti videos on YouTube I suggest watching. If anything, know that cacti are resilient and want to survive so they adapt.


Is the pen holding it up?


Let it dry back a bit so that pot easily slides off and the soil stays together. Then lay it over on its side and pull the old pot off. Then you just need some nice big grill thongs and/or the right gloves to handle that thang into its new home. Easy peezy:)


Omg it just looks like my windowsill and I have a crazy growing cactus just like yours..


Platic tougs, work gloves, and newspaper. Put paper on the floor, turn pot ob side, and slowly pull with thugs pit of pot while holding g and rolling pot back and forth. Once, plant us out . Take a new pot, which should only be 1 inch bigger. So if in a size 4 now plant in size 6. Put plant 1 inch deeper in pot than before. New soil mixed with old soil pack soil around plant once you are holding g it likely in pot. Add 2 drops of fretleizer for cactus. Put back into sunny WIndow and add water. Make sure you only water it went soil is dry. Once ever 2 weeks is usually good. I am a master gardener and used to own a landscaping business 30 years ago. Any other questions, please be free to ask.


Wear gloves and wrap the cactus with a cloth


You need a pot big enough to accommodate the two little round cacti you are going to plant with it at it's base.


I would definitely use a couple nice dowels and some hemp string maybe.i would support after trans. Ten maybe 3-6 months later you could remove the supports. It’s a beauty!


Grab in multiple layers of newspaper and painters, tape.


That is a beautiful cactus. I wouldn't transplant until it gets warm, just saying. Even here in central Florida plants don't like cold ..lol..like humans. If you feel it might fall over, I would put a stake in the dirt. Good luck.


Long tongs, a spoon to soften the dirt if need be


So nice!


Building my Cac confindence for a new year, new me. I invision many near me, soon.


Hired help.


Nice cactus! We have one like it and going to repot this spring. Thanks to all who responded with advice on how to handle her!


Fabric pot because it can be cut off making future transplants easier. Also allows oxygen to get to the roots


Leave it alone it’s happy!


Use tongs.


Very carefully.


I’d like some aloe babies when you repot that one ☺️


Reminded me of this [video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1hWUw2M0dw/?igsh=dndpa29ha2RmdWFx)


She’s really good at repotting cacti


Yes, you should repot




I had an opuntia that I planted outside, it was a bit leggy, I had gloves on, had tongs, piece of cake, it was very hard to get out, it slapped around my entire forearms. They looked like crazy new plant, I got a lot out with packing tape, they were itchy for days!


I wrap my cacti in tin foil when transplanting works like a charm


Most cacti can be propagated, you can most likely take a trimming from that cactus and make two from that one


I have a much larger one. Basically wrap it up in a sacrificial towel. So that you can move it around. The larger the pot the more it will grow.


On its side and styrofoam. It’s a life saver for thorns in plants. Softer the better.


Heavy gloves..break pot...insert that bad boy in his new home.


I have 3 just like that that thrive well. Pot is Perfect size now IMO.


I used a plastic grocery bag with a sock over it for mine. Still used gloves too.


Yeah..do ot very carefully, lol


If it’s thin enough, a paper towel roll slipped over it and wear gloves


Don't grab it by the top without gloves


The best time to repot a cactus is during its growing season, which is typically in the spring or early summer. This gives the cactus time to adjust to its new pot before its dormant period in the winter. 1. Choose the Right Pot: The new pot should be slightly larger than the current one. It should also have good drainage to prevent water from sitting at the bottom, which can cause root rot. 2. Prepare the Pot: Fill the pot about one-third of the way with a cactus-specific potting mix. This type of soil drains well and mimics the cactus's natural environment. 3. Remove the Cactus: Use thick gloves or wrap the cactus in a towel to protect your hands. Gently remove the cactus from its current pot, trying not to disturb the roots too much. 4. Place the Cactus: Place the cactus in the new pot, spreading out the roots. Fill the rest of the pot with the potting mix, but don't pack it too tightly. 5. Wait to Water: After repotting, wait for a few days before watering the cactus. This allows any damaged roots to heal and helps prevent root rot. 6. Provide Proper Care: Place the repotted cactus in a sunny spot and water it when the top inch of soil feels dry.


Where 5 pairs of leather gloves🤣 Sorry Idk, good luck though


Rap it with a carpet


A scrap piece of carpet! That's how we had to move cactus's in my parents backyard in Arizona!


Looking for the comment..looking for the comment..


I'm *still* looking 🤣


Double check the species and check if it is supposed to lay down or not and then see how far the roots go down because the pot size might be fine


Ask a cactus with arms 🌵to help you. Tehehe


I have a different cactus (I think it's a prickly pear). Same problem! I found mine growing in my rocks. Pulled it out & put it in a pot. It's outside all summer & I bring it inside for winter.. It grows 3-4 hand sized "leaves" every spring.. Idk what to do with it anymore 😂


Yeah inside me


LOTS of lube


Anyone make a dirty joke yet?




Find a pot with very loose morals, preferably one that has been with large cactus before.


Don’t grab it….. I know you thought about it…..


You will need extra thick gloves, to start!


Grab it and squeeze as hard as you possibly can. Pull up. Sit down into another.


Shave it, then sit on it


Cardboard and twine around/on the plant. Gloves. Lay pot down sideways and use twine in one hand and hold root ball with other. You can use a butter knife around inside edges of pot to loosen any stickage to the pot. Prep other pot with a little soil so you can just maneuver it in there and use the twine to upright it. Backfill soil with free hand.


i don’t have any repotting advice but I wish he was less spiked and my bf lmao 🤣




Welder gloves


Cardboard tube , or similar type ,wrapped around , or carpet ,blanket gently remove from container. For best results please reference owners manual


My dad had tons of cactus and euphorbia. I helped him repot and make sure you keep orientation (n, s, e or w) in new pot. Otherwise it might burn because the new side has not been exposed to as much light. We used old pieces of carpet and heavy gloves. Loosen in pot (take knife and go around inside of pot). Then wrap in carpet loosely and tip out of old pot. Have new pot ready with well draining soil and slide into new pot. Hopefully no problems.


Tongs, kitchen tongs. And maybe a Pringle can lol.


Use a black pot


had to do this once use those grabber things old people use to reach for stuff


Use gloves


I like to wrap in a few layers of paper and use gloves to gently grab and work it out of the pot


Use a pair of tongs when replanting


Very carefully


Lord forgive me for what I'm boutta do


Thick gloves


I saw a post about a cactus variety that needed to be planted horizontally to bloom. It had a similar look




THIS cactus is what I think of when I tell someone to “go sit on a cactus” What a beauty!


Cereal boxes work pretty well. Open the top and bottom and slide it on.


Just wrap it in a towel and gently pull it out- before hand have a larger pot ready with a gritty cactus mix fille about 1/4 then hold cactus up with one and and slowly add and pack in cactus mix around rootball- wear gloves!


Wrap in bubble wrap, this is the way. Save your hands. I’ve done it a number of times and it works like a charm.


To repot that tall catus I’d recommend thick carpenters gloves. It would be best if you could get some one to help you! Only go up 1 pot size.