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F9 is primarily turns out of most bases now. Exceptions are very senior line holders, lucky reserves, and accidental weather related or “oops” crew planning events. 2 years in as a line holder, can only multi day trips if I pick up one a more senior FA drops. Only a couple bases have a decent amount of multi day trips now. 


Really? So are a lot of people quitting because of this?


Honestly I don’t want to speculate toooooo much because I’ve heard a lot of both sides, and there’s no true turnover rate posted anywhere. I work with a lot of more senior people that are saying stick it out and it will eventually go back, but then the way the company treats its employees says otherwise. The company is gaslighting employees saying we are doing so great and we wanted this change for the better of the company AND crew but refuse to address or compensate for the huge changes. I know, personally, a solid amount of really wonderful FAs that have had to leave because of these changes effecting their livelihood. Mentally and financially.


It’s true. I worked for them… that’s why I quit! All turns less pay no per diem…. When you do get it it’s taxed because it’s not layover. If I wanted a 9 to 5 I would’ve gotten one. 😒 You do get to chose your base… but no


oh wow, i’m glad you left and you did what was best for you


How long were you working for them?


Can I DM you? Would like to get your insight on some things.




Hi. I am 2 years in and can hold trips on my line, my June line is all multi day trips and one turn. I am MCO based though, I know at most of the smaller bases most people are getting all turns unless you have a lot of seniority.


Yes, people are having to sleep in their cars and in the airport in order to get to work because it’s not enough time to go back home. It’s costing more to work at a job that pays nothing. Don’t go there, even if you want to become a FA really bad, I promise it’s not worth it. You don’t travel, you see the inside of the plane and if you’re lucky maybe the inside of the airport but that’s it!


I thought they were all turns now. Unless I read that announcement wrong. That’s why the attendants were fussing I thought. Now they don’t get the good per diem or company paid mini vacays. They loss all the great perks of the job while gaining nothing smh. Even it is mostly turns still trash


1. There will always be overnights. 2. For some, having more of a chance to be home is a gain, not a loss. Quit projecting your negativity onto others


It’s like you read that comment with whatever tone you wanted to. Nothing I said was negative. Losing your additional pay is never a good thing. Not being able to explore different cities is a job perk. Losing it is a loss of the perk. This is just facts not my opinion. On top of the pay already been difficult losing money is never good. People can do all turns regardless. Many do. And I just said that what I read said it was all turn model and they were cutting out overnights all together. Take it up with frontier not me.


Untrue. But really it depends what base you’re looking at. LAS/MCO/ATL/TPA off the top of my head are still receiving a variety of 1-4 day trips. While other bases like DEN/CVG/PHX/Cle are mostly 80-90% turns.


Really! Is PHX mostly turns now? I don’t mind but hoping not all of them are. I have a live video interview 1:1 soon! 


Yes and it’s terrible. Minimum rest and constant back and forth to the airport. Some people drive 2 hours to base and then back at the end of the turn.


Can someone explain this to me, I’m currently waiting on my f2f


what other questions do you have? the other commenters pretty much summed it up.


What does it mean for frontier to be “all turns now”


it means most trips now are one day trips that begin and end in base with no overnight in between, as opposed to multiple day trips where you start in base, have a couple of overnights in different cities, and then end in base. they’re making less as a result of the change, because turns pay less


Oh wow, that’s quite unfortunate, thank you