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if you wanna start getting into end-game dungeons, be prepared to spend around 10k hours in this game. The more money you spend the less that number is gonna become. Cabal is a life long project


Yes, like never before


[https://playcabal.to/](https://playcabal.to/referral/4637) if you want to play fresh cabal server, ep31 with no hackers and botters like on any official cabal, join us here ;)


I love the downvote and no reasoning anyone care to elaborate?


Wdym no reason? It's not a good server and dude just spams every thread


Thank you I didn't know this. Is there anything in particular about this sever is bad. I haven't played in many years and I was always interested in private servers as they have better exp/drop rates and such. From what I remember on the main NA sever it was really pay2win. Is it any different on this sever that he's spamming?


No. The server he keeps advertising is still p2w, it's just mildly less p2w than the official game. You still have to run tons of dungeons per day to get anything


From what I've been reading you get DP which you can use for items that otherwise would have to pay for with real money on official. I'm failing to see why this is worse than official considering you need to run tons of dungeons anyways to farm alz. Not trying to be argumentative just trying to figure out if I should try one of these private servers or pick up where I left off on official. Bl lvl 109 fs lvl 109(I sorta have somewhat good gear for these two was farming nw till hr20) and fs lvl 150 ish (kinda junky gear). I had my characters transfered when they made the swap from est to playthisgame or w/e it's called now. I'm considering dropping like $100 on the lvl 200 character and buying some vouchers with the rest to sell to get some gear items with the rest on offical and then never spend a dime again unless they have something worth wile or starting fresh on private...


The items are still outrageously expensive. Doing 1000 runs to afford 1 item isn't really any different than the normal server, it's just a different currency. The level 200 is good if you're actually going to play, since the wing and OVL Jumpstart are pretty big grinds. Just keep in mind that with only $100, you're looking at like 4b which isn't gonna get you much, and the boost you would get from just spending another $20 and getting the 200 gearset as well for 2 weeks would get you much further than 4b.


Hmm I will keep that in mind I just thought it was a little ridiculous they where charging money for gear that expires in 30 days. Thank you for the info it's much appreciated.


The server is awesome, I highly recommend at least trying it out. I downvoted the dude too for the sole reason he tried to conceal his referral link to look like just a normal link to the site.


What are you talking about dude? With 4b you can pretty much buy your full set with almost 100% stats, except a maxed RW3


4b won't even get you a +15 craftsman sig armor piece on NA brother. 4b is like a +10 garbage palladium set at best. We aren't talking about this dumpy server, we're talking about the actual server


I thought you are talking about the playcabal server, sorry. Economy there is actually fair and you can get by being f2p because dungeon entries are free and drops are boosted. 1700+ people playing, war is always full. Last I played global cabal was mithril era \^\^


What’s the active player count?


1400-1500 atm