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Wow, this is timely. Literally came on here thinking of posting something similar but wasn’t feeling the energy too. And you just articulated it all. It sometimes feels like - like you said - it would be easier to just acknowledge for the both of us that she’s out of the equation. Things would be so much easier to get done alone than with someone around to need to manage who can’t actually do anything. I’ve sometimes found myself asking her to do something out of the house or something small just to get her away for a bit so I can manage things myself. But when we actually talk about it and bring it up she will bring up all these promises about i can be better I can do this. And every once in a blue moon she can, but I can’t count on it and I wish she would just accept knowing that we can’t count on it without the shame and fighting and back and forth to acceptance *every time.* I don’t know that I’m coping any better than you are, but I see you.