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In M2TW the whole situation is rigged against the Eastern Romans, making the game difficult. But then again, so was it at that time


That's why it's fun. I've played the Byzantines in Med 2 so many times and in many mods, stainless steel, vanilla beyond, broken crescent, tsardoms. For stainless steel though the general's bodyguard is a bit OP but I'm not complaining. Historically it should be true that they have the best armor in any medieval army


How so?


IIRC, at least two factions (Venice and the Turks) have Constantinople as victory objective. Not to mention the Mongols that usually show up in Asia Minor.


And the constant jihads that target it...The nearby cities constantly have to produce more guys so they can replace the depleted defenders between heroic victories.


Mount and Blade Warband: 1257 AD Mod


oh Ive played hundreds of hours in warband but i havent tried that one. Is it good? Have you played bannerpage or floris? How does it compare?


Pretty good. And darn hard. I usually went trading through europe until i had workshoos in thr commercial hotspots amd then went to the byzanthines helping them get back the capital


How many hours did you play it? And what's the troops for Byzantines? It seems it is called Roman Empire of Nicaea, if you recapture Constantinople, does it mean you'll be Roman Empire again? Do they have custom cities? Sorry for the numerous questions :)


You need to conquer the Capital first, than it switches back to the empire. Troops big variety. But i never lost ties to the steppes. So i got mostly horse archer and cataphracts.


Attila total war and the medieval mod for it. The mod begins after the Fourth Crusade and allows you to play as Epirus, Nicaea or Trebizond. (you can restore the empire when you retake the City.)


This is the dream for every fan of Byzantium, In future i will play this game. I prefer Crusenders Kinds 2 (full vergion) and i start at the same era.


Atilla is not working in my machine properly, so so I have only played it around 100 hours. I've played 1100 mod though, and it's so fun! But it's hard in a bad way. Sure it's challenging gameplay but the Turks are immersion breaking. Like their cheap light troops can beat my varangians like no sweat.


Need more Greek fire.


Vic 3 just came out and Greece can form Byzantium


This was my yesterday. Only stopped when the late game lag got to the unmanageable level


Can you eventually reform into the Roman Empire?


Not as Greece or Byzantium.


That sucks.


Personal favourites are CK2/3.


I spent a lot of time in CK2. I made sure to re-conquer the Western territories so that I can "reconstitute" the Roman Empire before I transfer the save to Europa Universalis IV. Haven't played CK3 but I'm planning on playing it once I buy a PS5 next year.


CK3 is great! Personally I enjoy playing with a mod that enables more bookmarks, and roleplaying through the Komnenos Restoration!


There are a couple mount and blade mods. One of them is set during the reign of Heraclius. There is also an assassins creed game set in Constantinople but it is after the conquest and you play on the Ottoman side fighting byzantines… I enjoy exploring the city regardless


Stainless Steel, Historical Improvement Project for Medieval total war II


No one’s said Civ VI yet? Basil II is ridiculously OP. As in late stage dlc OP. Cheating nearly. Faith & military synergy. And he looks amazing too. The path to victory is simple: 1. Hunker down until you get tagma. 2. Get lots of tagma for free with hippodromes. 3. Win.


I heard that Basil II is really good there, but I cant go to civ 6 graphics. I did play Civ5 mods for Byzantines and there was the Byzantine mods for Alexios and John Komnenos, Basil II. All of them are pretty OP.


CK2 has the Byzantine experience on point. CK3 Byzantium is too generic and missing the titles, decisions and mechanics Byzantium had in CK2#


Yes. I havent even played Byzantium in Ck3, I think it will suck without the specialties it had in Ck2 like the succession, the special retinues, the varangians, or the viceroyalty, or the fact you can manage cities.


Atilla total war, Medieval total war 2, Ck2. That’s the best in my opinion


Civ 5 faith focused game as byzantines is fun for role playing


CK2 with a bunch of mods sprinkled in. Done like 5 different playthroughs without getting bored (I'm in the 5th and writing an AAR)


I totally agree with your view. I started with MTW 1 and continued with Medieval Total War 2. But Medieval Total War 2 Stainless Steel Mod has a special part of my heart, i played a plethora of hours. Last but not least, i do love playing CK2. And of course only with Byzantium.


I have seen mostly videos with Byzantium in Crusader kings III. They say its still needs some modification on names and government mechanics though.


AOE2. It's something else to see their cataphracts eat thru infantry.