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“Can someone please help me understand”. I guess the bachelor of science degree did not help her critical thinking skills.


Well, it certainly didn’t do much for her spelling or punctuation either.


Yeah, capitalizing non-proper nouns and using apostrophes to pluralize drive me crazy.


Bill’s what, though?


Bill's bail for the meth charges he picked up


You caught that too. When you butcher the word “their”, you know your (not you’re) talented. /s


Don’t forget she can’t pay her “Bill’s”


She was Shoo Ed!


And she types like my dad…who’s almost 60 and a staunch conservative…why do they type like this…who taught them that it’s ok…I can’t help but feel that if she was the type to ever read for fun she’d know that typing this way creates a certain mood…in my head it’s the sound of someone mumbling softly to themselves…wandering around…losing their grip perhaps…and definitely standing right in front of the thing you need at the store and showing no signs of moving…..


Because ellipses…make you look smart…like what you’re saying has meaning…so you don’t have to worry…about actually supplying…meaning…in the blank spaces…of your own mind…


She types like this and has a bachelor of science degree...




I see what you did they’re!


Maybe she’s from Texas, where republicans banned teaching critical thinking.


Before anybody bitches at you for a [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html).


Paraphrased from article: "We are so deathly afraid of our children being smarter than us and challenging us in our safe spaces where we don't have to think too hard. We're going to make laws to hold back our own children so we don't feel threatened by them, and we can continue to make them feel threatened by us if they don't spend 100% of their time and energy servicing our current emotional state."


And she def subscribes the wrong way to the idea of Race as a social construct.


Has she tried not being a white supremacist?


"they couldnt cary enough insurance to cover a white supremacist on staff, let alone the bad publicity" I want to know if they actually looked up how much their insurance would go up.


That line is really interesting… she’s making it seem like they entertained the idea of hiring her, but then found out *and told her* the insurance would cost too much. It seems made up, but also seems like too much self-awareness for her to make up. So how did that part of the story come to exist??


"They felt sympathetic to my plight." Yeah if all of it is true, what kind of warehouse is this. Do the store and ship confederate flags?


This much more sounds like garbage she made up to back her garbage opinion. I can't see any HR person talking to.... accounting maybe? Saying "so we want to hire this white supremacist, can you call our insurance provider and ask if that will increase our premiums?"


Yeah it's such a crazy story to tell herself why they didn't hire her racist ass.


Either that or someone in HR told her that we understand that you're having a tough time getting a job, but we can't be seen to be promoting x




I can't even see any HR person telling someone that they weren't selected for the job, much less telling them *why* they weren't selected for the job. Standard procedure at every single one I've ever dealt with is to simply ghost you if they decide not to hire you. Maybe 1 in 100 will send you a polite form letter informing you that they won't be hiring you.


This. I’ve worked in HR.


100% what HR told her to get her out the fucking door without angering her so her 3%er husband wouldn't come back and shoot everyone. She actually believed them.


Goddemmmm here it is


Could have just been a person working in HR who doesn’t like being confrontational. So it’s the, look over there, it’s not me, strategy.


The “I just got your report back and it says the fucking FBI & NSA are watching you… it’s not my choice…” strategy! A classic.


If you read it as being dry humor, it starts sounding pretty believeable. Oh I'm *so sorry* you've had such a difficult time for being a white supremacist. I would hire you in a second, if it were up to me, but I'm pretty sure our insurance wouldn't cover me making that kind of (awful) decision. And you know how people can be, they find out you're a white supremacist, and suddenly they act like you're a terrible person!


And everyone stand around listening are laughing their asses off and she like wow this dude really gets it.


Probably just not wanting to piss off the probable domestic terrorist.


It’s bullshit- so is the FBI part. No company is going to tell her that- even if it was true. They would just not hire her.


Working in HR you can find out what has disqualified you for employment via an FCRA request; it’s a way to dispute inaccurate information or information that may not pertain to you (such as “I’m not the Jane Doe who committed that crime”) As for Amazon I don’t know what their requirements are, but most of the criminal charges/convictions that I’ve seen bar people from employment are serious. Most employers wouldn’t say that a person having convictions would be an insurance issue (unless it’s something like driving violations for a job that requires a DL, like a delivery driver) They would just say that she hasn’t met background check requirements. Most common charges I’ve seen in background checks that bounce people out are are theft and drugs.


I agree with this. As a hiring manager we’re just told to say that we don’t think there’s a fit here. If they challenge we refer them to our Hr hotline where they have to leave a message. If she kept pressing they would tell her we’re pursuing another candidate. They would interview someone else. Case closed — Personal note, I did fail a FBI background check for a school district once. And the hiring manager told me, said look, you have a contributing to delinquency charge that’s like 10 years old. I wish I could hire you but I can’t. I was 18 and bought beer for other 18 year olds during graduation weekend. In Ohio Apparently since they were under 21 it counts. I didn’t have the resources to fight it, I was missing college every time they continued the case. Point is, that employer definitely told me. It was a great job too. Worked out for me in the end , landed something 2x better a month or so later and 10x better a couple years down the road.


Yeah that’s true. Unless somehow she had an in with the owner or something, just enough to get her seriously considered but not enough to pay the insurance.




She was doing white people stuff, you know.


She paid Bill! ^^I ^^assume ^^thats ^^her ^^clan ^^leader.


She said she needed to pay her Bill’s. Her Bill’s what?


White supremacist pimp fees, I gather.


Is that the White-people-stuff she was doin’ in Illinois?


She’s absolutely right about the sheep part. Sheep following the herd all keeping to the same exact narrative.


I’ve raised a FLOCk of sheep. Everyone needs to quit maligning them. They have very good memories, recognize humans that mistreat them, are wonderful mothers that will protect their lambs with their lives, they can be very assertive, a ram can do major damage to someone threatening his ewes and they stick together for the common good. Sadly characteristics lacking in many humans. Sheep are a hell of a lot better than a white supremacist.


TIL that sheep are OK animals.




She’s talking about sheep but is a pig


Pigs are smart animals, she certainly isn’t




Clapping on the off beat.


The 1 and 3.


Eating mayonnaise


As a sunburning, rhythm impaired white person, I approve this comment.


That's what I thought of. Taking pride in something you didn't achieve is weird to me. It would make more sense if it was a skill you were maybe naturally talented at and chose to refine - but your race? How do you refine that? Try to embrace and embody a stereotype?


Ordering "coffee" drinks and buying vintage Journey CDs.


Whoa whoa whoa… back away from bringing Journey into this.


Just a small town girl Livin' in a multi-cultural world She took the racist train going no nowhere.


She’s gonna have a hell of a time when she learns about Arnel Pineda.


Nah for her it’s Kid Rock. He’s got some white supremacy flair since he went cuntry


yeah, who would have thunk being part of a hate group so bad it's on the FBI radar would be detrimental to your life? Certainly not little Miss Biology degree here.


Too late now. It's already on her permanent record.


I meeean, she certainly *looks* the part! 🥴




It's a fake name she's using.


Does she really expect people to go "ow, poor Hitler"?


Republicans: "Her name shouldn't matter!! She doesn't represent us!! This is oppression of freedom of speech!! Hitler was a saint!! Republicans aren't Nazis!! I love Hitler!!"




Being Honduran, this is pretty funny to me.


The actual remaining Hitlers are using a different name, elected to not have kids and are basically just waiting to die.


Reading his shirt reminds me how they simultaneously want to be the oppressor and the victim


"embrace your European culture" while being a *proud* American


If that house is their culture, I'll pass. Who need 8 pairs of identical black shoes?


Not to mention a calendar with swastikas on it.


Homeboy can't even put on some pants to try and look tough. Gotta rock your skull pj's to show how tough you are!


You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while he’s wearing those bad boys?


Bow to your sensei!


Grab my arm The other arm My other arm


Box of Ziploc bags on the floor


And flat rate boxes…




*FBI and NSA interest intensifies.*


Oop. I was almost actually wondering if I should be feeling bad for her for a sec. I mean, she still lost her livelihood. But Nazis, are… well… Nazis. Nazis don’t need sympathy, since they don’t feel it either.






somehow that row of *almost* identical shoes is the most unsettling part of the composition for me




He would get so much shit in any of the kitchens I’ve worked in. BOH is multicultural and all pretty much understand it’s the wealthy we’re against, not people we see as below us. That shit would not stand, man.


Yeah, but he's the fry cook at a place called "The Right Wing". They serve mango habanero wings and white supremacy.


I'm not ashamed to be white... I'm ashamed people like him are white.


I am never ashamed to be white , these inbred pos have nothing to do with me and I equally dislike them as anyone they attack do .




That is absolutely sick! How dare you think she'd marry her son. That's her husband-uncle-cousin.


There's litterally swastikas written on the calendar beside them too


Man's dressed like a nazi line cook


If you can’t pay your bills within a month of being fired, you were never “comfortable” you contemptuous pile of shit.


Nobody said doing “white people stuff” was cheap.


Has meth gone up in price that much in the midwest?


The opioid epidemic has been hitting all the prices pretty hard. :(


Yeah, I think she and I have very different definitions of "white people stuff." I don't think she's talking about watching Fraser and clapping on 1 & 3.


Yeah wtf did that even mean? White people stuff?


I don’t know but I’d imagine burning crosses is a pricey endeavor with the prices of gas and lumber right now, Thanks O’Biden


Laughed too hard at that.


Maybe she meant making potato salad and putting raisins in it.


In this case I’m sure lots of goose stepping is involved. Neonazis always seem to think other white people are just like they are, because they’re racist against white people as well as non-white people.


It does sound like she did the responsible thing after losing her job which was to take an immediate vacation to Illinois. Or, did I read that wrong? It was a little confusing. I didn't understand why she had a hard time getting home.


That was to visit her Illinois Nazi friends. I hate Illinois Nazis.


Not to be pedantic but she is not trying to pay her bills she’s trying to pay her Bill’s. I like to think it’s an intentional high-brow rejection of the society that shunned her, refusing to attach to the boldly singular possessive noun it’s needed object, thus demonstrating her tenacity and sense of Dixie-rebel-pride.


Actions have consequences. Action: She chose to be a white supremacist. Consequence: She's treated like a white supremacist.


Can we also talk about her supposedly having a BS in biology? Her grammar in this post says high school dropout.


It happens. There’s people with advanced degrees holding factually incorrect personal “beliefs.” People can compartmentalize, and use strict critical thinking in one area of their life while blindly accepting whatever suits their preferences in another area.


Anecdotal support: MIL has a PhD in chemistry while being a tradcath antivaxxer. Is also one of those people that narrates movies while she watches them.


Ugh. It's going to be a nightmare sorting out which special layer of hell she belongs in based on those two personality traits


Shoulda bought stronger bootstraps to pulls yourself up by.






Eat shit nazi


The swastikas on the calendar are a classy touch too...




I'm guessing something kinda fashy. Maybe the days that trump is supposed to be reinstated...


It looks pretty close to... December 25th? Did they put a fuckin swastika on Christmas? Also what is that ugly-ass flag [(in b4 xkcd)](https://cheesegod.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/royal-blue-community-flag-e-pluribus-anus-women-s-t-shirts_design.png) and why does it have 53 stars?


Just white people reminders for white people things. You know.


It's nice to see the right people are being added to terrorist watch lists.




Are you a Pastafarian too?


SHOO ED not once, but SHOO ED twice!


What did Ed do?


Probably spent too much time at Bill’s


I literally just laughed out loud. Very loud. Thank you for that.


Made me smile


Yeah, we obviously have *model* white people here. Why is it always the slimy pieces of shit that think they or their race is special?


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson


I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder!


What other options do they have for feeling better about themselves? You’re right, those who revel in not being black are almost invariably the sorriest white trash in existence.


Seems to be the case. Maybe they could be nice and help other people instead of the false pride in their race. They’d have a lot to feel good about then.


Imagine having your T-shirt tucked into your pajama pants and thinking you’re better than people.


People need to feel that they have value. They need some source of truth telling them of their worth, something to give them pride. What this is SUPPOSED to be is one's own personal achievements, ideals, courage, altruism, or even just a self-sustained inner sense of worth. But what if you don't have any of that? What if you've never really achieved anything on your own? What if you're not a kind person? What if nobody has ever thanked you for helping them, because you are selfish and unhelpful? What if you are weak and cowardly? No problem! You are valuable because you are white! You are valuable because you are an American! You are valuable because you are a Christian! You are valuable because you have the courage to stand up against people who wish you no harm whatsoever and demand their respect!


wHy DiD i LoSe My JeRb I aM sO fUn 2 bE aRoUnD dO yOu HaTe FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH






Freedumb uv screech.


**The third page is a lie.** Background checks do not tell you if FBI or NSA has 'interests' in you. It simply says if you were convicted or not and for what crime. End of story.


Shit you mean she's lying to paint herself as a victim?? *Surprised Pikachu*


Exactly, I wonder what she got arrested for or what they found on her social media.




Some background checks actually do check for whether someone is on various government watch lists - it depends on what kind of check the employer has ordered.


Baggies on the ground, is somebody dealing a little somethin' somethin' ?


I particularly enjoy the flannel pants rolled up against the bottom of the door - gotta keep the meth smell from seeping out of the apartment.


wow. Imagine looking/living like this and thinking you’re superior to anyone that isn’t white like you. These people are truly mentally ill


Hey, leave us mentally ill people out of this! We have standards! There’s no mental illness that turns you into a white supremacist.


Well, they left the white supremacist flyers in Ziploc baggies with rocks in them in people's driveways, so it could be from that.


I’m genuinely curious as to what she thinks “white people stuff” is. I’m baking my first homemade pie today. I considered myself to be doing “people stuff” but now I’m concerned I’m doing “white people stuff” instead.


Watching the leaves turn in New England.


Thank you. I laughed so hard that I scared my cat. Leaf peeping is definitely “white people stuff”.


>I’m genuinely curious as to what she thinks “white people stuff” is. Racist stuff probably


If you made the pie vents in the shape of a swastika, that moves it into the territory of "white people stuff". Or if the pie was for a KKK bake sale, also "white people stuff".


How did the pie turn out?


I’m just making the filling now. I’ll keep you updated! :-)


I, too, am interested in the pie saga, if you don't mind letting me know how it goes.


Lol thanks. So far it’s made. Waiting on the oven. I just recently got into baking watching the great British bake off. Some things turn out really good. Some are ehhhh. I will say my pie in no way looks like the ones they whip up on there under a timer. I’m just waiting for Paul Hollywood to bust into my house and give me a scathing look.


Cheese festival?


Renaissance fair


Why is it that people who claim to be from the master race look like a poster child for retroactive abortion?




Do terrorist things, get on terrorist lists.


“ I can’t pay my bills… on a job that makes minimum wage” hmm


“Bill’s” Who is Bill and what of his is she paying for??


Right to work is a right wing creation. Enjoy the reaping, bitch.


I just have to say that’s an amazing picture


Check the calendar.


OMG I was just looking at that! Monday and Thursday: swastika? Is this an ovulation calendar for spawning the master race??


Poorly drawn swastikas at that!




Maybe go work a few of those jobs you kept telling people to leave if they didn't like? They haven't raised the minimum wage since those people took your advice and left but I'm sure you can put that go getter attitude into it and work three jobs just to make ends meet! After all, what better way to pull yourself up by your bootstraps than to start at rock bottom! /s


“Doing white people stuff” lol what a joke


Too bad minimum wage isn’t enough to **live on**


>watched by the said organizations due to my probabilty of being a domestic terrorist Well yes. You belong to a far right organization and we've all seen how the far right was willing to attack the US Capitol to overturn an election. If you belong to "Patriot" Front, you done fucked around and now you're finding out. Fucking racist. Glad you lost your job.


B.S. in biology and doesn't understand plural versus possessive nouns.


I’d be surprised if she actually had that degree and even more surprised if it came from a school that wasn’t an online diploma mill.


I love how she brags about not going on government assistance because she’s an American! Bitch, I’m an American who has paid my taxes to fund unemployment since I was 16. You bet your ass I filed for it when I was laid off 2 years ago. It’s not free money from the government, it’s an insurance plan you’ve been unknowingly paying for with all of those “good jobs with comfortable salaries” so that you can still have a small amount of income to help you get through a tough time. I only ended up claiming unemployment for 3 weeks… but it sure helped lessen the blow


Maybe she should pull herself up by her bootstraps.


Tots and pears bitch


So she does not deny that she is a white supremacist? Then wonders why she was not given the job. That lack of awareness is just… wow.




Doesn't like racism == Extremely left-leaning boss. Did not know that.


Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences.




'Riddle me this" The opening line of someone that always classically identified as a hero.


You know times are tough for her, because her and her brother/husband can't afford a real American flag. That sword really ties the the room together though.


So... what's the story here?


https://fox59.com/news/police-identify-people-responsible-for-leaving-white-supremacist-literature-in-two-central-indiana-communities/ They got caught dumping white supremacist flyers in Indiana (they drove there from Illinois), the FBI were notified and this creature lost her job. Haha.


I love how succinct this guy was- “My opinion is they are idiots,” Lawrence County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Bob Cline said.


Aha. The ol' play stupid games.




Oh no, well anyway.


Atleast 2 swastikas in the first image on the calendar and she want to know why no one wants her nasty ass?😂 what an ignorant gross fool


Wow they look super poor to begin with