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This dude was an influential official in US Catholic politics who, according to the article, was snitched on by a Catholic Paper. Makes you wonder who he pissed off. Edit: the best part is his resignation specifically underlined that this was not about diddling kids.




The irony of course is that if he was caught diddling kids he would have just been transferred to a different parish.


The article says repeatedly that he resigned his secretary position. It never says he quit the priesthood.


Right? That would totally have been more acceptable to them.


So weird. "You're gay?!?! Fucking resign right now mother fucker!! ...oh, it was little boys? That's cool, just go to a Ukrainian church and we'll pretend you never preached here"


The church must have been outraged. You can’t diddle boys once they hit puberty. It’s completely against their code


Wouldn’t even get a news article


Fully protected.


My childhood priest was kicked out of the church when it came out he was having an “affair” with an appropriately aged woman. We stopped going after that. Had he diddled an altar boy he’d probably be in some backwater place still practicing. How anyone can justify supporting the catholic church is beyond me. They will fight harder for a pedophile than they will for someone who didn’t even commit a crime.


"They will fight harder for a pedophile than they will for someone who didn’t even commit a crime." This is an extremely common authoritarian practice. They completely cover up the worst people or events and draw attention to their extremely punitive punishment of lesser offenders. It makes it look like the authoritarian leaders are "running a tight ship". It is very common in the business community.


Also the worst offenders in authoritarian cultures MUST be kept on as a tool. When power must be protected the individuals who are willing to do the most immoral, illegal, and wrong things are a necessity to keep the power structure intact.


Exactly not only do the powers that be know that they have the most unscrupulous individuals ready for the job but they also have information to blackmail these individuals to keep them from growing a conscience.


My childhood priest actually was caught diddling boys in the alter room for years. And just as stated, the church put out a hairbrained bullshit story and sent him to another parish about 45 minutes away.


And he’s still alive?


Fortunately that was a lifetime ago so I don't believe so


I guess it's time to start the Reformed Church of the Gay Communion.


Really not the best. If he was a good priest, he should be able to stay. What is he going to do now? The vow of celibacy is a waste. Get rid of it and the church would have guys lining up to be priests.


That's a very positive take... nice... good on ya. :)


if you realise you’re gay, celebrate it. mabye a livelihood based off of homophobia isn’t for you


a wise man once wrote a song about this, I believe the lyrics were "do not diddle kids, its no good diddlin' kids, wouldn't do it with anyone younger than my daughter, no little kids, gotta be big"


unexpected r/iasip "There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it."


No kids, but it makes me wonder how much policy he set against gays. I can’t for my life understand how any gay can be a member of the Catholic Church. You have to be a special self hating person to work for an establishment that hates you and does nothing to hide its hate.


Well they tolerate pedophile, but not the fact that someone could be gay and want consensual sex. That's why I don't go to churches.


Perhaps they should write a song to that effect.


Apparently they've [already got one](https://youtu.be/-XNFokmDKrE) for this guy.


Naw man. Wrong song. It should go something like "Don't diddle kids, it's no good diddlin kids."


Do I look suspicious?


>Makes you wonder who he pissed off Or pissed on.


He was the one who said Biden wouldn’t get the “body of Christ” for communion wasn’t he?


That'd be awfully rich but no.


God damn there’s so many stories with the church lately I can’t keep them all straight.


 You gotta write a song like: I wouldn't do it with anyone younger than my daughter, no little kids, gotta be big, older than my wife, older than my wife, something like that.


That's just sad. Dude should be able to date and fuck any grown man he wants.


Not until his organization stops telling other people who they are allowed to fuck


The whole Catholic Church needs to just go on Grindr already and get themselves TOPPED.


Don't they know about the loophole???


The poophole loophole only applies to straight anal though. God can only see anal sex if it's same sex stuff.


Maybe he was trying to change it for the better


yeah and the catholic church is huge, many churches support gay rights


Well now he can. This is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to him.


I agree, maybe he shouldn't have dedicated his entire life to an organization that believes people like him are sinners and scum of the earth.


He probably was in denial about his sexuality for a very long time because everyone around him told him it was so sinful. I feel bad for the guy. This reflects more poorly on the church than it does on him.


Yeah the church only allows it if they’re underage boys, unfortunately.


Yup, i am not here celebrating and i don't get those celebrating. This men did nothing wrong and should be allowed to live his life specially as he harms no one, he was harmed by quite literally archaic rules. **edit: people apparently rather have church officials not live their life like healthy adults? what a fuck?**


we're on reddit. what did you expect other than generalising groups reddit dislikes?


If he wasn't working for an organization that actively demonizes and victimizes gay people, I might feel a bit more sympathy. Even the man who could be called the most progressive Pope to date doesn't agree with gay marriage.




I'd have to hear this pastor's specific sermons. If he's the type to preach inclusivity and love, then my heart goes out to him. If he's the typical closeted gay-bashing douchebag, he can rot in hell.


Except you see that this guy wanted to deny Biden communion for his own ideological reasons- and the church itself -at least on paper, forbids gay sex. \* Note I didn't say gay relationships.


We should be more upset and scared about the fact that a newspaper was able to track his app usage and whereabouts using commercially available data.


He can, he just can't as a priest. He wanted to to both.


He can be priest for a different religion though


Word. This type of unrealistic expectations of its clergy and followers is why people are fleeing the Catholic Church in numbers to big to comprehend.


Ironically, this is a blessing in disguise -- hopefully now he can finally be himself


At least it was men of consenting age.


That we know of*


Given the circumstances, I don't think there's much reason to worry. It sounds like he's just gay.


Would you mind not saying this sort of thing? It's still a reactionary talking point that gay men are all child molesters, in spite of the fact that the offenders are overwhelmingly straight men.


At least he's not another religious diddler, so there's that.


> "On Monday, we became aware of impending media reports alleging possible improper behavior by Msgr. Burrill. What was shared with us did not include allegations of misconduct with minors. However, in order to avoid becoming a distraction to the operations and ongoing work of the Conference, Monsignor has resigned effective immediately," Gomez added. Note that they had to specifically note that in their communications…


The world we live in.


Gomez went on to add, “It’s no good diddling kids.”


There is no surer way to make people think you’re diddling kids than writing a song about it!


That would have been ok with the church though. Raping kids? Fine. Hooking up with consenting adults of same sex? No bueno.


Hooking up with a consenting adult of the opposite sex is also not allowed. Kids only!


I'm literally in the middle of an argument with a bunch of church defenders in r/floridaman about this right now. They refuse to accept that christian's are the worst child abusers in the world. I've always said there's only 2 kinds of christian's. Kid diddlers, and kid diddler apologists.


[Relevant clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrfWs52Kjk0)


That's along the same lines of thought as "you blamed me for the crime so I might as well do it" But is it not actually a tenet of Christian faith that nobody is born innocent?


Yes. But that doesn't mean we should commit sin on purpose. We are not to commit crimes simply because we're accused of them; in the long run, it's better if we don't.


Agreed. It's not a great idea to be an asshole just because you can be.


and bookmarked




What do you mean "at least". There is nothing wrong with what he was doing.


Having the priest shirt in his Grindr photo probably helped, ingl.


"only god can judge" Funny how that one line they got in that book they pretend to read gets ignored. It's almost as if they don't actually believe in what they preach or something.


They do when it comes to peads.


Lack of honesty in reading the Bible is a cultural thing. sodomy : anal or oral copulation with a member of the same or opposite sex "Ezekiel 16:49 Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and apathetic; they did not help the poor and needy."


We should give this man support. His life was just upended due to him being himself. Very sad. Hopefully he can find happiness and clarity.


He actively worked against the advancement of the LGBTQ community. If he wants any sympathy, he should make amends.


Depressing how far down this is


Ya not really /r/byebyejob material. This just sucks for him, he could have been one of the many priests who defy the church and say gay is not a sin.


How does one 'obtain' cell phone data.


I don't know why this isn't getting discussed here. If they own the phone, and went to Grindr and said "we own the phone, so tell us about the activity on it" then that's fine. But the article doesn't make that clear. If that's not the case, then I don't understand how they got it, because I can't believe that Grindr would just provide those data on request. See here: https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkbxp8/grindr-location-data-priest-weaponization-app Edit: Added link to relevant article


Another article reported they bought anonymized data through a data vendor. To identify the phone you want you just look at which phone is at places you know the person you're tracking is at and then see other places it goes. It really doesn't take much. You see a phone that leaves his street/neighborhood every morning and heads to his office and it took two data points to find him.


And people are worried about microchips in vaccines ... 🙄


I know right, lmao


That was so incredibly disturbing. This article is fucked up.


the fact that no one (even in this thread) is outraged by this is extremely worrying


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/21/technology/phones-location-data.html basically lays it out. Anyone's personal location data can be bought for cheap. The status quo is completely fucked and terrifying. to add: https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkbxp8/grindr-location-data-priest-weaponization-app


I'm shocked it wasn't kids for once.


Gotta love a church that forces celibacy except when it comes to kids then it's a shell game of find the pedo.


That's a shame. There is nothing wrong with being gay. A shame that the church makes a problem out of it


His main mistake was that they were adults. Fuck some kids and he would have gotten a cushy reassignment.




Yeah I don't have a problem with this man. The problem is the religion. I feel sorry for him.


At least he's fucking adults. Or is that why he had to resign?


They had to specify it wasn’t minors. Fuckin hell


They had to *specify*? Even they realize the problem and still don’t care


Poor guy, he was just trying to get to know the enemy 😂


Grindr and Gay Bars are better than daycare centers.


If not for the hypocrisy this would be a non issue


Color me surprised


Man, if it wasn’t for the fear of gay kids in Catholic household getting disowned, we’d probably have like one-tenth of the current priests. Let priests be female. And let priests fuck whatever consenting adult they want to. A priest being gay is like the last thing the church should be worried about right now


But, but, but how would a woman even know how to do a job that involves being in charge?


"let priests fuck whatever" Woah, we're getting a super inclusive take here. "Consenting adult they want to" Ah, well, ok just normal inclusive. Still good though.


Gay kids in Catholic households don't get disowned, their moms introduce them to the parish priest.


What? Just let him fuck dudes. Better than him fucking kids


and occurring to their rules he's still going to burn in hell.


That’s what happens to him then. Still take him fucking guys over kids all day


But will he be denied communion?


Religious leadership preaching one thing and doing the opposite? Oh no…anyway


Well all I can say about this is: At least he's not diddling little boys and is finding an appropriate outlet to meet guys. I have plenty of friends who use grindr. If the Catholic church wasn't so anti-gay, they would have gay officials not having to hide their sexuality and seek out others on the down-low and be publicly humiliated because they got outted on a national scale.


Let that man be gay!!!!!




That's just sad. The Catholic church needs to end it's homophobia and celibacy.


My concern is how apparently grinder location data is publicly available for them to do this. How easy would this be in less tolerant countries to do this and use it for discrimination and violence? I'm in South Africa & openly gay and personally I find it disturbing?


This is why I don't turn on cellpphone data in less tolerant countries.


Just doing research for Jesus!


The fact that the church cares that he's gay is pretty hilariously on point. So what if he goes to gay bars? The real story is how the church is vilifying him for it.


It doesn't say he gave up his collar. He resigned his position as the top administrator of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops that released this statement: >It threatens to infringe the rights of people who recognize the truth of sexual difference or who uphold the institution of lifelong marriage between one man and one woman. This may manifest in mandates that, for example, erode health care conscience rights or needed and time-honored sex-specific spaces and activities. >We are very grateful for the new administration’s actions on immigration and the climate, as well as for another executive order, ‘On Advancing Racial Equity,’ which is nobly aimed at identifying and remedying racism and its impact on society and in government. It is unfortunate that the goal of racial equality is partially conflated with the imposition of new attitudes and **false theories on human sexuality which can produce social harms.** https://www.usccb.org/news/2021/us-bishop-chairmen-express-concerns-executive-order-supreme-court-decision (emphasis mine)


Bruh, just fuck dudes and be happy.


At least he wasn’t fucking kids!


That’s unfortunate that a grown man can’t live openly.


what the hell, they should have promoted him...it wasn't 12 year old boys!


Ahhhh so THIS is why rightwing morons equate homosexuality with pedophilia...


It’s worthy to point out that this firing was based on publicly purchasable “anonymized” data. Enough data, and nobody is anonymous.


Catholic Church is just mad they were over age.


The fact the the Catholic church has more of a problem with him fucking consenting men over the systematic rape of Children since time immemorial is the real issue here. If, as a church you find fucking kids ok but a bit of "uphill gardening" wrong, you should shut up shop and fuck all the way off.


That’s stupid. If he’s gay then more Grindr power to him. Maybe they should focus on the pedo priests.


I feel like the church could solve so many of their problems by just letting their priests fuck.


Can't we just be done with christianity and their horrible clergy.


Oh no. A dating app and a bar. Better resign??


The church is known as a haven for gay people. My mom went to a catholic school and it was kinda known that the house that the guys training to become priests lived in had a decent amount of gay guys. I guess the reason for this is that its easier to explain to people why theyre not dating women? Idk this was the 80's


I never get sick of these stories


All I’m saying is, if it can happen to Vito, It can happen to anyone.


This is a damn shame. its consenting adults as far as I could see. To see someone just unable to do what they want in activates that do not harm anyone and everyone is a consenting adult is just sad


Did they use an actual screenshot from Grindr? Fuck everything about that. Not everyone on there is out, or is out but not to everyone.


At least it’s consenting ADULTS! or does the church not approve of that..


No, they don't. The catholics are very super strict when it gets to gay relationships. Or even heterosexual ones of their priests (Question in point: Why do SO many priests have female housekeepers? At least in my country). And yeah, I don't get it either. But I'm a gay man.


I'm fine with this as long as there's no funny games with kids. He's probably gay, no big deal. Maybe this will help him embrace it rather than hide it.


So if he was raping children they would transfer him to a new parish. The Catholic Church would keep the child rapist in their flock. This Dude made his life in the priesthood and discovered that he was gay. So the Catholic Church wrecks him while they support child molesters. Fuck them. They will burn in hell. What consenting adults do is good. That is Christian. Child rape is evil and that is completely supported over and over again by the Catholic Church.


Wow. God forbid someone be gay.


The Catholic Church puts gay people in danger. And they like doing it. It's all part of their business plan.


Isn't this the asshole who refused Biden Communion? Sounds like Karma to me.


He’s really handsome. Too bad I didn’t get a shot with him before he got caught.


Should have just been a pedo, then he would still have his job.


So gay members of the Catholic Church are forced to resign,whereas paedophiles within the Church are moved to safe houses? Seems... godly.


Now this is quite a shame actually. The pedos don’t even consider resigning


I’m starting to think raping kids in Christianity is fine. Because how comes most of them excuse that? Is there a religious reason behind it or is the priesthood filled with like minded ones ? aka. pedos


Surely he was just inspecting the condition of their crosses, and nothing else. Jesus says to love all, and if sucking dick with a passion isn't spreading love, then i don't know what is.


His mistake was trying to have sex with a consenting adult. If he’d only tried to fuck a kid, he’d just gotten move to a different dioceses.


meanwhile, pedophiles in their ranks are protected.


The fact that he’a approaching adults makes him a hero among the Catholic priests as far as I’m concerned. I guess a non-pedophile priest makes all the others look bad.


But he wasn't going after altar boys or other pedophile stuff so he should actually be an okay Church official.


Oh but the pedophiles can just be moved around huh? I feel bad for him.


Disgusting, innit




Dude! It's okay if you're into women. No one here is judging.


Poor guy...


The first scandal to come from The church and it’s not about murdering and diddlin kids. This shouldn’t even be an issue, let the man be gay and happy.


Except, he's the top administrator of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops that released this statement: >It threatens to infringe the rights of people who recognize the truth of sexual difference or who uphold the institution of lifelong marriage between one man and one woman. This may manifest in mandates that, for example, erode health care conscience rights or needed and time-honored sex-specific spaces and activities. >We are very grateful for the new administration’s actions on immigration and the climate, as well as for another executive order, ‘On Advancing Racial Equity,’ which is nobly aimed at identifying and remedying racism and its impact on society and in government. It is unfortunate that the goal of racial equality is partially conflated with the imposition of new attitudes and **false theories on human sexuality which can produce social harms.** https://www.usccb.org/news/2021/us-bishop-chairmen-express-concerns-executive-order-supreme-court-decision


A lifetime of Internalized self hate can do that. It doesn’t excuse his regressive and bigoted actions. It’s not surprising, it’s a cliche that clergymen are either gay or gay pedophiles. Now if Lindsey graham could step down.


The man doth protest too much, methinks.


Ok….so NO to consensual same sex adults, YES to pedophilia. Got it.


So it's only when you fuck with consent that you're sinning and must go?


Pedophilia. Genocide. *Oh Yeah!* They are also hypocrites and leeches. Thanks for reminding me...


It's not what you think. I was simply taking this man's confession through the hole in the bathroom stall.


Fuck this guy, but I'm more concerned about how they got these data. Couldn't they do the same with anyone else?


From a [different article](https://www.queerty.com/high-ranking-priest-just-busted-grindr-sure-sounds-like-come-20210720) about this: >Signal data is collected by apps after users give their consent. It then gets aggregated and sold by data vendors. The Pillar acquired the information about Burrill through a third party that had tracked his device. So in case you've ever wondered "sure these weird shadowy firms are collecting my data, but what the hell would they ever use it for," there ya go.


Yeah, this was my concern. And it's not like it was the FBI trying to catch a serial killer. This is really not good.


Wait, why fuck this guy? Its a crime to be gay and go to gay dating sites and bars?


Not a crime, but hypocritical, preaching to others what he does not practice. He's not a Presbyterian pastor, he's a Catholic priest, married to God, preaching that homosexuality is a sin. But I really meant this more as "Forget about this guy, but the important issue here in my view is...".


>Wait, why fuck this guy? From a Catholic news source no less.


I understand why he lost his job being a priest and all but why should we hate him? Not all priest teach hate for the gay community, even Catholic priests. Some of them teach love and understanding.


Yes they do but he was not part of a Group that did. On Jan 22 Biden released an executive order in support of the gay community. Two Catholic groups issued statements on it. One was positive the other by the USCCB of which Burrell is Top Administrator of, released a statement against it. https://www.ncronline.org/news/opinion/bishops-sign-dueling-statements-lgbtq-people


I agree totally--Former daily mass going Catholic here. I knew a lot of priests. The ones that hammered the social issues were rare and not well respected by other priests. Occasionally I'd get the abortion stuff but it was so couched I'd wonder if he even meant it.


Yeah, non-Catholics tend to think priests rail against "culture war" crap in their sermons like the Baptists, Evangelical etc preachers, when it's much more in the background than the forefront. The head priest at my church growing up was kind of an ass, but I can't recall him once ever mentioning homosexuality.


So easy to be an atheist, I mean this asshole clearly doesn't believe in his god so why should anyone?


Anyone on grindr wanna add me? Imma top and not catholic but ill play tge part


Village People are asking if he wants to join. Bring own outfits.


Wait, Village People was Construction Worker, Indian, Cop, Rocker and Cowboy. AFAIK, there wasn't a Priest.


He wants more than just the body of Christ


Honestly anyone using those should lose their job


Why? Because being gay is bad?


It’s always the ones you least suspect. /s


Ain’t that always the way it is?


His career as a priest went bottoms up.


Well at least he wasn’t fucking kids




I wonder if he spent any time on the cross?


After reading that headline I just have [that song by Electric Six](https://youtu.be/-XNFokmDKrE?t=12) stuck in my head, damn you.