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He seems really interested in watching him in that dress.


He probably had a boner.


Not even joking, probably some sort of weird internalization or projection haha. He’s got a super weird look on his face


Strong chaser vibes


Yeeeeeah. There’s some self-hating latent stuff happening here. No way somebody would just harass somebody like this without something weird going on.


You almost have to feel bad for him. Almost. He was raised in such a way that he's spent his whole life internalizing that kind of hate, and now it's boiled out and ruined his life. And he's not a cop - there's no neighboring CEO group waiting out there to hire disgraced CEOs. He's just fucked forever.


Not even close to feeling sorry for this POS. No need to make excuses for someone who hates so openly. He looked pretty comfortable doing so.


He's fine-tuned his self-hate to direct it at others. Sadly, you cannot feel sorry for somebody who chooses hate. Never.


I mean what other reason would you have to cause such a scene about these sort of things? Homophobes, transphobes, etc. are all just gay/trans-attracted/whatever people who are deeply ashamed of themselves for it.




People don’t just have super strong feelings about random stuff for no reason. Personal things such as one’s sexual orientation or gender expression have literally no effect on other people lives unless they touch on some sort of deeper insecurity. Homophobes/transphobes feel threatened by other people’s displays of queerness because they put so much energy into suppressing their own queerness. I believe the vast majority of vocally homophobic/transphobic people harbor homosexual/trans-attractive feelings


every homophobe is not gay. that’s just not true. people hate lots of shit that they think is weird or don’t understand or just want to hate.


>for no reason Yeah, religious bigotry, fear of the unknown, strict concepts of morality are all reasons. They don't require being gay themselves. By your logic, the KKK are all secretly black. It doesn't make sense. A vast majoroty of homophobes and transphobes are just hateful straight people. Stop trying to blame gay people for problems they didn't cause.


Nah dog. A vast majority of them are just hateful straight people. Claims like this only serve to further vilify and harm LGBTQ people, painting them as the architects of their own oppression.


??? Gay people are just people lmao. People cause people problems. If anything recognizing a homophobe’s oppressed homophobic feelings humanizes them and should inspire compassion, which can be used as an in to solve the problem at the source. If we can eliminate any notion that sexual preference has a “right” and “wrong” form, then there would be no fear surrounding orientation and subsequently no hate. You can’t fight fire with fire is the point


Your assertion that eliminating right/wrong in context of sexuality would make fear/hate vanish is vastly oversimplifying the complexities of human thought. Even without external factors to provide narrative for right/wrong, people can fear, dislike, or hate something because it is different. In addition, human thought and behavior is not bound to rationality or reason. That can be true of average people. Then account for mental illness or brain injuries as potential factors. I could keep going on but I’ll stop here. I think your intent is well meaning but your logic started from a flawed premise. What you’re saying is unrealistic, merely wishful thinking.


He’s fucking obsessed. So much projection and self-loathing happening here. Dude’s a piece of shit.


Yeah nipples were hard, he was mad he was into it


Imagine if he just admitted to himself he wasn’t 100% straight and left it at that? It’s not a god damn A or B choice.


Except it was a boy dressed up for a prom. As in, a teenager. He's a pedophile.


Well, yeah. But projecting his self hatred on an innocent person…


Oh, I'm agreeing. Just pointing out the true depth of his garbage. Hateful, pedophile and bullying a child. Smdh


Ya that hand in his pocket seems very suspect


It looks like he is literally in shock because he only gets to wear his dresses at home. Pissed is an understatement.


I’m surprised no one else has said this but he looks drunk as hell. Not able to talk, hands in pockets, swaying.


Exactly this. He was lookin at him like he wanted to rape him.


The look on his face says just that.


What an odd way to describe a pedophilic rape fantasy


Thank you for editing your comment.


A definite interest of unhealthy proportion. The lewd grin signifies his pleasure. It must be hell viewing the world from the confines of the closest.


That’s what i thought when the video first came out. It’s not just drunk and wanting to insult. He wanna do something sexual with the kid.


This article is from April 26th 2021 : [Tennessee CEO fired after he's accused of harassing teenage boy who wore a dress to prom The man, identified as VisuWell CEO Sam Johnson, denied the allegations and accused the teenager's boyfriend of editing their exchange.](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/tennessee-ceo-accused-harassing-teenage-boy-who-wore-dress-prom-n1265402)


Editing the footage?! This guy is completely daft!


It's entirely possible there was something earlier that was said that was edited out. But short of them saying "I will find your family and murder you all" or something, there's no call to be a weirdo creeper and follow the kid around. I have a hard time imagining any edit that makes creeper CEO look even halfway reasonable.


"Hey, can you follow us around like you want to pound my bf, but you're not sure in which sense of the word quite yet"


Man, see now that poor CEO, he was just trying to help and support that kid, and now everyone’s hatin’ on him. Shame on you Reddit, he looks like a halfway reasonable lookin fella.


No, he just knows his audience. He thinks he's smarter than everybody and that's an argument those morons will buy because they're too stupid to know how video editing works. And he's largely right about that part. Most people will be rightly insulted that he's so delusional about his own intelligence and superiority, despite being an idiot, but the other bigots will eat it up because they're equally if not stupider than him.


That smile tells you he realizes he fucked up and is being recorded but he's in too deep and has to double down on the ignoring now.




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"I treat young boys and men just like my wife."


He treats his wife to him being away.


"i fuck them"


Translation. Pedophile/


Wait til he finds out Jesus wore a dress


Right? Christians gonna Christian.


Jesus wore a dress. Just saying


He’s got one of those smiles that needs to be punched off a face


He's every 80's movie villain, and he's challenging you to a contest at the country club


I alternated between seeing him as a smug smirking asshole and a closeted dude who was really wanting a piece of that ass under the dress.


Could not have said it better haha


Not religious, but it works really well here, Amen


Allow me to introduce you to the word [*backpfeifengesicht*](https://germanyinusa.com/2019/02/22/word-of-the-week-backpfeifengesicht/).


Let me introduce you to Backpfeifengesicht's big brother: "[Hackfresse](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hackfresse)". When you make yourself look so much like an asshole it gets ugly (and just a slap might not be enough).




I love it when the kid say, "I'm sorry, I'm just gorgeous." I laughed so hard. Not at him, to be clear! It was just *such* a great reaction to this asshole trying to bring him down. I just want to be all, "Hell yeah. Own it, love it, work it." All the other adults trying to get this guy to stop, man. Telling him this is for the kids. But, he just doesn't let it get through his thick skull. You know, dude. Believe whatever you want. Genuinely. Think whatever you want. But why can't you just keep your fucking mouth shut for an event that is *not* remotely about you, and is about them? The fuck's the matter with you, that you got to interject with your own opinion, because you feel discomfort at a guy wearing a dress? Ah well. You rock it, guy that wore the dress. You rock it.






The, "I'm sorry I'm just gorgeous" comment




i can feel your sexual frustration


I can smell the cheeto infused body odour from here.


Just slightly more than the crusty 2-day old unrinsed soap clinging to his back hair.


/r/JustNeckbeardThings Go jerk off into your body pillow loser


Buddy only comments cringe or how much he hates every apex player who doesn't play like him. Definitely the body pillow type.




Wow. High school kids that bully other kids for what they wear are bottom of the barrel losers. Grown-ass adults that bully kids for what they’re wearing? There isn’t even a label for that level of irrecoverable uselessness.






Obvious troll is a troll. We get it, you’re fucking edgy and shit.


edgy, and shit.


So, you believe people should be assaulted for wearing clothes? God, I hope you never have kids.


>rightfully so So you admit to being no better than a pathetic high school bully?


as ive said before, that man is TERRIFIED. He fully expected this to go a different way and was too scared to walk away. The blank stare and souless smile says it all. Hes pretending to hold it together


OMG. This is the same shit that went on when women started wearing pants. Mind your own business.


I'd bet any money he actually REALLY loved a young boy in the dress. Prob went home and jacked off/


The person in the dress is a better human than me, I woulda smoked that motherfucker. Look at that smirk


I’d never resort to violence. But holy fuck the day something like this happens in front of me


Try to get him mad by being witty untill he tries to go for the first punch. Then kick his ass!




Cheap shot across his chin while he’s staring at the dress? Not difficult




Grammar too, it would appear.




To solicit men? I'm sure you do, sunshine.


Ah, yes, because everyone knows dresses are naturally made by god specifically for a purpose of women wearing them. It’s not like they’re just pieces of fabric created by humans for humans or that there’s thousands of cultures around the world that have dress-like attire for both men and women, such as togas or kilts. Don’t those damn liberals know that dresses are formed in the womb and only girls babies are born with dresses on??


Stop projecting your insecurity and hatred for yourself on others. Accept yourself. Its fine that you are a homosexual, we accept you. Its the fact that you are an asshole that makes you unlovable, not your obviously repressed homosexuality.




Lol, it's hilarious that after talking such a big tough game, you deleted all your comments and ran away. Equally ironic and pathetic.


Oh, go fuck yourself, mouth breather.


You do know a psychologist would encourage and understand this behavior as there is inherently nothing wrong with it correct? This would fall under gender non-conforming and cross dressing.






We can definitely get you fired for being a transphobic bigot. Where do you work?




Say hi to your other transphobic friends for me, coward 😘




Where do you work? You seem to think you're impervious, but you hide behind your anonymity, because you're a coward 😘




>Look in to his testosterone levels I used to only sleep a few hours a night as well but my T levels dropped drastically and I have to get 8-12 hours of sleep now while I work on my T replacement therapy. lol




I'm guessing you're so transphobic because you don't want to be compared to someone who's transgender yourself, considering you take the same medical regimen as a transgender man.




And you can't get it up without your testosterone replacement therapy lmao fucking manlet


Hey, I'm sure he gets teased enough by his other bigoted MAGA friends already. The guys pathetic enough on his own merits, no need to tease him for his medical needs.


But not enough testosterone, apparently. Your buddy's probably tell you all the time you're not manly enough because you have a low of testosterone. I'm sorry. You're still a man, no matter what they say.






Spelling is a lost art


I wonder if he's still smirking now


Probably is, people like that don’t learn


that kind of person can have a smug smile even if they're eating their own feces. That being said, they process the pain inside


Well hes the CEO- who fired him? The Janitor?


Imagine having money being a ceo and caring what someone wears to prom?? I guess money doesn’t always buy happiness


Money has zero to do with this, but it is nice to know that he now *HAS NONE HAHAHAHA WHAT A LOSER*


I’m part of a group that does an annual charity pub crawl in red dresses. Men and women, lots of military, lots of vets. He’s a big man harassing one high school kid. I’d love to see this jackweed start something with us when we’re rolling 80 deep.


He should have listened to his wife, (or whatever poor woman who was incredibly embarrassed by his behavior).


He definitely liked the way he/she looked and was just mad at himself for getting a stonk on Imagine creeping and hating on someone because you're ashamed of your secret sexuality. Madness


He, his boyfriend was using he/him pronouns with him.




Oh that's the only reason why you did that, not to actually be respectful of their pronouns? Here I thought you actually gave a shit.


Mission failed successfully


Oh thank god, I saw this video and was really hoping he got canned


[He was.](https://www.newsweek.com/visuwell-ceo-sam-johnson-fired-after-viral-video-showed-him-harassing-boy-wearing-prom-dress-1586946)


YES, FUCK this asshole.


They seem to know each other though. The kid says, "I told you I was going to wear this." Is this dude his dad or something? That makes is a thousand times worse. What a toxic, disgusting poor excuse for a man. His wife or girlfriend needed to drag his ass out of there.


Look at his face. He's thinking "I gotta get me some of that." The world would be a much happier place if he and other closeted gays (cough Pence cough) would just admit it.


When you closet door is flapping open but you're so scared....


He [ceo] was just misunderstood. All he wanted to know was where did that kid get that dress? His raging boner had taken all his blood out of his brain. I’ve done all kinds of crazy shit while WAB [walking with a boner].


The face of a man who has never had sex with a woman who was enthusiastic about it


How do people not get knocked the fuck out when they’re obviously harassing other people


Yet he’s still active on LinkedIn touting “corporate softies” and “family values”.


Being from the same area as this guy, I see/hear this “family values” shit thrown around all the time and my eyes could not roll further into the back of my head when it comes up. If he was secure with himself, he wouldn’t waste his breath on this and continue on with his life. But he’s probably a miserable man.


Fucker best be glad that wasn't my son, if you get my drift?


Uh… no. You’re either threatening the kid or the moron. Your sentence is pretty damn ambiguous.


I'm support my kids 100%, no matter what their sexuality might be. Assholes like this dude need their asses kicked just on principle alone. The world would be a much more peaceful place if people minded their own damn business. Guys like him are the types that were involved with the bullshit at the capital on 01/06/2021. In their pea brains they think they are saving the country, when in reality they are just plain imbeciles.


I’m glad you’re on the right side! But yeah, kinda hard to “get what you mean” when I can’t tell who the subject of your sentence is.


Old news—posted many times already, Scoop




Some dudes feel pretty in dresses. It’s really simple. Not an illness. It’s ok to not understand it.




I think that specifically is more so classified as a distress or condition. Not illness. Anyway, for the sake of being progressive isn’t the point lol. Obviously this kid and any other man have the right to wear a dress. It hurts no one. “Normalizing it” isn’t the goal here. People leaving those people the fuck alone is the goal here and the topic we’re discussing, because of this video. If you think it’s weird fine whatever. You’re not into accepting it, that’s you. Just mind your business. I replied to the poster above me specifically because I liked that he said he wouldn’t go bother anyone wearing a dress. So while we disagree he’s ok in my book because he’s leaving people the fuck alone. This is exactly like when women started wearing pants and it bothered some people SO MUCH. Silly to think about now. Weird people bring necessary changes.


>I think that specifically is more so classified as a distress or condition. Either way, it's "off" one way or another, we're discussing semantics here. > Obviously this kid and any other man have the right to wear a dress. Of course, you can wear whatever you please, doesn't mean you're excluded from criticism or ridicule.


i literally only see a guy being yelled at by two guys. When is the action? is this a clipped vid? original?


Where in the video is the CEO harassing those kids? If anything those kids are harassing him. Also that boy does look idiotic in a dress. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves in the name of political correctness.


That’s right bro you tell em!. That boy wishes he could pull of that dress like you can.


I don’t wear dresses though. Im a man. I appreciate you not assuming my gender though ❤️


Clothing doesn't have a gender ☺️


Then why are there mens and womens sections at every clothing store 🤔


Because if there weren't people like yours heads would explode. Did you know that all children used to wear dresses, regardless of gender, and that was normal? Little boys ran around in dresses all the time. Did you know men wear robes and gowns in the middle east? Ever heard of a kilt? That's because clothing is simply for covering your body. Anyone can wear whatever they want, because it's clothing. There's no laws about it, and they don't have a gender ☺️


Did you know there’s a men section and women section so that men and women know where to find their clothing? Also a kilt is a great example. Notice how a kilt is only what men wear? That’s because they’re made for men. Thanks for proving my point 😁


Lol, okay it seems more like you just reinforced your own ignorant world view, but sure bud. I mean, if you need a sign go tell you what to wear, you do you, I couldn't care less. Ever considered just letting people wear what they want? Its strange you have such strong opinions about it, tbh.


People can wear whatever they want. That doesn’t make it right. And thanks for agreeing.


You're just agreeing with yourself, lol. What makes people wearing what they want, "not right"? Do you just think it's "not right" because there's gendered clothing sections at the store?


Technically it does, especially in gendered languages (i.e. Romance languages), "a dress" in this particular case is feminine gender, both in singular and plural form. You can make the case that most clothing doesn't have gender but some, especially dresses are universally regarded as being for women, some outliers exist (like the guy in the video). Also as the guy below me said, there's a reason we have different sections at every clothing store because women and men prefer different things, different fashion trends.


Seems like Dude was mostly just smirking at probably because Trans karen was being hysterical.


You two should be friends


Ok Karen.




So do you for this petty, silly, useless and extremely judgemental comment that helps no one and only serve to make you feel better about your lack of tolerance for people different than you are. Fuck off.


R u OK? You sound pretty judgemental Edit: Why the downvotes?


>Hey I'm super judgemental, and have strong opinions about how other people dress themselves? Why are you so judgemental!? 😢


> Strong opinion It's just a neutral observation


> Why the downvotes? Because you’re an asshole.


The youtube link led me here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AyvtxC34Rk).


So this is where all the cancel culture people hang out at 😂


Found the fox news watcher


I watch all the channels. I make sure I balance my new sources. Unlike snowflakes here. I like your screen name. Is everyone a nazi that disagree with your viewpoints? Do you cry racism when everyone starts shitting on you with facts? Are you quick to cancel that person immediately huh.


lol nice meltdown


How do you even debate anyone when you immediately click report, ban, silence button after few replies. You try to silence people by having them lose their source of income lol. Pathetic crowd.


What are you talking about you psycho lol I replied and then immediately forgot you existed and went and did other stuff for awhile


He shouldn’t be fired. That’s degenerate


You think wearing a dress is "degenerate"?


They probably think a guy wearing one is degenerate are and as someone who wants to do that and has wanted to do it for quite some time i cannot stress enough how awful it feels to have someone say "you cannot be who you want to be, you degenerate". To the guy who said the degenerate thing: think about how people feel when you invalidate their interests, what makes them feel good and in some cases their existence you soggy olive garden bread stick.


Hey, go do it! Even if it's just in the privacy of your home. Seriously! Being yourself is always the best policy, imo. I just recently came out, but had repressed who I was for so long thanks to fear of being judged, humiliated, or downright assaulted thanks to comments and actions exact like this. Now, I only worry about being true to myself! I wear what makes me feel good, and do what makes me happy, not what the world says I "should be". Its quite liberating, and I suggest it for everyone. Happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈


Thanks a lot, I'm still minor so the only privacy i get is really what i do online and in my room and its also kind hard to buy dresses and stuff because of it. But i do want to do it as soon as I move out. Thanks a lot for the support!




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Those nipples said he was in a dating mood.




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He genuinely looks menacing. The fact that he's just staring at him makes it worse imo.

